MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 83

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Ye Chu walked in the direction of the Peace Hotel, and the pace was extremely fast. On the quiet street, everything around it is cold and clear.

When she escaped from Qiao Yunxiao's hand, a strange man helped her block Joe Yun's men. Although the man looked cynical, he always helped himself.

Ye Chuxiao, now he is still safe, as long as he arrives at the Peace Hotel, Qiao Yunyi will definitely be jealous and will not chase it.

But at this time, Ye Chu is worried about another thing, that is, the safety of Lu Huai.

The night was getting darker and the temperature was getting lower and lower. The cold and biting wind blew on Ye Chu's face, and the face was slightly painful, but she didn't feel it.

She just wants to hurry to the Peace Hotel and confirm the situation of Lu Huai.

Ye Chu’s flustered is so powerful that it’s been a long time since Lu Huai could not be contacted.

The phone of the Governor’s Office has not been picked up for a long time, and the outside world only knows that Lu Jiasan is not working in the field.

However, Ye Chuxiao said that in order to ensure the safety of Luhuai, the Governor’s Office has blocked all the news.

Ye Chuzhen was thinking about it. After a while, she stopped.

In the deep night, the white moonlight fell and illuminated the building in front of him.

Ye Chu looked up and saw that it was a peaceful hotel.

finally reached.

Ye Chu saw the situation around the Peace Hotel. Her brows wrinkled, then moved and walked aside, letting the black pressed trees cover her figure.

The guards around the Peace Hotel are obviously a lot more, and everyone looks alert and keeps looking around.

As if watching out for some people.

Ye Chu frowned, Lu Huai was in trouble, so the Peace Hotel will strengthen the defense.

She was worried, not knowing what Lu Huai is now, but at the moment she must calm herself down.

Ye Chu deep took a breath, the cold air irritated her nose and calmed her heart.

Ye Chu meditates, such a strict guard, how should she go in?

Ye Chu looked up and looked at it carefully. The time passed slowly. Ye Chu saw the rules of these guards patrolling.

There is a group of guards at the entrance of the Peace Hotel, and there are patrols in every corner. But every once in a while, patrolling people will change into a batch.

The guards in each corner are extremely strict, but there is a small area that is weak.

That place belongs to a blind spot. If Ye Chu stuns a guard, it will be discovered by another guard within ten minutes.

This means that she must pass the guard within ten minutes and arrive inside the Peace Hotel.

That weak area is rarely found by others. Because even during the day, others can't walk around the Peace Hotel.

However, Ye Chu is very familiar with the Peace Hotel and naturally knows how to get there.

Ye Chu came to the place, looked around and carefully observed it.

She found that a guard is relatively short and looks thin. If he stuns him, it will be easier.

After a while, the other guards went far and went to other places to patrol. This place only left this small guard.

The opportunity is coming.

Ye Chu went around the guard, and he was not prepared. A hand knife hit the guard's neck.

Ye Chu's strength is moderate and will not hurt this person, but within a short time, this person will not wake up.

After placing the guard in a dark and silent place, Ye Chu found something to cover his figure, delaying the time when the person was discovered.

Ye Chu said a word in his heart, then took off the guard's coat and put it on his body.

This guard is similar to Ye Chu's figure. If he is not careful, Ye Chu looks down and looks a bit like him.

Then, Ye Chutou did not return to the Peace Hotel.

Time is tight, Ye Chu must arrive inside the Peace Hotel within ten minutes, find a contact point, and contact Lu Huai.

Ye Chuxiao, Peace Hotel has a special contact point, where people can contact Lu Huai.

Now, Ye Chu is going to the room.

The black lacquered hallway, no trace of light, Ye Chuti feet into the heavy darkness.

The quiet corridor was so empty that I only heard the wind sweeping through the window. After a while, it was quiet again.

Ye Chu puts a light footstep, and the silence is so powerful that a small voice will be discovered, and she must be extra careful.

Ye Chuxiao had to go to the contact point, she walked quickly, but the voice was extremely light.

Going to a corner, Ye Chu is going to move forward. At this time, someone on the head came over.

Ye Chu’s heart stunned and bowed his head.

Her body was tight, and the hanging hand clenched and made a prepared posture.

The guard was called Zheng Li. He didn't expect to meet other people here. He blinked and his brow wrinkled slightly: "How are you here?"

Everyone is patrolling outside, why is this person coming in?

Four dark, almost no light, can not see the face of people.

However, Zheng Li could identify the clothes of Ye Chu and guard the clothes. Therefore, his suspicion dissipated.

He has no doubt about Ye Chu’s identity for the time being.

Between the electric and the flint, Ye Chu’s brain is running fast. What should she do?

She can't say anything, and when she opens her mouth, Zheng Liding will find her wrong. Thinking about it, I can only do this.

Ye Chu made a decision.

