MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 254 King's Coercion

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As the blazing flames ignited, a strong aura swept from the position of Su Hui's body to all directions, like a sharp spear, attacking the alienated creature area observed in the dark.

Some creatures at the elite mid-level strength level and with relatively keen perceptions, before the breath has arrived, their hairs stand on end, and they rush to the distance in horror, not daring to stay for a while.

If you know that there are overlord creatures here, even if you give them countless courage, they will not dare to step into it.

As for the rest of the creatures, they can only watch the oppression of the tyrannical breath, press them in place, and wait for the judgment of the other party.


The huge coercion caused them to have severe fear in their hearts. They were scared to death, and they had no desire to compete with the other party.

"Tread, step, step."

Su Hui walked very slowly, and every step seemed to be stepping on the hearts of these creatures, constantly beating their minds that were close to collapse.

Looking at the behavior of the younger brother in the distance, Su Ming did not interfere too much.

Because, even if Su Hui doesn't do anything, Su Ming will take action himself. He will not allow these alienated creatures to watch the wolves unscrupulously. This is a provocation to high-level creatures. The younger brother is just doing what he should. act of doing.

After being promoted to the king class, Su Hui's control of flames has been completely improved.

When it touches the grass and branches and leaves, it does not let the flames erode and contaminate them, but just walks by.

He waved his sharp wolf claws and pushed aside the bushes in front of him. Su Hui's fiery figure appeared in the eyes of this group of prying creatures.

This is a group of slender monkeys. Thanks to the mutation, their height has risen from less than one meter to more than one meter, and their limbs have become a lot longer and narrower.

More importantly, this group of creatures, who originally had only the intelligence of children, have also been raised to the level of human children.

They imitate the appearance of human beings, holding thick wooden sticks, and iron pieces picked up somewhere to act as shields, just like soldiers in ancient times.

Of course, in the face of great strength, there was no chance for all of this to be used, and Su Hui didn't even need to make a move. The frightened monkeys threw the sticks and shields in their hands onto the grass, shivering. I don't know what to do.

The ferocious coercion attacked the monkeys, making them lose the possibility of escape, unable to move.

Kneeling on the grass, in their eyes, there was no such calm expression when they spied on them earlier, only deep fear.


The hoarse begging for mercy came from the monkeys' mouths, which seemed to mean surrender and surrender.

Su Hui ignored the behavior of these guys, raised his body, and swung a swift blow.

Slap the fiery wolf claws on these creatures who dare to provoke the wolves.



The sharp claws tore open the forehead of the first monkey, smashed its inner brain, and then a large amount of blazing flames wrapped around the opponent's body, turning its powerless corpse into a burning torch.

Xunmeng's offensive did not stop there. After penetrating through the forehead, carrying the minced meat and blood, the sharp claws continued to swing to the right, stabbing into the shoulder of the second monkey. The famous creature was cut in half, and a large amount of internal organs and blood were splattered on the nearby lawn. After a while, it also followed the former's footsteps and was engulfed by blazing flames.

The only surviving monkey, seeing the miserable state of the two companions beside him, let out a horrified cry, a hoarse sound resounding throughout the area.


Just before he waited for how long to shout, a huge wolf claw emerged on top of his head and trampled down.


Like the sound of a watermelon shattering, the monkey who was still screaming was no longer moving, its forehead was tragically turned into meat foam, and a lot of red and white fluids came out.

At the same time, losing the control of the brain, the discharge openings on both sides could not stop erupting, exuding bursts of stench.

Su Hui glanced at it with some disgust, then increased the intensity of the flame, and burned it together with the pile of excrement.

After the three monkey corpses had been burnt out of shape and turned into hideous scorched corpses, Su Hui just took back the blazing flames above and rushed to the next location.

This scene has the meaning of killing chickens to warn the monkeys. After the tragic death of the three alienated monkeys, the surrounding voices begging for mercy became louder and louder.

