MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 110 wake up

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Jiang Che was stunned for a moment, took the letter from Xie Xiu and read it carefully, with a clear smile on his face. He returned the letter to Xie Xiu and said warmly, "Axiu, help me reply to the letter to King Qin, and say that I will come to visit tomorrow."

Xie Xiu took the letter and didn't turn around and leave immediately, but hesitantly said, "But the imperial doctor told you to stay in bed..." After many years, she no longer cared about Jiang Che and Wei Zhao's past, but Jiang Che's Her physical condition made her very uneasy.

Jiang Che waved his hand and said with a chuckle, "I've been bored at home for so many days, but it's fine to go out for a walk."

Xie Xiu had no intention of arguing with Jiang Che, nodded slightly, and was about to reply to Wei Zhao's post. She didn't want Jiang Che to stop her again, and said, "Axiu, remember to send someone to help Yao'er go to school to take leave. I'll take him to visit King Qin tomorrow."

Xie Xiang was stunned when he heard the words, and then nodded lightly for a moment. Jiang Yao is the only son of him and Jiang Che. He just turned nine years old this year. Because there is no prince or grandson of the right age in the palace, Jiang Yao did not enter the palace school to study, but studied in a famous school in Yujing.

If Wei Zhao wants to see Jiang Che, he still has to make an appointment, so as not to make people feel abrupt, but he has no such scruples when he wants to see the gentleman. They didn't call anyone in advance.

Ji Xin went to the camp in Xicheng, Ji Hui was studying in the school, and there was only Junqing in the palace of Changning.

Wei Zhao entered the door unceremoniously, and sent all the servants out before talking to Junqing in the study.

"I just received an urgent letter from Rong'er. He told me two very bad news." Wei Zhao said straight to the point.

Junqing remained calm, raised his eyebrows and said, "What news?" What could make Wei Zhao come to tell him specifically, could it be related to Hua'er.

Wei Zhao frowned slightly, first glanced at Junqing, and seeing that his expression was still calm, he said in a low voice: "Zhu Xia captured Jing'an City, the capital of Nanyue, Rong'er and Hua'er sneaked into Jing'an to inquire about the enemy's situation, and by the way rescued Kouer's two men. son, but..."

"But what?" Seeing Wei Zhao hesitating to speak, Jun Qing already had a bad premonition.

Wei Zhao paused for a while, then said in deep thought, "On their way back, Rong'er and Hua'er got separated..."

Junqing could no longer maintain his calm, he suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Hua'er fell into the hands of Zhu Xiaren?"

Wei Zhao shook his head and continued: "Rong'er said in the letter that he lost the news of Hua'er, but according to the scouts buried in Nanyue and Zhu Xia, they did not receive the news of Hua'er's capture." Identity is very useful, and Tudor will not be surprised.

Jun Qing's fist tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened, he stared at Wei Zhao, and did not speak for a long time.

Wei Zhao looked at him calmly and said nothing. After a while, Junqing sat down again and said calmly: "What is the other bad news?" Wei Zhao said that there were two bad news, and the other one might be worse.

Sure enough, Wei Zhao's eyes darkened immediately, and he said solemnly, "Keer told Rong'er that Tuduo and His Majesty had colluded long ago."

Tudor? !

Wei Lan? !

Junqing was completely stunned, stunned and didn't know what to say. After a long time, he asked in an inconceivable trance tone: "When did it start? The first prince was assassinated, or was King Xiang kidnapped?" Junqing suddenly felt a chill down her spine.

"Perhaps earlier, Tuduo was able to kill his brother and ascend to the throne because of His Majesty's help, and the capture of the King of Xiang and the assassination of the first prince were just Tuduo's return gift." Wei Zhao was also under guard. Lan's boundlessness was shocked. The ancestors of the Wei family, no matter how unbearable the means of the upper ranks, after taking the position of the ninth five-year-old, they definitely think about the country and the society. Only Wei Lan is unique to the point of maddening people. If those words It wasn't what Wei Chongrong said, Wei Lan couldn't believe it at all.

Junqing calmly analyzed Wei Zhao's words, and kept saying with blood: "The price that Your Majesty gave, I'm afraid it's more than that." Zhu Xia is just a small country in Fanbang, and it is not too difficult for Wei Lan to help Tuduo ascend to the throne. , But the assassination of Wei Xuan, as long as one wrong step is taken, it will be a disaster for Zhu Xia. If Wei Lan can't give Tuduo enough benefits, he will not help him do such a thing, absolutely impossible.

