MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 25

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In the following days, Zhang Fangyuan played the role of the Xu family's quasi-son-in-law, and Xu Changren had to go to the city to change his medicine for a follow-up visit every five or ten days.

As long as Xu He came to ask him for help, he would quickly take the person to the medical clinic in the city with a cart, and if Liu Xianglan came to call, he would make a show for a while.

Knowing Liu Xianglan's virtue, being too kind to her will make her feel that she is easy to handle, and she has to be fierce. In the end, she will have to eat a meal cooked by Brother He at Xu's house before leaving after sending someone back.

If it wasn't for Xu He, he wouldn't be courteous to the Xu family, and the dowry money he gave was also the face of Brother Quan He. It can be regarded as an explanation, if he doesn't give it to him, the Xu family will definitely not want to betroth He Ge'er to him, and the right is to waste money and eliminate disasters.

Furthermore, He Geer also told him that the family has been more polite to him since the two got engaged.

Zhang Fangyuan is not only happy that his engagement with Xu He has brought him a better life, but also happy that he will tell himself these things.

The marriage was decided in a hurry, and he didn't have much time to prepare. In fact, getting married in a rural family is not as complicated as a rich family in the city. The bride price and banquet are very decent, but both of them cost money. It takes effort.

Zhang Fangyuan calculated the money in hand, but he was not rich.

His income is from buying and selling livestock. Now he can sell a pig in three to five days, and he has to find a new one after it is sold out. In this way, if the market is good for a month, he can sell five pigs. According to the trading of five pigs, He looks like he can earn five thousand Wen.

In the first month, he sold two pigs, and in February, which is approaching the end of the month, he has already sold four pigs, which means he earned about 6,000. It cost more than 4,000 yuan to buy the bracelet, plus the remaining silver money before, it looks like more than 5,000 yuan, but half of the dowry money given to the Xu family was spent by himself, and there were only 3,000 yuan on hand.

Although the income is beyond the reach of ordinary farmers, there are many places to spend money recently.

I have to give Xu He's family 1,600 Wen, and it costs thousands of Wen to hold a wedding banquet. Apart from these big expenses, there will be new people in the family, and new furniture must be prepared.

Zhang Fangyuan looked around at home. Xu He married and said nothing else. He needs to order a new wardrobe for him. Although he is a little brother, he also loves beauty. The dressing table must not be missing, and two new ones have to be added. The fluffy cotton quilt on the bed...

Zhang Fangyuan, who has always been ignorant of worry when spending money, began to have a headache for the first time that he didn't have enough money.

He plans to sell another pig at the end of this month, one and a half pigs next month before they get married, and use the remaining half of the pigs for banquets, so that the money on hand can be spent temporarily.

"He Geer!"

Zhang Fangyuan was thinking about it in a daze, and he didn't notice when he entered the village, he stopped Xiao Hei, saw Xu He in the field beside the road sowing corn seeds, jumped out of the car: "I'll help you. "

Xu He wiped the sweat from his brow, and when he saw someone he hadn't seen for two days, he felt relieved unconsciously. He hastily stopped Zhang Fangyuan, who was about to come forward to help, how could he let the man who had been tired all day to go out and buy livestock help him to the ground: "It's almost there."

Seeing that he wouldn't let him do it, Zhang Fangyuan felt that the little brother hadn't accepted his identity too much, and he didn't insist on pounce on him, so he said instead:

"What do you want to eat tonight? I just came back from the slaughter of the animals. I have fresh pork, and all pig offal is available."

Xu He was about to say no, but Zhang Fangyuan had already rushed back and lifted the cloth covering the freshly slaughtered animals for him to choose.

"Choose one, I'll go to your house for dinner tonight." Zhang Fangyuan smiled and said, "This way I don't have to fire when I go back."

Having said that, Xu He had no reason to refuse. He climbed up from the ground, looked at the fresh pork, and divided it into two halves. After that, a piece of pork can be sold for tens of pennies.

"Choose a pig to go into the water, which one do you want to eat?" Xu He pretended to be plain and said: "I will cook tonight."

Zhang Fangyuan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and immediately took out the pork belly and pig heart. Xu He disagreed when he saw this. They were all sold at a high price, and it would not be worthwhile to send them to their home: "If you don't care about your heart and lungs, why don't you eat them?" Stewed radish?"

"You don't like to eat pork belly and pig heart?"

Xu Hechang took a look at him and shook his head. Zhang Fangyuan knew what he meant, so he took out his heart and lungs and gave him a big cage, which could make a big pot of stew. Give the two pork kidneys to Xu He: "Let's fry it in a pot. I saw that the scallions you planted are red, tender and green, and the fried pork kidneys are just right."


The two glanced at each other, feeling very happy in their hearts. After briefly touching their eyes, they retracted politely in their shyness.

"Then I'll go back first, come over later."

Xu He responded, and Zhang Fangyuan drove the carriage home. After unloading the pork, he planned to send two pages of pork liver to his fourth uncle's house.

After Xu He had planted the last bit of corn, filled half a basket of wild boar grass, and chopped half a basket of cabbage to pack into a basket, he took Zhang Fangyuan's pig heart, lungs and kidneys, which had been tied with brown leaves, back home.

It is inevitable to meet villagers on the road, but there is no need to go forward to chat, and I saw Zhang Fangyuan's carriage parked on the side of the road from a long distance to help Xu Hezhu into the water.

The villagers looked at it eagerly. After the Chinese New Year, who can eat meat like this in ordinary days? Even if they are busy with spring plowing and want to eat meat, they can only use a small square of bacon to stew cabbage. Where can they eat these tricks.

