MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 629 morning together

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  Chapter 629 The Morning Ushered Together

   Early the next morning.

   Kato Yusuke knocked on the door next door.

   "Good morning, Mr. Yoshida, I'm here to pick up Xiao Hei."

   "...early, you came early enough."

   "After all, it's not good to trouble you for too long, so I want to pick it up early."

   "Oh...then you wait here, I'll bring Xiao Hei out."

   "Okay, I'm sorry."


  Yoshida waved his hands listlessly, and shuffled back into the house. After a while, he came to the entrance with a pet air box, which contained Xiao Hei, who was also sleepy.

   ", your cat."

   "Thanks, did it mess with you yesterday?"

   "...well, it's nothing, you're welcome, huh..."

   As he spoke, he opened his mouth exaggeratedly and yawned again.


   Seeing his reaction, Yusuke Kato asked casually: "Mr. Yoshida, you don't look very well, what's wrong with you?"

  Different from his refreshed mind, Yoshida at this moment has a pair of dark circles under his eyes, his eyes are red and bloodshot, and he looks sluggish.

   Facing his inquiry, the master showed an expression of wanting to say something, scratched his messy hair irritably, and sighed heavily.

   "...Let me say, Kato, aren't you indulging yourself too much?"


  Yusuke Kato looked confused, unable to figure out the situation for a while.

  For some reason, Yoshida sighed again.

   "Basically, I also came from your age, and I understand that this stage is the period when my mind is full of girls... However, you should pay attention to the influence."

   "Huh? Yoshida-san, what are you talking about??"

"Ah, you don't have to be embarrassed. Actually, I also dated a senior from the baseball club before. I was obsessed with that senior at the time, ahem... I've done that kind of thing many times, so I can understand. Your mood."

  Yoshida raised his head as he spoke, and looked at him in distress.

   " are still growing your body now, so you should be more or less restrained in such things, and you can't blindly give way to desire and impulse, or you may damage your body in the future."


  Yusuke Kato twitched his eyebrows for a moment, uttered meaningless particles, and vaguely understood.

   "Uh... Before that, I want to ask, Mr. Yoshida, do you have a habit of listening to the corner..."

   "—There is a ghost!"

  Yoshida frowned slightly annoyed, and said with a dark face:

   "Let me tell you in advance, I don't have that kind of bad taste! It's just because you're making such a big noise that people can't stop it even if they cover their ears!

   Not only last night, but even the last time and the last time! You kid has been so messed up several times... You should feel the mood of the neighbors to some extent! Give me some attention! "

   Kato Yusuke couldn't help but startled when he heard this, and then touched his nose in embarrassment, with a blushing expression on his face.

  To be honest, he didn't pay much attention to this problem before, and now he finally realized a problem after Yoshida said it so harshly.

  —That’s how old this apartment is!

  Although the property will find a special company to do maintenance every once in a while, it is only limited to the exterior and will not change the internal structure of the house.

  Based on the thin walls in their room, the sound insulation effect is basically useless. Usually, even when using the vacuum cleaner, it will spread to the next door, let alone other things...

  As for Yoshida, who was obviously troubled by this before, but didn't find the reason he said—

  Considering the character of the other party's bad guy, it's not hard to understand.

   ‘Maybe it’s time to change houses…’

   This thought flashed in Yusuke Kato's mind, and he said with some shame: "Um... sorry, Mr. Yoshida, I have caused you trouble, and I will pay attention to it later."

"oh oh…"

   Seeing him speak so solemnly, Yoshida showed embarrassment on his face, scratched his cheek and said:

   "Well... if you can understand.

  It’s fine if you want to talk for a while, but you will be tossing around all night at every turn. I can’t keep running outside for a while, so please. "

   "Huh...? Did you always go out before?"

   "Yeah, after all, you don't want me to hear this kind of thing, right? Plus, I feel embarrassed myself, so I usually go to the convenience store to buy some cigarettes and beer, and stroll outside for a while."

   "... Strange, I always thought that people like Yoshida-san should be extinct..."

   "Hey! Be careful I kick your ass—!"

  Yoshida gave him a vicious look at first, and then said: "However, I am troubled on the one hand, but you must also pay attention to your body. Excessive indulgence is not a good thing."

   "...Me neither?"

   Kato Yusuke shrugged disapprovingly, and smiled heartily.

   "Thank you Mr. Yoshida for your concern, but my body is actually very good, and I have been exercising."

   "The exercise you are talking about, do you mean the kind of pile exercise you practice outside the balcony every night? Is that thing really effective?"

   "That is called Consolidating the Foundation and Peiyuan Zhuanggong. It is really good for the body if you persist for a long time. The only problem is that you can't practice it for too long, otherwise there will be side effects."


  Yoshida was deeply suspicious of this, but he didn't bother to ask further, he yawned and shook his hand.

   "Phew... Anyway, you just have to know what you have in mind. That's it. I'm going to squint for a while and then go to work. You can go back."

   "You can take a day off if you want."

   "No need to—"


  The door of the room was closed.

  Yusuke Kato carried the flight case and planned to go back to his side, but...

