MTL - Rebirth of Wild Fire-Chapter 2617 8 Great Demon Statues

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A light flashed.

Malthus opened the Holy Light Teleportation Array and brought Lu Yang and Zhuojiu to the front of a ruined palace.

A huge flame cage completely surrounded the ruins, and the blazing flame temperature did not even dare to approach Lu Yang's demon body within 50 meters.

"What kind of flame, why is it so fiery?" Lu Yang said in shock: "The temperature must be at least ten million degrees."

After Lu Yang was promoted to the next god, the temperature of the flame burning in his body was as high as one million degrees, but he felt that as long as he walked within 50 meters, he would be burned to ashes by the flames.

The Blazing Demon God and the eldest prince flew out of Lu Yang's body, looking at the flame cage with shocked expressions.

"This is the source flame of Vulcan Star, where are we?" asked the Blazing Demon God.

While releasing holy light to protect the turbid wine, Malthus said, "The void 5,000 meters above Vulcan."

Blazing Demon God was a little speechless, and said, "You were so boring in the first half of your life that you ran to the position five kilometers above the flame star to investigate."

Malthus shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you lived for tens of millions of years, you would be as boring as me."

The Blazing Demon God didn't bother to pay attention to him. He walked around the cage, shook his head and said, "There is no danger in it, but I have used all the secret techniques, so I can't get in."

The eldest prince said: "I can't get in either, this is the origin secret technique of the ancient times, relying on Vulcan to cast the magic circle, unless we can find the void coordinate to cut off the connection point between the two, we can only open it with a key already."

The Blazing Demon God said, "Let's use the key."

It was the first time that Lu Yang saw the Blazing Demon God and the First Prince could do nothing about one thing at the same time. They controlled the flames and sent the thorns in their hands into the keyhole of the gate.


A Holy Light Teleportation Array appeared 50 meters in front of the gate, which made everyone a little stunned. The Book of Holy Light was not far from the gate, and everyone thought they could go directly to the book after opening the gate. Unexpectedly, a teleportation array appeared.

"Evil sect." Blazing Demon God, the First Prince and others studied this teleportation array again, but they came to a conclusion after studying for a long time.

"Only two people can enter, and then the teleportation array will disappear." Blazing Demon God said.

The eldest prince said, "Only the two of you can enter. If the three of us leave you and enter, there is a high probability that our souls will be shattered in an instant. The choice is yours."

Both Malthus and the Blazing Demon God nodded.

Lu Yang smiled, looked at the turbid wine and said, "Then let's give it a try. If I'm the only one who is strong, we still can't escape the end of death, so we might as well fight."

"I'll go first, boss." Turbid wine was about to go inside.

Lu Yang stopped him and said, "Whenever there is danger, I will be the first to go, you can only be the second."

The Blazing Demon God, the First Prince, and Malthus were all a little emotional. Isn't it because of their integrity and loyalty that they are willing to accompany Lu Yang and Zhuojiu?

"Wait for us." Blazing Demon God, the First Prince and Malthus flew back to Lu Yang and Zhuojiu respectively.

Lu Yang smiled and stepped into the Holy Light Teleportation Array, followed by the turbid wine.

Another golden light flashed.

Lu Yang found him appearing in a huge room with silver bookcases all around the walls, filled with strange books.

The Blazing Demon God flew out of Lu Yang's body, frowned and said, "It's not right, this breath is not right."

The eldest prince even showed a look of horror and said, "How can there be a tyrannical aura?"

Malthus flew to the edge of the bookcase, picked up a book and returned to everyone, opened it, and even more frightened, the whole body of holy light flickered, and said: "Damn, why is this book written with the words of the extraterrestrial demons? ."

Seeing the three of them so terrified, Lu Yang frowned and asked, "Is there anything special?"

Malthus said excitedly: "No one dares to study the extraterritorial demons. The eight demon kings control all the original sins in this world. Once someone wants to study them, they must first feel these original sins, and only after persevering will they write these words, **** it. , the holy king was not killed, but he was enchanted by studying these things."