"It's more than that." Wei Zhao hooked his lips and sneered: "Our majesty, but intends to give Tuduo all the six counties in Yizhou." Wei Zhao laughed so hard that he couldn't help himself, Wei Lan didn't think about it. However, when he sees Emperor Xingzu and the previous emperor in the future, how will he communicate with each other?

Since the founding of the country, although the emperor Taizu vowed to take back all the lost land, but the emperors of the Wei family were mostly guarded monarchs like Wei Ming, and few pioneered the territory like Wei Su. But there is no one who seeks peace for selfish gain.

Hearing these words, Jun Qing was completely speechless, only to see that his eyes were small, and there was a cold look in his eyes.

If anyone who has followed King's Landing is here, he will definitely say that the King's affection at this moment is really like Huanhou of Zhaoyang.

Junqing snorted coldly and asked, "What are you going to do?" Their son worked hard for others in Yizhou, and Weilan sold the entire Yizhou when he returned. Junqing didn't believe Wei Zhao could hold back. In that case, he would not be the Wei Zhao he knew.

"What else? Isn't King Qi Huai the best example?" Emperor Kang Yi is not the empress dowager, so he can abolish King Qi Huai, not to mention that he has the legacy of the late emperor, let alone Wei Lan's fault Compared with King Huai of Qi, it is even better.

Junqing kept silent, and said for a long time: "You can just think about it. I have no objection with Asin."

Although the gentleman's attitude was already expected by Wei Zhao, he still asked softly, "Is it because of Hua'er?" No matter how much chips he has in his hand, the matter of abolishing the emperor is not the last step. , no one can tell what will happen.

"You are half right." Jun Qing said calmly: "The other half is for my brother."

Wei Zhao was stunned, then turned around and complained in a low voice, "Didn't you agree that I belong to my brother? Could it be that the royal father lied to me?"

Junqing didn't seem to hear Wei Zhao's words clearly, and continued: "I don't have a real job, and I can't help you much if I stay in the capital. It should be enough with Asin. I plan to go to Yizhou." Junhua's whereabouts are unknown, This is what worries him the most.

"Auspicious people have their own celestial signs, and Hua'er will be safe and sound." In this situation, there is no specific news from Junhua, which may be regarded as good news. As long as he is not in Tuduo's hands, things will be fine. There is enough room for recovery.

In the afternoon of the next day, Jiang Che and his son visited Prince Qin's mansion.

When Jiang Yao saw Wei Zhao, he bowed his head respectfully and said, "I see His Royal Highness King Qin."

Looking at the young and handsome face that resembled Jiang Che's youthful days, Wei Zhao was lost for a moment, then raised his hand and said, "No courtesy." Except for the eyes that look like Xie Xiu, Jiang Yao's appearance is really Jiang Che's. reprint.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Jiang Yao got up in a hurry, and his demeanor was extraordinarily stable.

Although Jiang Che brought his son here was somewhat unexpected to Wei Zhao, but it did not affect the matter he wanted to discuss with him. The title of King Yongan is hereditary and irreplaceable. Jiang Yao will be in Yuanfu next year and invite him to be the heir. Knowing more things will not hurt him.

When he entered the study and sat down, Wei Zhao didn't say much, and directly sent Wei Chongrong's letter to Jiang Che.

Jiang Yao sat peacefully by his father's side, with a straight body and not looking sideways.

Wei Zhao smiled approvingly, and said softly, "Ayao, it's okay, you can read the letter."

Jiang Yao thanked him, got up and walked behind Jiang Che, and read the letter with him.

There are too many things going on ahead. Although Wei Chongrong's letter has been written as concisely as possible, he still wrote three pages.

Jiang Che saw ten lines in one eye and looked very fast. Jiang Yao couldn't keep up with his speed at all, and he didn't know much about it.

Suddenly, seeing the letter paper in Jiang Che's hand falling to the ground, and his hands on his chest, his face turned blue, Jiang Yao said urgently: "Father!" The imperial doctor had told him before, which made his father calm and not angry, but the Prince of Qin believed the letter. What was written…

Wei Zhao also noticed Jiang Che's abnormality. He rushed over from the main seat and asked repeatedly, "Ayao, where is the medicine?" Jiang Che had a heart attack, which became more serious with age , he shouldn't have told him this in such a hurry.

