MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 248 East window incident

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Lee’s incompetence was not enough, and he did not wait for Sang Ping’s cool speech and nodded quickly. “Good! This idea is good! Just for a long time, I haven’t seen Miss Zhang, I’m also thinking about seeing Miss Miss!”

I heard her say this, don’t say Hu San, it’s just that Sanping, who had wanted to oppose it, is not good enough to say anything more. It’s just a very unhappy statement: “You have left this home and no one else, A soft Ayan Are you both at home?"

Hearing that the husband mentioned his baby daughter, Li’s heart paused, but when he saw the rouge that was low-browed, soft and weak, standing on the side of the rouge, hesitated and disappeared immediately!

Let her wait for a yellow face at home, and then they both lived happily in the big city, just thinking about it would make her uncomfortable! She is absolutely not allowed to let this happen. Moreover, there are everything in the family, and the daughter is so big. What else is there to worry about?

I will explain the daughter a few words later. If there is anything, I will go to Sang Hong to help me. She will not believe that they will be so good, and they will not see them until they even see their daughter!

"They are not children. Is there anything you can do at home? Hey, if you don't feel at ease, leave the rouge to take care of them, how?" Li told him with a glance.

Rouge's heart is fretting, but she does not object to this. As long as there is no place for Lee, it is a paradise for her. If they don't have to deal with them, it will be even better!

"No!" Sang Pingliang is a severance, without the rouge to go to the light with Li? Unless his head is in the water! I haven’t seen enough of this old face yet, but I’m still taking it with me. There are rouge, how much can alleviate loneliness.

"Then you hurry to pack up, let's go!" Sang Pingliang saw her insistent and too lazy to say more. Anyway, she loves to follow, and if she dares to move in front of people, she is irritating and yelling at herself. There is a way to clean up her in the back!

"Reassured, I will soon be good!" Li listened to the music and rushed to clean up, and then called Sang Yan and Sang Roo each accounted for some.

It is natural to pay attention to Sang Yan. Take care of yourself, don’t be wronged, go to bed early at night, don’t mess around, and so on. There is no good word to say goodbye to Sangrou, and there is no need to slap the face and threaten the pain. The core is to ask her not to be lazy, to be diligent and diligent, otherwise she will look good when she returns!

Sang Rou took his head and squinted his eyes and promised, but the secret was so happy. Nguyen is not there, Sang Yan is a dough-like honest man, this family is not their own? At least not so tired, you can eat better, sleep more in the morning. She wants them to go quickly!

"Dead gimmicks, if I come back, I find that Ayan has lost a hair or lost her skin. The old lady is not interrupting your legs!" Li’s words were thrown out, carrying the bag, and he was unceremoniously stuffed in the hands of Rouge. "Hold it!"

Rouge did not dare to oppose, and quickly caught, although Sang Pingliang was slightly dissatisfied with the frown, but he was not willing to reproduce the incident on this bone. Only when he did not see it, he smiled at Hu San: "Hu Sanxiao brother, let's Just leave!"

"Oh, okay!" Hu Sanba could not make this sound, and he led them to the carriage and drove away.

Gu Fangzi sees Hu San not only picking up Sang Pingliang, but even Li and Sang Pingliang’s little sisters have come to the middle of the heart, and they have greatly praised Hu San, who was still a little uneasy in his heart. Hu Sanxi does not ban.

Gu Fangzi smiled and personally received the Sanping Liang three people. As if she was talking about rouge, she did not wait for Sang Pingliang to open her mouth. She took the initiative to order them to arrange three houses in a yard next to the warehouse. Share a yard with the other two families.

Ms. Ping Ping’s two couples are very grateful, and they are very uncomfortable with Gu Fangzi.

Originally, Li’s plan to be beautiful was from time to time to go to the house to look for Gu Fangzi to talk, but Lan Xiang privately told her that the impact was not good. When others saw it, she thought that Miss Zhang specially took care of them, and that her heart could not make her voice. ! He also said that the young master and the grandmother are not at home. Now, both inside and outside the house are busy with the watch, where is there time to see her? After I have been idle, I will naturally ask someone to invite her!

Li Shi heard that this was done.

After Gu Fangzi settled down, they went to see Wang. Only with Wang said that Mulberry’s maiden uncle came to the door to find a job. When she saw the guardian warehouse there was just a lack of people, she planned to arrange the people and ask Wang if it was appropriate. At this moment, Wang’s heart is full of his unidentified son. Where is he still concerned about other things? It’s no longer a theory to nod. Gu Fangzi will arrange it by himself.

After the development of things are all in accordance with Gu Fangzi's vision, Sang Pingliang's two couples are greedy for money. Nowadays, with the convenience of guarding the warehouse, coupled with the secrets of the people in the dark, from time to time, where is Sang Pingliang still living?

