MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 331

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The sea is calm and waveless, only when the sea breeze blows, it only starts to wave.

The sun on the beach is hot, and the shattered sunlight fills the surface of the sea.

Seemingly peaceful sea, but always lurking in crisis.

Qin Hao’s mission is to seize a batch of opium that will be traded.

Opium smuggling is rampant and has been repeatedly banned.

The profits brought by opium are extremely high, and many people choose to take risks.

Qin Hao received the wind.

In these few days, a criminal gang that smuggled opium will be delivered at sea.

In order to hide their eyes and ears, they will take the boat out to sea and trade on board.

The number of opium is huge. If the transaction is successful, the consequences will be disastrous.

After receiving the mission, Qin Lan immediately came to this seaside town.

Their group did not want to be a stunned snake, and they acted extremely low-key.

A few days later, they will take the boat out to sea and intercept the opium.


This night, the sea was very quiet, and the moon was hanging high.

Qin Lan, they took the boat and marched deep into the sea.

According to the spy's news, Qin Hao determined the location of the sea trading.

When they are connected, Qin Hao will subdue them.

On the deck, Qin Lan stood on the side of the boat and his eyes fell on the calm sea.

Before leaving, he promised one thing to Ding Yuezhen.

After the mission is completed, the two will get married immediately.

Therefore, this time Qin Qin must return to Shanghai safely and without a word.

At this time, there were subtle footsteps behind him.

Qin Hao quickly turned around and looked at the people.

It is the person at the helm.

At the helm, there was a hint of anxiety on his face, and he walked quickly toward Qin.

"Hey brother."

Qin Yu frowned: "What is it?"

At the helm opening: "After a while, there may be heavy rain."

The boat at the helm is experienced, and the results he judges are generally not wrong.

After listening to the helm, Qin Hao immediately summoned everyone on the ship.

The hull was slightly shaken and everyone gathered on the deck.

Qin Lan stood in the corner of the ship, and the warm sea breeze blew.

Qin Lan looked at everyone: "Everyone noticed that a heavy rain may be coming soon."

“The time is running out now, and we will go back immediately after we intercept the goods.”

Qin Hao did not hide any details.

The people present have worked with Qin and Qin for many years. Like Qin Qin, they are extremely loyal and will never retreat.

The time for the transaction is approaching, Qin Qin, they will soon approach those people.

The person on board picked up the weapon and prepared it in advance.

At this time, there was a thick fog on the sea.

The white mist is floating, floating in the sea, and lingering.

The fog is getting bigger and bigger, the visibility is getting lower and lower, and it is barely visible.

Qin Hao let everyone improve their vigilance and be ready at any time.


Deep fog, a few bright yellow lights looming.

Qin Lan carefully identified and found that the two boats were parked there, and the joints seemed to be on board.

It is consistent with the information from the spy.

Qin Lan put the lights on the boat out before they were ready to get close to the target.

Today, only the two ships in front of the sea are lit with lights.

The proximity of Qin Lan did not attract any attention.

After a certain distance, Qin Lan stopped the boat.

They put down a few boats from the boat.

Only a small number of people are guarding the boat, and the rest are approaching by boat.

The Qin and his entourages were extremely light and whispered into the ship.

Those people seem to have no fear, they think that trading at sea is extremely safe and no one will come to block it.

There were only a few guards on the side of the boat, and all others went to the bow.

After they got on the boat, Qin Lan quickly solved the guards and did not make any noise.

Both ships sneaked into the hands of Qin Yu.

They waited for an opportunity to move.

The sea fog is getting deeper and deeper, everything is hidden in the fog, and it is not clear.

The transaction is going smoothly.

And Qin Hao, they have already raised their guns, and the guns are aimed at the leaders of the two pairs of people.

They also pulled the trigger.

The silencer was installed on the gun, and the bullet was fired silently.

The two bosses were in a stagnation, and the smile solidified on the face.

The next second, their body crashed down.

The person next to him immediately went forward to check.

