MTL - Rebirth of the Entrepreneurship Era-v2 Chapter 321 You're done

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All the performers of the singing and dancing programs have already paid the accompaniment band a few days ago.

Because computers are not popular these years, VCDs are prone to chocks, stutters, and harsh noises due to disc wear. Therefore, all accompaniments for this evening party require the use of magnetic tape, and must be self-recorded.

For example, Gu Sijia and they spent 20 yuan, and asked the owner of the audio-visual store to help record two tapes. The two tapes, regardless of their front and back sides, were played from scratch.

When you go to any program, you need to directly play the tape of which program. You need to prepare two reels to avoid accidents on the spot. In this way, if the first reel is broken, the second reel is used.

And the chance of tape damage is very small, much more stable than the disc.

After recording the accompaniment of Shen Lele's "BadBoy", two tapes were also filled.

Therefore, the "For Who" by Li Haiyang who was looking for someone to record and to be used for fake singing must be two tapes.

Today, through rehearsal, Xu Yiyang intends to see who is managing these accompaniment cassettes.

Then, after Li Haiyang's rehearsal was over, he had to find the opportunity to use the two sets in his pocket to replace the two sets he handed in.

Because, after today's rehearsal, the tape will not be played again, and all the tapes will be archived, and will be played in the order of the program tomorrow.

The rehearsal was conducted during the class time. Except for the performance staff, other students were not allowed to attend, which is also to ensure the mystery of the program to the maximum extent.

As soon as the rehearsal started, Xu Yiyang went to the side of the stage and found out that it was the two senior teachers who were in charge of playing the tape.

The two girls are very responsible, and the tapes are all placed in order, with labels on the sides, with serial numbers and program names written on them.

Dozens of tapes are packed in separate tape cassettes, neatly arranged in a plastic box, starting with number 1, each serial number has two reels.

Li Haiyang's "For Who" is the 17th, what Xu Yiyang has to do is to replace the tapes in the two tape cassettes after Li Haiyang's rehearsal is over.

However, the two girls have been staring here. Before each tape is played, the two people must check and avoid mistakes at the same time, and they have no chance to start.

If this is not possible, you can only wait for the rehearsal to end, and see where the staff put the tape. At night, you can find a way to change the raccoon to change the prince.

If it doesn't work, you can wait for tomorrow's party to officially start and look for opportunities. Anyway, as long as it's more than 11 o'clock and Li Haiyang will be replaced before he debuts.

Shen Lele's "BadBoy" used Zhang Huimei's original accompaniment when rehearsing. Because Xu Yiyang still planned to leave the most exploded rock version to the performance site, so today did not let the dance team come.

When tomorrow's performance, directly replace the accompaniment band with the rock version, and then take the accompaniment to the stage, the effect will definitely burst.

However, even with Zhang Huimei's original accompaniment, Shen Lele still shocked the audience. After she finished singing, the applause was thunderous.

Li Haiyang and Ma Bingbing sang "For Who", and won a lot of applause. Li Haiyang, the grandson, found a professional vocal student, and he practiced his lip for a long time. Most of the singing programs in the front have been suppressed.

The only thing that can be compared with it is Shen Lele's "BadBoy".

Li Haiyang was very proud. After the curtain call, he turned directly to Gu Sijia.

Sitting in the empty seat behind Gu Sijia, he leaned over and asked with a smile: "Sijia, can I sing just now?"

Although Gu Sijia didn't like him very much, he nodded politely and said objectively: "It's a very good sing. Should you have studied vocal music?"

Li Haiyang said with a smile: "I have learned a little fur."

Gu Sijia sincerely sighed: "It is already very powerful!"

Tong Yuewei looked at Li Haiyang with surprise and said, "How do I think your voice is so different from your singing voice that it is not like the same person."

Li Haiyang said without changing his face: "Speaking normally is this kind of voice, but there are many ways to sing. The pronunciation, breath, and resonance of each singing method are different. It is normal to differentiate from speaking, especially like singing. The kind of tenor, they talk and sing exactly two people. "

Tong Yuewei thought Li Haiyang said something reasonable, and nodded gently.

