MTL - Rebirth of the Entrepreneurship Era-v2 Chapter 323 For whom

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Shen Lele was wearing a wide white sweater and a pair of washed light blue SuperX102 jeans. The pants themselves were thin, plus the legs were long and tall, so they looked great on the stage and immediately attracted countless boys. s concern.

It can be said that until now, Shen Lele's figure is definitely ranked first, no one can match it.

Immediately afterwards, the long-prepared dance team immediately took off the thick cotton-padded jacket and followed Shen Lele on the stage.

Xu Yiyang quickly pulled out the DV and prepared to record her for the whole journey.

The staff of the organizing committee was stunned at this time. I didn't hear that this song was accompanied by dance. Why did this come to a dance team?

Confused, the accompaniment has already started playing.

As the prelude of the heavy metal sounded, the accompaniment immediately followed the rhythm and danced a carefully choreographed modern dance.

This double impact of hearing and vision suddenly burst the entire scene.

The staff of the organizing committee is even more ignorant, what's going on? Accompaniment also changed? Wasn't it the original accompaniment of Zhang Huimei's version before? Where does this rock version come from now?

At this time, as soon as the prelude of the explosive atmosphere ended, Shen Lele just sang the first sentence, and the perfect voice and powerful aura will stunning the audience!

Even Xu Yiyang, who was behind the scene, listened to the blood, not to mention the students who heard the rock version of "BadBoy" for the first time.

Everyone almost stood up, waved and screamed with the rhythm of the music, and even reached the chorus stage, the audience began to follow the chorus of Shen Lele.

When Shen Lele finished, the applause was thunderous.

This is by far the most enthusiastic program.

After Shen Lele sang the song, walked back in a down jacket, and sat next to Xu Yiyang, she smiled and asked, "How is it, is it okay to sing?"

Xu Yiyang nodded and gave his thumbs up, "It's great! And I can see the tension!"

Shen Lele put out her tongue and said, "Do you know why I am not nervous?"

Xu Yiyang asked curiously: "Why?"

Shen Lele said with a smile: "I was looking for you after I went up. The top is too bright, the bottom is too dark, and there are many people. I have n’t found it for a long time. ... "

Xu Yiyang nodded and smiled, "I didn't expect that I still have this effect."

After finishing speaking, Xu Yiyang handed the DV to Shen Lele and told him: "In a while, you must remember to record the entire course of Li Haiyang's singing program, and start recording from the stage.

Shen Lele asked in surprise: "Why did you record him?"

Xu Yiyang said with a smile: "This is the king who forced the king. It's too bad not to record a wave, you just listen to me, and the whole video will do."

"ok, I get it."


Soon, Xu Yiyang and Chen Meng were waiting.

The two came to the back of the stage with the gown they bought earlier.

There are already several people preparing for the waiting area, including Li Haiyang, who is wearing a black suit, white shirt, and black bow tie, and Ning Ruolin, who is about to appear on the stage, holding Guqin.

Ning Ruolin wore a very exquisite Hanfu. When she saw Xu Yiyang, she waved at him: "Classmate Xu Yiyang!"

Ning Ruolin smiled, and the two shallow pear vortices diagonally below the corner of her mouth looked beautiful and lovely.

Xu Yiyang looked at her in surprise and praised, "Your clothes are very beautiful!"

Ning Ruolin smiled generously and turned around, saying, "Do you do it yourself?"

Xu Yiyang couldn't help thumbs up: "Skip a lot, I didn't expect you to have this craft!"

"What did you say before? I didn't understand."

"It's nothing, it's very powerful!"

Ning Ruolin said with a smile: "It's not a bad thing, it's a hobby. I always wanted to learn fashion design when I was a child. My family didn't agree, otherwise I wouldn't study in China Overseas."

With that in mind, she blinked at Xu Yiyang and smiled, "Yes, I have carefully studied the layout design of SuperX, which is really great. The designers of this company must be very powerful, right?"

Xu Yiyang said with a smile: "I heard that it is quite powerful."

Ning Ruolin said: "If you have the opportunity to meet, learn more from others."

Xu Yiyang nodded vaguely. He always felt that Ning Ruolin had already guessed that SuperX had a lot to do with himself.

In fact, Ning Ruolin not only knows that SuperX has a lot to do with him, he even knows that he is probably the boss of SuperX.

Ning Ruolin's basis for inference is mainly the opportunity for SuperX to appear, and Xu Yiyang's behavior to find his own help to bring goods.

More than a month ago, her younger aunt and younger aunt came back from abroad to visit relatives and passed Zhonghai to specially send her a few clothes. There were two Levi's jeans inside.

Ning Ruolin didn't think much about it, just thought that the jeans were pretty and the style was very rare, but I really didn't expect that he just wore it, which triggered a trend that swept the school.

