MTL - Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief-Chapter 2447 Worth 3

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At this time, it shows that the benefits of the great aunt of Yuhua are coming.

She is doing business, business affairs, she knows more than Qiao Nan, the most important thing is that she knows a lot of people.

I know that Qiao Nan wants to buy a large amount of materials, winter clothes, medicines, a bunch of children's school supplies and textbooks. This batch is really a lot, especially medicines. It is not easy to talk about it.

With the help of Yan Hua, who should buy what, do not need to worry about Qiao Nan, Yan Hua will help arrange for Jo Nan in advance.

Sometimes, if you know the variety and quantity, you can help Qiao Nan to talk about a very favorable price, so that Joanna can buy all the necessary items with the least amount of money.

Fortunately, these people are particularly familiar with Yuhua, and they are also known.

It’s not that you haven’t earned it. It’s just earning less. Plus, when Jo Nan bought these things to do good things and help the poor students in the mountains, then the friends of Yanhua are more willing to mix.

In addition to the things that were sold to Qiao Nan at almost the cost of the capital, after learning about the situation, these people also donated some things, so that the materials that Qiao Nan got more and more.

After the fall, a few autumn rains came down and the temperature dropped very quickly.

Qiao Nan worried that the children in the mountains did not have warm underwear to protect the cold, and suffered, so after collecting the materials, they did not dare to drag, and passed the mountain at the fastest speed.

Undoubtedly, because the road is not easy to go, there are many materials. It is a small movement to transport this batch of materials into the mountains.

When Zhou saw that Qiao Nan really confessed that he had brought back many of the things that the children needed, a big man in his thirties, crying like a three-year-old child, was hard to control himself.

Teacher Zhou came to this place after attending the teaching. It is also known that the developed China has such a poor and backward place. It is very difficult for students to insist on going to school.

Teacher Zhou is here to teach. In fact, a few years ago, Mr. Zhou’s teaching time was already full, and he could go outside to teach in some good schools.

But once Zhou’s teacher left, this means that these children are about to lose their teachers and can’t continue to learn.

This place is too difficult, even if it is a teaching teacher, I am not willing to come.

Looking at the students who have been with each other for a few years, Teacher Zhou did not remember how much determination he had used in the past, and refused to go back and stayed until today.

I often see the difficulties of the students, but I can't do anything about it. How many times, Zhou feels that he has not persisted.

As a teacher, he is happy. He can see that students have difficulties. They can't help themselves when they are busy. He hates his incompetence.

Under the toss of this contradictory emotion, the persistence of each day is extremely difficult for Teacher Zhou.

However, this day made Mr. Zhou look forward to it.

The situation of this school student is not only known to him alone, but one person insists that one person cares.

He believes that as long as there are more people in the community to care, his 30 students will have the opportunity to go to junior high school, go to high school, and finally become a college student.

"Thank you, thank you very much."

When I saw the children happily turning around the textbook, Teacher Zhou choked and couldn't speak.

"Zhou teacher, I have been thankful for your persistence. Thank you for never giving up these children. You should not thank you, I should thank you, thank you for insisting on my appearance."

Qiao Nan was very moved by Mr. Zhou when he faced his personal future and chose to pay for these children.

If Joanna is an older woman, Mr. Zhou should say that he is a big man.

Thirty-five big men, even if they don’t have a wife or child, they don’t even have a girlfriend who is in love.

Why did Teacher Zhou become what it is today? Qiao Nan can guess.

Teacher Zhou has gotten along with these children and has feelings, so he would rather sacrifice his personal future and want to stay and continue to teach these children.

But this kind of thing can be changed to someone else's body. No one can arbitrarily kidnap and ask the other party to be as great as Mr. Zhou.

In fact, before Mr. Zhou came to teach, he had a girlfriend.

Education is not in the foreseeable future. Teacher Zhou’s original plan was to teach him first. If he came back to school in a few years, he would be better.

A good school, a good student, a good salary, a few wages, you can make a down payment with your girlfriend and buy a house.

Teacher Zhou has such a plan for the future, and her girlfriend thinks that Zhou’s work is particularly good.

In general, if men and women are separated from each other, if they are in a different place, feelings can easily cause problems.

Mr. Zhou’s girlfriend is not worried at all, because she knows what kind of environment Mr. Zhou teaches. She doesn’t have to fear that Teacher Zhou will change her mind. As for her, she won’t.

She will use her boyfriend to teach time, work hard, earn more, get enough down payment as soon as possible, and then form a family with Mr. Zhou.

Unfortunately, the relationship between the two men broke up with the teacher Zhou refused to go back.

Teacher Zhou has the spirit of sacrifice and sacrifice. Qiao Nan cannot ask Zhou’s ex-girlfriend to have it. Everyone has their own ideas and choices.

As long as Zhou’s ex-girlfriend’s choice does not hurt other people, then she decided to break up with Zhou’s teacher. It’s not her fault. She can only say that she is different from Zhou’s concept.

This insistence, Mr. Zhou has been insisting for almost ten years.

After breaking up, Teacher Zhou did not contact her ex-girlfriend again, but I also knew that the woman’s youth could not afford it. She had already waited for three years. In the next seven years, how could Zhou’s ex-girlfriend still hold the week? The teacher repented and turned back.

Teacher Zhou knows that her ex-girl is not only married, but also has a daughter with her husband.

Teacher Zhou does not regret his choice, nor does he feel that his ex-girlfriend has to break up.

The only thing he wants now is that he hopes that both of them can get their own happiness, and An An will live alive.

Teacher Zhou is not sure, and on his own insistence, is he still able to find a person who can be married in a lifetime?

Even if he really can't find it, he is willing to dedicate his life to the children in these mountains, and send these children one by one to leave the mountains to get in touch with a more exciting world.

"Mr. Zhou, you see, this is a new pen, brand new, Joe Aunt said it is for us, I have a new pen."