MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 39

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After returning home, within half an hour, Chunlei sounded outside.

When Xu He went out from the stove, the wind was blowing in the yard, and his sleeves were swollen with the whistling. He quickly put the chickens and ducks in the pen, and carried some dry firewood to the stove.

The weather has been fine for a few days, if it doesn't rain again, it will make the villagers anxious. In the spring, the crops in the field rely on the rain to grow. After this rain, the crops will not have a big problem.

The vegetable seeds he and Zhang Fangyuan had sowed together last month also came out of the soil, but there was no rain, and they didn’t grow strong. I am preparing to carry some dung water for irrigation tomorrow. Tonight's rain came in time, and the dung water was saved.

He got up early tomorrow and planted the seedlings alone. After a month or two, he would be able to eat his own vegetables when summer came, and he could prepare some vegetables for Zhang Fangyuan to eat.

The wind is cool on the face, mixed with rain faintly.

Xu He went into the house to take a shower. After taking a shower, he didn't wait for Zhang Fang to go away. He went to the Chen's house next door. I don't know if he went to drink with his cousin Chen Si. Rainy days are the best time for a good sleep, so he shrank back early. go to bed.

The wild vegetables are selling well these days, and he has some regular customers. Counting the money, he has earned hundreds of Wen from selling vegetables these days. Although it is better than Zhang Fangyuan setting up a stall to sell pork, he has always felt that mosquito legs are also meat, and the accumulation of a little makes a lot.

He had time to pull two bolts of cloth to make two summer clothes for Zhang Fangyuan. The weather would heat up after the rain. The man was tall and sweated a lot on weekdays. If he didn't wear thinner clothes, he might be hot Come out with prickly heat.

He lay on the bed thinking, Zhang Fangyuan came back from Chen's house half a day later, and he almost fell asleep.

"Chen Si said we're kissing, and we're married to the little brother of the Lin family in the east of our village." Zhang Fangyuan came back and pulled a handkerchief to wipe the raindrops from his hair. It was raining heavily outside, and he sat in the house At the table in the village, he said to Xu He: "Recently there are a lot of happy events in our village. The Fei family can't go, but the Chen family can always go to the banquet."

Xu He didn't expect it to be such a good thing. Speaking of it, his cousin Chen Si used to miss his second sister a lot. When the news of the marriage got out, Zhang Fangyuan mentioned that Chen Si was very sad, but he also wanted to understand. At present, he carefully talked about a good marriage.

"The Chen family wants to ask me to buy some pork. We can sell a quarter of the animal we bought newly." The Chen family is not as generous as Zhang Fangyuan, mainly because Chen Si's elder brother just got married not long ago. There is really no way to make a fuss at home.

Xu He was also very happy. Although selling such folks is definitely not as profitable as selling them scattered in the city, it is also a good thing to be able to sell so many at once.

"When the time comes, the two of us will go to the Chen family to help with things, and Mrs. Chen also came to help a lot."

"Okay." Not to mention the neighbors, he should go to help, relying on the Xu family's relatives, he should also go there.

Zhang Fangyuan went to take a shower and came back. When he lay down, the bed was warmed by Xu He's sleep. The wind was blowing outside, and it was really cold when it was raining.

He took advantage of the situation and hugged Xu He to his body, and then took up the warm sleeping place, and he was immediately warmed up.

Xu He was wrapped in a cloud of air-conditioning, and the feeling of drowsiness disappeared immediately.

There was the sound of wind and rain outside, as well as the shock of Chunlei. He leaned on Zhang Fangyuan's chest, and could hear a powerful and rhythmic beating. He lay beside him, feeling as if someone was supporting the house when it collapsed.

He imitated Zhang Fangyuan's usual appearance and rubbed lightly on his chest. Maybe it's cold today, and people who usually sleep shirtless are all sleeping with their clothes closed.

Suddenly remembered that since that time, Zhang Fangyuan has not mentioned that matter for half a month.

He pursed his lips, not knowing what this man was thinking, but when his son went to wash clothes by the river, he was dragged aside by a group of married women and husbands, and heard them say a dirty word, Can't help but blush.

There was also an older husband, Lang, who asked him with a smile if Zhang Fangyuan was strong or not, and he probably knew what he was referring to.

He was puzzled, but there were so many people that it was inconvenient to speak out, he was afraid of making everyone laugh. It can be seen that a bunch of women and husbands were joking and laughing, not as hard to say as he was, and he was even more confused.

Thinking about sleeplessness today, he pulled Zhang Fangyuan's clothes with all his might: "Is it noisy outside, can you sleep?"


Zhang Fangyuan opened his eyes, and rubbed his chin on the top of Xu He's head.

"How about... let's try again." Others laughed when they said it, it didn't make sense for him to be alone, maybe he would get used to it after a long time?

Zhang Fangyuan moved his arms, not believing his ears.

These days he held back and didn't open his mouth. Although he went to An San'er again to ask for the secret recipe, he failed twice after all, and he was still in fear. Will He open his mouth? I didn't expect that he really waited.