Xu Yiyang listened to Li Haiyang's bragging, and couldn't help but sneer. You really **** pretend. I lived for two lifetimes, and I have never seen you pretend to be like this.

He hired someone to record, and then sang by himself. Did he fuck? It's a magical stroke!

However, if you wait for it, tomorrow's performance will definitely make you remember your life.

At this time, Li Haiyang said again: "By Sijia, my dad said on New Year's Day holiday that he would like to invite your family to visit us. Do you want to ask when uncle and aunt have time?"

Gu Sijia said: "I'm sorry, I have arrangements for the holiday, no time."

Li Haiyang said: "Come with your uncle and aunt. It's not too long to have a homely meal."

Gu Sijia said: "I'm sorry, I really have arrangements."

With that in mind, Gu Sijia looked at Xu Yiyang and asked, "Squad leader, is it time for your crosstalk? We are still waiting to hear it again."

Xu Yiyang nodded: "Should call us soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, the host took the microphone and said, "Next, please invite Xu Yiyang and Chen Meng, freshmen, to rehearse."

Xu Yiyang stood up and walked onto the stage with Chen Meng. Yu Guang looked at Li Haiyang and saw that he was still holding Gu Sijia in his face, swearing in his heart: "Li Haiyang, you will have to go to the next day, and tomorrow, you will become the whole The laughing stock overseas! "


The laughter of China Overseas is not enough!

You have to bring the camera with you and let people film his full set of performances. After two years of network development, you can hang up on the Internet, which may become a fake roll call scene and continue to spread.

As he thought about it, he boarded the stage with Chen Meng.

The two performed the cross talk of "I want to travel" in a stable manner. The two's coordination, smooth lines, baggage and rhythm were also well controlled, so they received excellent results at the scene.

Although most of the classmates who have participated in the show have heard this cross talk, but after listening to it again, I still feel full of laughter, and everyone laughs forward and backward.

At the end of the rehearsal, Xu Yiyang and Chen Meng stepped down from the stage and listened to several staff members get together to discuss. The school leaders have no time to come to participate in the rehearsal, so their chorus "Into the New Era" cannot pass.

A girl said: "We have to control the duration, because from the end of the cross talk to the school leaders chorus and speech, the time must be more accurate to the zero point, then everyone can count down together, if the duration is not good, early In a few minutes, the scene will definitely be more embarrassing, but if it is a few minutes late and there is no time to count down, it will be over. "

A school staff member said: "So, let's put the accompaniment of" Into the New Era "first, and then ask a few people to go up and walk through the speech process to see how long each person can speak. Then we will arrange A staff member is gesturing to the school leaders under the stage ~ ~ When should I change the next one, and when will the last one end, we all pinch points, anyway, at 11:59, All school leaders must end their speeches and then prepare to count down. "

"Okay." Another male student wearing glasses said, "Then play the accompaniment first, and then organize several staff members to go on stage together. I will count down the stage, and then I will gesture to the people on the stage. . "

"it is good."

At this time, the school staff said to the two girls in charge of the accompaniment in the backstage: "First play the accompaniment of" Into the New Era ", and then the two of you will come to the stage to help build up the numbers."

Xu Yiyang suddenly realized that the opportunity came.

In fact, most of the programs have been rehearsed up to now. But the reason why many people did n’t leave is that they want to listen to the crosstalk between Xu Yiyang and Chen Meng again. Now the crosstalk is over, there are no good programs behind, so everyone They left one after another.

Even Gu Sijia and Tong Yuewei, because they couldn't stand Li Haiyang's harassment, hurried away.

Xu Yiyang excused himself, let Chen Meng go first, walked around in the toilet, and then slipped back quietly.

The accompaniment of "Into the New Era" is playing on the spot, and the staff are waiting for the walk on the stage beside the stage.

After the accompaniment of the song ended, the two girls responsible for playing the accompaniment had no other work at hand, so they turned off the playback equipment and went to the front desk to join the number of people to help.

Seeing that everyone was devoting themselves to rehearsal walks, Xu Yiyang quietly touched the back of the stage.

Seeing no one around, he used the fastest speed to remove the tape cassette with the number 17 and the "for whom" label from the plastic box, took out the two tapes inside, and plugged the two discs in his pocket. Went in.

You're done!