MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 289

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The wedding is over and the newcomer is sent back to the Warlord.

The car went along the road that first met and went to the Warlord.

The scenery of the early autumn passed over the window, and the same was passed, and they used to.

Lu Huai sat next to Ye Chu and clenched her hand.

The car drove into the Governor's Office.

On the wedding night of the two, no one dared to come.

Even Shen Ji, who is not very serious on weekdays, quietly left at this time.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu have been busy all day.

It’s good now, and it’s quiet.

Everything is calm down.

The furnishings in the wedding room are the same as in the previous life.

Perhaps because the wedding night of the previous life was not perfect, in the same scene, I had another different night.

It is like making up for the regrets of the past.

Ye Chu is wearing a white wedding dress and sitting there.

Lu Huai’s movements were careful, and her face was looming under the veil.

He unloaded her white veil for her.

Showing a small face.

He used a warm lip to hold her lip.

Moving one hand up, it was easy to remove the veil of Ye Chu, her long hair running through his fingers.

The other hand went down and took her waist, and her chest was softly attached.

Ye Chu’s veil fell to the ground.

Lu Huai’s black suit fell to the ground.

He opened the side chain of her wedding dress and the wedding dress went down.

She unbuttoned his shirt and touched his chest.

The messy clothes were scattered all over the place and the two turned a blind eye.

They kissed and groped in the direction of the bed behind them.

His little lady is very active.

It seems that I want to control his body tonight.

She sat on his waist and sat on him, making the two fit together.

Ye Chu leaned over and kissed him.

Her long hair hit him, and Lu Huai smothered her lips in the overwhelming fragrance.

Her body gradually softened under the soft, deep kiss.

Her body was slightly slack, and he took the opportunity to buckle her into her arms.

After Ye Chu reacted, Lu Huai quickly retreated and pressed her under her body.

She loosened her hand and no longer tried to dominate, but let him take the initiative.

He is standing up.

The two are closely attached and there is no gap.

It is a hard and soft encounter.

Her low voice and his gasping.

Moved and confused.

They seem to fall into a beautiful fantasy.

Outside the window is a bleak autumn, slightly cold.

Here is the spring of the hustle and bustle. It is extremely warm.


Two days before the wedding.

Mo Qinghan took the leave to the board of directors.

Although he is an executive committee member, his power is already overhead. Regarding the leave, someone is laughing at him and he is happy.

No one knows that Mo Qinghan boarded the train to Peiping on the eve of the three-day wedding.

On the train in Beiping.

It has already entered the night, with a little coolness in the air.

Mo Qinghan was sitting in the carriage.

Only darkness and silence surrounded him.

I left Shanghai and took the train alone.

I can no longer hear those who are talking about big marriage. He only feels that his ears are clean.

It seems that I feel a little sleepy, and Mo Qinghan closes her eyes.

He remembered the girl again.

Somehow, during this time, she often appears in his mind.

That person will soon be married.

She is very smart, different from the women he has seen.

Before Ye Chu concealed very well, when he did not know her relationship with Lu Huai, I thought about having her chance to become her own subordinate if she had the opportunity.

That may be an appreciation.

Later he knew, Ye Chu never believed in himself.

According to Mo Qinghan's temper, those who had cheated him were killed by him.

Perhaps because of that kind of appreciation, he had a chance to kill her, but she missed her twice.

Mo Qinghan’s lips are self-deprecating laughs.

Yes, no one in this world will trust him.

The same is true of the teachers who have cultivated him for many years.

He doesn't know himself, who else is worthy of trust.

When the sky was unclear, Mo Qinghan opened his eyes.

He turned his head and looked out of the window, and the fallen autumn scenery retreated.

Mo Qinghan's eyes are heavy, as if his past life is also retreating.

Those memories are constantly moving away from him.

He understood in his heart.

Things that have passed are not worth remembering.

The only thing you can grasp is the deeper hatred.

Mo Qinghan got off the train.

The broadcast of the train station is constantly ringing.

The surrounding voices are shredded, and the warehouse is in the ear.

Mo Qinghan was calm and passed through those hustle and bustle.

He walked out of the train station silently.

Today is the day of the wedding of Ye Chu and Lu Huai.

But after the night, the trajectory of fate will be different.



Somewhere in the house.

The twilight is getting darker, reminding me that the night is coming.

The autumn is quite heavy, and the yard is full of fallen leaves, drifting with the night wind.