In this regard, Su Hui still ignored it and moved to the next hiding place.

With sharp wolf claws, the blocking branches and leaves were torn apart, revealing the alienated wild cat that had been stunned inside.

After the influence of the mutation, the other party's body size is no longer as short as before, but has grown to a height similar to that of a large dog.

Just looking at the appearance, it is difficult to think of it as a domestic cat in the impression of humans. Instead, it looks a bit like the predator in the cat family, the cheetah.

Through its vertical child hole, it is like a hunter in the dark night, which is extremely deterrent, and ordinary creatures are probably not opponents at all.

However, now this mighty predator can only shrink into a ball, trembling all over.

Su Hui's strong aura seems to have brought him back to the period of domestic cats again. Facing truly powerful creatures, he has no ability to resist, and can only wait for the arrival of death.


The wild cat lay on the ground and uttered a cry in a low voice, expressing surrender to the approaching giant wolf.

The strength of this wild cat is obviously much stronger than those of the three monkeys, not only because of its inherent sharp speed and sharp front claws, but also because its rank has reached the elite level.

It is a pity that even alienated creatures of this strength are powerless in front of Su Hui.

Its proud claws, in front of Su Ming, did not even have the slightest idea of ​​waving it, and could only retract inside its forelimbs, lest it anger this powerful creature.

Su Hui didn't mean to stop, it got up and walked in front of the wild cat, waved its wolf claws, facing the other's terrified look, and pierced its head.



In the face of the attacking wolf claws, the wild cat changed its previous fearful attitude when its life was threatened.

It let out a roar and tried its best to break free from the shackles of coercion, trying to intercept the wolf claws.

It is a pity that the resistance of the wild cat is in vain after all. How can the coercion of the king be cracked by an elite elementary creature.

Even if he tried his best, he just barely stood up, let alone recovering, even lifting his forelimbs was quite difficult for him.

The next second, the wolf claws smashed the wild cat's skull, flipped its brains over, and scattered them all over the place.

Only a wild cat with a normal head left, without even the ability to scream, took two staggering steps, then fell to the ground, twitched, and then was swallowed by a large number of blazing flames, turning into a pile of coke.

Throwing away the remaining meat residue above, Su Hui looked towards the west area and continued to walk away.

The next moment, the hoarse chirping sounded frequently.

In the face of Su Hui, who has the power of a king, these peeping creatures were quickly beheaded by him, without the slightest drag.

Facing their cries of surrender and fear, Su Hui was like a ruthless executioner, without any tolerance.

In the end, there were dozens of alienated creatures snooping out of the woods, and dozens of shapeless corpses were added. This was the fate of low-level creatures provoking high-level creatures.

After completely eliminating the alienated creatures nearby, Su Hui excitedly walked back and came to his eldest brother. He raised his head proudly, as if telling him, seeing that this is all my record, and it seems Inviting credit.

Facing the look of his younger brother's expectation, Su Ming also did as he wished this time, raised his wolf claws, and gently stroked the top of his head to show encouragement and affirmation.

Su Hui closed his eyes silently, enjoying the long-lost stroking of his head, feeling the touch between the hairs, as if he had returned to his childhood. He exhaled a stream of white air comfortably from his breath, and it lay comfortably above the grass.

The other two wolves watched the scene in front of them with envious expressions. They also wanted to be touched by Su Ming. After experiencing that refreshing feeling once, they wanted the second and third times.

It's a pity that Su Ming didn't do this kind of behavior very often, especially since the three wolves were promoted to the elite and later, it was close to none.

If it weren't for Su Hui's request for credit this time, Su Ming would not have made such actions again.

After appeasing Su Hui, the wolves embarked on their journey again, heading west all the way.

It was only just after walking out of the human city boundary that he encountered elite-level alienated creatures. Su Ming was able to speculate that the growth rate of creatures was so fast.