A month later, Xu Yiyang took out a pair of jeans that were more fashionable than Levi ’s and gave it to her for free to try on, so she soon realized that Xu Yiyang wanted to wear SuperX and repeat Levis ’s original dress. That trend.

And Xu Yiyang, a college student, how could he be associated with a Hong Kong clothing brand for no reason? And why did the Hong Kong apparel brand give him clothes and let him find someone to try on in China Overseas?

I do n’t think it ’s strange if you do n’t think about it, but if you think about it, you know that this is no accident.

Ning Ruolin specifically asked her high school classmates who were studying in university in Hong Kong. The other party said they had never heard of any SuperX brand in Hong Kong, which means that this brand is likely to have just been registered for a while.

It is likely that Levis started to do it after the fire broke out.

Reanalyzing Xu Yiyang's behavior style, he can bring his roommates to sell hundreds of thousands of military training uniforms in a week or two. In three months, he opened two Internet cafes and held two contests. The execution efficiency is very high.

This time point of more than a month is enough for a person like him to register a brand and design one or two jeans.

Therefore, she speculated that SuperX should be done by Xu Yiyang.

This also made her more curious about this boy of the same age.

She couldn't understand why a young man who was 18 years old and only 19 years old today would have such a strong ability.

On the side, Li Haiyang saw Xu Yiyang's fiery chat with Ning Ruolin, and her hated teeth tickled.

He did n’t like Ning Ruolin, but he did n’t like it. But when he saw a woman like Ning Ruolin, he felt a lot of pressure on his body. He also knew very clearly that although Ning Ruolin was very beautiful, she was not his own dish.

However, even if it was not his own dish, he was still very upset when he saw Xu Yiyang eating two bites.

He always feels that he seems to be no worse than Xu Yiyang. He is almost taller than him. His family is richer than him. He even feels that he is more handsome than him. Why are women not as good as him?

Take a look at Shen Lele, who is in excellent shape. He walked around him every day. I heard that she even gave up Tsinghua to come to China Overseas to find him. How could she not meet such a beautiful, so beautiful woman who loves herself so desperately? ?

Look at Tong Yuewei again. When you see Xu Yiyang's eyes are full of light, you will know Xu Yiyang and what do you like about him? Are you handsome? He opened a broken internet cafe for him, and his family took out a small house, and Xu Yiyang may not earn it for half a lifetime.

And Gu Sijia.

Damn, at first glance, Gu Sijia is really his own dish, especially for his own taste.

But no one else is just trying to avoid a bite.

what the hell?

The key point is that Gu Sijia saw all kinds of hiding, and when she saw Xu Yiyang, she always smiled, even if she couldn't see that she liked Xu Yiyang, at least she didn't hide from Xu Yiyang at all!

Now, Ning Ruolin also talks so intimately with Xu Yiyang, which is really annoying.

At this time, Ning Ruolin's previous performance was over, and the host also signed the report. Ning Ruolin was invited to perform the Guqin solo "Mountain Flowing Water", so Ning Ruolin hurriedly said: "Xu Yiyang, I will come on stage first, you will be well. which performed!"

Xu Yiyang nodded and smiled, "Come on."

Several boys have already run up the stage at this time, helped her set the stool, two piano stands, and the microphone stand. Ning Ruolin held the Guqin on the stage, bowed slightly under the stage, and then placed the Guqin ~ www. ~ Ning Ruolin is a woman with a strong classical temperament. She puts on Hanfu and sits in front of Guqin, just like a painting.

Now that the antiquity has not begun, the so-called hanfu movement in the later generations still has no shadow, so now you can make a hanfu by yourself and wear it boldly in the performance. You should really like the hanfu culture, not just advertise it. People who are different from others.

Subsequently, Ning Ruolin began to play.

The sound of the piano sounded, and the sound was pleasant and the aftertones curled.

Guqin's rhythm is soothing. The kind of soft tremolo seems to pull people back into the nature with no tall buildings, no cars and no electricity. It seems to be listening to this song by the mountains and flowing water. It feels great.

Although it is a classical piece, the applause from the audience was very enthusiastic.

Subsequently, Xu Yiyang waited for two more programs.

At this time, Li Haiyang had reached the entrance of the stage, he could not see any tension at all, but the girl next to him had been taking a deep breath nervously.

Xu Yiyang couldn't help but despise, Li Haiyang, you chose a duet, but only sang by yourself, let the partner really sing, too bad?

Anyway, I also found a female singer, and recorded the part of the female voice, but now you are more relaxed, just go up to the lip type, see how stressful the girls are?

At this time, the host read a series of words affectionately: "Last year, a huge flood that had not been encountered for a hundred years invaded the motherland and the countless people were under great threat and loss. At the critical moment, it was our people ’s soldiers. With his own flesh and blood, he blocked the turbulent flood and saved the people of Limin behind him. In this flood, a classic hymn also appeared, let us welcome the sophomore Li Haiyang and Ma Bingbing, Bring us this "For Who"! "