MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 295

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Mo Qinghan quickly saw the news on the declaration.

Lu Sanshao annihilated the stronghold of the reactionary elements.

Mo Qinghan knew that the newspapers on the beach had publicized this news and it was Lu Huai’s warning to him.

On the night of his death in Beiping, he returned to Shanghai with Ye Jiarou.

Even blatantly sent a new wedding gift to Ye Chu...

Piles and pieces will cause Lu Huai's anger.

However, Mo Qinghan did not realize that his behavior seemed to cross the border.

After he returned to Shanghai, he should have acted in a low-key manner.

He went to see Ye Chu while Lu Huai was absent.

Mo Qinghan thinks that it is only a provocation against Lu Huai, but what about the facts?

He doesn't understand himself, what is it?

Autumn is over, autumn leaves are beginning to fall, only the heart is hollow.

Without waiting for Mo Qinghan to think clearly, the phone on the table would ring.

Mo Qinghan picked up the phone.

The person at the other end of the line is Bedana Renoman.

Mo Qinghan’s attention was immediately transferred.

Because of the things that Bedana Reynoldman said, it was the Director of the Bureau of the Bureau of the Soviet Union who came to see him.

Bedana Renoman was discussing the business of Verdun's apartment with the 12th National Congress of the Qing Dynasty, but the 12th Lord took the Director of Suyan.

Mo Qinghan realized the crisis and the agent poppy was still monitoring him.

He didn't want to know how poppies knew the twelve lords, but that was the most common beauty.

After the phone was put on, Mo Qinghan looked deep.

Now the commander of Nanjing, Dai Shinan, has been replaced by Dong Hongchang, and Poppy is continuing to do things for him.

From this point, Mo Qinghan can analyze two things.

The first thing was that Poppy was watching the life of Dai Shinan. She did not give up the task now, indicating that she did not recognize Dai Shinan as a substitute.

This person has been lurking for a long time around the real Dai Shinan, and he has learned a lot from every move.

The poppy is always loyal and tells him the best.

The second thing is even more dangerous.

It is clear that Dai Shinan has been controlled by Dong Hongchang, but he still has not canceled his monitoring.

Is this poppy monitoring itself or Dong Hongchang's inspiration?

Mo Qinghan can only think that Dong Hongchang suspects that he has a bad heart.

Is the trust between them so weak?

The wind is clear outside the window, and the warmth enters the air with the sun.

Mo Qinghan felt cold into the bones.

Mo Qinghan did not know that he had entered the trap of poppy.

Poppy is the real face, and Bedana Renoman knows her identity, just to take the mouth of the person into the cold.

Her purpose is to provoke the discord between Mo Qinghan and fake Daisner.

Both Poppy and Mo Qinghan worked in Lu Zongxi’s agent organization for a long time.

The time for this fake Daishi to come to Nanjing was not long enough. Previously, she had never heard the wind.

According to the speculation of the poppy, Dong Hongchang concealed Mo Qinghan.

He and Dai Nannan are familiar with each other for a long time.

Two people who are not familiar enough are the same as Dong Hongchang’s men...

If there are some problems among them, who will Dong Hongchang trust?

In other words, fake Dai Shinan does not believe in Mo Qinghan, and he thinks that opium poppy has been successfully defeated. He will only choose poppies that seem to be easier to control.

In that way, Poppy will have the opportunity to see Dong Hongchang.

She can proceed to the next step.



Since Ah Yue put the documents in the Qin dynasty room in Jinzhou, he left there. Later, after several rounds, he went to Beiping.

A Yue can barely live, he restores a person's life.

The days are always ordinary, just feel that something is missing.

As usual, A Yue walked on the street, and when he passed the newsstand, he saw what he had and stopped.

He stood there and saw a piece of news on the declaration, which was related to the Shanghai side.

Lu Sanshao annihilated the stronghold of the reactionary elements.

A Yue bowed and his mouth could not help but smile.

This time he left Shanghai and got their news for the second time.

The last time, the two were still married.

The sun is fine, and the cold air in the autumn is warmed.

His eyes flashed and he couldn't be physically present, but it was his own decision.

A Yue’s sight moved down.

There is also a news below this newspaper.