You must know that when the wolves meet humans for the first time, the elite-level creatures are all overlord-level existences.

However, nowadays, more and more creatures have been promoted smoothly and have grown to the level of elites, so that creatures with such strength are no longer rare.

In contrast, the definition of overlord level has also changed from elite creatures to king creatures.

There is no doubt that the overall strength of today's alienated creatures has become stronger, and if humans want to compete with it, it is bound to spend more effort.

Especially with the current level of promotion of human beings, even the most powerful Chen Tian has fallen behind the wolves in terms of strength improvement.

Without Su Ming's assistance, in the long run, human beings will inevitably lose their identity as the rulers of the earth.

Thinking about the current trend of change all the way, Su Ming led the wolves away gradually.

After a long time, until the terrifying aura could not be sensed, the alienated creatures nearby carefully ran back to the woods.

But when they saw the shapeless charred and broken corpses, they were again frightened.

This is probably the warning that the existence gave them, and there is no trace of resistance.

This group of alienated creatures who had just returned immediately turned their direction and ran without looking back, daring not to stop.

As for this piece of territory where they originally inhabited and even attempted to expand, I am afraid they will not dare to return for a long period of time.

The wolves such as Su Ming who have gone away did not know that their unintentional deterrent behavior actually helped humans indirectly, guarded the border, and reduced the needless sacrifices of the soldiers.


Tengman climbed above the brick wall, expanding and growing recklessly. Weeds penetrated the gap between the floors and covered the entire floor tile.

Having lost the traces of human life, this house that was cut in half has already been swallowed up by the power of nature and become the nutrients and accessories of plants.

The wolves passing by here do not know what happened here, but they understand that there are definitely two powerful creatures who have fought here.

Damaged houses, huge mud pits, cracked trees, all kinds of signs are showing, the epic battle that took place here.

At such a close distance, Su Ming did not believe that humans would never know. Obviously, the incident had been resolved, and they did not send heavy troops for vigilance.

Thinking about the creatures that created such a situation.

The human Chen Tian appeared in Su Ming's mind. The other party was the strongest human being, so he would naturally be the object of his mind.

But soon, Su Ming shook his head again.

Chen Tian's strength is quite good. Among the elite creatures, he can basically walk sideways, and it is difficult for any creature to hurt him.

However, even so, he did not have the power to change the terrain to such an extent.

Furthermore, the traces here seem to have been neatly cut by the blade, which is definitely not something Chen Tian can make, but more like the result of some kind of biological claws.

It is quite a pity that because the battle time is too long, it may be several months, or it may be dozens of days ago.

The bloodstains left over from the past, whether it's meat foam, are completely absorbed by the plants, and there is no residue.

Therefore, Su Ming could not judge which two creatures had fought to such a degree.

There is no doubt that a creature with such power at that time could only be a creature of the king level.

The strength of the king creature at that time is probably even higher now. Even if it does not transform into an extraordinary-level creature, it still has the strength of the king's high-level creature, which is obviously not so easy to deal with.

Almost on the same level as the alienated monitor lizards in the volcanic area, even a wolf pack with two king creatures needs to be more careful.

No matter which one of them can survive the and continue to live here, it will not be too smooth for the wolves' next journey.

Seeing that no more information could be found, Su Ming no longer stayed here. He led the team of three wolves, crossed the wreckage of the building, and continued to walk forward.

The more he went to the outside world, the more Su Ming could feel the mighty power of nature.

After leaving the capital, the number of buildings belonging to humans gradually decreased sharply, and most of them were covered by plants.

Since the mutation, the growth rate of plants is much faster than before. Su Ming predicts that if a city loses human maintenance, it will be reoccupied by nature in half a month.

The world is changing, changing at an accelerating rate, almost beyond the control of the original master human beings.

In the same way, this is also an opportunity for other races to rise. It may not be easy to say who will be the ruler of the world in the future.

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