MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 273

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Bai Le Men.

The night is heavy and the lonely stars are shining.

The front of the Baile door was brightly lit and the lights fell, making this summer night even more hot.

At this time, several cars stopped.

A few people came down from the car, headed by a woman. She is tall and her face is British.

It’s just Pei’an.

Pei’an’s face was angry, and she strode into Baile’s door, with a few feet in her footsteps.

Today, she came to find her grandfather to settle accounts.

Pei Anan walked with no expression, and did not squint at the surrounding scene.

Pei’an was followed by a group of fierce people who were under Pei’an’s hands.

The sound of Paramount was a lot lighter.

Those who are looking for music have slowed down their voices, and they don’t know what happened.

The man glanced down and he stepped forward and grabbed the collar of a waiter. He screamed: "Where is Grandpa?"

His strength was great, and the body of the waiter was raised.

The waiter was terrified and used a finger in one direction.

The waiter released the waiter and told the grandfather's position to Pei An.

Pei Pei’s footsteps kept going to the room.

As he walked to the room, Pei’an’s hand reached the waist and held the gun in his hand.

Going to the room, Pei Anan opened the door with force.


The door opened and Grandpa was sitting inside.

Pei Pei’s gun was shot, and the black gun was aimed at the grandfather.

Her voice is so cold: "How do you design me?"

Pei An An angry, she already knows that Zhou Xing's things are what his grandfather did.

The dead prostitute is a good match for Zhou Xing. The original week was the most suspect.

Later, Zhou Xing actually died, and Qin Lan was involved.

Yesterday, things turned around again. Someone went to the patrol house and surrendered, acknowledging that both murders were committed by him.

Pei Anan thought about it carefully, and felt that Zhou Xingding was taken as a target and died innocently.

How can she not know, this thing is the master's handwriting?

He did this in order to reinvent her.

Pei’an’s eyes raged in anger, and she was holding a gun, and her expression was extremely indifferent.

The people at Paramount didn't expect Pei'an to come in like this, they couldn't stop it.

The people at Paramount trembled: "Sister..."

They tried to stop Pei’an from firing and slowing her anger.

They know that the two knives of the Golden Knife will not agree, but today the contradiction has been put on the bright side.

Pei An is one of the masters of the Golden Knife Club, and they can't rush to shoot.

The fine voice fell into the ear of Pei'an, and she did not hear it. The muzzle still pointed to her grandfather and never moved half a point.

At this time, Grandpa opened his mouth and looked calm.

"You quit, I will solve this problem myself."

The moment he told his hand to go to the patrol house to surrender, he had already expected that Pei An would find out that it was his arrangement.

But this matter cannot be passed to the ears of others.

The people of the Golden Knife Club left, and Pei’an’s men also left the room.

The door was closed, and the tense air lingered on the top, sinking down.

Pei Anan sneered a cold smile: "You want to fall into the week and weaken my power."

The dark muzzle is extremely cold, and the threat is extremely strong.

Grandpa did not deny it.

The air is stagnating.

Grandpa ironically said: "The dark cabinet is in Shanghai. Who knows if you will buy and murder me?"

Grandpa naturally didn't know, and Pei'an went to the dark to kill him.

He is just talking about it now.

Grandpa knows that Pei An has always been dissatisfied with him and wants to replace his position.

Grandpa believes that Pei’an secretly wants to kill him and take his life.

I’m a peek.

Then her look calmed down.

She knows that the secret cabinet is secretive. It is impossible for her to let the dark cabinet kill the grandfather.

Pei’an’s mouth floated with irony: “Where you are, you can kneel down. Could someone betray you, so things are lost?”

She is sarcasmous to the grandfather's heart, and broke the grandfather's business.

Grandpa stunned: "My business has nothing to do with you."

Thinking of Mo Qinghan's behavior, Grandpa was angry and came from him. His hand clenched a few points.

Pei Anan suddenly remembered that Grandpa was holding everyone and secretly doing something.

She was looking for someone to investigate, but she didn't get any information. Now, it’s better to ask for it.

Pei Pei: "I know that you have been trying to figure out some things. Do you do so much, what purpose?"

Grandpa does not answer.

There is a dead silence in the room.

Pei Anan sneered: "I advise you, as long as I am there, I will not let you ruin the Golden Knife."

What does Grandpa do, she doesn't care.

However, Pei Anan is worried that this incident will involve the Golden Knife and the Golden Knife will be destroyed.

Grandpa was silent for a while, and suddenly opened his mouth.