The layout is not big, it is about the assassination of the head of Shanghai Hongmen.

A brow frowned.

Shanghai has been in trouble for two consecutive years, and I don’t know how it is.

A Yue went forward, his eyes staring straight at the casino on the road.

A few days ago, when he passed the casino, he heard someone talking. This casino was opened by Shi Wuye of Hongmen.

It is said that Shi Wuye left Shanghai and made a leisurely wild crane, regardless of the affairs of the door.

Ah Yue thought about it.

Since Hongmen has made a lot of things in a short time, why is Shi Wuye not going back to Shanghai?

What secret should he have?

A Yue made a decision.

He wants to help his sister.

At this time, A Yue has come to the outside of the casino.

He stood among the gamblers coming and going, and the taste of money and desire was filled with four eyes, but his eyes were more determined.

A Yue simply checked the surrounding terrain.

After confirming the location of Shiwuye's room, he left.

In the evening, Ah Yue went to the casino.

He is just a child, and he has been on the rivers and lakes for several years.

Anti-forward to drift, no help.

A little more difficult to worry about, he does not consider the danger, just want to do something for his sister.

Quiet night, the autumn wind blows away the cold air.

A cold scent came up, and it was even colder.

A Yue clothing is thin and stands there.

It was late into the night, and the night sky was faintly starred, and the casino was closed.

A Yue has been inspected, and Shi Wuye is not at the casino tonight and went elsewhere.

He walked in through the back door alone, through the quiet corridor, the dark room.

As usual, A Yue entered the room of Shi Wuye easily.

Find it around.

The strange thing is that Ah Yue did not find any valid information.

He glanced at the clock on the wall. It was not too late and should be left.

A Yue did not stay too much and immediately walked out of the casino.

He did not find anything falling out of his pocket when he turned over the window.

When A Yue had already reached the street, he subconsciously touched his pocket.

His hand plunged inside, but it was empty and empty.

Worse, my sister's bracelet is gone.

A brow wrinkled, he always brought the bracelet to his body.

He knew that he had been in the room for about twenty minutes.

A Yue looked up at the night sky, and the sky was still not bright.

He thought to himself that Shi Wuye was not there and would not return in just 20 minutes.

In any case, that bracelet is his only thought.

Ah Yue then turned and went back to that place.

Following the road of genius, Ah Yue went smoothly to the house of Shi Wuye, which was extremely easy.

After he entered the window sill, he quickly began to look for it.

A Yue glanced at it.

He noticed that the bracelet was placed neatly on the table.

A Yue is a tight heart, he knows that he has fallen into a trap.

He is a young man's heart, doing things with courage.

Regardless of the future, no matter how dangerous, I have thought that I will miss.

A Yue bite his teeth, still grasping the bracelet, ready to escape immediately.

At this time, the door of the room was opened, and the cold air poured in.

Ah Yue turned and looked.

There was a man standing at the door, and the man was holding a gun in his hand.

The black lacquered muzzle was aimed at him.

A Yue noticed that the real danger was coming, and Sensen came cold.

He seems to be a fledgling bird that has lost his shelter.

Left the two who had tried to protect him.

Shi Wuye continued to hold the gun and pointed at A Yue and walked into the room.

His face is cold: "Who are you?"

A Yue is silent.

"I didn't think of someone who came to steal from me..." Shi Wuye said, "It turned out to be a child."

A Yue is still silent, but his hand can't help but clench.

The hard touch reminds him that he is holding something from his sister.

Somehow, Ah Yue quickly settled down.

In the next second, Shi Wuye took the gun and his tone was not as cold as before.

"If you are interested, I can't kill you."

If there is an abnormality, there will be a demon, and Ah Yue will raise his eyes.

He did not speak, did not agree, and did not refuse.

Shi Wuye smiled: "The kid is just letting you do one thing."

The boy is agile and light, and he can avoid the group of people without any hindrance and get things in his room.

Presumably he must be good at stealing.

Then, he may be able to take what he wants.

A Yue looks alert: "What?"

Shi Wuye took out one thing and handed it to A Yue.

After Ah Yue took over, he found out that it was a photo.

Shi Wuye's voice line suddenly lowered the temperature.

