MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 245

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At Lu Zongxi’s birthday party, Dai Shinan was shot and seriously injured, and is still lying in the hospital.

Lu Huai deliberately tested the killer and observed his subtle reaction, speculating that Dai Shinan should have lost the package.

Before the murder, the killer said the mastermind behind it, it was the dark court.

Lu Huai knew that the killer had pushed the suspect to the head of the cabinet in order to provoke the relationship between Lu and the dark.

After Lu Huai and Lu Zongyi passed the deliberation, they confirmed the innocence of the dark cabinet.

They will count on the plan, follow the direction of Dong Hongchang, let this fake Dai Shinan become their pawn.

If Lu Huai wants Dong Yongchang to know what news, he will pass Han Shiyang to Hanyang to control the progress of the matter.

Since Lu Huai knew that someone would be unfavorable to the dark court, he naturally had to make a clear statement with Jiang Yan.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu got off the train. When they returned to Shanghai, it was already late at night.

That night, Lu Huai gave a call to Jiang Yan.

At this time, Jiang Yan people are in the He Gongguan.

After the phone rang, Jiang Yan immediately picked it up.

Jiang Yan did not speak immediately. Lu Huai knew that the opposite person would be Jiang Yan. He opened his mouth first.

Lu Huai: "Jiang Yan?"

At the end of the phone, Jiang Yan’s voice was heard: “It’s me.”

Lu Huai said: "One thing happened in Nanjing."

After Lu Huai did not finish, Jiang Yan understood what he meant.

Jiang Yan said: "The assassination of the commander?"

Lu Huai sighed: "This matter involves you, I will see you tomorrow."

Jiang Yan paused for a few seconds and should immediately go down.

The next day, Lu Huai made some easy and came to the stronghold of the dark cabinet.

An antique shop on Smiths Road.

Last night, Lu Huai had already informed Jiang Yan that Jiang Yan would be here to wait for him.

Lu Huai drove alone, the car stopped, and Lu Huai got out of the car.

Lu Huai made a disguise and looked like ordinary guests.

In order not to attract the attention of others, Lu Huai and Jiang Yan agreed to meet at night.

When I was out, it was not raining.

When the car first sailed to the antique shop, it rained in the sky.

With the advent of the night, the hustle and bustle of the beach suddenly became quiet.

The heavens and the earth are full of white mist, pressed down heavily, and lingering.

Lu Huai got off the car and held a black umbrella in his hand.

When he stepped into the rain, the rain fell on the umbrella surface, making a dull knock.

The cold and cold rain curtain separated him from the outside world.

Occasionally, the rain that was picked up wet the coat of Lu Huai, but he did not hear it.

Lu Huai went straight into the antique shop.

The antique shop is still in the same order as usual.

There is no guest in the store, it is very quiet.

Lu Huai pushed in and Meng Qi looked up.

Jiang Yan and Meng Qi said that there are important guests to come tonight.

Lu Huai glanced at Meng Qi and immediately said: "I have an appointment with Mr. Jiang."

Meng Qi is quite clear, and the tone is respectful: "Please come with me."

Lu Huai followed Meng Qi, and Meng Qi led the way.

Meng Qi led Lu Huai through a walkway and brought Lu Huai to a secret room.

Meng Qi opened the secret room, and Jiang Yan had already waited inside.

After hearing the movement, Jiang Yan looked up and Lu Huai came in.

Meng Qi knows that Mr. Jiang and the guests in front of him have something to talk about.

He then retired and closed the chamber door before leaving.

Lu Huai knows that Dong Hongchang’s purpose is to let Lu Zongqi suspect the dark court.

Unexpectedly, his plan was not completed, but Lu Zongxi and the dark court stood on the same front.

The door of the chamber was completely closed.

Lu Huai looked serious and opened the door: "The group killed the hands and left a living mouth."

Jiang Yan’s look was condensed and listened carefully.

Jiang Yan naturally knows that the killer in Lu Huaikou is trying to assassinate Dai Shinan at the birthday banquet of Lu Dujun.

Lu Huai continued: "The man said the mastermind behind him before he died."

Jiang Yan frowned, and there was a bad feeling in his heart.

This matter will definitely involve the dark cabinet.

Sure enough, Lu Huai said: "The man said that the murder was directed by Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Yan and Lu Huai are clear that they will not believe the words of that person.