The Blazing Demon God smiled bitterly and said: "The Holy King was the peak of the God King back then. If he is still alive and has studied the extraterritorial demons for so many years, he should have broken through the God King rank. Let's go out and have a look, we can't escape anyway. ."

The teleportation array has disappeared, and there is only one door in this room, and they have no choice but to go out.

Lu Yang and Zhuojiu were also a little speechless. They just thought they could take the Book of Holy Light directly after opening the door. Who would have thought that a task that should be very easy turned out to be a huge trap!

"I hope it won't be too tragic to die." Lu Yang shook his head and walked out of the room with the turbid wine, the Blazing Flame Demon God and others, and came to a corridor that was 100 meters long and 10 meters wide.

There were four amethyst statues standing on pillars on both sides of the corridor. Malthus was instantly stunned and said, "Eight Great Demon King Statues."

The voice just fell.


A ray of light lit up on the first statue on the left, and the statue of the devil was resurrected, followed by the third statue of the devil on the right, and the fourth statue of the devil on the left...

In the end, all eight demon king statues were resurrected. Although their bodies were still made of amethyst, the expressions on their faces seemed to be real people.

"Treasurer, die!" The first demon king, headed by him, had an extremely violent face and charged towards Lu Yang.

Lu Yang raised the warhammer in his hand and smashed it towards the statue of the devil. The two instantly fought hundreds of moves. Finally, with his flexibility, he smashed the head of the statue with a hammer, smashing its entire body.

But before he could wake up, the other seven devil statues rushed over and fought with Lu Yang. Malthus withdrew to the back with turbid wine. This level of battle is not something that turbid wine can participate in.

"It's strange, how can the strength of these demon king statues be on par with me?" Lu Yang frowned a little. He is a junior god, but this is the magic circle built by the ancient holy king, at least from the peak of the main **** level to the **** king. It's a junior, how could it be a junior god?

The Blazing Demon God was also a little stunned. Suddenly, he said, "Be careful, the first Demon God statue that you smashed came alive."

Lu Yang turned his head to the side, and sure enough, the shattered devil statue was rejoined and charged towards him again.

"Are they undead?" Lu Yang was a little confused. If these demon kings seemed undead, then he would have to run forward, but no one knew what was going on in front of him. If there were other enemies, then It is about to be attacked back and forth, and it will die faster.

"Bang!" Lu Yang suddenly launched the explosive flame technique, taking advantage of the gap between several demon kings who did not cooperate well, and shattered another demon king statue.

But just as Lu Yang expected, the demon king was resurrected again, which made Lu Yang frowned and asked, "Can you understand the principle of the resurrection of these demon kings? Even if they have unlimited energy, they may output some points. where?"

"Wait a minute, I'm looking for it." Blazing Demon God said.

"You have to hurry up, I can't hold on to this hammer anymore, **** it, their bodies are too hard like amethyst, what kind of material is this, why have I never seen it before." The eldest prince said cursingly.

The Divine Phoenix Golden Spirit can change its form, and can also be quickly reorganized after being broken. However, the premise of the reorganization is that Lu Yang is not harmed. Otherwise, once the first prince breaks the Shenhuang warhammer, Lu Yang will be destroyed by these eight The demon king was pierced.

"I can't be beaten like this passively, I use the Great Nirvana technique, let's hide first." Lu Yang put away the Divine Phoenix War Hammer, and his body was instantly pierced by the arms of the eight demon king statues.

Negative emotions such as Khorne, tyranny, lewdness, jealousy, arrogance, greed, laziness, and pain poured into Lu Yang's soul at the same time.

Lu Yang only felt like he was going crazy, but his willpower was different from that of ordinary people. He had been tempered before the invasion of another world, and after the apocalypse, he had been tempered by the Fiery Demon God in all kinds of ways. This level of negative emotions could not reach this level. The extent to which he has fallen.


Lu Yang's body was shattered, and all the power of evil thoughts was transformed into power by the great Nirvana technique and amplified into his flame. When he was reborn from the flame, he shattered a demon statue with a hammer, and smashed eight demon statues in a row. All blown up.