The bullet is in the middle of the bullet and has stopped breathing.

The person who is trading is in a moment of confusion.

The popularity of the ship is raging: "You want to go back."

"Clearly is the gun you opened first."


The two pairs of people are jealous of each other and they all suspect that the other party has made the means.

There is no real trust between them.

Nowadays, the trust of thin as a flap is broken.

They took out the weapons they carried with them and fired at each other.

The quiet sea surface instantly broke the calm, and the gunshots sounded one after another.

"There are others here!"

Among the numerous gunshots, someone shouted.

They quickly understood the situation of the genius, caused by outsiders.

The dense fog gradually dissipated, and the figure of Qin Yu and others also appeared in everyone's sight.

Several people are entangled together, it is difficult to win.

The dense fog on the sea dissipated, but the sea breeze began to scream.

As the sea breeze screams, the waves are raging and the sea is constantly rolling.

The wind was so big that it was so painful.

Since these people will choose to trade in Shanghai, they will find a veteran crew.

The crew’s voice was flustered: "The storm is coming."

As the voice just fell, the hull undulating up and down in the sea, shaking.

The people on board were forced to stop the struggle and quickly seized the hull to support their body shape.

Between exclamations, heavy rains followed.

The sea is vast and ferocious, but this big ship is like a lonely boat.

In the face of the unpredictable sea, they simply can't resist and can only surrender.

In the blink of an eye, the dark water will swallow it.

Qin Hao, they are also in trouble, they have to grasp the things around them to stabilize their bodies.

Qin Hao issued a retreat to his men.

They immediately met.

The rainstorm is like a note, the waves in the depths of the sea are surging, and the wind is raging.

Heavy rain is like dumping, and it slams into the deck.

Suddenly, everyone was unprepared.

In the next second, the hull was attacked by violent waves, the hull was tilted, and everyone fell into the sea.

The icy waters surge and enter the chest.

The overwhelming sense of suffocation is only under pressure and can only rise and fall with the sea.

Qin Lan immediately reacted and held his breath.

The sea water stabbed, Qin Hao had to raise his eyes.

He looked around and grabbed a support that floated on the surface of the sea.

Before the sea fell, Qin Hao had issued instructions.

All the Qin and his entourage went upstream to their own boats.

The boat is not far away, but the waves that flow in the opposite direction increase the obstacles and take some time.

After Qin Hao arrived at the ship, other people also swam over.

Qin Hao immediately made an inventory.

Most of the people have returned to the boat.

"Hey, there are two people who are not on board."

The Qin dynasty was soaked and the cold sea water invaded the bone marrow.

Qin Lan immediately walked to the side of the boat, slightly narrowing his eyes and carefully recognizing.

The two people are still separated by a distance.

They are extremely slow and seem to run out of strength.

Qin Lan said: "I used to save people."

In the blink of an eye, Qin Lan jumped back to the sea again.

Qin Lan swam quickly and arrived behind the two.

Qin Hao pushed them forward, which was extremely laborious.

The torrential rain continued, the layers of sea water rolled up and the waves opened.

With the help of Qin Lan, the two men returned safely to the side of the boat.

Qin Yu stayed in the last one and let them go up first.

They are exhausted and they can't get on the boat without the help of Qin.

The rainstorm was even more intense, and heavy rain poured down.

Business is bright and pale, the view is blurred.

The man on the boat reached out to Qin and wanted to pull him on board.

Not far from the huge waves, they opened the hands of the two.

The man immediately squatted down the boat and looked down, Qin Hao has lost the trace.

Only the icy waters of the bones are tumbling.

The boat is bumpy, and if it is not grasped, it will be thrown into the sea.

After they found out that Qin Zhen was missing, they quickly found a few people who were still full of physical strength.

Those people disembarked again and looked for the figure of Qin.

It didn't take long for the storm to stop.

There is a white belly on the sea level.

Its daybreak.

The sea has once again returned to calm.

There were many bodies floating on the sea and the goods were scattered.