In the room, a man walked to the table and pressed the light switch.

The snoring sounded and the light shone.

The lampshade blocked part of the light, and a square of heaven and earth was drawn in front of the man.

The light fell softly, reflecting the man's face.

It is Mo Qinghan.

Mo Qinghan straightened up and the whole person returned to the darkness again.

He reached out and the pocket watch slipped from his fingers, and the bracelet fell on his finger.

The cover pops open and the stopwatch ticks away.

Perhaps the room was too quiet, and even the tiny second hand was amplified infinitely.

It’s already eight o'clock in the evening, and the wedding in Shanghai has already begun.

Somehow, Mo Qing’s heart was blocked.

The next second, he closed the pocket watch and tickleed.

He immediately walked out of the room.

The night was filled, and Mo Qinghan went into the night.

He is ready to send a new wedding to Ye Chu and Lu Huai.

Black cars drove out of the house, one after another, and melted into the darkness.

The direction of the car is the residence of Ye Jiarou in Beiping.

Mo Qinghan has already investigated clearly that Ye Jiarou is not in the house of Yejia.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu have already transferred her.

The wedding in Shanghai is still carried out safely, while the house in Beiping is cold.

Mo Qinghan’s car parked near the Peking House.

A group of black-haired killers got out of the car and surrounded the house.

They all looked blank and had guns on their hands.

Mo Qinghan deliberately picked up the days when Lu Huai and Ye Chu got married and came to this house.

At this time, the guards in the house relaxed their vigilance.

The next person who served Ye Jiarou did not notice the danger of being half-divided.

And Mo Qinghan had to kill them all at this time.

The night breeze blew, and the sound was slow, and the heart was cold.

The night glows like a tide, with an indescribable repression.

Mo Qinghan and his party whispered close to the house and copied from the four breads.

In the silent night, a gunshot sounded.

The sudden drop of gunshots broke the silence at the moment.

And this is just the beginning.

As the gunshots sounded, one after another.

In the continuous gunshots, there were cries and screams.

The sound is constant.

The breath of death is filled in an instant, and the blood in the air is also lingering.

The people on the side of Mo Qinghan are far more than the guards in the house.

He is going to kill everyone who is in this place of residence in a completely repressed posture.

Do not leave a living mouth.

Mo Qinghan walked toward the house and killed the person trying to resist.

In the end, all the sounds were all gone.

At the sight of it, it was the corpse that fell to the ground.

And Mo Qinghan is fearless and indifferent.

He walked through the bodies of the land, and his eyes were cloudy.

In the dark night, the cold wind started to sizzle, like a sorrow.

Mo Qinghan stood in the center of the yard, and the bodies not far away were horizontal.

The tip of the nose is filled with a strong **** smell.

Mo Qinghan looked down from Ye Jiarou from above and down, his eyes were light and his eyes were picked up.

It is like killing God.

Ye Jiarou was pouted, bound his hand and pulled out of the room.

All the way to the end, the eyes are full of desolation.

Ye Jiarou was so scared that the whimper in his mouth was suddenly cut off in the throat.

In just a few steps, for her, it is like a long life.

In the next second, she was pushed by a man and forced to kneel in front of Mo Qinghan.

Ye Jiarou looked up and looked at the eyes of Mo Qing.

Like the abyss, it is daunting.

Ye Jiarou's tears were not dry, and the body immediately trembled uncontrollably.

She has never seen this person in front of her.

I can't think of the reason why he killed everyone.

Mo Qinghan glanced at the person behind Ye Jiarou, who immediately understood.

He stepped forward and took off the things that blocked Ye Jiarou's mouth.

Even so, Ye Jiarou did not dare to speak freely in the face of this bloody.

At this time, Ye Jiarou had tears on his face, and his eyes were full of panic and uneasiness.

The wolf is very poor.

Mo Qinghan suddenly remembered Ye Chu.

If Ye Chu meets this situation, will he cry in front of him?

Mo Qinghan immediately thought that according to Ye Chu’s temper, she would not let herself fall into such a position.

Ye Chu will fight desperately.

What's more, the man who made Ye Chu is him, and Ye Chu will only fight for it.

Even if he only stays with him for a second, Ye Chu will feel uncomfortable.

Thinking about this, Mo Qinghan is not angry and laughs.

Xu is the reason why Mo Qinghan does not often laugh, his smile is stiff, with a bit cold.

The darkness is invading, full of loneliness.

