MTL - Reborn into A Slash Game-Chapter 8 Chapter 8

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As long as Sophie knew that he was Sophie Evans, he was very puzzled. After such a big thing, the entire Evans family was destroyed. How did the weak chicken Sophie Evans survive? ?

It turned out that his mother saved him with his own life.

Sofie lay flat on the ground, exhausted and more embarrassed than when she first crossed.

In retrospect, he was really too mean.

He already knew how rare the teleported spell was, and he was naive to think that Weixian could act alone. As early as when Wei Xian used her blood to draw a rune, he should have thought that this was a banned technique that could only be activated with blood as a sacrifice.

What's more, Weixian gave him the space bag. If she could leave together, why didn't she keep it?

Thinking of it this way, Sophie's intestine was all blue.

If he is a little more careful, if he thinks more with his mind.

in case……

A strong feeling of weakness struck, and Sophie suddenly realized, even if he was present? Is he able to take Weixian away? Perhaps it turned out that the two were trapped there together.

But Wei Xian could have left alone, but gave up the opportunity for him.

Sophie was a wild child. When he was three years old, his parents died in a car accident. He was brought up by his grandmother. Although the family situation is very good, but leaving the old, young and small, the two have not been easy. It was bumpy until Sophie went to college, it was time to honor her grandmother, but she left.

Since then, Sophie has become a person.

So when I walked over, the first time I met Wei Xian, he had an unreal feeling. The mother should not be so young or beautiful. But after only a few days together, he knew that the mother was the mother, regardless of appearance, and the heart of a beloved child was all the same.

He didn't know where the original Sophie Evans went, he became Sophie Evans, and Wei Xian treated him like this, and he had an obligation to protect her.

Sophie smiled at herself, always feeling that she knew what would happen, and vowed to prevent everything that was about to happen and change the destiny of others. But the reality is that he did nothing. There is nothing to make people laugh.

Negative slackness came violently, and Sophie felt more and more powerless and lay motionless here, not even seeing where it was.

‘Yes, what ’s so interesting? ’

‘I ’ve always been alone and everyone around you will leave. ’

‘Wherever you are, whoever you are, in the end you are lonely. ’

‘What ’s the point of living? ’

‘What ’s the point of living alone like this? ’

‘It ’s better to ... give me ...’

Sophie was lying on her head, her silver pupils were gradually apathetic, and she said to herself, "Yeah, it's better to pay ..."

"Roar!" A roar, like a sulking thunder, exploded in his ears, and the hollow eyes instantly cleared.

Sophie jumped up and looked around alertly, Mom, almost approached the road. How can it be worthy of Weixian!

Near his leg, a little tiger-like leopard was grinning hoarsely at him. The roar that awakened him just now came from this little thing.

Because of his innocence, what was hidden in the dark also exposed his traces.

A cloud of black mist fluttered, the shape could not be seen, but there was a strong sense of despair. Sophie squinted her eyes and searched quickly in her head. No form but can eat anything. It will enter the imagination, it can not invade people's spirit, but it can lead negative emotions. Let the negative grey thread prevail, and thus control the body to eat.

It's not so powerful, but it's extremely disgusting. If you're not careful, you will say it, no matter how capable you are.

And because it has no form, ordinary attacks have no effect on it at all. Although it has no other attack power except to guide negative emotions, the current situation of Sophie has no ability to destroy it.

If you can't let it dissipate, it will always linger around, unless you can always maintain a positive positive mood, as long as you slacken it a little bit, it will strike again. You are always exhausted. So it's a kind of disgusting creature.

Sophie played the drum straight in her heart, and it was really bad to face such a thing.

"Roar ..." The roar made Sophie look back, and he turned his gaze to the little cub beside him.

The cub is the size of a domestic cat, but it is round and round, its legs and legs are firm and strong, and its hair is bright.

Although Sophie knew quite a lot about Jarance's creatures, he had never seen this little thing before him. Jarans is so big, he is not a biologist, where can all be recognized.

However, this little thing seems to be very interested in the demon, and he will scratch it with his paw.