Grandpa looked at Pei An, his voice was gloomy: "To tell you the truth, my purpose is Joe Six."

He came to Shanghai to revenge for Joe Six.

Pei Anan stunned: "Qiao Liu? What are your entanglements with him?"

Grandpa did not specifically state his past with Joe.

He clenched his fist and said one word: "I will take the life of Joe VI at all costs."

The sound is extremely cold, revealing the hatred of the bones.

Pei Pei put down the gun.

Her words still imply a warning: "Your private affairs, don't involve the Golden Knife."

Grandpa restored calm: "I am like you, I don't want the golden knife to fall."

He also wants to use the Golden Knife Club to achieve his goals.

Even though he also wants to position the leader of the Golden Knife, he is more likely to be enemies than this.

Grandpa slowly said: "For the moment, our purpose is the same, isn't it?"

For a long while, Pei Anan said: "You better remember what you said today."

The gold knife will not fall. Although they are all thoughtful, they must use the Golden Knife to achieve their goals.

If one day the grandfather moved other thoughts, she would not be merciful.

Grandpa laughed.

The two reached an agreement, no matter what their own calculations, but they could not threaten the interests of the Golden Knife.

Pei Pei left.

When Pei’an left, his attitude was no longer as fierce as before.

Everyone at Paramount knows that the two have reached an agreement.

Grandpa sat in the room, dark and dull

He is here to avenge, he only guarantees that the Golden Knife will not be hit hard during this time.

As long as the two leaders stand together for the time being, it will not affect his plan.

Originally, they were incompatible with each other, but they cooperated because of the secrets of darkness.

But they know each other clearly that the calm between the two will not last long.


Mrs. Ye is lying on the bed, her body is a little heavy.

When summer arrived, she was sick and infected with cold, and her spirit was much worse.

Mrs. Ye looked out of the window and her thoughts were heavy.

Outside the window is a dark green tree, tall and straight, and occasionally a few buzzing sounds, making people's hearts more and more annoying.

During this time, somehow, Mrs. Ye always remembers the past.

Years ago, when Ye Jia had not moved to Shanghai, something happened.

This thing haunted her heart and made her thoughts a bit more important.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Wan Yihui took the medicine and walked in.

She sat by the bed and looked carefully at Mrs. Ye's face.

Mrs. Ye’s face is a little better than before, but it still looks like no spirit.

Wan Yihui asked: "Mother, is your body better?"

In the past few days, Mrs. Ye’s old lady was affected by the cold. Somehow, she obviously took the medicine and her condition recovered very slowly.

Mrs. Ye is leaning against the bed: "It’s better."

She has things in her heart, and she is naturally unhappy.

Wan Yihui handed the medicine bowl to Mrs. Ye.

The bowl is filled with dark herbs and the heat rises.

Mrs. Ye’s wife looked up and drank the medicine.

Then, Wan Yihui took over the medicine bowl.

Mrs. Ye frowned: "In this time, there is always some anxiety in my heart."

She slept very unsteadily at night and always felt that something was going to happen.

Wan Yihui asked: "Mother, what happened?"

Mrs. Ye looked at Wan Yihui: "When the previous Mingzhe had an accident, Achu said a few words."

Wan Yihui’s action stopped.

The voice of Mrs. Ye’s voice rang again: “Someone started to Mingzhe and induced him to indulge in smoke.”

Wan Yihui said: "I also remember this."

She was there at the time and heard their words.

Mrs. Ye sighed with a sigh: "This is something that someone wants to start with Su Ye."

She looked at Wan Yihui, her voice was indifferently worried: "Is there someone who wants to avenge us?"

When she thought that Ye Su and the two families might have an accident, she was upset.

When I heard the word "revenge", Wan Yihui was shocked.

She suddenly remembered Mo Zhen.

Wan Yihui still remembers that dream.

In the dream, Mo Zhen asked her, why not return the box to her?

What is the purpose of her possession of documents?

Wan Yihui's hands and feet are getting colder.

The box was accidentally taken wrong, and she hid the instrument in order to protect her family.

After that, she wanted to find Mo Zhen, and asked about the situation, but Mo Zhen lost the trace.

Things went around, and the swearing papers remained in Ye Family.

This secret is like a time bomb, I don't know when it will break out.

Wan Yi Hui Yue wants to be more alarmed. Is it true that Mo Zhen really wants to seek revenge from Ye Su?

Her heart was restless and she could not help but loose her hand.

The bowl in his hand fell and fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

Wan Yihui was shocked and pulled away from his thoughts before he realized that he was out of order.

