MTL - Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife-~ 116 Sujiazi mother island

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After playing in the military factory for two days, the two finally boarded the mother island where the Sujia Base Camp was located. At the same time, Xiao Sunuo, accompanied by Ms. Su, came to the island and had a large number of fellow members. A small two animals, Xiaobaihu Xiaobaibai and Xiaojingui Xiaomeng, together with Su Yanyi and Qin Silent, became a sightseeing tour group, making the whole island become lively.

"It is very special, but as long as it is what you like, it is very worthwhile." Both of them gave their own handguns to the other party. It seems that they really seem to be exchanging sentimental tokens. Qin thought of it here. Some smiles are satisfied. In fact, he feels that he has received the token of love. This is not just this one. All the things that Yan Yi gave him are a sentiment for him!

Su Yanyi doesn't want to wait too long, and the last one can be upgraded. As stated in the original, after the system gets the golden gem, as long as it can rise to the fourth level, it will undergo a qualitative change, which makes her quite a bit. look forward to.

Su Yanyi calculated it in her heart. The Qin shares she already has in her hands are 12%, and nearly 20% are planned to be acquired. Most of these shares are Qin family. It is also relatively easy to obtain in the plan. As for the other, you need to find another way, and that is less than 20%, and it will take some time to wait for the result.

Twenty-nine points, it is a point, and this point she has already arranged, and the 50% share of the Qin family, she will certainly get the hand for Qin! However, if it is 50% of the total, is the time a bit long, or else send a part first?

[Congratulations to the host to complete the three-level task once, plus one point, the current stage points for twenty-nine points, please continue to work hard! 】

At the same time, the system's prompt sounds unexpectedly came out.

"Do we think it is an exchange of sentimental tokens? Just someone else sent a ring, we sent a gun, it was quite special." Su Yanyi naturally refused to accept it, but took a look at it, although there is no technology of its own. Ok, but she still likes it.

"Yi Yi, don't give up, although rough, but this is the gun I made for the first time, give it to you?" Qin looked at the gun he made, and he was so proud and somewhat I am very glad that the gap he made and the clothes made by Yan Yi is a bit big, but this is the first gun he made. He really wants to give Yan Yi.

The two played in the military factory for another day, mainly because Qin was very interested in these. Every workshop went through it, opened his eyes, learned something, and finally tried to learn to make guns with the master, although There is no technology, but it is still made.

I have to say that Qin is more and more cheeky, but this may be the magic of love, Su Yanyi attaches importance to him, and his **, he gradually gained confidence, and Su Yan Among the clothes, they are more and more active, more and more calm, and at the same time, the relationship between the two people is getting more and more harmonious.

Qin quietly thought of doing a brunch on the side of the fart, and worked hard for so long, he must give Yan Yi a delicious supplement.

After Qin got out of bed, he silently gave himself a compliment in his heart. He worked hard for one night and worked hard for the morning. Now he is bitten by his wife and kicks a few feet. What are the medals of the **!

Missed the breakfast, and almost missed the lunch time, Su Yanyi ate the meat and did not eat enough, Qin suddenly eat Su Yanyi apparently did not eat enough, two people bite enough, one has not eaten enough, but It’s not good to stay in bed anymore. Su Yanyi kicked Qin into the bed and took him to cook.

"Poor mouth!" This man is actually laughing at her, it really is bad, but this change has made her feel very interesting, and her heart also reveals a sweet taste, a charming smile. When it was really a kind of style, let Qin look straight into the eyes, holding Su Yanyi and eagerly kissed, the man who just got up, always has some uncontrollable.

"Yi Yi, don't bite your teeth." Qin's voice smirked on his head, Su Yanyi heard this voice, and suddenly he was less calm, and the strength of his mouth was deepened!

It’s unbearable, and Su Yanyi’s anger is biting on the chest of Qin’s silence, letting you disobey, letting you say hard work, letting you faint me, seeing that I don’t kill you!

