MTL - Rebirth: Japanese investor-Chapter 743 abnormal

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   Chapter 743 Abnormal

   The next morning, Sakai Rie sat in the small dining room to eat, but Kishimoto Masayoshi was not seen. On weekdays, he always went to the small dining room first and sat down to read the newspaper.

Sakai Rie took a sip of the milk from the milk glass cup with her right hand. She couldn't help feeling that it was a bit awkward to sit alone like this, so she looked at her personal maid and said, "Go and urge Mr., and tell him to come quickly. Breakfast."

   The maid told the truth: "Sir, I didn't come back last night."

   Sakai Rie didn't make a sound, and continued to eat breakfast by herself, but she was already muttering in her heart.

   In the past, even if Masayoshi Kishimoto didn't come home, he would take the initiative to make a phone call to himself in advance. This time, he quietly made her feel quite abnormal.

   After half an hour, Sakai Rie finished her breakfast. She wiped her mouth with a handkerchief and placed it on the dining table.

   Sakai Rie stood up, walked out of the small dining room and walked towards her bedroom upstairs. She found her mobile phone on the bedside table on the right, and directly entered a series of Kishimoto Masayoshi's phone numbers to make a call.

   She waited for a result, but the other party's mobile phone was turned off. Her brows were slightly wrinkled, and she called again, but still only got a computer voice response, the other party had turned off.

   Sakai Rie was immediately displeased, and said to himself: "Where did you die? Tonight, if you don't explain things to me clearly, then you will never sleep peacefully."

   She didn't pay much attention to it, guessing that Masayoshi Kishimoto had another night of drinking with his friends. Now, not on the way home, or on the way to the company. Otherwise, it is drunk somewhere.

  In Japan, drinking an overnight drink is a very normal thing for many men. This is often a manifestation of ability and popularity.

  A man who commutes to and from get off work honestly will be regarded as lacking in ability and popularity. Such a man is not a good man in Japanese values.

   Sakai Rie was not obsessed with why Kishimoto Masayoshi did not come back overnight. She insisted, last night, if you didn't come back, today, you must come back!

  Even if you don't come back today, you should come back tomorrow. Even if you don't come back tomorrow, you will come back one day. After all, this is your home, where your wife and son are.

  As long as you come back, then you have to talk to him properly. So she turned and left her bedroom to go about her own business. In her mind, the number one priority is not her husband Kishimoto Masayoshi, but her son.

  The time passed quickly, and it was about half past ten in the blink of an eye. Rie Sakai's cell phone rang suddenly. When she took it out and saw that the caller ID was Kazuya Takahashi, she pressed the green answer button without hesitation.

   "Why is Justice's cell phone turned off? I have an urgent matter at work to find him." Kazuya Takahashi blurted out his debut as soon as the phone was connected.

   "Why did he shut down, don't you know? You shouldn't act in front of me." Sakai Rie said bluntly.

   "What am I doing? I went to the president's office to find him, but he was not there. The secretary, Miku Yamada, told me that he didn't come today." Kazuya Takahashi wondered.

   "Is what you said true?" Sakai Rie doubted.

   "What am I lying to you for? I really have a job urgency to find him." Kazuya Takahashi said seriously.

   "Last night, he didn't come back. His cell phone was also turned off. I also want to ask you, where did he go?" Sakai Rie said solemnly.

   "Even if you don't know where he's going, it's going to be difficult." Kazuya Takahashi began to scratch his head.

   At this time, Suwon Snow next to him heard something real, and suddenly said: "Brother Justice, there will be no accident, right?"

   After she said it, she realized that she had made a blunder, and hurriedly explained: "I didn't mean that."

   Sakai Rie held the phone in her right hand and attached it to her right ear, looked at her best girlfriend and said, "I know you are caring about him."

  Suwon Snow nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, and made the sound of "Mmmmmmm" repeatedly.

   Sakai Rie did not panic at all. She always thought that Kazuo Takahashi was also playing in front of her, after all, this was not the first time.

   How many times before and after, even she herself can't remember. Anyway, in her mind, they are the same raccoon dog, and they like to cover each other the most.

   "Kazuya, do you think he will be kidnapped?" Sakai Rie said casually.

   Kazuya Takahashi really had a job to look for Masayoshi Kishimoto, but couldn't find it. He was standing in the president's office and calling.

   "You received a call from the kidnappers?" Kazuya Takahashi immediately became nervous.

   "Not yet. I'm just making a guess." Sakai Rie replied.

   "Scare me." Kazuya Takahashi said, letting go of his nervousness.

   "How about we just call the police?" Sakai Rie asked calmly.

   Kazuya Takahashi of course knew that the police reported that the person was lost, and it would take a certain amount of time to do so. Even if Kishimoto Masayoshi is not an ordinary person, he cannot call the police to find someone at this juncture.

   "You must never call the police. Now, our Hard Gold Group is negotiating with the South Korean side, which is a matter of concern to all parties.

If the news of   's disappearance of the chairman was revealed to the media, would it be great? "Takahashi Kazuya said again, very nervous.

   "This won't work, that won't work, what do you say?" Sakai Rie always thought that he was acting in front of him. She thought, since you want to act, then I will act too, to see who performs well and who has played who. I don't believe that I can't force Kishimoto justice to come out.

   "Don't worry too much, I'll call Kazuhiko Inoue later and ask him to find someone." Kazuhiko Takahashi did not panic. His head was still very clear.

   "I said let the police find the person, but you won't let it. You have to let a rogue find him, so he can get him back?" Sakai Rie said more and more that they were together.

   "In terms of finding people, sometimes the police are not as effective as hooligans. Hooligans have special channels and methods for finding people.

   In many cases, even the police have to rely on them to provide clues and whereabouts of someone. You really don't underestimate them. " Takahashi Kazuya explained.

   Sakai Rie said disapprovingly: "If that's the case, then I'll listen to you. When you find someone, tell him for me to go home early tonight for dinner."

   (end of this chapter)