She immediately changed her face and pretended to be a painful look. She lowered her head and licked her stomach, and the whole person shivered slightly.

It looks like a person with a terrible stomach and a pain that can't make a sound.

However, Ye Chuxiao, this is just a plan to slow down the soldiers, and the people in front of them will not fully believe. If he finds out, he will make other plans.

Zheng Li saw the appearance of Ye Chu, and his suspicion was less. He said: "If you have a stomachache, just go for a break."

Zheng Li said: "But don't go inside, you are staying outside."

Ye Chuxiao, now can only pretend to leave first, she nodded, licking her stomach, turned and walked back.

Zheng Li stood still in the same place. He looked at the figure that Ye Chu left, turned around and was about to go back.

Suddenly, he stopped and his head flashed something, feeling like there was something wrong with it.

The only person who has been licking his stomach has kept his head down, and there is no sound from beginning to end. Even if his stomach hurts again, it is impossible to make a sound.

There are two possibilities. First, the person’s identity is suspicious. He does not say anything to expose his identity.

However, it does not rule out that the person is really painful, and the weakness is too much to say.

After all, the guards of the Peace Hotel are extremely strict, and most people can't get in.

He was a little suspicious and his brow wrinkled slightly. It is a very moment now, and no suspicious people can be let go.

He decided to go forward and see the face of the man. If he is a familiar person, he can naturally let him go.

If you are a mixed person, don't blame him for being ruthless.

Ye Chu walked forward, but her attention was highly concentrated, and she kept listening to the sound behind her.

Ye Chuxiao, that person will never relax his vigilance, he will definitely follow.

She is looking for an opportunity to hold him.

In the silent night, there was a shattered voice behind him. Although the man had deliberately let go of his footsteps, he was still caught by Ye Chu’s ears.

Ye Chu’s heart rang the alarm, her face was cold, and she knew that the man was coming up.

Ye Chu listened to the voice and knew that the person was not far away from her. If she took the initiative, she could seize the opportunity.

So Ye Chu suddenly slammed his elbow to the man behind him.

Fang Cai Ye Chu was still slow, and now the movement was agile, completely outside Zheng Li’s surprise.

What he didn't expect was that Ye Chu shot so quickly, he was not prepared, and he made a sigh.

He realized that this person was absolutely not normal in front of him, and he punched his fists at Ye Chu without any mercy.

Ye Chu had expected Zheng Li’s move, and she was hiding her head.

Then, Ye Chu immediately turned around, his body lowered slightly, and extended his right foot, hooking Zheng Li's left foot.

Zheng Li’s speed was not as fast as Ye Chu, and he immediately fell to the ground.

He just got up straight, and Ye Chu took out the dagger and reached the neck of Zheng Li, faintly said.

"I can't help it, I am not malicious. I just have something to look for in Lu San."

Ye Chu was extremely careful not to let the dagger hurt the person in front of him. Although it will hinder his actions, he will not be injured.

The dagger was placed between Zheng Li’s neck and it was cold. Behind it is a hard wall, and it is also extremely cold.

Zheng Li heard the voice of Ye Chu and stunned: "Are you a woman?"

This woman is really strange, first broke into the Peace Hotel at night, and then shot very fast, even in this dim environment, it seems that it did not affect her.

Ye Chu did not say anything.

At this time, a person took a flashlight and took photos here. The light fell and illuminated the small area.

Snow white, dark night, Ye Chu's cold face is more and more clear.

The coming person is Liu Qi, one of the people who Lu Huai sent to protect Ye Chu.

He naturally recognized Ye Chu, first bowed, and then some delighted: "Ye Chu girl, it is you."

Lu Sanshao let him protect Ye Chu, but Qiao Liuye was injured in three, and sent most of his men to take away the girl of Ye Chu.

Liu Qi is very self-blaming. He disappointed the three, and if Ye Chu girl has anything to do, he will regret it.

Three little seriously injured in a coma, but Zhou adjutant has sent someone to find Ye Chu girl, who expected that the Chu Chu girl is now standing here.

Liu Qi’s tight face finally eased, but fortunately, Ye Chu girl came back safely.

Ye Chu saw Liu Qi, his heart was loose, and he recognized that he was the person who Lu Huai sent to protect himself.

She put down the dagger and looked at Liu Qi. The voice was a little urgent: "I want to contact three young."

Liu Qi naturally understood Ye Chu’s worries. San Shao and he said that he would listen to Ye Chu’s words. He quickly said: “Ye Chu girl, you come with me.”

Ye Chu mouth corner floated a smile.

Ye Chugang was leaving, suddenly she remembered something, turned to look at Zheng Li, and apologized.

"I just can't help it."

Lu Huai sent people to protect Ye Chu, only a small number of people know. Zheng Li did not receive this order, and he naturally did not know who Ye Chu was.

