MTL - Rebirth of the High Gate Mistress-Chapter 634 enlighten younger brother

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After sending off Mrs. Li, the prince took advantage of the noon break to come to his mother's Jiaofang Hall.

When he met his mother, the prince comforted her thoughtfully: "It's normal for my brothers to be naughty when they are young. Queen Mother, please don't get angry because of this."

Jingshu's children are all the best children, and they have always been praised by people as the proud sons of heaven. Although Sanlang and Shilang are adopted sons, Jingshu still feels very uncomfortable when they are so disliked by others.

Jingshu was very pleased to see that her son was sensible and came to comfort her: "The queen will not take it to heart. The brothers are still young. The queen will teach them well from now on."

The prince is currently studying in the study room in the morning, and in the afternoon he will study governance with his father at Qinzheng Hall. When he passed by Saburo and Shiro's bedroom on the way to Qinzheng Hall, the prince stopped and ordered someone to open the door of the palace. .

Saburo and Shiro just got into trouble in the morning, but now they are calm. The two brothers are squatting under the big tree in the courtyard. Sanlang holds his chin in his hands and looks up at the sky. Shiro pouted and drew randomly on the ground with a branch.

When they saw the prince coming in, the two brothers were shocked. The prince spoke first and said, "Are you okay today?"

Sanro and Shiro stood up, and Shiro sighed and replied: "We got into trouble in the study room this morning, and the few companion readers no longer want to study with us. From now on, I'm afraid we will have to do nothing. .”

Looking at Shiro's sad little face, the prince couldn't help but smile and teased him: "You don't like to study either. If so, wouldn't it suit your wishes?"

"Although I don't like studying, I don't like staying like this even more." Shiro raised his head and frowned: "I can't do anything all day long. I'm trapped here. I'm going to get sick."

The prince stepped forward and touched Xiao Shiro's head, and replied with a smile: "I just told my mother that if you can study in the study with peace of mind, from now on you will be allowed to study in the morning and my martial arts master will teach you martial arts in the afternoon. "

"Do you take what the prince said seriously?" Before Shiro could react, Sanlang rushed over and asked hurriedly: "Did the mother agree? Can the father agree?"

The prince smiled and replied: "As long as you can study well, there is no reason why your father and mother will not agree."

As long as martial arts training is mentioned, the eyes of these children will light up.

After listening to the prince's words, Sanlang and Shilang expressed their opinions one after another, saying that they would definitely study well and stop messing around.

The prince said with satisfaction: "As long as you can study with peace of mind and avoid getting into trouble, at the end of this month, when you go to the study for a vacation, I can take you to ride horses in the countryside."

When the two children heard this, Sanlang was so excited that he did two somersaults in the air, and Shiro jumped three feet high.

After the two younger brothers had settled down, the prince took them to sit down on the steps. He looked at them and said, "Our father is the emperor, and we are members of the royal family. Every move we make not only interferes with ourselves, but also affects our family." If we don’t learn how to respect the entire royal family, no matter how famous our father is, others will accuse him and his mother of not being good at educating their children. Therefore, from now on, we must be cautious in our words and deeds. Behaviors like today will not happen again in the future. ”

 The prince's face is like a crown jewel, even if he is sitting on the bluestone steps, he cannot hide the brilliance radiating from his body.

 Hole as bright as the sun and the moon.

Sanlang looked at the prince and said bluntly: "We brothers are all used to being wild. No matter how hard we try, we can't keep up with the emperor's half." "Why do you have to compare with others? You just need to do your best to be yourselves." That's it. I am the crown prince, and I will govern the country from now on. You are the prince, and from now on you will be the princes. In the future, I will govern the country, and you will assist in the government. If we brothers work together and perform our duties, we will naturally achieve something." The prince looked at the two. The young foster brother asked, "Are you willing?"

"Yes." Sanlang was the first to reply: "From now on, we brothers will go into battle to kill the enemy and protect the country for the emperor."

 Silang rushed to say: "I am braver than my father."

On this day, it was already sunset when Li Ling returned from the Qinzheng Hall. He and his wife had finished their dinner together, and asked, "I heard that Li Shangshu's wife actually took the young master of the Li family out of the palace today?"

Jing Shu replied: "We all know that Sanlang and Silang are naughty, so Mrs. Li was not willing to send her son to the palace when Li Shangshu sent her son to the palace. She was beaten by Sanlang on the first day without even thinking. How could she feel relieved? ! Forget it, just take it back as soon as you take it back."

Li Ling frowned and said in a deep voice: "Sanlang just threw a wolf brush at the young master of the Li family. It's just a joke among children. Mrs. Li is really making a fuss out of a molehill."

  When a child is naughty, parents may scold their children in front of outsiders, but behind closed doors, they are all protective of their children.

Although Li Ling and Jing Shu are emperors and concubines, they are also mortal bodies, so they are not exempt from the secular world.

After listening to Li Ling's words, Jing Shu couldn't help but show anger, and murmured to Li Ling: "It's not only Mrs. Li who dislikes Sanlang and Shilang, but also Mrs. Zhang. She also entered the palace in the second half of the day, although she was not embarrassed to come to meet him. But I heard from Ziyun that when she picked up Mr. Zhang from school, she had a lot of words with the Taifu, both inside and outside of her words, she begged the Taifu to move his son's seat away from Sanlang and Shilang."

"This is really unreasonable." Li Ling was angry and said with a sullen face, "Do they regard my son as a savage beast?"

He snorted loudly and said to Jingshu: "From tomorrow onwards, the two young masters Zhang and Li will no longer come to the palace to accompany Sanlang and Shilang. I am not surprised that they are unwilling, huh! Jing! If any of them are sons of powerful people, I will choose them for them."

Jingshu said worriedly: "I'm just afraid that after this incident, other powerful families will no longer want their children to enter the palace."

The circle of powerful people is so large, and if such a thing spreads, Jingshu's worries are indeed very likely.

Li Ling thought for a while and then replied: "Tomorrow I will pass down the oral message. Anyone who is selected into the palace to serve as Sanlang and four companions this time will be given the status of Jinshi in the future."

Jingshu was surprised: "If this happens, I'm afraid that the official will impeach His Majesty again, saying that you are using public affairs for personal gain."

Li Ling replied: "Lao Hu has spent his whole life fighting for the Qi Dynasty. What can I do if I just seek some personal gain for his son?"

An iron-blooded emperor like Li Ling always spoke the truth. Even the officials at the Yushitai sometimes had no way to deal with the emperor.

Jing Shu was happy and took the opportunity to say, "What about brother Xuan's selection of concubines? I heard that the remonstrances from the censor's desk have been piled several feet thick on your desk."

Li Ling waved his hand and replied: "Brother Xuan doesn't want it, and I don't want to force him." He looked at his wife and asked: "It's okay if you don't choose to sleep with me, but you can't be vague after choosing it. Did you follow me a while ago?" It is said that Brother Xuan has taken a liking to Sister Xue, have you mentioned this to Ah Chen and Lizhu?"