MTL - Rebirth of the High Gate Mistress-Chapter 625 Each has its own merits

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In this world, the daughters of poor families do not study. They only know how to be female celebrities, which can be used to run the family in the future. Most of the ordinary wealthy families have family studies, and girls can go to school in order to become literate and improve themselves. Women's cultivation can only be learned in "Women's Rules" and "Women's Precepts" plus some poems. Too profound knowledge is out of reach; the daughters of top powerful people, such as Zhenguo Gongfu, can be lucky enough to enter the family. Compared with ethnic studies, girls will be like men in official studies, involving some knowledge of economics and world affairs. After such women get married, they can truly take care of their husbands and raise their children, and can participate in the political affairs of their husbands and sons to a certain extent. Come up.

Those who are lucky enough to be admitted to the palace as companions will learn much more profound and extensive things than others. In the future, the prince's companions will all be the trusted ministers of the prince after he succeeds to the throne, and they will share the responsibilities of the king. The burden of the country.

Although the knowledge learned by the princess's companion is not as profound and extensive as that of the prince's companion, the knowledge he has covered is far beyond what other schools and palaces can match. In the study room, the masters who teach these girls are also Hongru masters. The knowledge these women can learn far exceeds that of many civil servants. For example, Sister Xue and Yi Mei are very knowledgeable, and their knowledge is even comparable to the number one scholar in the imperial examination. The knowledge of these girls is incomparable to those women who are confined in purdah all day long.

Moreover, those who are lucky enough to be the companions of princesses will be given to baroness after leaving the palace in the future, and at least they will be county heads. This means that these girls do not have to rely on their natal family and husband's family, but they can also enjoy the national salary. Therefore, these girls From the moment the child is lucky enough to be the princess's companion, he is already a master among women.

Jingshu chatted with a few girls for a while, and then asked, "What have the master taught you these days? Did you like it?"

Chen Zhaozhao was the eldest among the girls and the one with the most ideas. After listening to the Queen's question, she was the first to speak: "These days, the Grand Tutor is telling us about "National Policy". Today's lecture is up." "Qi Ce·Zou Ji satirizes the King of Qi for accepting advice"."

Mentioning this, Chen Zhaozhao talked eloquently: "This article praises Zou Ji, a wise minister. He is good at thinking and has the courage to admonish the king. He is the best minister in the world. The king needs such good men to assist him. , Only then can the country be strong.”

In addition to rouge, gouache, romance, and marrying a good husband, the heart can also rise to the feelings of family and country. This is the difference between the vision of a woman who enters the palace as a companion and the average woman in a boudoir.

Through this article, Chen Zhaozhao enumerated the examples of virtuous ministers throughout the past and present in an erudite and comprehensive way.

Jingshu was also satisfied with what she heard and praised her in public. Then she turned to the other little girls and asked, "After learning this article, do you have any insights?"

Chen Zhaozhao had just quoted a lot and had already discussed it so thoroughly that the other girls didn't know what to say anymore.

Several little girls looked at each other, some smiled slightly, and some shook their heads slightly. Although these were all well-educated children, how could the little girls' thoughts be hidden from Jing Shu's eyes? .

 Chen Zhaozhao was eager to express himself, and the others clearly had some objections to her behavior, or were a little disdainful.

Although Jing Shu saw through it, she pretended not to know. She praised Chen Zhaozhao and then turned to Yi Mei and asked: "Mei'er, you have always been the most talented, do you have any different opinions on this article? "

When Yi Mei saw the Queen asking, she bowed slightly first, and then slowly replied: "Since ancient times, there has been a wise king first, and then a wise minister can be born. The reason why Zou Ji can become an admonishment minister is because King Wei of Qi opened up his voice and followed the advice. Because of Ruliu, I think that compared to Zou Ji, a good minister, King Qi Wei, a wise king, is more admirable and admirable."

After saying that, the little girl stood up again and saluted first to the queen, then to several classmates, especially Chen Zhaozhao, and said: "This is just my superficial knowledge, which made the empress laugh. If there is any relationship with the sisters, Even if we are different, please forgive me."

Jing Shu liked this little girl who came from a scholarly family very much, but before she could praise her, Princess Bao on the side said: "Mei'er is right, a good minister cannot live without an Mingjun. If there is no Mingjun, then he will do anything. No matter how ambitious he is, there is no place for him." As she said this, Princess Bao put the tea cup in her hand on the table and continued cheerfully: "But it is a good thing for the king to open up his voice and for the wise ministers to be brave enough to give advice. As a minister, you must be measured. As a king, you are naturally far-sighted. Some ministers cannot understand the king's intentions and blindly pretend to be good ministers, even using death penalty to remonstrate and force the king to submit. This is so-called A good minister is actually a mediocre minister.”

This is the difference in horizons due to different identities. For Chen Zhaozhao and Yi Mei, one is a good minister and the other comes from a scholarly family, so their horizons are still limited to books, while Princess Bao, as the daughter of an emperor, often After hearing and seeing my father in power, my thoughts and feelings are different.

Princess Bao is right, Li Ling is a wise king, but many times, he still has to be annoyed by the so-called good ministers like Mr. Zhang, who did not hesitate to die to persuade Li Ling to accept the harem.

In front of outsiders, although Jingshu agreed with her daughter, she naturally had to act like a virtuous queen. She scolded her daughter and said, "What a mediocre minister? If you dare to admonish the king, you are a loyal minister. You child, don't talk nonsense." .”

Princess Bao knew her mother's thoughts, and she apologized: "I made a mistake." After saying that, Princess Bao looked at Sister Qing, Sister Xue and Zhou Lan and asked: "Why don't you talk? Do you have any insights? ?"

Zhou Lan shook her head shyly. Sister Qing was eating snacks and listening to others. After hearing this, she put down the snacks in her hands and said bluntly with a smile: "I don't have their opinions, but when I read this article today , when I saw it written on it, 'Zou Ji is more than eight feet tall and has a beautiful appearance', I was thinking that this Zou Ji must be a completely handsome man."

Sister Qing is the legitimate daughter of the Duke. In the eyes of others, the superior emperor and queen are her uncles and aunts, and their closest relatives. Therefore, Sister Qing does not need to be restrained in this Jiaofang Palace.

Sister Qing’s half-joking words made several girls laugh.

The atmosphere in Jiaofang Hall, which had been a little undercurrent, suddenly became relaxed. After all, they were still little girls. They were all smiling brightly, no longer holding their hands.

Jingshu took this opportunity to ask her niece, "Sister Xue, what do you think of this article?"

Although Sister Xue was also amused by Sister Qing's words just now, because of her quiet temperament, even when she smiled, she was reserved.

After listening to her aunt's question, she half-suspended her smile and replied: "This article is about the king and his good ministers. I am relatively ignorant about this aspect. It was only after listening to Zhao Zhao and Mei'er's insights that I was enlightened. So, I ask my aunt to forgive me, I really don’t have any opinions of my own.”

The little girl has a calm look on her face, her eyes are as clear as a pool of clear spring, and her tone of voice is neither urgent nor slow.

She is too pure and beautiful, just like the fairy in the clouds. The battles and weirdness of this world seem to have nothing to do with her.