   "Ah~ good morning, Kato Tsai."

   A slightly exaggerated voice suddenly came from downstairs.

  Looking down, a girl with long dark golden hair was waving her hand high.

   "Oh... good morning, Asami."

   "Yeah, what are you doing, Kato Tsai?"

   "It's nothing, it's just that my cat was fostered by Mr. Yoshida yesterday, and I'm going to pick it up now."

   "I see~"

  Asami put one arm on her hip and raised one hand high, lowering her waist to one side as if doing a stretching exercise, her blonde hair fluttering with the movement of her upper body.

  Considering that it would not be good to just leave like this, Kato Yusuke took the initiative to ask.

   "Aren't you taking an exam recently? What are you doing?"

   "As you can see, I'm doing gymnastics, and my body is rusty from studying, so come out and relax."

   "Did the unified examination go well a while ago?"

   "It's super~~~ easy, it's a piece of cake! The next step is to prepare for the university exam next week!"

"good luck."

   "Oh~ It's rare for you to say such things, thank you."

   "Then, if it's all right, I'll go back first."

   "Ah, wait a minute! Kato Tsai."

"Is there a problem?"

  Meeting his questioning eyes, Mami smiled and said, "I said, do you still remember the thing we talked about last time~?"

   "What happened last time...?"

   "Yeah~ It's the association you founded, Kato Tsai. Didn't we agree that after I finish the exam, I will go there to be a volunteer?"

   " this is it."

   "Ah, you've already forgotten about it! What a nuisance!"

   "No, I thought you were joking."

   "Too much!? I'm serious!"

  Asami straightened up with a displeased face, frowned and said, "In short, I plan to visit you as soon as the exam is over. Do you have any requirements for volunteers?"

   "Sorry, I'm not very clear about this. If you are interested, I can give you the phone number of the person in charge."

   "Ah, that's fine, then please send it to me."

   "Understood, then I'll go back first."

   "OK~! Thanks, Kato Tsai."


   Kato Yusuke bid farewell to the other party politely, and then took Xiao Hei back to the room.

   Close the door gently, take off your shoes, and open the cage.

  With a "shua", the black cat quickly jumped out of the air box, and ran back to its sleeping bag, carefully observing its surroundings.

   There is an ambiguous smell in the air, which is the fusion of rose, mint and gerbera.

  The room with the curtains closed was a bit dark, emitting a dim yellow light as if in the afternoon.

  Shirts, sports trousers, and underwear fell to the ground in a mess, as if they were saying something silently.

   Kato Yusuke walked to the living room lightly, picked up the clothes on the floor and put them on the bedside table one by one, his gaze fell gently on the bed.

  A young girl was lying on it to rest, a quilt was draped over her body in a mess, her long black jade-like hair was scattered freely, and there was a white headband beside her.

  Below the shoulders, a small piece of snow-white back was exposed.

  The soft sunlight shines down on the light, making the red mark on the sphenoid bone particularly obvious. The plump and slim body undulates slightly with the long breath.


   Kato Yusuke turned his head and looked aside as if feeling something, and saw the black cat staring at him, as if accusing him of his ungratefulness yesterday.

  He smiled disapprovingly, casually exchanged a pack of dried fish and gave it to the black cat and made a silent gesture, then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

   Wait until he makes a simple ham sandwich using the existing ingredients at home—

   " Yu-chan...?"

  Accompanied by a drowsy voice, Shi Yu finally woke up.

   "Are you awake? Shiba-senpai, it's time for breakfast—huh?"

   Kato Yusuke was halfway through speaking, but suddenly stopped.

   A large piece of holy light appeared in his eyes, covering Shi Yu who was sitting up from the bed and constantly rubbing his eyes.

   Without saying a word, he stepped forward suddenly, pulled a shirt from the bedside table, covered it with the annoying glare of the holy light, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva calmly.

   "... Good morning, senior, did you sleep well last night?"

   "Huh~ um... It's okay, but... I had the most beautiful dream in my life~"



  Shi Yu raised the corners of her mouth charmingly, and said in a lazy voice with a hint of sleepiness:

   "How should I put it~ It was a dream that was a bit wonderful and memorable. Yu-chan in the dream was very masculine, I really hope you can learn it in reality~"


  Kato Yusuke was silent for a few seconds, controlled his eyes that didn't know where to look, and coughed vaguely.

   "... Well, let's not talk about the dream, can you take a good look around?"

   "Huh? Around...?"

  Shi Yu raised his eyebrows puzzledly, not understanding what he meant.

  At this time...

   "Woo meow~"

  The black cat suddenly jumped down from the cat climbing frame, and walked to them with light cat steps. While licking his mouth with "bajibaji~", he yelled at someone with endless meaning.

   "Meow meow meow~?"

   "Huh... Xiao Hei? Yu-chan, didn't you send it to Mr. Yoshida...?"

   "…Yeah, but I just got it back."

   "Is that so..."

  Shiyu snorted, looked at the black cat looking towards her, and couldn't help stretching out a hand to touch its head.

   "Please give me some advice, Xiao Hei...Huh—?"

