MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 1050 Backlash

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  Chapter 1050 Backlash

  On the top floor of the villa, Master Qian was startled by the sudden movement.

   Li Cheng on the side also staggered, almost sitting on the ground.

  Master Qian's face was ugly, and he scolded sharply: "Hey! The thief dares to destroy my formation."

   His voice fell, he bit the tip of his tongue, and spurted a mouthful of blood from the mahogany sword in his hand with a "poof".

  In an instant, there was a stabbing sound, and the black air within the villa became heavier.

  The place where the explosion had just torn apart, black air surged a few times, and it was made up for.

   But this also gave Xiao Huang on the first floor a chance to breathe.

  Xiao Huang pouted his **** again, spewed out a puff of white smoke, forced back the black air around him, and rushed up to the second floor.

  In the guest room on the top floor, Master Qian called out badly.

  Although what he said just now was awesome, he didn't take Xiao Huang seriously.

   But that was all for Li Cheng, so as to show his demeanor as an outsider.

  A real connoisseur can see that Xiao Huang is not an ordinary yellow-skinned person.

  He is as tall as a sheep and has white hair all over his body. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has practiced for two or three hundred years.

   It was here that they met, and he had arranged formations inside and outside the villa in advance to take the lead.

   If he changes places, even if he is not afraid of Xiao Huang, he will definitely not get any cheap.

  At this time, Xiao Huang took advantage of the explosion and rushed to the second floor. If he was sent to the third floor to find this room, he would be in serious trouble.

  Master Qian shook the bell immediately, "Dingling bell", "Dingling bell", like a magic sound came from the third floor.

  Xiao Huang's two hairy ears immediately got down and buckled on his head.

  But still can't stop the magic sound from entering my ears.

   Crouching on the spot again, unable to move.

  At the same time, black mist surged around, trying to wrap Xiao Huang.

  Du Fei stood beside the car, seeing this situation through his vision, and couldn't help frowning.

   I began to think about whether to throw a mortar shell into it.

  Although I know from the ship king that Li Cheng has an expert by his side.

   But when he came here, this master Qian's methods still exceeded Du Fei's expectations.

  It was the first time he saw this kind of battle, he had no experience, didn't know the depth, and was afraid that Ci Xin and Xiao Huang would suffer in it.

  But at this moment, there was another loud bang in the backyard of the villa.

   Another explosion of flames tore a large piece of black air from inside.

  Seeing this, Du Fei felt a little settled.

  Fortunately, I brought ten enhanced grenades to Ci Xin just now.

   Blowing up two formation nodes in a row, the formation in the villa was sluggish.

  In an instant, the black air in the courtyard was greatly weakened.

  In the room, Master Qian's body was shaken by the shock, his blood was surging, and his face was pale.

  In order to make up for the first node that was destroyed just now, he used his own blood to pull and drive the formation to rotate.

  The formation was destroyed again, and even he was backlashed.

   "Master Qian!" Li Cheng's heart tightened. Although he didn't understand Taoism, he was extremely alert.

   Looking at the situation of Master Qian, he knew that the situation was not good.

  But Li Cheng is a man with deep pockets in his heart after all, so he can't point all the way at Master Qian, he has already prepared a backhand, and he didn't mess around.

  At this time, Master Qian was caring about his head and ignoring his back.

  He secretly regretted that he underestimated the enemy.

  Before at the Hilton Hotel, after he surveyed the scene, he saw Sol's body again, and concluded that it was done by a weathered yellow skin.

  But he didn't expect that besides Huang Pizi, there would be a more ruthless one.

  As soon as Ci Xin entered the range of the villa's formation, he sensed the strength of Compassion.

   Unlike Xiao Huang, he had to fart to resist the black air in the villa.

  When compassion comes in, it's like entering no one's land. The black air will be bounced away by the powerful breath one foot away from her.

  And compassion is very sensitive to the trend of the earth veins.

   Unexpectedly, he found the formation node that he tried every means to cover up without any effort.

   What's even more unreasonable is that everyone is a member of the Taoist sect, so why don't they use magic weapons to break the formation?

  What do you mean by bomb? Do you want some Bilian?

  Master Qian twitched the corners of his mouth, and the previous calmness disappeared from his face.

