MTL - Rebirth of Spoiled Crown Princess-Chapter 431 All happy, [monthly ticket]

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“Wang Wang妃?” An Dianyue didn’t know, so it’s very surprising. This thing is Shen Zhihua’s telling Shen Zhiyun’s. The night in the East is so bad that he has a good mood and they say this thing. Besides, he still wants to live more. Two days.

Therefore, Shen Zhiyun is not sure.

Maybe my brother got it wrong.

Huang Weier doesn't really matter. She has already earned it anyway.

"Yes, it is said to be the princess of Thailand."

"Is the princess not wanting to be a prince?"

"The specific one does not know, but the last palace feast, the princess will be fascinated by the prince, who makes the prince look better than the oriental brocade." Shen Zhiyun sighed. "This matter has been passed on like this, think it is Already fixed, no matter what, it is a princess, we are afraid that there will be no good days."

An Dianyue was even more shocked. In such a big event, he never disclosed his own slogan with himself. He has been kept in the dark and waiting for himself to be promoted.

Her heart hurts a bit.

In this world, I will not have a good life.

Shen Zhiyun also sighed: "Our prince is really worrying, such a big thing does not tell us, can you come back, can you hide it? Never see each other?"

"So, Kangwangfu's good deeds are approaching. We should do it for the prince." An Dianyue finally recovered, and now his hopes are shattered. Whoever comes to love, she will never be unloved anyway. The one, think of this, but I missed it a bit, and she is not worried. If she is there, she might toss the prince and toss the thunder of Thailand. She can sit on the mountain. Look at the tiger fight, and the remaining two, how much they can do, fight themselves, if they let them go to clean up a princess, fear that there is no such courage.

As soon as she heard her say, Shen Zhiyun was speechless and nodded: "Just wait for the prince to pick out this matter or let us take the initiative to say it. It seems that he does not intend to say it."

"Let's wait, the princess who is with the pro may be unloved. If the pet is married, who will marry so far, so we don't have to worry too much." Huang Yuer finally said a word, is reassuring of.

"Even if she is an unpicked princess, going to our house will become a real king, and we are guilty of being guilty. However, maybe she is a matter of course." Shen Zhiyun caressed his stomach. "Just don't know, what is he?" When she slammed her into the door, would it hit a place with our production date, but it was lively."

"You'd better not expect this. If this is the case, then you are afraid that it will not be taken seriously." An Dianyue did not feel good. "Production hit a big marriage, whoever avoids it, this is hard to say."

“Can children still hold back?” Huang Xiaoer is strange. This big family does not even have their own children.

It is suspected that the child is filthy, born, but fights and grabs, really!

Everyone does not speak.

Finally, I couldn’t wait for the night in the East. After two days, I announced this good news. The woman in Wangfu began to work hard. It’s true and false. Shen Zhiyun’s stomach is uncomfortable and he is not willing to show up. Dongfang Lin always cries and can't walk away. Huang Weier's stomach is the biggest. Moreover, she couldn't do anything. Therefore, the Oriental Night is not a helper. I have to do everything myself, so I have experience. There are butlers and others who are almost ready to go, just waiting for the day to arrive.

In the capital city, the people and the big families are very excited about what happened recently. They are eager to watch the excitement. They want to know how this all ended, and some people are curious about the daughter of Lei Tianwei who will be married. There is no woman in the palace to marry the age. Naturally, the goal of the election is to fall in the home of the ministers. The ministers of the mirrors are eager to marry their daughters. In just a few days, there are ten in Beijing. When the family settled down, Dong Yunqi was helpless and had to order. Before Lei Tianwei chose his relatives, it would be illegal for anyone to marry a woman and would be convicted.

This gust is stopped.

Lei Tianwei also received the news, and he was even more angry in his heart. Is he so unbearable? Is thunder Thailand so horrible? In Lei Thailand, I don’t know how many people’s daughters want to marry themselves. This Dongze Dynasty really has no sincerity. Is he really lacking women?

Dongfang Jin immediately arranged for the daughters of the ages of the three majors to enter the palace and participate in the palace feast.

Lei Tianwei looked at the outside of the gallery and stood forty or fifty women. He was so charming and charming that he liked it more and more, and he wanted to go back. At this time, his heart was slightly balanced.

Finally, he selected Qin Taishi's daughter Qin Haoer, Yun Qidi immediately sealed Qin Haoer as the Ji County Lord, and then entered the palace to live, before the pro, the good life to serve, and prevent her from running or committing suicide.

Fortunately, Qin Haoer is quite convinced. It is also a woman who has the intention to report the loss. She knows that she stays in Beijing. Dongfang Jin does not intend to kiss her. Ning Wang is desecrated. Only one Oriental night is left. It is not what. Good people, there are so many women in the family, marrying the past, it is just a matter of anger, it is better to marry this Lei Tianwei, if you manage well, you may be a queen.

It’s just that Mrs. Tai’s wife was crying at home every day, and she became ill. She had also persuaded Ann to think about it. When she got to her own body, she couldn’t figure out how to make it, and she laughed at it. People’s congresses are like this. It does not involve the interests of oneself, but it is good to say.

She couldn't manage that much at this moment. It all came to a close. I don't know what else is waiting for them. This emperor is really not so good. The oriental Jin Yue is busy, Yun Qidi Most of the state affairs have been handed over to him for treatment. It is only in personnel appointment and dismissal. Yun Qidi will give him some instructions. After all, those old ministers are all used by Yun Qidi, knowing the details.

The whole person of Dongfang Jin is a lot stronger, and there is a charm of a mature man in the eyebrows. Where is the beauty of the oriental night.

April twenty.

Even the government welcomes you.

When the Oriental Jin came, those officials naturally could not miss such an opportunity. They could watch the excitement and see the wind and the rudder. The relationship between the Prince and the Lianhan was well known, so the government began preparing for it early. Needless to say, the red drapes are all joyful. When everyone chats and waits for the arrival of the bride's sedan chair, they want to see how much the East Snow is disfigured, what the street and the streets say, and her The face became a mess, and she said that she was almost like a ghost. The Prince Lei was scared by her. This thing must be true.


The second last day at the end of the month, the first month to ask for a monthly ticket!