And the evil spirit seems ... a little scared of it?

Well, it's a little more difficult to tell whether a cloud of black mist is trembling because of fear or being blown by wind.

But the demon was a bit self-conscious, so Sophie saw it.

This feeling is good, if this little thing can kill this bad thing, it is a good thing. So Sophie was ready to help.

What are you afraid of? Very simple, afraid of laughing, afraid of the positive power of self-esteem, fear of optimism, fear of survival ...

And so Sophie never lacked, parents died prematurely, and depended on grandmother. He is a man and a man to stand up. Is it possible to cry in the arms of grandmother because of the ups and downs of life?

Wei Xian's devotion made him very shocked and frustrated because of his powerlessness. But these are not negative reasons.

Weixian's life and death are unknown, waiting for him to rescue, passive fart has a fart!

Sophie walked behind the demons, his social phobia was only directed at humans, but there was no hindrance to this monster, so he brewed with a hunched waist and tried to kill.

The first smile was: "Ouch, little demon." The demon king shook.

Come again and smile: "Don't be stingy, Xiao Hei Hei." Hei Heijun is messy.

Then he grinned, "Let's play, Xiaowuwu." Wuwujun stunned.

Finally, a fatal blow, how Sophie ha ha ha ha ha ha laughed like a fool, the devil's children's shoes completely withered. At this time, the little cub who was waiting for the opportunity swooped up and swallowed the black mist.

The demon fell off, Sophie smiled with a cramp in her mouth, and looked at the contented little cub. Suddenly, there was a sense of suffering for the revolutionary comrades.

The young cubs were very cute, and the hair was bright and soft, and Sophie had a little itch in his heart. He leaned over to touch it.

Who would have thought that the young cub was very expensive, and Sophie had just approached, she turned over and grinned at Sophie, and she did not regard this silly big man as a revolutionary friend at all.

Sophie smiled, trying to express his friendliness. Whoever dreamed of it, the brighter he laughed, the more alert the little cub was.

In the end, he simply raised his head, and looked so high that he simply ignored Sophie.

Look at the pride of this little thing, Sophie is a little speechless, but he is a lot of adults, what is more true than a little cub.

The wound on his body was no longer painful. In fact, the huge scratches from the shoulder to the waist looked dangerous, but in fact it was a skin trauma, coupled with Weixian's healing spells, and now the blood is slowly recovering. Already.

‘Guru…’ Sophie covered her stomach and tossed around for a long time, and now he is hungry.

Looking around, Sophie didn't really recognize where she was. Looks like it's in a certain forest, with trees and bushes, but there's also a lot of open space. Just like where he is now.

Looks like a normal place, there are thousands of places in Yalansi not to mention tens of thousands ...

For a while and a half, he couldn't figure out the direction, and couldn't ignore his stomach groaning. Sophie saw the pink space bag on her chest, first snorted, and finally sighed before opening the space bag.

The space bag was bigger than he thought, but it was also very messy, probably because Wei Xian finally threw all the things in that room in a hurry in order to hurry, and it seemed very messy without finishing.

Sophie moved a few large pieces aside, and saw that the things in the pocket were put neatly. These were probably things that Wei Xian had prepared a long time ago.

Sophie glanced hurriedly, there were several large boxes stacked together, and there was a shelf next to it full of books, and some trivial things were scattered there.

Sophie didn't take a closer look. He was hungry and dizzy. When he saw the dim sum sprinkled in the corner, he quickly scooped it out. It was the breakfast that I didn't eat in the morning. It was all exquisite desserts and was thrown into the space bag by Wei Xianlian table. It's a pity that all the drinks were spilled, leaving no drop.

Sophie's gutty stomach filling is fortunately some desserts. Although not as hungry as big fish or meat, good digestion can immediately relieve the hypoglycemia caused by hunger.

Zheng Xiang, who was eating here, had been holding his **** up high and making him a little tall.

Sophie relieved his hunger and teased him again, looking at the little cub with a piece of shortbread and unwillingly.

Let you ignore Lao Tzu, young cub, you have the ability to stiffen, but do not lower your proud little head!