   What's worse, taking advantage of the opportunity just now, Xiao Huang has already rushed to the third floor, less than ten meters away from the room he was in.

  Master Qian swallowed. With his current state, it would definitely be difficult to let that yellow man intrude.

  Master Qian glanced at Li Cheng next to him, and hurriedly said: "Li Sheng, the situation is not right, you should leave quickly, I will stand here first."

  Li Cheng didn't hesitate, even without Master Qian's words, he was ready to run away.

  His life is very precious, not those mud legs.

   But he didn't go to the door, but quickly walked to a wardrobe next to the wall in the room, opened the door and got in.

  Master Qian did not expect such an operation to exist.

  Don't look at the righteousness he said, but letting Li Cheng go first was not based on good intentions.

  Master Qian did not reveal just now that Xiao Huang has already reached the third floor.

  As long as Li Cheng opens the door and goes out, he will immediately meet Xiao Huang.

   Today, the other party came for Li Cheng after all, and Master Qian was just protecting him from disaster.

  The situation is not good now, and he doesn't want to stop it.

  I can only let Li Cheng out.

  The opponent caught Li Cheng and achieved his goal, so there was no need to continue the fight.

  However, he didn't expect it.

  Li Cheng was so scheming that he even hid a secret passage in the house.

  Three steps and two steps, open the cabinet door and shrink inward.

   Before Master Qian could react, he fell down with a "bang".

   "Hey~" Master Qian called out, ignoring guarding the altar, and hurried to follow.

  But I found that the flap of the escape passage in the cabinet was closed, and I didn't know where the mechanism was, and it couldn't be opened at all.

  Master Qian stretched out his hand and pressed down several times, so angry that he almost scolded his mother.

   It’s true, tigers have the heart to eat people, and people have the intention to fight tigers, and both sides are scheming.

  Master Qian originally wanted Li Cheng to go out to fill in the hole, but in the end he missed a move and Li Cheng made a move.

  However, he didn't have time to curse.

   While the formation in the villa can last for a while, I must quickly find a way to get out.

  Thinking of this, Master Qian settled down. .

  Thinking to himself: "Although the yellow-skinned boy has gone up to the third floor, it is still far away from this house. As long as we use the formation and reverse the orientation of the east and west, we should be able to lure the yellow-skinned boy away, and he can take the opportunity to go downstairs."

  Master Qian made a good plan. Although the compassion downstairs is strong, it is in the courtyard after all, so there is no need to worry about it for the time being.

  As long as Huang Pizi is lured away, and he walks up the stairs to the first floor, he will be sure to escape unscathed.

   Having made up his mind, the bell in Master Qian's hand shook more urgently, and there was a crisp "jingle bell".

  The black air in the corridor outside was surging.

  Xiao Huang clumsily left and right, squeaked a few times, but really couldn't tell the direction, and ran to the other side of the corridor.

  Actually, Du Fei, who was synchronized through vision, was not affected.

  The darkness in the villa cannot affect Du Fei's sight.

   But he was in no rush to interfere.

  Because at this moment, Du Fei suddenly noticed several bright car lights flashing on the road below the mountain.

   You can see the outlines of those cars, all buses.

   It's midnight, so many buses, what are they doing here?

  This place is a luxury residential area in Xiangjiang, and luxury cars of various brands are not uncommon.

   But the bus...

  Du Fei couldn't help but smiled playfully. Is it Li Cheng's backhand?

   At the same time, seeing Xiao Huang being lured away, Master Qian breathed a sigh of relief, but he turned his heart and squeezed out another mouthful of blood from the wound where he bit the tip of his tongue just now.

   Sprayed "poof" on the altar in front of him.

   This time, the black air in the villa became more violent.

   Master Qian sneered, and immediately walked towards the door.

  As long as you go out of this door, you will find the stairs four or five meters to the left...

  However, at this moment, there was a bang.

  The wall of this room exploded, and a figure broke through the wall and broke in!

  Master Qian was so dumbfounded that he even forgot to turn the doorknob in his hand.

  The powerful impact caused masonry and cement fragments to splash, causing severe pain on the body.

  Master Qian was also unlucky, half a brick flew towards him, hitting his face directly, causing his head to bleed on the spot.