"This person took my things, I want you to help me get it back."

The door was suddenly closed.

But it was a gust of wind.

The room was quiet and quiet, and the autumn was deeper.


Shi Wuye gave a photo of the man of A Yue.

Only the side of the person on the photo is not clear.

Shi Wuye also told Ai Yue about the places that the people often went to, and the following things were done by Ah Yue.

A Yue did not delay, and went to find the man on the second day.

A few days later, Ah Yue waited for him in one of the places.

The man, like the one on the photo, is also holding a cane.

Although he was walking on a cane, he did not affect his pace.

A Yue remembered Shi Wuye’s instructions, biting his teeth and following him up.

After the man came out of the teahouse, he walked into a lively street.

People come and go on the street, screaming and screaming, the fireworks are quite strong.

Not far from the cries of the incoming car, the tram stop is nearby.

The crowd is moving, and the south is coming north.

In such a situation, it is most conducive to the Afghan action.

A Yue can be hidden in the crowd, taking the opportunity to hide his body and approach that person.

The man walked unhurasably and maintained the same speed.

A Yue followed all the way, waiting for an opportunity to move.

After a while, the man was getting closer and closer to the tram.

At this time, the tram suddenly stopped and many people came down from above.

The crowd spread out and some people came in this direction.

The crowds at the moment are the best time for action.

Ah Yue walked a few steps and immediately followed.

A Yue was flexible and shuttled through the crowd, and soon came behind the man.

If the person is not aware of it, he will still go forward.

A Yue pretended to pass by the man's side and walked alongside him.

When no one was found around, Ah Yue looked for the right time and reached out.

In a short while, the things in the man’s pocket arrived in the hands of Ah Yue.

Ah Yue put things into his arms.

After the mission is completed, Ah Yue is ready to leave this place immediately.

When passing by the man, the rest of A Yue’s light sighted at the man’s face.

I saw that the man’s eyes were stunned, and all the light was gathered at the bottom of his eyes and disappeared.

That person is actually a blind man.

A Yue saw the appearance of the man, his heart was tight, and his footsteps hesitated for a moment.

Ah Yue quickly recovered the flustered mood and continued to move forward.

In the next second, Ah Yue suddenly felt his arm tight and seemed to be caught by something.

He immediately turned his head and looked.

He found that the nephew had hooked his arm with his cane.

The blind man did not find that his body was taken away.

However, the blind man noticed that Ah Yue stayed on his side for a few seconds.

He was very alert and subconsciously thought that things were different, so he used a crutches to pull A Yue.

A Yue slammed his head and looked at the scorpion.

Although the blind man could not see the object, his gaze fell on A Yue.

He looked at A Yue like a smile, as if he had already understood everything.

The opening of the blind man is like a pool of stagnant water.

His voice fell: "What did you do?"

At this point, the people who walked off the tram had already dispersed more than half.

Others saw the appearance of Xunzi and Ah Yue, and they never approached.

As soon as the scorpion's wrist is strong, it will be pulled back.

A Yue is not stable, his footsteps are squatting, and he will fall back.

At this time, someone approached them quickly.

A Yue felt that the man had held his shoulder and prevented him from falling.

The man held the body of A Yue in one hand and clenched his cane in one hand.

The stagnant atmosphere was broken in an instant.

After staying in shape, A look at the people.

The person who helped him was actually Qin.

Joe's six out of the door, his hatred alone can not affect the door.

After Lu Huai and Shen Jiu discussed, Qin Lan came to Beiping this time to bring Shi Wuye back to Shanghai.

After seeing A Yue, Qin Lan quickly followed the past and found that he and one of them seemed to have a dispute.

In order to avoid the injury of Ah, Qin Hao immediately went forward to help.

A Yue saw Qin Hao, and his look was panic.

He knew that his sister had told him about him.

Although A Yue helped Ye Chu last time, he did not think about how to face Ye Chu and Lu Huai.

He has a complicated mind and only wants to escape.

A Yue will leave if he is subconscious.

Qin Yu grabbed the arm of A Yue.

The next moment, Qin Yu said that the words of the exit made A Yue’s chest stagnate.

"She is looking for you."