MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 797 Ambassador pleads

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   Chapter 797 The ambassador intercedes

   Citizens are abroad and generally have to contact the embassy for anything.

   When encountering difficulties, it is also the first time to seek help from the embassy of the motherland in the host country.

  The Chinese people in Mozambique have been arrested hundreds of times in one go. This is no small matter. Of course, the embassy has to come forward to coordinate and protect the basic rights and interests of the citizens.

   is also an old acquaintance of Wang Ye, Ambassador Chen. In the past two days, he has also received many calls from Chinese people for help, saying that some relatives or friends were arrested by Mao police for no reason.

   I hope the embassy can come forward to put pressure on the Russian side and release all the captured Chinese.

   When encountering such a thing, it is naturally impossible for the ambassador to act rashly. He needs to understand the ins and outs of the matter first.

  It's okay if you don't understand the result, but after understanding the whole story, Ambassador Chen became very angry.


   This is definitely a shame to throw it abroad.

   Going abroad to mix black, not doing business, collaborating with Mao police to extort compatriots...

   even attacked the Deputy Speaker of the Duma, which is simply daring!

   Because of this, he has to call Wang Ye to apologize!


When    received the call from Ambassador Chen, Wang Ye was working in the Duma office.

   "Speaker Mikhail, I am ashamed that there are Chinese people who intend to attack you..." Chen Da expressed his apology to Wang Ye in fluent Russian.

   Wang Ye laughed and said carelessly:

   "This is nothing, China has such a large population, there must be all kinds of people, it is not surprising at all.

   Now there are more and more Chinese in Moscow. In the past two years, there were only about 100,000, but the latest data this year shows that there are nearly 300,000 Chinese businessmen.

The number of    is increasing, and various things will occur, and the quality of personnel is of course uneven.

  Those Chinese gangsters, as far as I know, they did not do any illegal acts against the Russians, they are all extorting and extorting money against legitimate Chinese businessmen.

   This is very bad, and I also take this opportunity to help Chinese businessmen operating legally in Mozambique to create a better business environment.


  Wang Ye did not hide it, and told Ambassador Chen his intentions straight to the point.

   Of course, there is no mention of the police system, after all, that has nothing to do with Ambassador Chen.

   After Wang Ye said this, Ambassador Chen felt more and more ashamed.

   He naturally understands why Wang Ye cares so much about the business environment of Chinese businessmen. After all, he is also someone who knows Wang Ye's true identity!

  Although he was a little embarrassed in face, but his duty was, he still had to help those people to beg for mercy.

  Otherwise, they would have been arrested for several hundred, and if they were to be sentenced to another batch of prisoners, it would probably have made big international news, which would also embarrass the country...

"That... Speaker Mikhail, those people who have been arrested these days. My thinking is that if they really violated the law and the evidence is conclusive, they should be tried as they should. But those little bastards, or Those who are not involved, you see..." He said sincerely.

Wang Ye understood what he meant, and said on the spot: "Ambassador Chen, don't worry, I have asked my comrades in the police system about this issue. At that time, only a few leading people will be sentenced and convicted, and the rest of the little ones will be sentenced. Lao mainly focuses on repatriation or criticism and education.”

   Originally, although three or four hundred people were arrested, there are not many who can really be called "big brothers".

  The rest of the people are the so-called "dog legs", just hanging around with those big brothers.

   Most of them have really never done anything illegal or criminal. At most, when the eldest brother has "business", they go there with the eldest brother, and they are just a scene.

   Even some of them are studying abroad…

   Therefore, for these people, Wang Ye didn't bother to kill them all, just shut them in the cage and scare them.

   The real "big brothers" will definitely not be able to escape and spend a few years in prison, because they are really breaking the law, and some may even have blood on their hands!

   As for the confidants of the big brothers, if there is any serious crime, it is repatriation.

   The youngest brothers in the outermost areas will release what they can in a few days. Just like Wang Ye said, criticism and education are the main things.

   After hearing what Wang Ye said, Ambassador Chen immediately felt relieved.

   This is a big thing and a small thing, and he doesn't have to worry about being implicated, let alone any bad international influence.

He smiled and said: "Thanks to Speaker Mikhail for his magnanimity, our embassy will pay more attention to this aspect in the future, and do a good job of publicity and guidance. Since the Chinese people have come here, whether it is business or study, they must abide by the Local laws and regulations, be a law-abiding good citizen!"

   This phone call between the two has decided the fate of hundreds of people...


   I have to say that the arrest of the hundreds of black Chinese people caused a great sensation in the big market and the Chinese business circle.

   Of course, the legitimate Chinese businessmen are all elated and very satisfied.

   In the past two years, since the chairman of New Sun Group, Mikhail, took office, the business environment for everyone has been getting better and better.

   First solved the problem of police officers blocking the road and extorting money around the big market, so that everyone would be nervous when they no longer use the big market, as if they were thieves.

   Then we helped you solve the historical problem of grey customs clearance, and ensured the property safety of all Chinese businessmen, so that everyone can make additional investment and expand the business scale with confidence!

   also unifies several major markets and operates by classification and division, providing everyone with a good market environment.

   Now even those "parasites" have been dealt with for everyone!

   This is too sweet...

  From this action, the Chinese businessmen finally felt relieved and understood that the current political leaders of Mao Zedong are very friendly to Chinese businessmen!

  As long as Speaker Mikhail is still in office for a day, then everyone can safely do business here without having to think about other messy things.

  I don't know how many bosses there are, so I secretly made a decision to continue to invest more and make the business here bigger.

   Even some powerful big bosses have already started inspections in Moscow and plan to open factories there.

   Although the labor here is more expensive than in China, it is far from exaggerated as in developed countries in Europe and the United States. There are a large number of unemployed people, and their education is not low. This is an excellent industrial worker.

   Coupled with the abundance of raw materials here, there are many factories located here that may be more suitable than domestic ones.

  Maybe Wang Ye didn't even think that what he did at random, he didn't intend to add willows and willows, but instead prompted many Chinese businessmen to start factories in Russia, which helped to solve some of the local jobs and promoted the development of the local economy...

   (end of this chapter)