When Su Yanyi woke up, she was still a little bit dull at first. It was physically and mentally exhausted, so that Su Shiyi, who was too savvy on weekdays, was somewhat uncomfortable, but this confusion was only a matter of moments. When she thought of the tossing of the night, the whole person would not be very good. She finally said that she didn’t want it yesterday, but the man dared not listen to her words, and finally fainted her, it was so abominable. Now!

When the two people woke up again, they had already arrived at noon. Even the breakfast was missed. Qin was a little embarrassed. He was a little impulsive last night. After Yanyi took a shower, he couldn’t help but rushed over, then one. The blink of an eye is now.

However, it is a pity that Qin’s return is invalidated by the system, but at this time, Su Yanyi has not thought so much, because she has been immersed in the man’s efforts!

As for the return ceremony, Qin was quietly sent that night. It was very practical and I wanted to give it back. Two people tossed up until dawn and finally rested. Su Yanyi didn’t know if she was tired or slept. I only remember that this man is like a cow. He has been there to say that he has to work hard. She will never want to hear the words of hard work anymore!

Su Yanyi smiled, didn't say anything, turned and went to the bathroom. Qin was happily playing with a golden local tyrant pistol, and then carefully took it up. Every gift that Yan Yi sent him belonged to him. The most precious treasures must be collected and collected for a lifetime.

"Like! Thank you!" Qin quietly shook the gun in the handshake. He received so many gifts from Yan Yi, most of them were made by Yan Yi, and each one was very hard, so that he not only liked it, but more Still moving.

“I like it?” Su Yanyi asked another question. Although her heart was beautiful, she did not show it.

Su Yanyi saw Qin’s expression like this, and he was so proud. Seriously, he thought that he would have a lot of things, and he was getting closer and closer to his all-powerful wife.

"You still make a gun?" Qin really wants to ask the last sentence, but what else is you will not!

"I did it myself, do you like it?" Of course, many of the accessories are ready-made, but she has also made some changes, and they have assembled them by hand. The starting rate is definitely over 50%.

"Well, beautiful gun, where did you find it, are you going out for so long to find a gun for me?" Qin was not stupid, he guessed it halfway, but as for the other half, he wouldn’t think so refined. The pistol will be made by Yan Yi.

"Send you." Su Yanyi looked forward to seeing Qin quietly. Compared with the previous gifts, she felt that this time should be more in line with Qin's lonely mind.

Su Yanyi did not go immediately, but sent the things out of her hand. I don’t know if it was infected by the taste of the system. When Su Yanyi made this pistol, she even chose gold. Make this pistol more refined and valuable.

When Su Yanyi came back, Qin was quietly sitting in the living room reading a book, but apparently it was somewhat absent-minded. The main reason was to wait for her. When she saw her coming back, she immediately stood up and walked over. First, she looked at Su Yanyi up and down. After confirming that there is no problem, I said, "I came back so late, tired, the bathroom is ready, go take a shower."

Qin still feels Su Yanyi is a bit strange, it seems that there is something to carry him not to let him know, but he did not ask anything, just waiting for Su Yanyi to go back in the small building, this is four For many hours, until the middle of the night, Su Yanyi was a little tired and returned to the small building.

In the evening, the two lived in a small building outside the military factory. After dinner, Su Yanyi and Qin said that they had something to deal with, leaving Qin alone.

In the following period, Yu Zhentian took a very close look at the military factory with the two people, and the military factory of the Su family did not smash the three words of the military factory, so Qin was very shocked.

"Okay, okay, hahaha. When the young lady was a little boy, she was still a little doll. Now she grows up. Even her aunt has it. Yu Shu is really dissatisfied with the old, haha." Yu Zhentian was very happy. He also looked at Su Yanyi, and now it is like seeing his daughter take her son-in-law to go home.