Mrs. Ye’s wife saw Wan Yihui’s look and asked, “What happened to you?”

Wan Yihui gathered the emotions under her eyes and found an excuse: "I didn't take it for a while."

Mrs. Ye did not doubt: "I have been thinking about this."

Worried about the things of Ye Family many years ago, they will be involved.

Wan Yihui is silent.

Then she opened her mouth: "Mother, there will be no accidents."

Her eyes are firm.

She would like to worry about things, only to increase troubles. Things haven't happened yet, and it's not that she thinks too much.

Wan Yihui looked at Mrs. Ye’s wife: “You have to pay attention to your body, don’t think too much.”

Mrs. Ye’s wife sighed: “I hope I will be safe and peaceful forever.”

Wan Yihui did not speak.

This is also her hope, I hope that they will live happily for a lifetime, and not to be involved in things that are not necessary.

The two have different minds.


Shanghai train station.

When the train arrived, people came out and went out.

Ji Manqing walked off the train.

Lu Huai discovered that she had started to Su Mingzhe and came to Hanyang to warn her.

This matter was known by Dong Hongchang. Dong Hongchang was furious and rebuked Ji Manqing not to break his plan.

Ji Manqing was lucky, Lu Huai did not know that she was related to Dong Hongchang.

Dong Hongchang told her that she was acting rashly and almost exposed, giving her a chance to make a sin.

This time, she came to Shanghai to help Dong Hongchang.

Ji Manqing left the train station.

The sun is fine today, and the sky in early summer is extremely clear.

Ji Manqing took a step and walked on the winding streets.

It was almost noon, the sun was getting hotter, and the air became buoyant.

People come and go on the streets, and pedestrians are rushing.

At this time, Ji Manqing was hit by people, the pain came up, she could not help but let go of her hand and the suitcase fell to the ground.

The man who crashed into Jiman Qing was Ah Yue. He walked too fast and it hit her.

A Yue felt extremely sorry, he bent over and picked up the suitcase on the ground.

Then he straightened up and handed the suitcase to her.

A little bit embarrassed: "I'm sorry, madam."

A Yue looks to Ji Manqing.

Ji Manqing just looked up and looked at A Yue.

In the bright sunshine, Ji Manqing saw the face of A Yue.

Her heart was shocked.

His face suddenly became pale and the blood was faded.

It's him?

That is the familiar face in Ji Manqing's memory.

How is he still alive?

The panic that could not be suppressed swept through, and the cold attacked it, and it was heavily pressed against the body of Ji Manqing.

The hot sun poured down, but Ji Manqing felt cold in his hands and feet, as if he was in the cold winter.

Across the place, Jiman Qingyu was there, and he said again: "Mrs., your suitcase."

Ji Manqing returned to God, and she tried to maintain her calm.

She reached for the suitcase and her fingertips trembled slightly.

Ji Manqing is coveted, no longer looking at A Yue, his thoughts are heavy.

A Yue did not leave, he stood there and looked at Ji Manqing.

A brow frowned, the woman's face was white, and it looked a little bad.

He asked with concern: "Mrs. You are fine?"

Ah Yue saw Ji Manqing holding a suitcase and knew that she had just arrived in Shanghai.

Maybe it's because the boat is tired, so it leads to discomfort.

Ji Manqing heard the voice of A Yue, and his body was slightly undetectable.

She tried to panic and whispered: "Nothing."

Her hand was hidden on the sleeves and still trembled.

A Yue Si, opened his mouth: "Mrs. I will help you call a rickshaw."

The wife is not feeling well. If she is left alone, Ah Yue is not at ease.

A Yue's tone is extremely polite and does not make people feel uncomfortable.

However, falling in the ears of Ji Manqing, like frost and snow, her blood seems to condense, and her body is cold.

Ji Manqing whispered: "Yeah."

A Yue helped Ji Manqing to call a rickshaw, and then he left.

Before leaving, she looked at A Yue again.

His facial features have not changed much.

He is taller than before and his voice has changed a little.

However, Ji Manqing will not admit his mistake. He is the child in memory.

The summer breeze blew, wrapped in hot air, but it seemed to be hidden from the chill, and the sky seemed to be dark.

Ji Manqing looked ahead and his thoughts surged.

She did not expect that he was still alive.

Why did he appear in Shanghai?

Ji Manqing clenched his hands, his nails were embedded in the palm of his hand, and sharp pain came.

The silent summer wind passed, and the coldness was sensational.