Ye Jiarou saw that the person smiled before the eyes, but did not feel warm, but the whole body was cold.

Cold thoughts spread on her heart, she subconsciously avoided Mo Qinghan's eyes.

Mo Qinghan saw the movement of Ye Jiarou.

His eyes were covered with a layer of frost, and the coldness seemed to be pulled out of his bones.

Ye Chutong is a **** connection, but the temper is totally different.

In the next second, Mo Qinghan quickly stepped back.

The face is obviously disgusting.

In the silent night, Mo Qinghan’s voice fell.

"Do you know that tonight is the day of your sister and Lu Huai's wedding?"

Ye Jiarou glanced and looked up.

The man's lips in front of him evoked a mocking smile and looked indifferent.

In this house, Ye Jiarou’s news was blocked.

Although Ye Chu allowed her to go in and out, there was still someone behind her who would monitor her.

Her every move is under the eyes of others.

Ye Jiarou clenched his teeth and his eyes showed a faint color.

However, the long-term detention has already allowed her to converge on her temper.

She is no longer as savage as before, nor will she open her mouth easily.

Ye Jiarou learned to judge the situation and hide his own shortcomings.

She will only take the shot when she is ready.

Mo Qinghan naturally knows the situation of Ye Jiarou, and his only words are to deliberately anger her.

It seems that it is quite effective now.

Mo Qinghan said faintly: "I know that the reason you came to Beiping is not simple."

Ye Jiarou eyes dodge.

Mo Qinghan has conducted an investigation on Ye Jiarou, and naturally understands the mistake she made.

"You tried to kidnap Ye Chu unsuccessful, and then was driven to Beiping by his family."

Mo Qinghan thought of what she was doing, and her eyes were getting cold.

Ye Jiarou only felt that the air in his body suddenly became cold and he was unconsciously screaming.

Mo Qinghan took the hand and stood indifferently, his eyebrows sharp.

"Yejia said that you came to Beiping to tutor, but in reality it was confined."

Mo Qinghan’s slender body stood straight and the night wind hunted.

"You should learn to be smart for so long."

As soon as the voice arrived, Ye Jiarou looked up and looked at Mo Qinghan.

She heard the meaning of Mo Qinghan.

That said, she still has the opportunity to leave Beiping.

She guessed that this person should have a hatred with Ye Chu, so she would come to help her.

What Ye Chu will experience, it has nothing to do with her.

Ye Jiarou suppressed the fear of the bottom of his heart, and his eyes flashed a look.

Ye Jiarou screamed: "Will you take me away?"

Mo Qinghan saw Ye Jiarou's eyes full of hope, but his heart was disdainful.

Mo Qinghan did not answer immediately.

In the long silence, Ye Jiarou’s hopes light up and go out again.

Even though this man has this intention, she should not forget that he is a murderer who does not blink.

Ye Jiarou does not know if he is arrogant.

When Mo Qinghan waited until Ye Jiarou fell into despair, he spoke quietly.

"I will take you back to Shanghai."

Ye Jiarou’s heart was a joy, with a few points on the face.

Mo Qinghan said again: "But you have to remember..."

Ye Jiarou was condensed and immediately listened.

Mo Qinghan's face is slightly dark: "If it weren't for me, you would be trapped in this prison forever."

At this time, the wind stopped, and the sound of falling leaves stopped.

The silence in the courtyard.

One word and one sentence, falling into the heart.

Ye Jiarou has recovered from ecstasy, and his tone is respectful: "I will never forget your life-saving grace."

Ye Jiarou carefully asked: "I don't know what to call you?"

Mo Qinghan eyes hang down, all emotions are collected.

"My name is Mo."

His tone is indifferent and his face is expressionless.

Ye Jiarou couldn't hide his fear and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

She respectfully: "Mr. Mo."

Mo Qinghan glanced at him and immediately took Ye Jiarou away.

He looked up and looked at the bright moon at the top of his head.

The moonlight is cold and cold, but it seems more and more lonely.

The silent moonlight fell, and the cold body was lying across the yard.

Through a massacre, his anger also dissipated a few points.

Mo Qinghan looked cold and indifferent, sweeping the blood that had already condensed on the ground.

There is no pity in his eyes.

Mo Qinghan turned and left, and walked into the silent night.

This is the wedding night of Lu Huai and Ye Chu.

On the other side of Shanghai, it is the romance that spans two years.

Peiping is a killing of blood everywhere.