MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 29

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The ceremony for a scholar to marry a wife lasts in a period of fainting.

Although he is a farmer and a rural person, he also knows etiquette and respects the etiquette. He married a real wife, and the time was set in the afternoon.

But Zhang Fangyuan got up before dawn, it wasn't that he had developed a good habit of getting up early, in fact, he was lying on the bed, thinking of Xu He over and over again.

Thinking that today is a major event in his life, and thinking that there will be one more person in the family to live with him in the future, he tossed and turned on the bed, unable to sleep, sometimes thinking about how to live in the future, and sometimes laughing out loud. Before dawn outside, he couldn't lie down on the bed.

After dawn, people came to the house one after another. The uncle of the Zhang family came first, and then the villagers who came to help with the cooking. After lunch, the villagers who came to eat in the afternoon came slowly.

Zhang Fangyuan and his fourth uncle greeted the guests at the gate of the open courtyard. The villagers did not come for nothing. Each household would have a representative to give gifts, usually from the women and husbands who were in charge of housework.

There is a square table under the eaves, and the literate old people in the village will write down who came to the wedding banquet and what gifts they gave in the book of favors.

It's not for the sake of comparison, the main reason is that there are too many people who come, and the host can't keep in his mind all the things sent by the folks from each household in a hurry. And the next time someone has something to do, you can take out the book of favors to see if the family that you are working on has come, and then you can add a little more to the gifts that this family gave you last time.

In the early years of war and chaos, everyone liked to send some very practical things, such as meat, cakes and fruits, cloth, rice and so on; There are fewer deliveries.

Like this kind of marriage wedding banquet, how much gift money everyone gives depends entirely on the relationship with the host's family. Naturally, there are also people with good family backgrounds who spend a lot of money and don't care much about closeness. Another point is to look at the level of wealth and poverty in various places. Jijiu Village is not a very poor village, nor can it be considered very rich. Generally, villagers follow the etiquette, basics and sixty wen, and adjust themselves according to the aforementioned.

But generally it is to add money upwards to make up an auspicious number, and there are very few downwards. After all, it has to be recorded in the book.

In fact, it seems that the human relationship in the village is also a big expense, such as black and white weddings, weddings and funerals, children's full moon, old people's birthday parties... If you are in a rush, you may have to visit two or three families in a month. The least accompanying gift would cost one hundred and eighty Wen, which makes me smack my tongue when I think about it.

But even so, the villagers still like to participate. After all, it is a lively event, and after the ceremony, the whole family can have a meal, which is not too bad.

The women who came to Zhang's house to help with errands all said that Zhang Fangyuan was generous. This time, there were a lot of meat and dishes prepared for the banquet. Thinking about having a meal.

There are many people who come to do things, and outsiders will say that the family is very popular and the host family is also happy.

"Sure enough, it's meat feet. The Zhang family's food smells delicious from all the way."

"Isn't it? People used half a head of pork, and slaughtered ten chickens and ducks, and a dozen fish..."

"The butcher is good, it is convenient to get these things."

The villagers who came early followed the ceremony, and those who gambled a little money gathered around a table, chatting and chatting, all talking about the Zhang family, completely forgetting that it was always so hot before.

"I'm afraid your second aunt won't be able to come. If you want to come, you should come yesterday."

"It's really not a big deal. It's not easy for the second aunt to come back."

Zhang Shicheng nodded: "Where's your sixth uncle? Have you been notified?"

Thinking of his sixth uncle, Zhang Fangyuan's expression was not good. He had gone to inform earlier that Uncle Six didn't seem to be at home, and his Aunt Six was kicking sunflower seeds with her legs crossed, saying that she would tell Uncle Six that he hadn't come at this time, so she probably wouldn't.

He didn't care too much, this kind of thing can't be forced.

"Forget it, come if he wants to come, or forget it if he doesn't come." Zhang Shicheng put his hands behind his back, looked up at the sun, turned his head and said to Zhang Fangyuan: "It's getting late, you should hurry up and tidy up. It's time to pick up the newcomer. Missed the auspicious time."

Zhang Fangyuan hadn't changed his clothes yet, he had to help out in the morning, fearing that the wedding clothes would be dirty. We've already had lunch this morning, and it's time to get organized and go to the Xu family to get married.

He didn't say anything, but he was a little excited in his heart, so he answered and went back to clean up.

"Very handsome!"

Zhang Fangyuan changed into his wedding clothes, Xu Shiren was in high spirits on happy occasions and looked very good. His fourth aunt combed his hair neatly and couldn't help admiring.

"It's not ugly."

Zhang Fangyuan stood up, and the well-fitting wedding dress showed his broad shoulders and narrow waist very well. When he walked out, the villagers couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"I haven't noticed it before, but this one from Fang Yuansheng looks pretty good."

"He's so tall, I'm afraid there won't be anyone taller than him in the village."

"As the youngest of the Xu family, I didn't expect to be blessed with such a blessing, I really didn't expect it."

"Who can tell clearly what's going on under the sun."

"It's time to welcome the relatives!" The Zhang family yelled, and Zhang Fangyuan was riding on the horse. Behind him were relatives and friends of the Zhang family, and some people who had a good relationship with Zhang Fangyuan. I think it's too much. When everyone walks outside together, there is still a big wave of people.

The little brother's marriage is not as complicated as the girl's, and he doesn't even need to cover his head. Xu He on this side packed up at noon and has been waiting at home. Although it was a marriage, some relatives and friends came to the Xu family, one was to see Xu He, and the other was to see Xu Changren, the family was quite lively.

