MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 76

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When I heard Lu Huai’s voice, Aunt’s face was a rare smile.

The pale, bitter face was also brightened by this smile, and the illness seemed to be swept away. She had some girls.

Lu Huai walked toward her and he took the door with ease.

The door was gently closed at the back, and the secret of this Lujia was also locked.

Lu Huai put a light voice: "Auntie, how are you doing now?"

Auntie was frightened and she could not hear the heavy voice. Whether it is in a crowded place or a noisy place, it will cause her panic.

Aunt opened her mouth and seemed to think of something. After a few seconds, she closed her mouth again.

She raised her hand and made a bunch of sign language.

Lu Huai looked at the aunt's movement and slowly read it: "Today is the mother's birthday."

Aunt laughed, she nodded.

Lu Huai looked at the aunt, her long hair was put on her shoulders. These years have clearly grown a lot, but the figure is still thin.

Auntie does not speak, and is easily frightened. She thought of her mother's birthday, so it was emotionally unstable in these few days.

Lu Huai told Auntie: "She is very good now."

Auntie waved her hand, she meant that she was not asking this. Then, she began to communicate with Luhuai in sign language.

Lu Huai read the aunt's words: "Do you want to see the mother?"

Aunt’s eyes lit up, and soon she nodded hard.

Lu Huai did not speak, looking at the aunt who has grown up now, he is silent.

A few years ago, Auntie was just a girl who was just in high school. Her heart is kind and simple, and she has grown up to expect her family to grow up.

There is a person in the Warlord’s Office who, because of his selfishness, set fire to the aunt’s room when Lu Huai and Lu Zongxi were not at home.

When she saved her aunt, she was already in a coma, and there was a burn on her body. They sent her to the hospital to rescue her.

But when Aunt woke up again, although she was out of danger, her eyes looked straight at the ceiling and could no longer speak.

In order to prevent secondary damage to the aunt, this matter was completely concealed by the Lu family.

Auntie was sent to the best hospitals abroad for treatment, and at the same time, they released false news.

Everyone thought that Miss Lu Jia had gone to the ocean, so she left Shanghai. Of course, the aunt is not very old, and often does not play with the ladies of the beach, not many people will pay attention to her.

A few good students in the school did call the Governor’s Office and asked them a few times. Those people always wanted to know why Auntie did not contact them.

The Lujia people did not tell the truth, and a lie was far better than the cruel truth. Over time, no one came to care about the aunt's situation.

After returning from abroad, Ayi stayed in this sanatorium and slowly recovered.

Although the medical technology outside is good, the scar of the aunt can not be completely disappeared.

Aunt covered her scar with her wide clothes. She knew that Lu Huai and Lu Zongxi were very busy and didn't want them to worry about themselves.

Fang was caught in that memory, Lu Huai has been silent for a long time.

At this time, Auntie pulled the sleeves of La Luhuai. Her expression was a bit curious, as if she was asking why Lu Huai did not speak.

Lu Huai has only returned to God and looked at the aunt.

Lu Huai hesitated: "Auntie, I can't take you in the past."

Auntie was puzzled, and she made a sign language to ask Lu Huai.


Lu Huai reached out and touched the head of Auntie: "It is very cold today, and your body is not very good."

Lu Huai thought about it and gave the aunt a promise: "When next year, when the mother sacrifices the day, let's go see her together?"

Auntie bowed his head and seemed to be somewhat disappointed. However, in the blink of an eye, she quickly looked up and showed a smile on Lu Huai.

A stunned his mouth.

Lu Huai saw her mouth shape, she said a good word.

She agreed.

Auntie is very good, but her only drawback is that she is too sensible. It is just too sensible to make him feel uncomfortable.

Even if she has been burned and fled from the crisis of life and death, her mind is still clear and she has always been much smarter than others.

Aunt's health is very good, the doctor said, the problem is not in her body, out of her psychology.

Her vocal system was completely unaffected, and she could continue to speak as long as she could overcome her heart disease.

Lu Huai looked at her: "Auntie, you are growing taller."

Lu Huai found that the aunt was already very tall. He just looked at it and realized that she is almost as tall as Ye Chu. Well, their ages are similar...

He glanced at why this time, he would also think of Ye Chu.

Perhaps these days are with her, I will never think of her.

Lu Huai did not know if he would tell her about her affairs. He hesitated a little and did not speak.

But the aunt had already seen something in his heart and pulled his sleeve. She looked at Lu Huai seriously, as if to let him tell the truth.

Lu Huai said slowly: "Auntie, I met a girl."

Aunt’s eyes lit up and she made a word.


Lu Huai stunned.

He suddenly smiled: "She is not your jealousy."

Auntie looked at Lu Huai thoughtfully. For so many years, there have been no girls who have come close to Lu Huai. This girl is the only one she has heard.

She will of course think of it as her own nephew.

Lu Huai said: "The relationship between us is more complicated, and there is no way to explain it to you now."

