MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 44

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The young couple of the Zhang family sold stewed pork one time, half an hour earlier than usual. When they arrived at the meat market, even the butchers who lived in the city hadn't arrived yet.

Zhang Fangyuan originally wanted Xu He to sell it next to his pork stall, but Xu He is a fastidious person and loves to be clean. The meat market is filled with the smell of raw meat. Now that the weather is getting hotter, this side is infested with mosquitoes. Raw food and cooked food are sold together, which makes people look shabby.

Thinking about it, I wouldn't want to buy cooked food in front of a greasy, bloodshot pork stall on the cutting board of flesh and blood, so I agreed to Xu He.

But then the two separated again.

"Go to the side of the road at Tianjiekou to sell. There are many food stalls and people there, and there are often people from the yamen patrolling to maintain order. It is the most secure."

Xu He agreed that he hadn't been there much before, he only knew what it was like, so he happened to go to step on the spot.

He picked up the backpack and said to Zhang Fangyuan: "You have to be careful to greet the buyers, be careful that I will sell out before you."

"You really don't want me to go with you?"

With Zhang Fangyuan with him, he doesn't need to worry too much, but he doesn't want to rely on Zhang Fangyuan for everything, it's not that he can't trust him, since they are a couple, they have to bear the responsibility of supporting the family.

"It's okay. I can come to the city to sell things when I'm ten years old, and I can handle it."

Zhang Fangyuan sighed slightly, who told him to be an up-and-coming husband: "Okay. If there is anything, ask someone to bring me a letter."

Xu He just went out of the meat market, Zhang Fangyuan kept looking at the people until he could no longer see them before packing up and setting up his stall.

After leaving the meat market, there are shops on both sides of the cobblestone road in the small street. At this time, all the passers-by are shopkeepers who are about to open their doors, and yawning shopkeepers, but there are few customers.

The morning light was shining brightly, the sky was thin blue, the morning breeze in the alley whistled over the wall, and the smell was different from what he was used to smelling in the past. Back then, it was green grass and wildflower fields in the countryside, while the city was Freshly baked steamed stuffed buns with chilli oil noodles...

The heavy weight on his back made Xu He feel that one day he could easily hold a bunch of keys to open the door and do some small business.

Why not?

At this time a few months ago, he was still digging with a **** in the field, cutting a basket of grass before the sun came out and going home for breakfast... Now he can come to the city and bring the food he made with his own hands to sell for money , and get her husband’s promise, which I never thought of before.

Anything that can't be imagined can be realized, let alone something that is planned and planned. He grasped the thick straps of the pannier, lifted the pannier up, and strode forward.

Tianjie is a main street, the width of the narrow road on both sides is comparable to the two narrow streets, and there are neatly placed small stalls around it, selling everything.

Pancake fried cakes, sweet cakes in syrup, sugar-painted candied haws... There are also some stalls with larger noodles, and two tables are set up at the back, and boiled powder and noodles are served for guests to eat. These stalls came out much earlier than him.

Xu He didn't come here very often, and this end was purely a place for fun and spending money. Farmers usually went to the city to buy things, so they didn't need to come here.

As he looked around, he managed the money for the stall that came to collect it.

"I'll take a look at it for a day first." Xu He said as Zhang Fangyuan said, and gave the stall fee for one day, ten Wen.

The stall fee on Paradise Street itself is higher than that of the meat market, and the shorter the rental time, the more expensive it is. If it wasn't for testing the waters, he would not be willing to pay such an expensive stall fee.

"Sure, let's find a stall by yourself. You can choose a single stall without a red label on it." The stall manager didn't ask about the price and gave the money directly, thinking it was an old world, and didn't make things difficult for him to raise the price.

Xu He thanked the person, and there were still many stalls to choose from when he came early, so he immediately picked a conspicuous place by the side of the road and quickly set up a stall. Next to it is a chaotic stall, and the items sold by the two stalls will not overlap, saving some right and wrong.

For the first sale, Xu He didn't prepare much. He marinated half a pig's head, a cage of fat intestines and pig heart. Besides, he marinated some bracken and bamboo shoots, as well as the previously stored fungus. There are not many in total, but the number of samples is quite rich.

He cut some stewed pork as a test, and soon the stall was set up. It was packed in a long wooden tray, covered with mosquito netting, and half of the cover was exposed, which could not only keep the stewed meat clean, but also let people pass by. people saw what was being sold.

There are many people coming and going in Tianjie, but the flow of people is not like the meat market and vegetable market. Generally, the morning market has the most people and the best things to sell. Because this side of Paradise Street is a place for entertainment, it is too early and the passenger flow is small. Some businesses are owned by the owners of nearby shops or workmen.

The breakfast food at the stall is very popular at this time, the noodle wonton sandwiched with tender and crispy vegetable leaves... Just the wonton stall next to it, Xu He has already received three customers when he opened the stall.

It's no wonder that there are no stall owners in many rented shops, because it's not the time. However, Xu He still felt that since the stall fee was so expensive, the sooner he opened the stall, the earlier he would make money, so that he would not feel that the stall fee was too expensive.

"Little brother, how do you sell braised pork? Cut a plate and bring it here."

Xu He sat on a high stool at the back of the stall and guarded the stall, looking left and right at how the white steaming people in front of the stalls were attracting customers. At this moment, someone asked.

He hurriedly got down from the stool: "Pork head meat costs four Wen and one tael, and pig heart costs eight Wen and one tael."

Xu He is quick-witted, and the price of stewed meat is high. If he directly said that the price is tens of pennies a catty, he would immediately scare people away. Easy to accept a lot.