Jiang Yao was reminded by Wei Zhao's words, and shiveringly took out the medicine bottle from Jiang Che's arms. Wei Zhao turned around and poured a cup of hot water over, and asked Jiang Yao to serve Jiang Che to take the medicine. He was stopped by Jiang Che.

"Don't panic, Your Highness, I'm fine." After taking the medicine, Jiang Che's complexion improved slightly.

Wei Zhao stopped and asked doubtfully, "Is there really nothing wrong?" In the early years, Jiang Che's illness had been kept secret from him, but after his illness last night disturbed King Lu's Neijun, Wei Zhao decided Know everything, and worry about it.

Jiang Che waved his hand gently and whispered: "It's just a moment of anger, it's really not a big problem."

Jiang Yao was at a loss, first looked at his father and then at Wei Zhao, but said nothing.

Wei Zhao looked at Jiang Che worriedly, and was also a little lost, and didn't mention what happened to him today.

Jiang Che patted the back of Jiang Yao's hand and said softly, "Yao'er, go back and sit down, don't be rude in front of King Qin."

Jiang Yao nodded yes, picked up the letter that fell on the ground, and sat back honestly.

Wei Zhao saw that Jiang Che was indeed fine, and also aware of his own situation, pursed his lips, returned to his seat and sat down.

Seeing Wei Zhao's lingering silence, Jiang Che asked directly, "His Royal Highness has an appointment to meet with a minister, but you have a plan to deal with it?" , enough to pull Wei Lan down from the throne of supremacy.

It's just that a country can't be without a ruler for a day. After Wei Lan, someone still has to sit in that position.

"Besides the present, the imperial brother still has the lineage of the King of Xiang." Wei Xuan's posthumous son, Wei Zhu, was born weak. If Sun Ye's medical skills were not good, and there were all kinds of precious medicines in the palace, it would be a question whether he could survive or not. , Wei Zhao can only consider Wei Mao.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Che frowned when he heard the words, and there was a look of disapproval in his eyes.

Wei Zhao was puzzled at first, and immediately guessed: "The first prince did not inherit the great line, and the King of Xiang is more..." In terms of closeness, the Yongan Palace must be more close to Wei Zhu than Wei Mao. But Wei Ming can give up Wei Zhu because of his health, and Wei Zhao must be the same.

However, Jiang Che shook his head slightly, turned around and instructed: "Yao'er, you go out first and stand outside the yard."

Before Wei Zhao could react, Jiang Yao resigned in a proper manner, and retreated to a place where he could not hear their conversation.

Jiang Che was sure that only the two of them were left, Fang cupped his hands and said, "Could it be that Your Highness forgot the lesson of Emperor Kang Yi?"

Xu Xi's courage to abolish King Qi Huai as the first emperor and Taijun is unquestionable, but he failed to send his own son to the throne, but let King Qi Huai's younger brother Wei Xi succeed him, which is also doomed. Tragedy for himself and the entire Xu family in the future.

Although Emperor Xianzong was at odds with his biological mother, Empress Xiaosimin, and even though he was brought up by Emperor Kang Yi, the first thing he did after he ascended the throne was to give death to his deposed elder brother, King Qi Huai, and later The emperor's funeral.

Afterwards, Emperor Xianzong stopped in the Zhonggong to put the empress under house arrest, who was born in the Xu family of the Duke of Wu's house, and ordered Duan Guiqing Xie Yi to raise his heir Wei Yun. Then, the father-in-law of King Qi Huai, King Yongan, impeached Emperor Kang Yi, saying that he did not have the status of the queen mother, but he was deposed.

Emperor Xianzong was obviously very happy to see this situation. After the ministers seconded King Yong'an's case, he excused Xu Xi from the death penalty on the grounds of filial piety and imprisoned him until his death. Two years later, Empress Xu also passed away.

Wei Zhao was shocked, with a complicated expression on his face. He thought of King Qi Huai, but did not expect Xu Xi's fate.

Jiang Che continued: "As long as His Highness takes the act of abolishing the emperor, no matter who the new emperor is, he will definitely feel uneasy when he looks at His Highness." No matter who is the emperor, no one dares to keep him.