MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 18

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Liu Xiangmei had a delicious meal at her sister's house, and her complexion became more and more rosy.

Only the youngest of the Xu family has this skill. She thought it was good when she ate Xu’s food for the first time. When she returned home, she took her own girl to learn how to cook, but it turned out that this food still needs some talent in it. I can't force it.

On the table was Liu Xiangmei's favorite pig's trotter and winter bamboo shoots. She was very happy and wanted to praise Brother He, but Xu Shaochun couldn't stop adding vegetables to her bowl, so she had to hold back the words .

In the afternoon, Liu Xiangmei went back. In the first few days, she said she was free and busy, and she was busy. Liu Xianglan didn't keep many people. She said that she would go to her sister's house some days when she went to the city to go to the market.

Zhang Fangyuan was busy with small business in the past few days, leaving early and returning late, and the villagers hadn't noticed much. He came back after selling the pork that day, and drove the horse cart back to the village. People saw him along the way. He didn't care that the people in the village stopped to look at him, and went straight home.

He put all the money he earned in the past few days into the jar under the bed, and when he carried it out, he made a rattling sound, which made people feel at ease. I poured out all of them and piled up a small table. In fact, it looks like a lot, but in fact it is only a few thousand dollars. In fact, it is much more convenient to go to the bank to change it into real money, but if you need change to make up money for business, you should still have enough money on hand. It takes money.

After counting, it looks like four thousand coins.

It cost 2,460 yuan to buy a pig. After the pig is slaughtered, the meat yield is about 70% to 85%, except for the internal organs and pig head. He looked eighty, worked hard for a few days, and earned more than a thousand dollars, which he was quite satisfied with.

If things go on like this, it shouldn't be long before he can redeem the silver bracelet he pawned, but now is not the time, he wants to buy pigs to sell, and he needs to have enough money in hand.

After packing up the money, he unloaded the cart in the yard, fed the horses a lot of grass, and took some snacks bought in the city and some things that could be used on weekdays to his fourth uncle's house for dinner.

"Is it easy to sell?"

"It's okay, I'll go to see the pigs again after a day off." Zhang Fangyuan ate his fourth aunt's impromptu stir-fry. There is a sign on the side of the shop, people who have pigs can contact me."

Zhang Shicheng was sitting on a chair by the threshold. Today the family went out to visit relatives and came back. He already had dinner, so he ate with Zhang Fangyuan. Seeing his nephew digging into the rice, he stretched his legs comfortably and leaned back on the chair, and asked him about the market in the meat market.

He and Xiaomao were in the bedroom unpacking and watching the things Zhang Fangyuan brought over. There was a pack of dried nuts, which were used as snacks for children. Needless to say, they put the things in their arms with a smile inside.

Then he saw several large bags of salt and sauce, and He was overjoyed: "Your cousin is getting better and better at living, and knows how to choose practical things to buy, but after buying so much, I even made another pot for your father." Alcohol, the problem of being extravagant can't be changed."

"Hey, what is this?" Xiaomao listened to her mother's smile and was about to reply to his mother's words, but saw a small wooden box in the innermost part of the bundle.

He took it out suspiciously and opened it, and saw a double-folded hair tie lying safely in the long small wooden box.

The dark green silk hairband is smooth to the touch and has a gentle touch. It is embroidered with a golden lotus pattern and accompanied by auspicious cloud patterns, which is very beautiful. If you tie your hair in spring, it will definitely look good.

"Mom, what a beautiful headband!"

Xiaomao couldn't help but let out a voice: "Why is my cousin so good at picking things!"

On the contrary, Mrs. He frowned slightly, and took a look at the headband. Although the headband was good, the color was a bit dark, and it didn't seem like Xiaomao would wear it at his age.

Although she saw that her younger brother liked it, she still said: "Perhaps your cousin is going to give this away."

Xiaomao was a little disappointed, but he still said sensiblely: "Then I'll take it back to my cousin, he's already bought me some dried fruit, and this ribbon doesn't look cheap."

He nodded with a smile, and rubbed his little brother's hair.

Zhang Fangyuan was full of wine and food, and he also explained to his fourth uncle what he had to explain. He wanted to slip away, and when he was about to speak, Xiaomao ran out first: "Cousin Ayuan, is this what you want to send?" human?"

Hearing the sound, Zhang Shicheng also turned his eyes to his little brother. Seeing the box in Xiaomao's hand, Zhang Fangyuan blushed carelessly, and he hurried over to take it: "Ah... yes. Oh, my memory, I just came back I came here in a hurry when I was hungry, but I forgot to take out my things.”

Xiaomao was not unhappy when he saw that the thing was really going to be given to someone else, but instead said: "It's very beautiful, who is the cousin going to give it to?"

Zhang Fangyuan scratched the back of his head, a little at a loss in the playful eyes of his fourth uncle's family of three, just smirking to himself, and carefully put the things in front of his chest: "I still have something to do, I'll go back first."

A few people didn't keep him, they all smiled and shook their heads when they saw the tall figure going out the door.

Zhang Shicheng got up from the chair: "This kid, you can be regarded as enlightened."

He smiled and patted Xiaomao's head: "Brother Mao, you should have a sister-in-law soon."

Zhang Fangyuan left Zhang Shicheng's house and didn't go back directly, but wandered around the village with a clear goal but seemingly aimless, only worried about how to call out the person who wanted to give the gift if he was at home.

