MTL - Rebirth of the High Gate Mistress-Chapter 667 【Extra】If life were just like the first time we met (17)

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A year after Pingyang returned to Yizhou, she became confused again. She often couldn't recognize people. Sometimes she couldn't even recognize Yuzhu, who had served her all her life, or even her own daughter, Sister Qing.

 But she has always recognized Pei Yunqian.

Gradually, Pingyang completely forgot about the long decades after getting married. She thought that before she left the court, she liked to wear gorgeous clothes and all beautiful things. She carefully raised Pei Yunqian to give her If her little pets were sick and died, she would still cry like she did when she was a child, and at this time, only Pei Yunqian could comfort her.

 Whenever she was with Pei Yunqian, Pingyang's state would comfort her. She kept calling her cousin Pei, just like when she was a child. One moment, she would pester Pei Yunqian to take her hunting, and the next, she would pester him to buy snacks.

Pei Yunqian was not impatient at all about Pingyang's confusion. He accompanied her like a child, immersing himself in the happy time of their youth with her.

Pingyang was confused for a long time. One day, she suddenly remembered everything.

That day, she was half-lying on the soft couch, and Pei Yunqian sat aside and peeled the fruit for her. Pingyang said, "Cousin, do you know? When Li Xiang left, I told him that I forgave him. Not only did I I forgave him and let him and Jiao Xing be buried together."

Pei Yunqian suddenly raised his head when he heard this, smiled at Pingyang, and replied: "Pingyang, do you remember him again?"

Pingyang nodded and said, "Cousin, actually I didn't resent Li Xiang that much. I felt relieved when I learned that the person he originally loved was not me."

She smiled and said: "Why should I resent someone who doesn't love me? Are you right, cousin?"

Pei Yunqian stuffed the peeled fruit into her mouth and said dotingly: "You are a kind-hearted person and have been like this all your life, but it's okay to be like this. It's not good to live with resentment."

Pingyang chewed the small fruit in his mouth, spit out the core, smacked his lips and said, "It's so sweet!"

She smiled brightly and looked as greedy as she did when she was a girl.

Pei Yunqian smiled and replied: "If you like it, I will bring it to you when I come here tomorrow. I bought this at the market and the vendors brought it from other places. There is no such small fruit in Yizhou."

"Maybe I won't be able to eat tomorrow." Pingyang still smiled, and she said to Pei Yunqian: "Cousin, I have to leave."

Pei Yunqian was stunned when he heard this. He took Pingyang's hand and said angrily: "What are you talking about?"

Pingyang was silent for a while, and then said to Pei Yunqian: "Cousin, I am actually not afraid of death. I am just reluctant to leave you when I am poor. If I hadn't been able to be with you when I returned to Yizhou, I would have left long ago."

She spoke frankly to Pei Yunqian: "Cousin, although I don't resent Li Xiang, I have been between him and Jiao Xing all my life, and my life has been really miserable. It is rare for powerful people to divorce their wives, and I I have children, and for the sake of the dignity of my family and my children, in this life, I can only suffer and be trapped in the Zhenguo Palace. But after I die, I don’t want to be trapped there anymore. I don’t want to go underground. , and also inserts himself between other people’s lovers.”

“Cousin, I want to be buried on this spiritual mountain after my death. This is my home.”

After all, she was the wife of the Duke of Zhenguo. Even if she died, she should sleep in the same cave as her master. Pingyang knew that her willful request would embarrass Pei Yunqian, an outsider, but when he was about to die, , Pingyang still feels that the only person in this world who can tolerate her willfulness unconditionally is her cousin from the Pei family.

After saying this, she looked at Pei Yunqian and asked, "Is that okay? Cousin."

Pei Yunqian knew that Pingyang was returning to his glory. He sniffed. Although he knew that this matter was difficult to handle, he still replied without hesitation: "Okay!"

He took her hand and promised her: "I will definitely fulfill your wish. I will bury you on this spiritual mountain. Don't be afraid. I will still come to see you every day as usual." Pingyang cried Then, she held Pei Yunqian's hand tightly and replied: "Cousin, I owe you in this life, and I will pay you back in the next life."

Pei Yunqian also cried. He had cried since his mother passed away. This was the first time in so many years that he cried.

He shed tears and said to Pingyang: "I don't want you to pay me back. If there is a next life, I will still protect you. Even if you fall in love with someone else, I will still protect you silently."

Pingyang cried, then smiled and replied: "I will never fall in love with anyone else. Even in this life, the only person I am most attached to is you, cousin."

She choked and said: "The happiest time in my life is the time I am with you. When I was young, I didn't know this was love, so I married a stranger in such a confused way. Cousin, treat me well." When I saw my heart clearly, I couldn’t escape.”

  She said: "Cousin, I'm sorry for you."

Pei Yunqian held her hand tightly and cried until he couldn't stop crying: "Pingyang, I can protect you in this life. In the end, I know that you love me, that's enough."

After Pingyang left, Pei Yunqian kept her promise and buried her in Lingshan.

This matter was quite laborious to handle. Pingyang was the seventh-generation mistress of Zhenguo Gongfu, and even her son Heng Geer could not completely decide where she would end up.

The Li family is huge, and such important matters of etiquette and law naturally have to go through the clan level. How could the mistress of the palace not be buried in the ancestral graves of the Li family after death? Therefore, Brother Heng, who has already inherited the title, can understand his late mother. However, the Li family would not agree to it no matter what.

 In the end, Pei Yunqian even wrote a letter to Emperor Li Ling in order to fulfill Pingyang's wish.

At this time, Li Ling was already over sixty years old. Although he was the emperor, he had already handed over all major affairs of the court to the prince. However, he would only come forward to assist his son when encountering difficult problems.

But when he received the seemingly absurd petition from Marquis Pei, he personally handled the matter properly. He ordered that Pingyang's bones be buried in his natal Yizhou, in the ancestral mausoleum of Zhenguo Gongfu. A tomb was erected.

 The emperor's decree was also obviously against etiquette and rules. At first, the Li family was still dissatisfied, but later they heard that this was the queen's wish.

Every courtier in the court knew that the emperor would definitely comply with the queen's wishes. No matter how unconvinced she was, it was impossible for the emperor to change his mind.

Only then did the Li family give up.

Although it took a lot of trouble, Pei Yunqian finally fulfilled Pingyang's wish.

Pei Yunqian always accepted Pingyang's willfulness, and even until his death, his cousin from the Pei family never let Pingyang down.

 I went out two days ago, so I stopped updating. From now on, I will try my best to update twice a day!

 Thank you for your support!