When Su Yanyi and Su Yan were young, Yu Zhentian was once the teacher of both of them, and taught them a lot of knowledge. Su Yanyi also respected him.

Yu Shu, Yu Zhentian, the figure who once fought for Sujia Liguo, is also the instructor of the dark dragon mercenary, and the famous and powerful figure in the underground world. It is the core of the Su family cultivated by Grandpa Su, now Serving as the general manager of the military factory.

"Yu Shu." Qin also quietly screamed, the performance is very natural and very calm, not too proud, not too kind.

"Yu Shu, I haven't seen it for a few years, and I have become more and more spiritual." Su Yanyi took the lead in greeting, and then introduced to Qin: "This is Yu Shu, who is also the person in charge of the military factory."

"Welcome Missy and her grandfather to the island." The first time they got off the plane, some people greeted them. They were also camouflage uniforms, but the armbands of the left arm were somewhat different. Qin still couldn’t understand these. However, Su Yanyi is obviously very clear and familiar with the people who come to pick them up.

It turned out to be the home base of the Su family, and the military factory. It is naturally the most important thing. It must be extremely strict defense. From the helicopter, there is a row of soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms. Some people are standing guards not far away, and the typical militarized management is even more rigorous.

In fact, the small island where the military factory is located is also part of the base camp. The two islands are typical mother islands. This is one of the reasons why the Su family chose this small island as a base camp a long time ago.

On the early morning of the next day, Su Yanyi and his entourage left the feast in a helicopter, and Su Yanyi also traveled to her promise, and went to the military factory of Sujia with Qin, and was also away from the private island of Sujia. On a small island far away, and by the way arranged the next trip, went to the military factory, went to the base camp of the Su family, the island is really beautiful.

"Okay." She is like the silence and calm of the sea like this starry sky, but she likes it more because of the company, it seems that wherever she goes, she has a feeling of home.

"If you like it, we will come to see it later." Under the quiet night sky, the mysterious and magnificent sea, the two close together, Qin quietly said in Su Yanyi's ear.

Su Yanyi and Qin Silent have decided to go to see this mysterious sea tonight, in order to be afraid of cold, even the outer garments are ready.

"Then there will be a chance to see you again in the future. If the two come to Europe later, Tiers Castle will always welcome the two to go to the guest." Fei Yi did not have much entanglement, left after leaving the words.

Fei Yan frowned, some accidents, and some unhappy. The Tiers family was the first to be so categorically rejected, but he obviously did not have the qualification to lose his temper. After returning yesterday, he was taught by his father. For a while, if you make mistakes again today, it is estimated that the position of the heirs will be unstable. The family of Thiers is not only his blood.

"Thank you, but we have already had an appointment. We will have a chance to get together again in the future." Su Yanyi did not receive the invitation, and said in a cold tone.

"Two, today the Tiers family held a small banquet in the Imperial Hall. My father asked me to send an invitation to the two. I hope the two can participate." Fei Yi sent the invitation in his hand, courteous and courteous. Said, I can't see the kind of smashing the family yesterday, and the human figure is really a little gentleman's taste.

At the end of the auction, everyone walked out of the private room. Just after a few steps, they met Fei Yi, and it seemed to come to Su Yanyi and others.

After bidding on the stone, Su Yanyi auctioned a private aquarium in Australia because she thought of how Xiao Suno liked marine animals and then took it down, and this time she It is also a lot of money. The total value of this private aquarium is more than 800 million, but Su Yanyi said that she is not spending her own money, she does not feel bad at all.

Su Yanyi will not refuse, but rather how some curiosity systems will use this stone.

At the moment when the gem appeared on the stage, it suddenly jumped out and asked her to buy this gem in a very excited tone. This is the energy necessary for the evolution of the perfect wife system, perhaps all The world is really only one piece.

When the auction went to the second half, Su Yanyi shot and sold a baby-sized golden jewel that is said to be unique in the world at a price of 132 million, but this jewel is not her But the system needs it.