Xu He stayed quietly in his room, and looked around. He could see all the furnishings at a glance in a small room. Although life in Xu's family was difficult, he still lived for more than ten years. When I went home, I also felt a lot of emotion.

It's just that she doesn't have many things, and only packed a box. Liu Xianglan is not afraid that her husband's family will look down on him if she is too thin when she carries it out.

"You also know that your father is injured, and the land cannot be planted. The family has to spend money everywhere, and there are no parents in the left and right butchers' houses. Even if you have less things, no one talks too much."

It means no dowry.

Xu He has long been used to such words. In the past, when he was under the fence, he bowed his head when he could. Now that he is going to get married now, he doesn't expect the Xu family to support him as his backing in the future, so he has nothing to say: "Then What about my dowry?"

Ordinary people marry younger brothers and daughters, and the dowry gifts given by the husband's family are all for the younger brothers and daughters who are married. Those who love the children may give them all to the children. Will give some meaning.

Liu Xianglan didn't mention his dowry money, so Xu He asked cheekily.

"Your father and I brought you up. The family's conditions are not good. Although we didn't give you delicacies, we raised you up. Now that you are married and working for another family, you are not grateful for your parents' upbringing, and you still miss it. With a dowry."

Yes, the family conditions are not good, so Xu Shaochun has an egg every morning since he was a child, and he eats chicken drumsticks every now and then, and he has to be scolded for adding an extra bowl of porridge.

"What about the second sister getting married? Mother still doesn't give a dowry?"

It's been a long time since Xu He compared his second sister's treatment with his own. When he was a child, he would ask why he didn't have what his sister had. Liu Xianglan always said that you are a little brother and a girl's family is different. Later, when you become sensible Know the reason.

Liu Xianglan stared straight at her eyes, feeling that Xu He was deliberately trying to challenge her today: "Can you be the same as your sister!"

"Yeah, of course it's different." Xu He looked straight into Liu Xianglan's eyes: "I know I was picked up by my father, how can I compare with my sister. Since I am like a rich family and want to raise a slave to serve the family, why hide it? It makes people think that I am my own."

"You are out of order! If your father hadn't picked you up from the snow, you would have froze to death. If you were picked up by someone else, you may be raised in a brothel or even pinched your body." A servant in someone else's hand!"

Liu Xianglan's chest heaved in anger. In fact, this matter was not a secret at home, but no one talked about it.

Now that Xu He said it suddenly, Liu Xianglan felt a little uncomfortable.

"Is there any difference between me and a servant who has been held in my hand all these years? Is it not the same as serving the whole family, working hard, and being sold when I am old?"

Liu Xianglan's eyes were on fire: "For a few cents, you say these words to be worthy of your father's upbringing?!"

Xu He sneered, and the two of them hadn't come to an argument when the sound of a gong beating came from outside, and the wedding procession came.

When Liu Xianglan heard the gong beating, she simply took back an old grass booklet that she had prepared for Xu He in her bosom. Just don't give it to this little brother, let him be tortured by the surname Zhang.

"The thief is sure that I dare not do anything today, so you just pray that the butcher will always treat you like this! If you can't live in the future, don't think about coming back and crying."

Liu Xianglan cursed a few words in a low voice, and then roared: "Hurry up!"

Xu He didn't speak, got up and went out of the house.

It was lively outside, the little brother didn't cover his head, but it was not what Zhang hoped for, he lowered his head slightly, and walked to Zhang Fangyuan.

Zhang Fangyuan's heart skipped a beat when he saw a person in red like himself, but felt that Xu He didn't seem too emotional. He frowned, didn't he promise yesterday that he wouldn't be reluctant to go home? He squeezed Xu He's hand, blocked the surroundings with his body, jokingly said that he wanted to take a closer look at the couple's relatives and friends, and helped Xu He get into the sedan chair.

The Xu family acted reluctantly, after the welcoming team turned around, Xu Shaochun's face fell down. Although Brother He got married before himself, the villagers didn't say much, but they still felt that Zhang Fangyuan was tough and had a bad temper. He could do whatever he wanted, and the Xu family had no choice but to marry Xu He first.

Seeing so many people coming to Zhang's house, it was lively and festive, and it was said that there were dozens of tables in the running water table, but Fei's house still hadn't moved, and she felt even more uncomfortable.

Xu He was staggering on the sedan chair, and the mood of arguing with Liu Xianglan was a little more relaxed just now, but he didn't sleep well last night, and he was dizzy.

From the corner of the curtain that was lifted by the wind, he found that the sun had already started to set, and there was a lot of noise outside, and he arrived at Zhang's house not long after sitting in the sedan chair.

At this moment, most of the people in the village have come here, and it is even more lively. When he got off the sedan chair, he knew that many pairs of eyes were on him even without looking at him. He felt a little cramped, and the feeling of being helpless became very strong.

"Don't look at it, don't even look at it! Whoever is joking, I hold a grudge, and the next time someone gets married, I will go to the bridal chamber!"

Regardless of the etiquette, Zhang Fangyuan directly took Xu He's hand and yelled at the people watching the ceremony around him.

Although the wedding banquet can be big or small, the young man is still afraid of Zhang Fangyuan, so he doesn't dare to make jokes, and just laughs beside him.

When Xu He's boat docked, he felt much more at ease, and entered the hall of Zhang's family with his head down. After the two of them worshiped the hall, he was sent to his new house.