Aunt did not quite understand the meaning of Lu Huai, but could only understand and understand.

Auntie has been watching Lu Huai, clearly wanting to know more. Lu Huai has always met her requirements and told her about it.

Lu Huai: "She is very brave. She saved me once on White Road."

"At the time I was seriously injured and someone was chasing me."

"Oh yes, we just got a fight at the beginning."


Lu Huai spoke a lot to the aunt, he has always been silent, but when he treated the aunt, he was very patient.

Listening to this, Auntie couldn't help but smile. This is the first time she knows that Lu Huai can use so many words to talk about a girl.

She asked Lu Huai.

What do you think of her?

Lu Huai’s tone is calm: “Nothing to think about.”

Auntie took the corner of the mouth and made a look of unbelief. She told Lu Huai.

You will definitely have more development in the future.

Lu Huai faintly said: "Is it?"

It’s not like asking aunt, it’s more like asking yourself.

Lu Huai was silent for a few seconds. He did not consider Ye Chu and his own future. Instead, the aunt in front of him reminded him of such a sentence. But this thought is fleeting.

Then, Lu Huai thought again, Auntie has no friends here, so lonely. However, if she can know Ye Chu, life will be different.

Lu Huai thought: "If there is a chance, I will let you see her."

Lu Huai seriously introduced her to Auntie.

"Her name is Ye Chu, her temper is very good, both smart and kind."

"As long as you meet her, you will like her."


Auntie has never seen such a Luhuai, she already knows something, but she does not explain it.

Ye Chu.

Aunt silently read these two words and smiled softly.


Shanghai, Ye Gongguan.

One day has passed, Ye Chu is sitting in the room, and the finger is hitting the table without a hit.

Because of the kidnapping before, Ye Jiarou was shut down in the dark house, and Ye Chu was also shocked. The Ye family has already taken the leave to the school and let them not go to the school for the time being.

So during this time, Ye Chu will stay at home.

Yesterday was the birthday of Lu Huai's mother. Somehow, Ye Chu was somewhat uneasy.

In the last life, Ye Chu will accompany Lu Huai to the cemetery for the next five years. This time, she seems to be not used to it.

How to send a bunch of flowers to Lu Huai without knowing it?

Lu Huai always went to the cemetery yesterday, no exceptions. He will either return to Shanghai now, or go to Nanjing to find the Lu Warlord, and will not stay there.

Ye Chusi came to think, but still went out.

She did not do much camouflage and dressed very ordinary. Because she knows that as soon as she leaves Ye Gongguan, Lu Huai will soon follow.

Ye Chu stopped a rickshaw and went to Brown Road.

Because Brown Road is very long, there are many shops on the road, and there is a corner there, driving a flower shop that is not eye-catching.

If she hadn’t been with her friends for a few times before Ye Chu, she wouldn’t know that there would be a flower shop on Brown Road, not to mention others.

After arriving at Brown Road, Ye Chu got off the rickshaw, but did not go to the flower shop very soon.

Ye Chu walked on the road, stepping forward and entering a pastry shop.

The shop's traditional pastries are very famous, she is going to buy a few boxes of cakes to go back to cover up the intention to go out.

A familiar voice sounded: "Achu."

It sounds like I have been familiar with her for a long time.

Ye Chu recognized the voice, she turned her head and showed a smile: "Grandpa."

Lu Shixian usually has nothing to do, just strolling on the streets of Shanghai.

When he first arrived at Brown Road, he saw Ye Chu. When he came over, she had already entered the pastry shop.

Lu Shixian saw a few people behind Ye Chu behind her. Although they cover up very well, the average person will not know, but he is still aware of it.

This kind of thing must be told Ye Chu, Lu Shixian soon followed her and came in.

Lu Shixian’s mysterious secret said: “I just discovered one thing.”

Ye Chu leaned over and said: "What happened?"

Lu Shixian quietly said in Ye Chu’s ear: "Someone is following you."

Ye Chu: "..."

Although Lu Shixian will not be martial, his anti-tracking ability is first class. Even if the group behind them is Lu Huai, it is easy for him to find them.

Seeing that Ye Chu did not speak, Lu Shixian thought she was scared. Think about it, how can a 16-year-old girl deal with this kind of thing?

Lu Shixian said again: "Do you want me to help you get rid of them?"

Looking at Lu Shixian's extremely serious expression, Ye Chu couldn't bear to tell him that in fact the group of people were his grandson's men.

He is sincere and has a hard time spitting out a few words: "No."

Lu Shixian said: "Why?"

Ye Chu: "They are here to protect me." She did not lie, but only hidden part of Lu Huai.

Lu Shixian suddenly realized: "Achu, this world is chaotic, you really have to pay more attention."

The second sentence is that if she is in danger, she cannot know his grandson.

Lu Shixian thought for a moment, he and Ye Chu have seen three times now, and they are already acquaintances. Then, next time, they will take her to see Lu Huai.

