MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 335

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Lu Huai and Ye Chu have arrived at the port of Le Havre.

They took the train to Paris.

A Yue got the news and knew that they would go to the Paris train station today.

He looked at the closet and looked a little nervous.

Someone asked: "Lu, what are you going to do?"

A Yue rented a house in Paris, and the roommate was French.

They have been roommates for half a year and have not seen such a happy appearance.

A Yue opened his mouth and smiled at his mouth: "Go to the train station."

A dumb boy, and a rare smile.

He changed a suit and hurried out the door.

In the early summer of Paris, even the sun has a light enthusiasm.


Lu Huai and Ye Chu got off the train.

They glanced at the crowd and the crowds were bustling.

And a tall, tall boy stood in the crowd.

He wore a clean, neat shirt.

The two of them walked quickly toward him.

The distance is shortened step by step, like the thought of shortening for many years.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu, came to the boy.

The three men were silent, but no one spoke for a moment.

Ah Yue has faded away from the green, and is much higher than before.

He hesitated, then said: "Sister, brother-in-law."

He used to escape hiding and could not face it.

And to calm everything, it is time.



Because Lu Huai and Ye Chu went to Paris at noon, Ah Yue had already booked a seat in a restaurant.

They sat in the dining room and the steaks came up.

A few years have not seen, Ah Yue is not as silent as before.

When I met again, Ah Yue talked about his life and he never stopped.

"The new roommate is from Toulouse."

"I remember that the former roommate was a Chinese."

"He has graduated and returned to China."

Lu Huai and Ye Chu had a tacit understanding and they switched to another topic.

Lu Huai: "A week later is the graduation ceremony."

Ye Chu: "Do you want to go back to Shanghai with us?"

This problem seems to be ready.

Waiting for just an answer from A Yue.

Ah Yue stopped his movements and looked up at them.

"it is good."

Ye Chu pulled up the lips and the steak was cut.

She picked up the fork and forked a steak.

Ye Chu put the steak on his mouth and smelled it, suddenly felt a little disgusting.

She reached over and covered her mouth.

For a moment, the fork fell on the white plate and made a crisp sound.

Ye Chu’s glimpse.

If she remembers correctly, the moon has been postponed for more than half a month.

Even these days often feel tired.

Originally thought to be because of the tiredness of the journey, now I want to come, maybe there is another explanation.

Lu Huai noticed the strangeness of Ye Chu, and he quickly guessed it.

Lu Huai opening: "Go to the hospital?"

Ye Chu nodded.

A busy ran out and stopped a car.

The three of them are sitting in the car.

Lu Huai took Ye Chu’s hand and saw her slightly frowning, her palms sweating.

Somehow, Ah Yue also got nervous.

Ye Chu did not think about it. She spent the first day in Paris at the hospital.

The white world is full of the smell of disinfectant.

Doctors, nurses and patients come and go.

Ye Chu did a series of checks.

In the end, the results came out.


In the past few days, the three of them did not run around.

The graduation ceremony of Ah Yue was soon ushered in.

A Yue stayed in Paris for many years, and Lu Huai and Ye Chu walked the place where he had been.

Every place is the memory of Ah Yue.

They put together a picture on the square.

Three people, there is a little new life.

Behind it is the sunset.

The pigeons passed the blue sky, peaceful and peaceful.

The author has something to say: 2 points before 12 o'clock on April 1st.

"The villain's white moonlight [wearing books]" will be published on April 4, and the first five chapters of the opening ceremony will be red envelopes.

The name of the text should be revised. The new text will be a story with suspense and reversal, and the plot line and the emotional line will be equal. It will definitely not let everyone down.