"That's alive together." Qin quietly thought of some pictures that he had thought about. It was all about getting along with Yan Yi. It was also a look and expectation for Yan Yi and his future. As Yan Yi said, they There are really a lot of things that haven't been done yet, and it's good to be alive!

"That's still alive, we still have a lot of things that haven't been done yet." After a death, Su Yanyi cherished her life very much. In this life, she still has a lot to do.

Some ** feelings are so crazy, as long as they are together, what does it have to do with it, anyway, he will not be separated from Yan Yi!

Qin quietly embraced Su Yan clothing and said: "We are together, living or dying, I don't care."

"Let us also eliminate?" Su Yanyi also knows that Qin’s words are a momentary impulsive joke, but he does not mind continuing to follow.

"If I am an international policeman, I will definitely stare at it. When these people get together, they will all be wiped out." Qin quietly lowered his voice, and his tone was so helpless, but he knew that his thoughts were too much. Idealization is only a momentary impulse to say it. If these people are really eliminated here, the world is estimated to be indiscriminate. The number of people who die outside is definitely much more than the ones who died here.

The auction will continue, and the things on the auction table will be more and more abundant, such as the latest research in a national laboratory, the power of an underground organization, a scientific experimental station in the Antarctic, a scientist. The latest research results on chemical and biological weapons, the mess is so strange that people look at it, of course, the novelty will also be secretly scared, these things are not good things, a carelessness may cause great disaster.

"That's it." Su Yanyi did not insist, seeing Qin is not interested, her interest disappeared instantly.

"No interest, gambling is too big, not suitable for me." Qin is not as crazy as Su Yanyi, Su Yanyi is a kind of casual person who does things according to his own temperament, but Qin’s personality is very calm. There is no interest in such a thing.

"Why, do you have any interest in playing?" Su Yanyi saw Qin’s thoughtless thoughts and interesting suggestions. Anyway, the father said that he paid for the trip and bought the mining rights of the diamond mine. If you can really pick up a diamond, give it to your mom as a gift.

In fact, Qin still thinks so, but there are still many people who are involved in the auction, and the price has increased by more than 200 million. It is also a scene in which Qin has seen a money-like scene, and this If you spend money, you still don’t know if you can buy something of value, but this is the so-called investment to take risks, if it is rich ore...

"Of course, I can't be sure." Su Yanyi replied without hesitation, the auction house's auction, but there is a certain amount of water, the facts, it is estimated that only the seller himself is clear.

"If you use this kind of mineral auction, can you determine whether to mine the diamond?" Qin asked with some doubts. Does he think that there is much credibility in such an auction, and it is still the minerals of African countries. Can it really guarantee safety?

One year of diamond mining rights? Qin is still the first time I heard that there is such an auction item, it is very novel, but this time will not be too short.

"The third auction of the auction is now starting. The first auction item is the diamond mining right in a certain country in Africa. The mining time is one year, the reserve price is 100 million US dollars, and the price increase must not be less than 5 million. Now the auction is started. ......"

The third game of the auction is also the last one of the auction. The type of auction is very mixed. Maybe there are some things that are taken or not taken in the first and second auctions. There are also some very special things. It is a variety of things, and one of the commonalities of these things is that they are worth a lot of money.

Corey's face turned black in an instant. He obviously came to help them solve the problem. Although he doesn't need him to do anything now, can he not be so disgusted with him? He was disguised for the first time since he was a child. So many times, and this person is still alive, hehe!

"You need to be a little farther away." Su Yanyi did not leave the cards, he said very directly.

"Is there anything I need to help?" Cory came forward and asked, holding a glass of wine in his hand and putting it in front of Su Yanyi.

Shortly after the matter was resolved, Corey rushed to the scene. He also came after hearing the report from the people. However, he did not think that the matter was solved so quickly, but once again, he thought of the identity of Su Yanyi. Not so strange, and finally found two people holding a card together at a table, Corey felt that he was flashed again, and these two people are really good at all times.