Qin Lan also completely disappeared.


When the news of Qin’s disappearance was transmitted to Ding Yue’s ear, her movie just happened to be green.

At that time, Ding Yuexi was still in the crew.

After hearing the news of Qin Yu, she immediately left the crew.

After knowing this, Ye Chu immediately rushed to Ding Yuejun's home.

When Ye Chuyi entered, he saw Ding Yuezhen packing his luggage.

Ye Chu saw Ding Yuejun's look and quickly stopped her.

"What do you want to do?"

Ye Chu held down Ding Yuesong's hand, for fear that she would do stupid things.

Ding Yuezhen ignored Ye Chu’s dissuasion and still kept himself on his own.

She always bowed her head: "He said that after the mission is over, we will get married."

Ye Chu knows the character of Ding Yueshun. Like Qin Qin, she is the purest two people.

As long as they look for one thing, they will not easily change their decision.

Ye Chu knows that Ding Yuezhen, she let go of her hand.

But Ye Chu still did not give up: "Lu Huai has sent people to find, you wait a few more days, okay?"

Dingyue’s eyes were red, but tears did not stay.

She naturally understands the intention of Ye Chu.

Ding Yuexi looked at Ye Chu: "He will never speak without a letter."

"As long as I don't find the body in a day, I don't believe he is dead."

Ding Yuexi buckled the box with a firm tone: "Unless I saw it with my own eyes."

At this point, the atmosphere is dull and depressed.

Ding Yuezhen and Ye Chu knew clearly that Qin's life was in jeopardy.

The waves were great that night, and the storms were in a hurry.

If Qin Qin was washed away by the waves, without any support, the hope of finding him was extremely embarrassing.

But they did not say anything.

Ye Chu knew Ding Yuejun's insistence and stepped back.

Ding Yuexi looked at Ye Chu, picked up the suitcase and walked out of the house.


Ding Yuezhen went to the town where Qin Lan fell to the sea.

She rented a house by the sea and went around to ask the fishermen out of the sea.

Although the whereabouts of Qin Yu are unknown, Ding Yuexi has not given up hope.

The day after day, Qin Yusheng’s hopes are even more embarrassing.

Ding Yuezhen pushed away all the work and stayed in the town.

She knows, he won't give up.

She is also.


On this day, the sun sets and the slightly wet sea breeze comes.

Ding Yuezhen is ready to go out.

The light of the setting sun shines through the glass window and casts a shallow shadow on the window.

At this time, the door knocked out loudly outside the door.

Dingyue’s action was a stagnation and he looked at the door.

Somehow, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she felt a little uneasy.

Someone used to knock on the door, but she felt that this time was different from the previous one.

The reason, she can't say it.

Ding Yuezhen walked to the door and stretched out the door.

As soon as the door opened, the sunset light and the warm sea breeze suddenly invaded.

Ding Yuezhen blinked slightly.

There is a person standing in the light.

Behind him is the setting sun.

When Ding Yuexi saw his face, he suddenly stunned God.

Qin Lan stood there, still determined.

Just like when I first saw it.

Dingyue’s eyes were wet and he looked at him with a sly look.

Qin Yu opened his mouth.

"I went back to Shanghai and they said that you are here."

After the escape, Qin Hao immediately rushed back to Shanghai.

He remembers that promise, he will never be a person who does not believe.

Ding Yuexi wants to say something, but the tears have fallen.

Qin Lan reached out and took her into her arms.

His voice is low and dumb: "I'm sorry."

Dingyue’s hand covered Qin’s lips and prevented his apology.

Qin Lan took her hand and gently removed it.

He folded his fingers and wrapped her fingers.

Ding Yuexi's hand is very soft, but she is strong.

The voice of Qin Yu is clear and firm.

"Will you marry me?"

Ding Yuezhen does not think about it.

"it is good."

Her answer spanned life and death, still pure and firm.

Behind it is a continuous sunset, a quiet sea breeze.

They embraced each other in the sunset by the sea.