   Painful, he let out an "oops", and the blood instantly covered his eyes.

   Barely opened his eyes, everything he saw was covered with a red filter.

  I saw a figure in front of the hole in the wall.

  It was a woman, wearing a dress and carrying a slightly out of place satchel on her back.

  The half-length hair is a little messy in the wind.

  In one hand, he held a short black stick more than a foot long, and in the other hand, he held a grenade that had been pulled out of the safety catch.

  Master Qian was very keen. Feeling the strong breath of compassion, his legs trembled.

  He couldn't believe it in his heart, there are such strong people in this world?

  Ci Xin didn't say a word. After breaking through the wall, she just stood still for a while and rushed up.

   Originally, compassion could not be found here.

  But she broke two formation nodes in the yard just now, forcing Master Qian to maintain the formation, affect the breath, and expose the position.

  Master Qian didn't have time to react, he just let out an "ah" and felt a huge force hitting his chest.

With a bang, Master Qian was hit on the body by the magic pestle, and directly smashed through the door behind him. His breastbone was deeply sunken, and he hit the opposite wall again. Blood spurted wildly, and he died on the spot. land.

  Compassionately, she walked out along the door and threw the grenade back into the room.

  With a bang, the altar inside, which was the eye of the formation, was blown up.

  The whole villa shook.

  The originally pervasive darkness, like pulling up the rubber stopper in the sink, quickly formed a vortex, rushing back to the bombed altar.

  In the next moment, he disappeared without a trace.

  Ci Xin then turned her head and looked at Master Qian who was lying on the ground.

  At this time, Master Qian was motionless and breathless, as if he was already dead.

  Compassionately "hum": "Half a bottle of water's tortoise breathing technique is also used to make a fool of yourself?"

  While speaking, Ci Xin stomped her foot, and with a bang, the ground shook.

  Master Qian suddenly trembled, raised his head from the ground, and looked at Ci Xin with horror on his face.

   What greeted him was a black and swarthy demon pestle.

   With a bang, his brains burst.

   At this moment, a total of eight buses stopped outside the villa.

  The dazzling headlights illuminate the surroundings.

  Forty people in one car, and a total of more than 300 people in eight buses poured out of the car.

  Looked aggressively at Du Fei who was standing beside the car.

  At the same time, a figure ran out of the villa in a panic. It was Li Cheng who had escaped the golden cicada just now.

  He ran out of the villa, and saw Du Fei as soon as he reached the door.

  After the previous investigation, he recognized it at a glance.

   Fortunately, the follower he prepared also arrived, which gave him a little more confidence.

   Come on, these people are elites who dare to fight and kill.

   Metaphysics is powerful, but reality is not a myth after all. Even a character like Master Qian would still have to rush to the street facing a dozen young and Dangerous kids who are not afraid of death at the same time.

   In Li Cheng's view, even if Du Fei was more powerful than Master Qian, it would be impossible for him to hold so many people.

  At least today, this level is considered to be over.

   As for the future, there is always a solution.

  He didn't believe that there is no one who can restrain Du Fei in the world.

With an idea in his mind, Li Cheng regained his composure, coughed lightly, and took the time to say: "Your Excellency is Mr. Du, right? Encounters should be solved rather than tied. This time, I, Li, have eyes but don't know Taishan. I would like to pay five Ten million, how about apologizing to Mr. Du and letting this matter go?"

  Du Fei looked at the other party with a half-smile, "Oh? That's 50 million? Mr. Li is really generous, but it's a pity... what if I don't agree?"

Li Cheng frowned, looked at a group of young and Dangerous boys, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Du toasts and does not eat fine wine, then there is nothing you can do. Fifty million, brothers, get rid of this person, this fifty million you Even split."

   This is tantamount to dropping a heavy bomb.

  One person has more than 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, what kind of concept is this!

  In this era, workers who work in factories only earn one or two hundred yuan a month, and two thousand yuan a year without food or drink.

   Hundreds of thousands, ordinary people can't earn it in their lifetime.

  Many young and Dangerous boys were eager to try, for fear that Li Cheng would go back on his word, and wanted to rush forward, it would be better to strike first.

   Fortunately, the two leaders are sensible people.