A subtle voice sounded, and Lu Yang turned his head to look, and there was a subtle glow from the inside of the amethyst pillar on the left. At the same time, the shattered Demon King seemed to resonate and began to recover gradually.

"There is something wrong with this pillar." Lu Yang smashed the pillar beside him with a hammer, but what left Lu Yang speechless was that the statue of the devil was still alive.

He fought with the Demon King Statue again, but what shocked him was that the Demon King Statue's strength increased by about 30.

"Is this a mirror image battle? How powerful is the Demon King like." Lu Yang asked with a frown.

"It should be like this, we are dying." Blazing Demon God and the first prince were a little emotional. It stands to reason that this should be a magic circle of the god-king level, specially designed to deal with the powerful god-king level.

If the eight demon king images in front of him reflect the strength of the god-king rank, once they are hit, the eight negative emotions of the god-king rank will flood into the body, and Lu Yang will surely die!

Now it is only the negative emotions of the first-level lower gods, so Lu Yang can bear it so easily, and it is not the way to sustain it. Every time the Great Nirvana Technique, Lu Yang will increase his strength by 30. If it exceeds 30 times, his strength will reach the median. God is at the first level, and the power of negative emotions must be multiplied at that time.

"Don't use any more advanced spells like Explosive Inflammation and Origin Battle Physique. Once you use them, the negative emotional attack you receive will directly drive you crazy," the first prince said.

"Then what should I do?" Lu Yang also reacted and said, "I can't hold on for too long. Eight people beat me one, and I can't stop it."

Blazing Demon God said: "The known energy source of the opponent is the Amethyst Pillar. I tried to break it for him."

Lu Yang said, "I will take another attack, and the eldest prince will smash the pillars."

"Try it." The First Prince said.

Lu Yang threw out the hammer with both hands and let the eldest prince fly out and blast the amethyst stone pillars one by one, but his body was pierced by eight mirror images again.

When his body recovered, what left him speechless was that the eight stone pillars had also recovered. The first prince said, "Something is wrong. There is a problem here. I can feel that the stone pillars are transmitting energy."

Blazing Demon God frowned and thought: "I feel the same way, but what's wrong?"

Lu Yang has just recovered from the confusion of consciousness. As the Blazing Demon God guessed, as his strength increases, the damage of negative emotions is also increasing. Although he can easily destroy the eight demon king statues, he actually dare not attack. UU reading www.

"Do you think that if you don't kill us, our strength will not improve?" A demon king even spoke to Lu Yang, and rushed towards Lu Yang with a grin.


As soon as the two sides contacted, Lu Yang was horrified to find that the strength of the Demon King Statue had increased by 30 out of thin air, and it was the same as his strength again.

"You will be torn apart by our negative emotions. The Holy King can't stop us, so why can't you?" The second demon king rushed over and punched Lu Yang again.

Lu Yang blocked again and said with a sneer, "There must be a solution to you, right?"

"We are immortal and immortal!" The third Demon King rushed over with a wild laugh.

"But you have the key, otherwise you wouldn't be able to stop on the stone pillar before I came." Lu Yang said with a sneer.

"Idiot, you guessed wrong." The fourth Demon King rushed over.

Lu Yang was convinced that he guessed right, and the fourth one was jealousy. How could he praise you when you guessed right? A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Try it again, in the order they jumped off when they were resurrected just now."

"Try it." The eldest prince controlled the two war hammers to fly out of Lu Yang's hands. When Lu Yang was pierced by the eight devil statues for the third time, the hammers were arranged according to 1, 7, 4, 2, 6, 5, The order of 3 and 8 will crush the amethyst column.


The eight demon kings showed their terrified bodies at the same time. The next second, their bodies suddenly shattered, like flying ashes, and returned to the eight amethyst pillars, restoring the demeanor of the demon king statues.

"You're right." Blazing Demon God and the First Prince said excitedly at the same time.

Lu Yang clenched his fists, looked back at Zhuojiu and said, "Let's go."

The two quickly left the corridor and came to the door of the front door.