Ye Chu opened his mouth: "Grandpa."

Lu Shixian looked at Ye Chu.

Ye Chu said with a smile: "Since we have such a fate, I invite you to eat."

Lu Shixian did not refuse: "Good."

After they entered the restaurant, and then settled down and ordered the dishes, Ye Chu knew that Lu Huai’s group had already seen her and Lu Shixian come in, and she decided to call.

Ye Chu: "I will first ask what the family wants to eat, and will bring back a little."

Lu Shixian naturally does not doubt.

Ye Chu borrowed a phone call from the store and scanned it. After four people left, she started to call.

She is calling the flower shop.

She told the florist, her request, and would pay a high fee.

Ye Chu quickly finished the phone call, then she turned and went to eat with Lu Shixian.

After bidding farewell to Lu Shixian, Ye Chu immediately returned to Ye Gongguan, and no one found anything wrong.

This afternoon, the flower shop received the customer's money and immediately did it according to the customer's request.


On the other hand, Lu Huai has left the sanatorium.

Yesterday was his mother's birthday, but because of the aunt's business, he did not have time to go to the cemetery.

As usual, Lu Huai used to see her on her mother's birthday, this time being an exception.

The warlord’s car drove to the cemetery. The weather was cold and the sky was gray, like a layer of invisible fog.

The driver waited outside, and Lu Huai walked in alone.

Lu Huai's mother has been dead for a long time, but there are always people to clean up before the tomb.

Because of the haste, this time, Lu Huai did not bring anything, even flowers. He just wants to chat with his mother.

Lu Huai walked over the tombstone and saw what seemed to be there.

Lu Huai’s steps stopped.

There is a bunch of flowers in front of the tombstone.

The tiny flowers are bunched together, the stars are a little bit, and they look great.


Lu Huai leaned down and glanced at the starry sky, frowning slightly, and he was puzzled.

Who sent this?

Logically speaking, no one will come here on his mother's birthday. Every year, he comes by himself. However, this is a heart.

Lu Huai’s disappointment, who is the person who sent the flowers, seems to be less important.

He looked at the name on the tombstone and slowly opened his mouth.

"Mother, a lot has happened this year."

"Auntie her condition is getting better and better, and she also wants to see you."


After Lu Huai finished speaking with his mother, he left.

The car started and headed for Shanghai, and all the way into the Warlord.

Deputy Chief Zhou was busy following the study. During the time when Lu Huai was absent, he had some things to report.

After dealing with the busy business, Lu Huai has been very tired.

Lu Huai closed his eyes while pressing his eyebrows. He only had a short time to rest.

However, the bunch of stars appeared in front of the eyes. At the same time, I remembered that question. Who sent it?

Somehow, Lu Huai’s face floated up again.

Blame, there is no doubt about Ye Chu, why he always feels that many things have something to do with her.

Lu Huai called the person who followed Ye Chu and wanted to ask him carefully.

Lu Huai asked faintly: "What is Ye Chu doing recently?"

Subordinate: "In the past few days, she stayed in Ye Gongguan and took a vacation to the school. She did not go to school."

The subordinate thought: "But, today, Ye Chu girl went out and had dinner with your grandfather."

Lu Huai does not seem to care about this: "Well."

The subordinate frowned. "Our people were discovered by your grandfather."

Lu Huai raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

At this time, Lu Huai remembered, Lu Shixian mentioned before, he met a good person, want to come to that person is Ye Chu.

Ye Chu’s temper is so good, Lu Shixian will naturally like her.

Lu Huai suddenly laughed, and the coincidence in the world was so much that it happened between the two of them.

He took a corner of his mouth: "It's okay, you continue to follow Ye Chu."

"And..." Lu Huai said, "Take her order as my order, and make sure her safety."

His subordinates did not hesitate: "Yes, three less."

When I left the subordinate, there was no sound in the study, and it was very quiet here.

Previously, Lu Huai had been sending people to protect Ye Chu because she was worried that she would be hurt.

However, the crisis around Ye Chu has been lifted, but he still has not recovered the group of people who protect her.

He can't tell himself by self-deception, because he is used to it.

Lu Huai has also been skeptical whether Ye Chu is the kind person, and he still needs a solid piece of evidence to determine.

But this is not the reason why he sent someone to follow her. And, this seems to be their only connection.

Or, he simply didn't want to lose contact with her, even if it was a little bit.

The night became quieter, Lu Huai sat in the room and examined his heart.

As many business days, Lu Huai has never thought of himself. But this time, he first imagined his future.

Many things are ambiguous, but what he can be sure is that there will be her existence in that future.

This evening, Lu Huai seemed to understand a truth, and this idea is different from the previous one.

Whether Ye Chu is the anonymous person, whether her side will be dangerous...

It seems that he can't stop him from getting close to her.

The author has something to say: the reason why the author chose the star is the forbearing and persistent love (both past lives).