Those who saw the Xu family and Zhang Fangyuan were engaged and said they would be unlucky were a little bit jealous. After all, the benefits of taking meat are visible to the naked eye.

"Where did the pig come from! It's fresh!"

Liu Xianglan had just arrived home after picking tea, and was about to scoop some water from the water tank in the yard to wash her hands, when she saw Xu He coming back with her heart, lungs and pork loin, without washing her hands, and rushed to greet her.

"He said he would come over for dinner." Xu He said.

Liu Xianglan was full of smiles, although she didn't really want to see the evil star, she might eat meat, so that's another story.

"Go back to slaughtering pigs again."

Xu He put down the pannier: "Yes."

"Then go cook!"

Xu He said unhurriedly: "I'll chop the pigweed first before cooking, and the animals will make a fuss later."

After a busy day, Liu Xianglan only ate a little pancake at noon. She was a little hungry at the moment, and she panicked looking at the meat: "You cook first."

He turned his head and shouted into the room: "Shaochun, come out and chop up the pigweed!"

Xu Shaochun in the room opened her beautiful eyes in disbelief when she heard the sound. She smelled delicious, so she was not willing to chop pigweed, and she was even more puzzled that her mother asked her to do such a rough job.

"I still have to make medicine for my father, why don't I chop it later."

Liu Xianglan washed her hands: "It's annoying for the animals to be noisy later, I'll just boil your father's medicine."

Seeing that her mother blocked him, Xu Shaochun balked and refused to move. Seeing this, Xu He quickly carried the pig into the water into the kitchen. He didn't want to give her second sister a chance to push it on his head.

"Mother~" Xu Shaochun dragged out his tone, and stepped forward to hold Liu Xianglan's arm.

Liu Xianglan knew that her daughter was acting like a spoiled child, but she didn't act like she used to. She just persuaded her: "The college exam is about to pass, and you won't be at home for long. You should learn to do some work. When the time comes, you can go to Fei's house." Better."

"Ms. Fei is more than capable, so there's no need for me to do these things. I'll just accompany Fei Lang to study when the time comes."

Liu Xianglan said: "It's not sure that I will win this time, let's do some work for the family first, and Zhang Tuzi will come over later."

"I'm going to make medicine for your father."

Seeing that her mother was more and more partial to Xu He, Xu Shaochun stomped her feet angrily, but Zhang Fangyuan took some gift money and sent some meat on weekdays, but her mother confessed him as if she had never seen the world up.

Angrily, she moved out of the small stool, took out the cabbage, and chopped it randomly with a knife.

Zhang Fangyuan came here early, and went straight to Xu's house after leaving his fourth uncle's house. His aunt had left him there to eat fried pork liver, but seeing that he didn't do it, she laughed at him and said that now she only knows how to go. The mother-in-law ran away.

At the Xu family's side, Xu He had already cooked the pig's heart and lungs, and was cutting the pork loin. The pork loin had to be sliced ​​open in the middle to take out the white fat in the middle of the kidney. If the white fat didn't go away, there would be a foul smell. He buried his head in it carefully, and didn't even notice that Zhang Fangyuan came in.

After cutting the flower knife, I saw that Zhang Fangyuan had squatted under the stove.

Xu He looked at the man who was sitting honestly under the stove and throwing firewood into the stove. Under the head-on firelight, his sharp-edged and resolute face was coated with a soft radiance, which was much more approachable than usual. In fact, Zhang Fangyuan's appearance is very upright, it's just that kind of aggressive handsome, the people who like him like it very much, but most people are afraid to look at it carefully.

There was a pause in his chopping action, and suddenly he couldn't tell the time for a moment, as if the two were already an old couple.

Zhang Fangyuan raised his head inadvertently, his eyes met, Xu He looked away, his voice was not too loud, but it was enough for the two of them to hear: "Are you hungry?"


"It will be ready soon. I will put the radish into the pork lung soup and start cooking."

Zhang Fangyuan said yes.

Xu Shaochun heard the warm conversation between the two in the kitchen outside, and the movements of chopping pigweed became more chaotic.

"I didn't expect your second sister to look at Jiao Didi, her hands are quite strong, and she chops pigweed so loudly."

Xu Shaochun blushed when he heard the words.

After Liu Xianglan gave Xu Changren the medicinal soup in the back room, she saw two people cooking in silence in the kitchen, and she and Zhang Fangyuan were polite. Although everyone under the same roof had their own ghosts, they couldn't bear the delicious pork loin fried by Xu He, and the few people who served them were full and well-fed, and for a while they forgot their grudges.

Xu He was also willing to see Zhang Fangyuan come over to eat, and beat a few bowls of polished rice at home to make rice. After Zhang Fangyuan finished eating a bowl of rice, he silently refilled it for him. The dishes were already served, so Liu Xianglan's eyes widened a little, but she didn't dare to say anything at the dinner table.

After the meal, all the rice in the steamer was eaten, and the pork lung soup in the pot was also raging. She expected that there would be some leftover to take to the tea factory tomorrow, but she underestimated Zhang Fangyuan's appetite.

After a meal, Xu's family was full, and Zhang Fangyuan also had a full meal, and went home happily.

"It's really you who is facing him like this before he is married!"

After Zhang Fangyuan left, Liu Xianglan scolded Xu He a little angrily.

Xu He tidied up the dishes indifferently, and when the meat was delivered, you didn't see you stretching out your chopsticks.