He was so moved that he didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time and his face was hot, Xu He poked his arm again embarrassingly.

"it is good!"

Zhang Fangyuan got up suddenly and got out of bed. Xu He saw him rummaging in the cabinet again. Before thinking about it, he thought he might have to take out the booklet again. Last time, half of the booklet was thrown in the house in a hurry, and he picked it up in the morning.

"Are you looking for that book?" Xu He was about to say that it was placed in the second cabinet, when Zhang Fangyuan seemed to bring a bottle over.

Zhang Fangyuan said: "This time I will definitely do it."

Xu He couldn't help lowering his head and chuckling when he saw people swearing in promises, but it wasn't that he couldn't do it before. He listened to those couples and women, and he probably figured out what it meant to be no good.

"Where did you get these things?"

Zhang Fangyuan wanted to operate according to the usage method An San'er said before, feeling more embarrassed than before, pulled the quilt and covered Xu He, and then started to use that thing.

He was even embarrassed, and Xu He felt even more ashamed when facing these new tricks, so he could only open his mouth to say something.

"I went to the flower building to get it." Zhang Fangyuan didn't hide it from Xu He, saying that he had been in there before.

Xu He felt cool, colder than the wind and rain outside, blushing and said: "Since I used to go in and out of that kind of place, why are you still..." so unfamiliar.

Now that he has only lived for a little one month, Xu He can tell half of what he said, and Zhang Fangyuan can sometimes guess the second half.

"I used to do things honestly, and I didn't make troubles like ordinary men." He was telling the truth. When he was young, he was lively and restless, and he was facing the woman who threw himself into his arms all day long. Brother, he's not Liu Xiahui, so of course he had some crooked thoughts.

It's a pity that he hasn't indulged yet. In that year, a few sick people were carried out in the building, and a lot of people were involved in the chain, and some came to ask for an explanation. The right to travel conveniently in the building.

Xu He buried his head in Zhang Fangyuan's neck, maybe others thought he was telling lies, but he knew it was true.

"If you feel unwell, tell me." Zhang Fangyuan took a breath, although he was on the verge of breaking out, he was more concerned about Xu He's feelings, after all, not everyone can give him countless opportunities: "Let's take our time. "

Xu He responded in a low voice.

The rain had stopped on the second day, and water was still falling on the eaves, and there were traces of rain all over the roof of the yard.

As the saying goes, there are only three things.

Zhang Fangyuan lowered his eyes slightly, looking at the sleeping face of the person lying in the crook of his arms for an unknown amount of time, and only wanted to wait for him to see him as soon as he woke up.

It was not in vain for him to wait. When Xu He stretched his legs and opened his eyes, he immediately saw that he was being watched. He turned over slightly unnaturally, with his thin shoulder facing away from the person.

Zhang Fangyuan stretched out his hand to circle Xu He, but did not turn him over, and asked eagerly, "How was yesterday?"

Seeing that the NPC member woke up in the morning and asked such a sentence for him, he was a little helpless. Could it be that he didn't know what to do?


Zhang Fang didn't see anyone answering for a long time, so he shook Xu He.


"Really?" Zhang Fangyuan was elated when he heard the words, he seemed to wag his tail immediately, and wanted to hear something nice again, so he asked humanely: "Don't wrong yourself, tell me in detail."

After talking about it in detail, Xu He's ears were red to the base of his ears, and he only said: "How long is it, I still want to sleep for a while."

Zhang Fangyuan glanced at the sky outside, it had already begun to light up, the rainy day was not as bright as the sunny day, it must be too early to see the light this morning.

But so what, Xu He's words made him feel at ease, and he tucked the quilt up to please Xu He: "Go ahead and sleep, I'll get up and heat up the meal."

Hearing this, Xu He thought about what it was like, and wanted to get up to stop people, but Zhang Fangyuan moved very quickly, and he didn't let him pull him. Seeing his shirtless passing by, Zhang Fangyuan put on a coat: "Take a rest, I'll call you when you're done."

He didn't scramble to cook, and when he saw someone coming out of the bedroom door, he retracted into the quilt again, his waist was a little sore, but he didn't feel any pain.

Presumably those tricks played a role, and I don't know how much money was spent to buy it back. If it is like this in the future, I really don't have to suffer.

He also seemed to have some happiness that the wife and husband said, Zhang Fangyuan was frustrated before, but this time he felt that he performed well, and he always pestered him to ask for praise, but he really didn't know what to say about this matter To boast, he picked up and said this.

After Zhang Fangyuan begged for favors, his confidence was extremely boosted, and he was no longer evasive and aggrieved as before, and almost pestered Xu He for several days in a row.

Although it was hard for Xu He to be like this every day, but fortunately, he had gained some essentials and was no longer as miserable as he was at the beginning, so he agreed half-heartedly.

The two seem to have made up for the half-month vacant period of their newlyweds, and their love and all aspects have become closer. It wasn't until the third bottle of lubricating oil that they used every day was about to run out that they had a tacit understanding A little restraint.