  Knowing that what Li Cheng said was just a scene.

  50 million is not 50,000, give them all these bastards? How can it be.

   The two stopped their subordinates and looked at what Li Cheng meant.

  They are doing things with money, not fighting in the street. Whether or not to fight, how to fight, all depends on the intention of the money owner.

   Sure enough, Li Cheng sneered: "Mr. Du, those who know the current affairs are outstanding, Xiangjiang is so big, why make it so ugly?"

   "Is it ugly?" Du Fei looked at Li Cheng disapprovingly, and didn't talk nonsense with him, just bowed down and got back into the car.

   Just when Li Cheng thought he might want to drive away.

   But it never occurred to him that Du Fei got into the car with half his body and got out again.

   Actually took out something from inside.

   With a bang, the iron tripod fell to the ground, with a heavy machine gun on it!

  At the same time, there was a sound of metal friction and collision.

  A long chain of bullets rolled sideways along the ground.

  In an instant, everyone present was stunned.

  Especially those young and Dangerous boys on the opposite side, one by one wondering if they were lying in bed dreaming.

  What the **** is that black thing on the ground?

  Du Fei stood behind the machine gun and unhurriedly took out a cigarette.

   This is what was left over last time to guard against Dalsim, and it just came in handy today.

   But as the old saying goes, eating the same kind of rice feeds all kinds of people.

  The forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds.

   I don't know if it's because of bad eyesight or bad brain.

  Suddenly someone yelled: "Fucking mother, who are you scaring with a broken prop gun~"

   Upon hearing this, someone actually echoed: "Yes, this is Xiangjiang, it's not more difficult, where did the machine gun come from?"

  With these two shit-stirring sticks, the crowd who had been bluffed suddenly became agitated.

   One by one, cursing, as if they had been insulted.

   Du Fei curled his lips, and just took a match to light the cigarette in his mouth.

   took a puff, the red cigarette **** was particularly eye-catching at night.

   Immediately bent down, squatted behind the machine gun rack and pulled the trigger.

  Suddenly "chug-chug", a string of flames spurted out from the muzzle of the gun.

  The ammunition belt on the side jumped actively because of the shooting.

  However, Du Fei is not a murderer, and this is not a battlefield.

  The **** on the opposite side don't deserve his dirty hands.

  The bullets fired hit the ground a few meters in front of Young and Dangerous, leaving a crater on the asphalt road.

   After firing more than a dozen bullets, Du Fei let go of the trigger.

   There was already a smell of gunpowder smoke in the air.

  In an instant, there was complete silence on the spot.

  Li Cheng is already stupid. Just now he used grenades to break the formation in the villa, so why is he still carrying a heavy machine gun?

   Why don't you talk about martial arts a little bit!

  The two leaders on the opposite side felt even more mmp, looking at Li Cheng with resentful eyes, really wanted to go over and grab him by the collar, and ask him if he had any misunderstandings about the underworld?

  As for the other young and Dangerous boys, they are completely stupid at this time.

   Except for the first time they saw a heavy machine gun in a movie theater, they didn't expect it to be such an occasion.

  Let them go to the streets to fight and cut people, they are not afraid.

   But facing the black muzzle of a gun more than ten meters away, his legs really went limp.

  Looking at the road on the ground, which was beaten up in a mess.

  I couldn't help but think in my mind, if it hits someone, don't just smash it to pieces.

   But Li Cheng is not an ordinary person after all.

   Facing this situation, he calmed down quickly after being shocked, and forced a calm laugh: "So what if it's a real gun? Do you dare to kill everyone here?"

   Du Fei stood up straight and took the cigarette from his mouth.

   Whether to say it or not, Li Cheng's success was not a fluke, and it was not easy to see the situation so quickly under such circumstances.

  He was right, Du Fei did not dare to kill.

  The reason why they were unscrupulous in the abandoned factory at the beginning was because those were foreign mercenaries.

   Now, these young and Dangerous boys are flower growers no matter what, if they were really killed, there must be no way to explain it.

   At that time, Dad Zhu will also have opinions on him.

  So, killing people was not an option for Du Fei from the very beginning.

  The purpose of taking out the heavy machine gun is just to deter the scene.

