MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 196 2 transactions

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The aroma of tea permeated the entire room, making the wolves feel refreshed and relieved from the fatigue of running all the way.

There is no doubt that the alienated Longjing tea in front of us is not only effective for humans, but also has significant spiritual benefits for their wolves.

Without thinking about it, Su Ming immediately lowered his head and drank it, and the other three wolves followed his actions and took a big gulp.

The entrance was slightly bitter, followed by a sweet aftertaste, which ran down the throat into the abdominal cavity, like a warm current repairing Su Ming's tired body and mind.

"How? Lord Wolf King?"

Xu Lin on the side also asked softly at the right time, he has a lot of confidence in Longjing tea.

After all, this tea is an alienation item that even Chen Tian is full of praise.


Raising his head, Su Ming responded with satisfaction.

He could feel that the strange energy floating in the air was rapidly pouring into his body.

Even the injured part of himself has been well relieved and started to repair.

Alienation of Longjing tea is inevitable.

"I'm very pleased to be able to get your favor, but unfortunately, these items are scarce, and even the person in charge only has fifty grams."

There was a hint of regret in Xu Lin's tone, as if he was lamenting the scarcity of such items.

However, it seemed to Su Ming that it was another matter. He didn't believe that the old fox was just sighing normally.


Thinking, Su Ming looked to the back, the shadow cloth hanging above the head of the little sister Su Yi, and the three Thunder Fruits inside it.



Su Ming let out a wolf roar again, signaling that Su Yi could put it down.

Naturally, Su Yi obeyed her elder brother's order, and obediently put down the shadow cloth above her head, revealing the alienated item that she had hidden, the Thunder Fruit.


For a time, the smile on Xu Lin's face was undoubtedly revealed, and he was pleasantly surprised that the Wolf King not only brought back the Thunder Fruit safely, but even exceeded his original expectations and brought three Thunder Fruits.

In this way, not only can it be used for research, but there are even extra power users who can give D level.

"I knew that, Your Excellency Wolf King, your skills really opened my eyes today."

Su Ming didn't talk nonsense, he turned his head and signaled to Xu Lin how he planned to exchange the other two except the agreed one.

'It's really not easy to fool...'

Xu Lin sighed in his heart. He wanted to use the admiration to shoot the Wolf King to the sky, so that he could also take three or two Thunder Fruits himself.

"Then, Your Excellency the Wolf King, what are you going to exchange with me? As long as I can get it from Xu Lin, feel free to ask."

After all, it is a partner of cooperation. Besides, Xu Lin did not dare to be disrespectful in his attitude after hearing that the other party had also broken through to the level of C level. He quickly changed his face and maintained enough respect for him.

Su Ming didn't know how to speak, so he could only repeat his old tricks, raising his wolf claws, intending to write a few words on the ground.

Looking at the other party's behavior, Xu Lin hurriedly said softly: "Your Excellency Wolf King, wait a minute, I have prepared something new for you."

Under Su Ming's doubtful gaze, Xu Lin walked to the desk, took out a large display screen, and placed it in front of him.

"This is a handwriting board specially developed for you by our humans, so that you can communicate with us."

Looking at the items below, Su Ming suddenly thought of the tablet computer in his previous life, both of which are probably similar items.

Is it just that this thing can recognize its own claws?

With the mentality of trying, Su Ming carefully touched the surface of the tablet.

As if going deep into the sponge, the tablet in front of him not only did not have such a hard touch, on the contrary, it fit Su Ming's wolf claws quite comfortably, allowing him to write easily.

Until this moment, Su Qing believed that this thing was indeed specially prepared by humans for him, and he had to sigh in his heart that the level of development of human technology was able to make such items in a short period of time.

On the other hand, while the wolf king was writing, Xu Lin also felt the cold sweat on the top of his head.

so close.....

Just now, the wolf king almost destroyed the floor. It was an electronic energy panel that cost tens of thousands of dollars for the base. It is not so easy to repair.

Fortunately, I had foresight. Before the wolf king came, I asked the scientific research department to work overtime to make the writing board, otherwise the loss would be the electronic energy board in the room.

In less than a moment, Su Ming wrote down a few words, even faster than before, thanks to this writing pad.

[Alienated Longjing Tea, how much can be exchanged? 】

‘Sure enough, did the wolf king also take a fancy to this item? ’

Xu Lin thought to himself, you must know that even Chen Tian, ​​who is China's top combat power, came over every day and tried to exchange it, but he couldn't get much.

After some evaluation, Xu Lin gave his own answer.

"It can be exchanged for about ten grams with you, Lord Wolf King, you know, this thing is quite scarce, and its value is even above the thunder fruit, which has a significant effect on every power user."

In the face of Xu Lin's Su Ming didn't feel any surprise. As mentioned earlier, there are only 50 grams of Alienation Longjing in the base, and he can take out 10 grams with himself. The exchange can be said to be quite sincere.

[Yes, but only one can be replaced. For the rest, I want an alienated plant similar to the effect of Longjing tea, with the ability to increase the speed of absorbing strange energy. 】

"Naturally there is no problem. There is a plant that meets your requirements inside the base. I will order someone to bring it later for you to observe."

Xu Lin said with a smile, not at all distressed.

First, it can be exchanged for a new type of alienation fruit, which is helpful for new research directions. Second, trading with a C-level powerhouse can further improve the relationship between the other party and humans. Why not do it.

This is a C-level powerhouse that has not yet appeared among the power users. In terms of the potential of the other party, there is no harm in making a good relationship with it, and it can even help humans themselves in the future.

【very good. 】

Su Ming turned around and raised his head, and the little girl immediately understood, stretched the shadow cloth to Xu Lin, and quickly retracted it, leaving only three Thunder Fruits.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, it's a pleasure to work with, and I look forward to meeting you next time."

With a smile on his face and wearing black insulating electric gloves, Xu Lin picked up the Thunder Fruit in front of him and put it into a delicate glass bottle.

He was about to pick up the phone at the desk, and when he ordered someone to come, the doorbell in the room rang, accompanied by a young male voice.

"The person in charge, I'm Chen Tian."

Xu Lin was stunned for two seconds, and then looked in Su Ming's direction quite apologetically. He didn't expect that Chen Tian's action speed could be so fast that the wolf king had just arrived, and he rushed to the base.

It is conceivable that the next duel training is inevitable, and I only hope that Your Excellency the Wolf King will show mercy.