The people around him immediately took him a few steps away and looked at him with contemptuous eyes, as if to say, you don’t even know this, don’t even know me, bring out more people!

"It's so arrogant, it can make the family of Tiers down. Who are these two big men? Why don't I know?" Someone who is not qualified to know is excited and confused.

Many people say that Su Yan Mo is a small prince in the underground world, then Su Yanyi is also a little princess in the underground world. From the reaction of these people, it is enough to know the influence of the Su family in the underground world. Of course, among them. Some people simply don't know what happened, and they can only say that these people don't even know the qualifications.

After Su Yanyi finished, he took Qin and walked away. The place where he passed, the people standing there all took the initiative to give way to them, and the posture was not good.

"Friends are excused, don't come back to find trouble." Su Yanyi did not mean to make friends. After speaking to Fei Yan, he said to Luo Dihua: "Time is still early, we still have to play, I will not be accompanied."

At this time, Su Yanyi and Qin still feel that this fee has such a merit. It is not the heir to the family of the Thiers family. It is not so idiotic.

"Miss Su said, laughing, a misunderstanding, not saying that I don't know if I don't know. If you don't mind, I really want to make friends. Mr. Su has always been my idol. I can meet Su. Miss is also my honor.” Fei Yan took a deep breath, like adjusting emotions, and then said calmly.

There are so many people in the world, and one or two of them are silently silent. For her, it is still very easy!

"I won't retaliate in the future?" Su Yanyi asked very straightforwardly. At the same time, he was also seriously looking at the look of Fei Yan. Thinking about this person, if there is still the thought of revenge, I really don't blame her for being unkind!

If it was said that Fei Yan’s eyes were still full of haze and revenge, Su Shiyi and Qin’s eyes were changed at this time. The eyes were more surprised and dignified, although they were still unwilling and resentful. Not so obvious.

"Fei Wei!" Luo Dihua did not talk nonsense, directly screamed at Fei Yin with a cold voice and pressure. Fei Yan immediately came over and said coldly: "I am sorry, I am abrupt, and still Please don't go to the heart!"

"He not only offended me, but also offended my husband. If you want to apologize, should he also apologize to us personally?" Su Yanyi does not think that Laozi is more sincere to apologize for his son, but she also feels Fei Yan should thank him more, otherwise he will probably have been thrown into the sea at this time.

Luo Dihua is obviously soft, but at the same time he has not forgotten to remind Su Yanyi. He and Su Yanmo also have some cooperative relations. I hope that Su Yanyi can give him a face and not hurt two.

Luo Dihua’s expression was also a bit more dignified. He couldn’t help but glance at the same shocked son. This is a sigh of relief and said to Su Yanyi: “If the child offended Miss Su, I will send him to the Soviet Union. Miss apologizes, I have some cooperation with my brother, so little misunderstanding, please ask Miss Su not to be on the mind."

In the underground world, no matter how big the big name is, it will not give the face of the Dark Dragon mercenary, even the old family of Thiers.

But I don’t know that the Su family is normal, but almost no one does not know the Dark Dragon mercenary organization under the leadership of Su Yanmo. It can be said that the Dark Dragon mercenary is in terms of the quantity and quality of personnel, and the quality and grade of equipment. Can definitely be called the ace of the mercenary community, and even comparable to the real army of many countries! This is also the most powerful and powerful force of the Su family, and it is also a force on the bright side, which is well known to all.

Su’s behavior is very low-key, and there is no such thing as a king’s dominance. And because there are few direct bloodlines, the sideline personnel will not deliberately mention that they are Sujia’s people, so they have heard the Sujia name. Really not much.

If you say Sujia, there are actually not many people in the dark world, but all who know it are undoubtedly ancient families with some history. (.. )