At first, I was a little bit nervous when I was doing smuggling with my hands and feet. After I tasted the sweetness a few times, the bigger the courage, the more unscrupulous. Gu Fangzi sneered in her heart, and her life was only one eye closed. One person complained that she had pressed things down. The words revealed that Sang Pingliang is the meaning of Grandma’s relatives. The rest, let everyone play.

Everyone dares to anger and dare not speak, but it is because of the two-layer relationship between Miss Zhang and Grandma, and this is the business of the time, and people can’t steal the benefits and fall into their own bodies. Why bother? Gradually, no one will mention this matter again, and several of the treasurers on the top know nothing about it.

Until this day, it was the turn of the shopkeeper to check the routines. This led to the discovery of many problems. The shopkeepers questioned them. The people below did not help Sanping, but Gu Fangzi did not manage the ship at this time. Children, even when everyone caught this opportunity, they were even more scrupulous.

The shopkeeper was shocked and angry. It was not easy to detain him because of the identity of Sang Pingliang. He just found an excuse to let him rest for a few days. He planned to report the matter with the young master first.

After all, Sang Pingliang surnamed Sang.

Can Ms. Ping Ping listen to someone to let him rest for two days and then suddenly face, and then quietly inquired about where the reason can still calm down? So he took the opportunity to rush to the time, he must be faster than the shopkeeper, to solve this matter before them, or else, is it not to throw away the dead? Can you use him again? He was reluctant to leave the job, and he lived well. When he heard that he was the grandmother’s uncle, he said that he must have a promising future, but he was temporarily exercising and familiar with it here – this is also the time of the family. Rules, which dare to slow him? The knot is quite a lot!

He has not received such treatment in his life. This is the most beautiful and most beautiful time of his life. Isn’t it a pity to end this?

Gu Fangzi listened to Lan Xiangyu and reported that Sang Pingliang had an urgent need to see himself, so he knew that it was the time when the inventory could not hold the fire, and things finally came to light!

She is waiting for this day, how can she try to help Sang Ping cool down things? It’s true that it’s big!

"When you go to stabilize him, you say that I have nothing to do now, let him go to Grandma!" Gu Fangzi said slowly: "Of course, you have to tell him clearly, Grandma is not in the eyes." The sand, listening to this thing, I am afraid to be angry, let him say a thoughtful way to say slowly. After all, as a senior's lesson learned by the younger generation, the face can be thrown away! If he does not Willing to go to the grandmother, you will tell him that you may go to the big lady to ask for help! I will go to my aunt first, you can understand what to do?"

"Slave understand! Please rest assured!" If you don't understand, you have been a master servant for so many years. Miss, it’s hard to design the Sang Pingliang couple into the game. Would you really let him go to Grandma for help? Naturally, he is led to the big lady to go!

Lan Xiang went to salute, Gu Fangzi sneered a sneer, sighed and muttered: "Mulberry, sang, I have to look at this, how do you explain to my aunt!"

Sang Ping was so anxious that he was like an ant in a hot pot. When someone came up and told him to go in, the panicked heart suddenly calmed down and followed.

Seeing that I was waiting for the Lanxiang at the second door, although Sang Pingliang was somewhat disappointed, she still played the spirit and laughed and said: "Lanxiang girl, Miss Zhang? I really want to find a watch girl!" ”

Lan Xiang smiled and said: "Whatever you say to me, I will pass it back to the lady! We are waiting for the lady at the moment. Where can I go? Or, will you come tomorrow?"

Where can you wait for tomorrow? It’s hard to feel a bit of a red ear, and I’m finally talking about it. Of course, he is a simple one. He only said that he is confused, damn, and shouldn’t be fascinated by the people’s provocations and even make a big mistake. Miss Ms. must help himself, otherwise There is only one dead road!

Lan Xiang seems to be scared and shocked by what he said. After half a sigh of relief, he suddenly said: "How can you be so confused to make this kind of thing! Our lady is kind and helpful to help you, you It’s good, don’t say that it’s a long face to her, this is the case! I’m afraid that even our lady will ask for sin, and I can help you!”

"Lanxiang girl, you must help me in front of Miss Zhang to say good things! I really know that I am wrong, I will never be next time! I swear, I will definitely do things in the future, and never give face to Miss Miss! "Sang Pingliang was beaten by Lanxiang and could not help but be more anxious and embarrassed."

Lan Xiang was reluctant to sigh for half a sigh, and sighed: "My two masters, Miss now, no matter what the outside is, even if I want to help you, no, I will help you to see if Grandma can’t be empty. , would you please help Grandma?"

"No, no! Don't tell her!" Not to wait for Lan Xiang to smear the topic from the big grandmother to the big lady, Sang Pingliang has almost rushed to jump up, shaking his hands and rushing to oppose," Can't tell her, don't tell her about this!"