But after he went to Xu's house and walked around, he didn't see Xu He at home. Instead, he met some villagers who pulled him into a conversation. He was impatient and sent him away with a few words.

"Brother He, be busy with the new year."


"It's really busy during the Chinese New Year. If I go here or there, I don't see you very often."

Xu He was pulling radishes in the field, when he heard the chatter, he said bluntly, "What do you want to bring to my second sister?"

The man was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and took out the things he wanted to give away. It was obviously the first time he had done this, and he was not very proficient in the business. Xu He saw that although the man was not very embarrassed, he still inquired clearly, knowing that he would pay for his travel, so he told him his own set of rules, and the man nodded repeatedly.

Xu He sighed slightly. Today, what his mother said was that he valued the Fei family. After a while, he didn't want to let these people run away, and these people would be happy when they didn't get it.

"Then, thank you, keep busy..."

Xu He didn't even bother to raise his eyelids: "Go back, don't tell me these things."

The man left resentfully, turned around and lowered his head and almost bumped into Zhang Fangyuan who came forward. The frightened man swallowed, and ran away in fear. After running far away, he looked back at the butcher striding past, thinking that even the butcher had Xu Shaochun's idea, so he still had hope.

Zhang Fangyuan was very happy to see the little brother who was digging his head in the field to pull out the radishes. He didn't open his mouth to disturb others, but squatted on the ridge of the field, just guarding.

Xu He plucked enough radishes for pig food tonight, and when he was about to carry them back in the basket, he felt like a super big pug was squatting on the top of his head, which made him feel anxious. When he looked up, he saw Zhang Fangyuan opened his mouth and showed his canine teeth, smiling at him.

He was startled: "Why are you squatting here!"

"Squat you."

Xu He pursed his lips, but he was not angry: "What's the matter with you?"

Zhang Fangyuan didn't continue to make jokes, he flattered, courteously and tentatively took out the things in front of his chest, and handed the box over on the ridge of the field.

Xu He's eyebrows twitched, seeing Zhang Fangyuan's foolish look, he couldn't help but startled. The box in front of me is a wooden flower box, just looking at the box, I feel that the contents of the box are not bad.

It's been a long time since he looked at the things that others forwarded for him so seriously, and every time he took them to his second sister intact, he didn't expect...

But what was unexpected, his second sister is a village flower, now that Zhang Fangyuan has recanted her ways, and has serious business to do, even his aunt is in the fancy, so naturally he has the conditions to win over his sister .

Why is he meddling in his own business, and suddenly there is some inexplicable smell, even when he saw the second sister's pile of gifts that looked like small mountain bags, he never raised his eyelids.

Oh, by the way, his second sister is going to be engaged to the Fei family, and Zhang Fangyuan will leave empty-handed by then. He must be feeling sorry for him, after all, this big man is actually pretty good, like a hedgehog on the mountain, with thorns on the outside, very threatening, but in fact, the flesh on the inside is soft, and he takes good care of him.

How caring...Is it because of my sister? Just like what his cousin Chen Si said, Zhang Fangyuan was warm to him, took him to the doctor, bought candied haws, and dug bamboo shoots with it close?

But when he was with him, he hardly mentioned his sister, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten close to him... But he also remembered that when Zhang Fangyuan came to slaughter pigs at home, he did watch him from the window. Sister is coming...

After Xu He struggled, he realized that he was still grateful to him. Regardless of whether he approached him because of his sister or not, for a person like Zhang Fangyuan, he also hoped that his wishes would come true and he would live a good life.

He made a seemingly relaxed expression, and took it over: "Don't think that we won't charge you for traveling expenses because we know each other well. I don't need your money, and I have to give it to you."

Zhang Fangyuan saw that he accepted the things as a matter of course without any excuses. He was quite happy at first, but after hearing what he said, he felt unhappy again: "No way."

Xu He was also sour: "I can afford gifts, but I can't afford to pay for my travel. Why are you so picky?"

"It's not a question of picking or not. How much money do you want, just ask me and I'll give it to you. But it's not appropriate to ask for travel expenses to receive gifts yourself?"

Xu He's hands froze, and he was slightly taken aback. He didn't understand Zhang Fangyuan's meaning at once, and it took him a while to figure it out. He glanced at the box in disbelief, then looked up at Zhang Fangyuan, and stammered rarely: "You...what do you mean?"

"Open it and see if you like it."

Zhang Fangyuan said a little unnaturally: "I saw it in the city and thought it was okay, so I bought it casually."

Xu He opened his mouth a few times, but he didn't say anything. He didn't open the box, and looked at Zhang Fangyuan: "Why do you want to give me something?"

Zhang Fangyuan blushed at the sight of those **** and white eyes, stood up abruptly, and became taller in front of the low Xu He who was already standing: "I don't have anyone else in the village to give you, you, Quickly open it and see if you like it."

Xu He stared at him intently: "I'll look at it when I get home. I pulled out the radish and got dirty hands."

"Oh." Zhang Fangyuan's heart was beating fast, he didn't dare to look at Xu He, coughed dryly: "Then you should finish your work early and go home, I still have something to do, so I'm going back."

After saying that, Zhang Fangyuan acted like a thief, pulled out his slender and powerful legs, and hurried away.

Xu He watched the figure of the person disappearing at the end of the field ridge, and then slowly withdrew his gaze.

He held the box carefully in his hand, he didn't know what it was, but he was afraid of crushing the box, and it was neither tight nor loose in his hand for a while.