  Even including Li Cheng, Du Fei didn't want to kill him directly.

   Li Cheng must die.

   But the one who killed him could not be Du Fei, nor the person Du Fei brought.

   Again, Li Cheng is not an ordinary person. Although he has not reached his future status, he still has considerable social influence.

   Facing Li Chengse's stern clamor, Du Fei did not respond, but raised his hand and looked at his watch.

   Then he smiled and glanced at Li Cheng.

   Li Cheng felt terrified when he was seen, and had a faint feeling of bad premonition.

  Suddenly, Li Cheng's face turned pale, showing a very painful expression.

  No one present knew what was going on.

   Only Du Fei smiled.

  At the same time, in the factory in Kowloon.

   Butler Richard and Master Zhang stood side by side.

   In front of them was a big pit dug.

  The thick concrete floor was smashed open, and it was dug down nearly two meters deep.

  Finally, a red lacquer coffin wrapped in silk was dug out.

Master Zhang stepped forward to check, nodded and said, "This is the one that suppresses the dragon energy in the remaining veins of the Lion Mountain. Although the Lion Mountain is a small mountain, the dragon energy is not enough to confer the title of Marquis and Prime Minister, but giving it to one person can protect you." Thirty years of wealth."

   Speaking of this, Master Zhang sneered: "Unfortunately, if this hole is pierced today, that person will suffer backlash, and he will not have a lifespan of thirty years. I am afraid that he will not be able to make up for it~"

  Richard nodded slightly, gave the black-clothed men around him a wink, and immediately went to dispose of the vermilion lacquered coffin.

   Turned to bow to Master Zhang and saluted: "Thank you, Master."

  I was about to leave when I was done, but Master Zhang called out "Wait a minute".

  Richard remained calm, waiting for the other party to speak.

  Master Zhang said: "This matter is not Mr. Bao's. Can you recommend him for me? I want to take care of that."

  Richard frowned, not understanding what Master Zhang meant.

  They have cooperated well these years. Apart from being a little greedy for money, Master Zhang has good ability and character.

  The most important thing is to know the rules and know how to behave.

   Just take money to do things, never ask what shouldn't be asked.

  Richard was a little surprised when he suddenly proposed to see Du Fei this time.

   Still nodded and said: "I can convey your wish, but whether that gentleman is willing to see you, I have no control."

  Master Zhang laughed, saying that it doesn't matter, as long as he can say something.

  The other end.

  As the vermilion lacquer coffin was dug out, the feng shui situation Li Cheng asked Master Qian to arrange painstakingly was broken.

  He was immediately backlashed and groaned in pain.

  The whole person is aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, suddenly aging by more than 30 years.

   "'s you!" Li Cheng was stunned. Although his body was aging, his thinking was still clear.

   Staring at Du Fei in horror and resentment, he shouted, "You broke my Feng Shui!"

  Du Fei didn't bother to talk to him, let alone wasting words with a defeated dog.

  At this moment, Ci Xin walked out of the villa in a white dress.

  Her steps were brisk, seemingly slow but in a hurry, and she came to Du Fei in a flash.

  The battle just now left almost no traces on her body.

   Xiao Huang came out together.

  Compared to the calmness of compassion, Xiao Huang is a little embarrassed.

  In order to resist the black qi in the formation, fart continuously, and the internal qi is deficient, and it takes at least two weeks to recover.

   Du Fei smiled, reached out and lifted the heavy machine gun from the tripod below, and threw it into the back seat of the car.

   Then he quickly picked up the tripod, superficially put it in the car, but actually put it back.

   Immediately, she and Ci Xin got into the car, started the car, put it in gear, and drove away.

  Although the heavy machine gun was put away, none of the people present dared to block it.

   Until the car went away, the two leaders came to Li Cheng's side.

  Seeing that the middle-aged man who had been rosy and full of energy not long ago had become old, the two looked at each other, and their scalps felt numb.

  They didn't know the inside story, and thought that Du Fei used some means to turn Li Cheng into this ghost.

   Otherwise, why did Du Fei leave immediately when Li Cheng got into trouble just now~

   "Li Sheng~Li Sheng? Are you okay~"

  The two called out twice, and Li Cheng finally came back to his senses.

  (end of this chapter)

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