   The eyes of one person and one cat met, and she suddenly froze.

  The beautiful outlines are reflected in the emerald green cat's eyes, shining like fine suet jade. The elegant semi-circular jade clock sits on the coordinate axis, forming a perfect symmetry.

  She blinked in a daze, lowered her head to look, and the holy light dazzled her eyes.


  After a long and unspeakable silence.


  The sharp and ear-piercing cry suddenly exploded in the room, making Kato Yusuke instinctively cover his ears.

   " sauce..."

  Shi Yu stuttered and tightened the shirt that was draped over her body, crossed her hands on her chest, and cast a look at him in panic, her pupils trembling slightly.


  Yusuke Kato looked at those charming eyes, his eyes were so red as if he was about to bleed, and the strawberries on his neck passed by, his heart was beating uncontrollably.

  Recalling the subject research last night, he suddenly had a new inspiration.

  Different from him, who is a master in theoretical mechanics and functional problems, Shi Yu, who was exposed to this field for the first time, was a little green after all, and he was already unbearable in the middle of the discussion with him, and he couldn't let him enjoy himself at all.

  However, he couldn't bear to bully Shi Yu too much, and finally had to stop gently after the other party got a calculation result of a conserved quantity.

   Available now!

   Facing the function problem like a stunner, it was difficult for him to continue to suppress his inner thirst for knowledge.

  He took a deep breath, pressed his hands on Shi Yu's shoulders, and decided to help her recall the mysteries of theoretical mechanics.

  As for what a certain neighbor said half an hour ago, he has already thrown it out of the blue.

  Amidst the roar of dragons and phoenixes.

  They are wandering in the ocean of knowledge like this.


after that-

  Both of them skipped their shifts for half a day, and they didn’t come to the studio until mid-morning.

  Seeing them coming hand in hand, Yoshida with panda eyes showed an expression as if he was about to eat someone, glaring at someone viciously, with the word "liar" written all over his face.

   Kato Yusuke pretended not to see, just lowered his head and coughed, and then hurried to his work station.

  Shi Yu also followed him.

  Considering that the girl has a relatively thin skin, he didn't tell Shiwa about the conversation with Yoshida, so the girl didn't care about their petty actions, she just sat next to him with her laptop and started working.

   Regarding the fact that they were late together, everyone naturally had to ask, but Kato Yusuke vaguely took it over.

   It is worth mentioning that because Shi Yu uploaded yesterday's birthday photo to Moments, everyone also knew about it.

   "That's right~ Teacher Xia Shizi, you went on a date with the teacher yesterday! I saw the photos you sent, and I feel super good~! Can you tell us about the specific process?"

  Mayu Sagara, who was full of curiosity, immediately moved a small bench, sat next to Shiwa and asked strange things.

  Ying Lili seemed disapproving, but she also stopped the paintbrush in her hand and listened secretly.

  Shi Yu glanced at them respectively, the corners of her mouth slightly raised in complacency, but she didn't intend to hide it...or, in fact, she really didn't want others to know.

  "Well, it's true that Yu-chan and I are dating, but that feeling is more like going to an amusement park with a little brother~

  He arranged so many activities, in fact, I felt a little tired later, and I couldn't live up to his wishes, so I had to accompany him. "

  The person involved sighed and said, just crossed his legs like that, and talked about yesterday's process in an understatement and wishful tone.

  At first, there were only Sagara Mayu and Eiriri in the office. Later, even Hui and Xiao Kano joined the audience.

  Leaving aside a certain scumbag who entered work mode, let’s not talk about it for now.

  The goddesses looked at the lazy Shi Yu with different expressions, and vaguely felt that something had changed in her, as if her whole temperament had changed.

  There is a touch of charm in her eyebrows and eyes, her eyes inadvertently reveal a faint arrogance, and there is an unpredictable smile on the corner of her mouth, she occasionally chuckles without explaining the reason, full of tea.

  Looking at Shi Yu like this, although everyone was a little awkward, but thinking that yesterday was the other party's birthday after all, they could barely understand it.

   When the story was about the same, the friends who saw that the time was about the same went to have lunch, but Kanoko Hasumi stayed.

   "Congratulations~Xiaoshi, this time I finally got my wish~"

  The teasing smile that came close to his ear made Shiyu blush, frowned pretending to be angry, and glared at the former teacher indifferently, but unfortunately it was useless.

   Ren Jian Kanoko giggled, covered her mouth and smiled, looking at her with the eyes of someone who has experienced it, and she saw the clue from the beginning.

   "Okay, okay, Xiaoshi, stop staring at me like that, I'm going to eat too, do you want me to bring you something back~?"

   "...No need, Yu-chan and I have eaten before coming here."

   "Hey~~ So that's how it is, then you guys take your time, I won't bother you... The other is Kato-kun."

  Kanoko Renmi cast her eyes aside.

   "About the matter we talked about last time, I have something to tell you. Let's talk about it together when everyone comes back."

   Kato Yusuke glanced at her thoughtfully, then nodded thoughtfully.

"it is good."


  (end of this chapter)