Now I see Liu Qi’s attitude towards Ye Chu, and Zheng Li understands something.

Ye Chu followed Liu Qi and walked past the quiet corridor, turning a few turns and coming to the room of Lianxun.

Liu Qi opened the door and let Ye Chu go in first. After Ye Chu went in, Liu Qi closed the door again.

Entering the room, the layout is very simple. There was a table in the room with a desk lamp and a telephone.

Ye Chuxiao, this phone is specifically for Lu Huai.

The correspondent saw someone coming in and quickly stood up.

Liu Qi pointed to Ye Chu and said: "This is Ye Chu girl."

Then, he said: "You are calling three young people now, saying that Ye Chu girl is looking for him."

The correspondent looked at Ye Chu and responded. He picked up the phone and dialed the number.

Ye Chu looked out the window, the sky was dark, like black ink, people were embarrassed, only felt that the heart was very depressed.

A lot of things happened today, but Ye Chu’s mood has never been as embarrassing as it is at the moment, and her hand is slightly trembling.

She is worried about Lu Huai, and now she is very confused. She does not know what answers she will hear.

It took only a few seconds to distinguish it, but Ye Chu felt that time passed slowly, and one of her hearts was raised.

The bell on the wall rang and the sound was extremely light, but in this silent night, it was very clear.

Ye Chu’s heart suddenly calmed down and patiently waited for the reply from the phone.

The correspondent dialed the phone and said a few words, he handed the phone to Ye Chu and said, "Ye Chu girl, three little let you answer the phone."

Wen Yan, Ye Chu's body slackened, it seems that the situation is not as bad as she thought.

Ye Chu took the phone and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

I didn't expect Lu Huai to ask her the same words, and the voices of both of them sounded at the same time.

Lu Huai’s voice is low.

Ye Chu’s voice is cold.

She bowed and didn't want to worry about Lu Huai, she lied.

Although Lu Huai said that he was fine, but Ye Chuxiao, Lu Huai must have said the same lie as himself.

He didn't want to worry about himself.

The temperature at night was extremely low, and the coolness of the silk hit the body of Ye Chu, but Ye Chu did not feel cold.

Ye Chu told Lu Huai that she had tied Joe Six and fled to the Peace Hotel, but she had to tell him the details.

Ye Chu and Lu Huai spoke, and the previous tense emotions had completely dissipated.

Then, Lu Huai told her that she would help her handle her missing things and let her live in the Peace Hotel.

Ye Chu naturally knew that the room was Lu Huai.

Because of the last life, she has come a lot back.

After putting down the phone, Liu Qi took Ye Chu to find the person who kept the key. The key of the Lu Huai room was placed in a hidden place.

Ye Chu took the key, and I was embarrassed to let her take the room of Lu Huai, and said: "I will go by myself."

The man naturally agreed: "Miss Ye Er has a good rest, and there is something to come to me."

Ye Chu smiled and said: "I am bothering you."

The man smiled back: "Miss Ye Er is not polite, three friends are the guests of the Peace Hotel."

Ye Chu left with the key, she went up the stairs and went to the room on the fourth floor. Along the first step, the light is on the left wall.

Although the time is late, the Peace Hotel is still closely guarded. It is one of the safest places on the beach.

Ye Chu walked on the stairs and unconsciously looked around. For her, everything here was too familiar.

In this world, she came to the Peace Hotel for the second time. She did not expect to be in such a situation.

Ye Chu had already reached the fourth floor. She went to Room 3 and opened the door with the key.

The door lock was opened, and Ye Chu turned on the light and walked in with a light foot.

The light illuminates the entire room, and she glances around. It turned out that from this time on, the furnishings in the room have not changed much.

In the past life, Ye Chu has come back a lot.

She was going to take a hot shower, but found that she did not change her clothes.

Ye Chu walked to the closet and opened the door. Lu Huai’s clothes were neatly hung inside. She hesitated for a while...

Do you want to tell Lu Huai?

However, he is seriously injured now, why should she bother him with such a small matter.

Ye Chu tangled for a few minutes and made a decision. She reached for a shirt from Lu Huai.

Forget it, wear it and wear it. Anyway, it didn't pass before.

Ye Chu told herself that she is wearing Lu Huai’s clothes only for emergency purposes, so I will ask for his consent next time.

After Ye Chu took a shower and put on his clothes, he lay on the bed and reached out to turn off the lights.

She was so sleepy that she buried her head in the quilt. There is a smell of acacia on the quilt, as if it had been changed yesterday.

The night was so deep that the house was black and lacquered because the lights were turned off.

The familiar taste revolves around Ye Chu, and so many things happened tonight. She fell asleep and fell asleep.

Perhaps because these places evoke the memories of Ye Chu, she returned to the previous life in her dreams.


A black car slowly travels on the road, and then turns to a few intersections to the Peace Hotel.