The man was silent for a while, buried his head and took a mouthful of noodles.

Xu He took the opportunity and said again: "There are also stewed vegetables, two pennies and one tael."

Hearing this, the man put down his chopsticks again, and went straight to Xu He's stall without telling the stall owner that he was too busy collecting them. Xu He hurriedly lifted all the curtains covering it for the man to see.

The cooled pork head and pig heart have turned dark red, and you can't smell the fragrance from a distance, but you can smell the fragrance of the brine when you get close, and the pork head is also very clean, there is no hair at all. No.

"Let's try it." The man was not polite, and poked a little bit of chopped stewed meat with a stick to try the taste. He couldn't get enough of the meat, but the stewed meat lingered in his mouth for a long time, even more so. Make people hungry.

"Let's have two taels of pork head meat, and I'll send some braised vegetables outside."

Xu He said: "Brother, we are a small business. If you buy a catty of pork head meat, I will give you some stewed vegetables."

"I'll just eat noodles, I can't buy that much. Forget it, you can bring me some vegetarian dishes at will, and scrape together ten cents."

"Okay, do you want to mix chili?"

The man threw the money on the stall, then walked back: "No need."

Xu He was a little disappointed when he heard that, his chili peppers were finely tuned, and Zhang Fangyuan didn't even give them to him if he wanted to eat them. This person is so ignorant, but it's better not to, and it saves some money. It's like weighing half a catty and a catty depends on the scale, and it's inconvenient to go on the scale for one or two taels of things. Moreover, men are not as meticulous as women and brothers, and they don't care when they order.

Although he also brought a scale, Xu He knew how much one or two taels was. Seeing that the man was not a meticulous person, he took the pig's head and cut it into two taels according to the weight at home. I can count them. A tael of meat is the size of an egg, and a tael of an egg is just a few slices after being cut out.

Xu He put it in a small plate, and there wasn't much meat. He deliberately picked up two more pieces of stewed bamboo shoots, and it looked like there was still a plate.

The man ate stewed pork with noodles, it can be said that he had a luxurious meal of noodles.

Xu He sold half a catty of stewed meat in the morning, and everyone who came to inquire about the price bought it. His price of stewed meat is very fair, and the pork head meat is 40 cents a catty. You need to know that a pig head sells for six yuan a catty in the market, and a pig head costs about twenty catties. After the bones are removed, it is only seven or eight catties of meat, and the pig head is fifteen cents a catty.

People with flat heads don’t like to buy pig heads because they are too big, and they are not suitable for regular meals to satisfy their cravings. On the contrary, they are more suitable for serving special dishes to entertain guests. Pork head meat is fat but not greasy, full of elasticity after marinating, and has an excellent taste, so the ancestors used pig's head as a special must-have for special stewed meat.

He played the fan to keep the mosquitoes away from his stall, and carefully looked at other stalls. There is a haggis soup seller in the front, which is very interesting. It is also a stand alone without tables and chairs for people to cook. When customers want haggis soup, he puts it into a round bamboo tube. It can be used for soup and can be taken away. There are still many people.

In the distance, cakes are sold in oiled paper for customers to eat while walking. Xu He thought about buying all the people who came up to ask the price, which means that the taste and price of the food are still very fair, but the few people who came up to ask must be because there is no place to sit at this end, and they can't take ready-to-eat.

This area is not like a vegetable market and a meat market. There are women and brothers with baskets on their arms, and only the stall owners bring their own containers.

Xu He saw Guanqiao, so he went to the nearest grocery store and bought a stack of kraft paper that was waterproof and glued into a small pocket. The water resistance is very good, and it will not leak if it is not soaked in water for a long time. It’s just that the price is a bit expensive, and you can only buy three for a penny.

But it is much cheaper than pottery bowls and the like.

He immediately cut two taels of pork head and put it into the mixing bowl, then put in spicy soy sauce, chopped green onion and coriander in turn, added some garlic water, mixed well, put it in an oiled paper bag, held it up and yelled: "A serving of braised meat for twelve cents!"

Sure enough, as soon as he yelled, the passers-by saw that they were packed like cakes, and soon came to ask.

Xu He quickly distributed the mixed lo mei to others, and all the tasters nodded: "I want one."

"Two copies."

Xu He saw that they were all well-dressed ladies, young masters, and generous masters. While accompanying the meat, they were selling their own two flavors of spicy peppers and stewed vegetables. So the passer-by specially ordered halogen dishes, each with spicy and numbing flavors, or a mixture of vegetables and meat.

He set the price in time, with six pennies for stewed vegetables and eight pennies for mixed vegetables and meat. One serving is only two or two taels, and there is no need to weigh it. After mixing it, put it in a paper bag, and poke it with a bamboo stick to eat. The oil paper is eaten before it is soaked in the sauce, which is very convenient.

Although the one-time sale is small, but the small profit is quick to sell, and many people buy it. The pork head meat was originally only half a piece, weighing only four catties. Yesterday, it was cut up to more than half a catty and sent to Uncle Zhang’s house. A catty of pig heart, but three or four catties of fat intestines.

He washed the fat sausage seven or eight times, and it was very clean, and it was marinated soft and fragrant, unlike many stir-fried fat sausages, which can't be chewed. I met a man who wanted to go to a restaurant by the river to have a drink, so I bought the remaining catty of fat intestines for the drink.

Vegetable dishes cost three to four catties, the price is cheaper than meat, and the seasonings are so gluttonous that even children buy them, and they are easy to sell.

Just arrived at noon, everything has been sold out.

Xu He packed up the leftovers, thinking in his heart: But he lost the ten-cent stall money.