The driver drove in front, and Lu Huai and Ye Chu sat in the back seat of the car.

Lu Huai leaned back there, his eyes closed and his brows locked slightly.

Ye Chu was watching silently, and he opened his eyes.

Lu Huai looked at Ye Chu, and the brow that had just been wrinkled had been loosened. The depth of the twilight was unknown and he could not see his emotions.

Ye Chu asked with concern: "Are you alright?"

Lu Huai did not speak, just nodded and let her rest assured.

Ye Chu moved his body and shortened the distance between the two. When she was close to Luhuai, she soon smelled a **** smell.

Ye Chu Emei, she reached out and tried to pull Lu Huai's coat.

However, the next second, Ye Chu's action was forced to interrupt, because Lu Huai immediately held her hand. He clenched her hand and did not allow her to move.

Lu Huai’s strength was great, but he only stopped Ye Chu’s behavior and did not hurt her.

Ye Chu naturally understands the intention of Lu Huai. He just wants to let himself see his wounds. But no matter how he stops himself, she also wants to see it.

Ye Chu’s voice sank: “Lu Huai.”

Lu Huai still did not let go, he clung to the hand of Ye Chu. His hand was very hot and passed to her hand, and she thought he was likely to have a fever.

Ye Chu is not at ease, I have to check it before I will give up.

In a short time, she quickly thought of a solution.

Ye Chu’s body leaned over to Lu Huai’s side, and the movement looked like a hug, and he leaned on him.

But when her breath was getting closer, Lu Huai squinted and unconsciously released her hand.

Ye Chu’s smile, this trick has always been very useful to him.

After a few seconds of hesitation, Lu Chu immediately opened his coat and smashed the injured part of his abdomen.

Ye Chu only glanced at it and quickly tightened his eyebrows.

Although Lu Huai’s wounds have been carefully bandaged, they are still bloody.

Originally, the wound was tightly bandaged with layers of bandages, but at the moment, a bright red color appeared on the white bandage.

At this time, the car slowed down, and both Ye Chu and Lu Huai understood that the car was about to stop at the door of the Peace Hotel.

Ye Chu quickly covered Lu Huai's wound and removed it, keeping him at an appropriate distance.

The two looked at each other and immediately understood the emotions in the other's eyes.

Lu Huai opened his mouth: "Don't be afraid."

Lu Huai’s voice was very light, and the very low voice rang in Ye Chu’s ear. Somehow, she immediately calmed her mind.

Ye Chu nodded. She took a deep breath and thought of a solution.

Ye Chu picked up her handbag and found a bottle of perfume from inside and sprayed it behind her ear.

The fragrance of this bottle of perfume is rich and lingering around her body.

In order to cover up the **** smell on his body, she had to do this.

Lu Huai looked at Ye Chu at the side and his eyes changed slightly. Although he did not speak, his mouth floated with a smile.

This bottle of perfume was sent by him.

At that time, Lu Huai and Ye Chu got along very quickly, and he knew nothing about her preferences.

On her birthday, he didn't know what to give, he chose a lot of choices, and finally, gave her a bottle of perfume.

Because Ye Chu did not want to disappoint Lu Huai, she did not tell him the truth. She doesn't like to use perfume.

Although Ye Chu did not use perfume in the day, it was strange that she put the bottle in her handbag.

Unexpectedly, this bottle of perfume will come in handy today.

Ye Chu put the perfume bottle back into the handbag and looked up at Lu Huai.

The car gradually stopped, and the door of the Peace Hotel has been surrounded by many reporters. Previously, there was a big event on Shanghai Beach.

Some martial art has something to do, it seems that it was targeted by the enemy. Those reporters have a lot of questions to ask.

The Peace Hotel maintains order on the beach, and only the talents on the road are clear.

The reporters only know that Lu Huai and Ye Chu will come to the Peace Hotel today, so they will wait here for them.

After all, the young marshal always had a cold face, but his wife’s attitude was very special.

If his wife is next to him, he might say more. With such a mind, the reporters came to guard.

The car door slowly opened, Lu Huai first got off the bus, and then Ye Chu was helped. Although she is very worried, she can only show a smile in front of others.

Ye Chu's high heels fell gently on the ground and she got out of the car. After standing firmly on the heel, Ye Chu looked down and didn't want to see the reporters' eyes.

Lu Huai took Ye Chu’s hand and wrapped her warm body temperature. He noticed that her palm was a fine cold sweat, as if she was nervous.

Lu Huai took Ye Chu to his arms, grabbed her waist and leaned over. She was all in his arms.

Other people think that they only think that they are biting their ears. Lu Jiasan and his wife are as close as they are rumored.

Lu Huai gently opened his mouth, and the warm breath wrapped around Ye Chu.

"Madam, I am here."

The implication is that I am here, you don't have to be afraid.