Jiang Yan looked at Lu Huai: "He wants to frame the dark cabinet and provoke the relationship between us."

Lu Huai nodded: "Someone is going to be bad for the dark, you have to be vigilant at all times."

Jiang Yan knew that Lu Huai trusted him, so he would tell him about it.

If the trust between the two is slightly weak, it is likely to be affected by the words of others, and thus sneak into the air.

As long as the seeds of doubt have been planted in their hearts, the seeds will continue to grow until the trust collapses.

Jiang Yan nodded, and his tone was solemn: "I will."

Tonight, Lu Huai came to Jiang Yan, but there is another thing I want to ask him.

He knew that poppy had been recognized by Ye Chu.

Both Lu Huai and Ye Chu know the identity of poppies. She is a special agent under Dai Shinan.

Before that, it was the poppy that commissioned Jiang Yan to come to Shanghai to look after Ye Jia.

What makes Lu Huai feel strange is that according to Jiang Yan’s temper, even if Jiang Yan and Poppy are friends, he will not agree to such a request.

Lu Huai wants to know what happened between Jiang Yan and Poppies.

Why Jiang Yan will help a friend to do so.

Lu Huai’s sight fell on Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan knows that Lu Huai still has something to ask, he did not say anything, waiting for Lu Huai to open.

Lu Huai: "We already know the identity of poppies."

Jiang Yan took a moment and understood.

Since Lu Huai said the name of the poppy, she must have recognized it with Ye Chu.

Jiang Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and the poppy no longer has to hide.

Lu Huai: "That client..."

Jiang Yan said: "Poppy entrusted me to come to Shanghai to look after Ye Jia."

Lu Huai suddenly asked: "I want to know why you agreed to the requirements of the poppy?"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Yan’s twilight was a bit dark.

Jiang Yan’s body is tight and his eyes flash through the painful color.

After a while, he opened his mouth.

"There was one thing happening in the dark cabinet..."

Jiang Yan’s eyes drifted away, as if he had fallen into distant memories.

Jiang Yan’s thoughts drifted away, and those who had been rushing to him in the past were filled with deep pain.


In the beginning, the old dark court had two chiefs. One is Wei Wei and the other is Ji Qian.

They disagreed with each other and were dissatisfied with the other’s means of action. There was a dispute.

The dark cabinet is divided into two factions and the atmosphere is tense.

At that time, some of the secret cabinet killers were sold by means of means. This matter is extremely secret, and no one is wrong.

Later, Jiang Yan’s personality appeared. He found that in Shanghai and Nanjing, there were many cases of missing persons in East China.

Jiang Yan also came to the dark court like this. He suspected that this matter was related to the record.

Jiang Yan told Wei Wei about his suspicions.

Wei Wei was very angry, and Ji Qian’s actions were cruel. His dissatisfaction with Ji Qian’s dissatisfaction increased.

Wei Wei and Jiang Yan discussed and decided to kill the quarry and rebuild the dark cabinet system.

When the two had plans, when they were about to implement, Wei Wei suddenly disappeared.

When Wei Wei left, he did not tell Jiang Yan why, and he did not return for a long time.

Jiang Yan did not know that when Wei Wei’s family was killed, he went to trace the murderer, so he left in a hurry.

The plan can only be put down first.

After that, the dark cabinet was in charge of one person, and the inside of the dark cabinet was darker. The dark cabinet was faintly in the hands of the people.

After Jiang Yan thought, he made a decision.

The plan has already been laid out, and the staff are all on standby. Even if Wei Wei is not there, the plan can continue to be completed.

More importantly, if the dark cabinet continues to be controlled by Ji Qian, more people will lose their lives.

Jiang Yan is not ready to wait any longer. He decided to personally overthrow the old system of the secret cabinet.

Ji Qian has a close confidant, his name is Sun Lin. Ji Qiang is very trusting to him, and many things will be discussed with him.

However, Jiang Yan knows that Sun Lin has always been eyeing the leader of the dark cabinet.

Sun Lin’s face pretending to be excellent, but privately, he was planning to kill and move, replacing the position of Ji Qian.

Jiang Yan went to find Sun Lin, and with interest, Sun Lin moved his mind.

Jiang Yan's ability is extremely strong, and it is the most powerful killer in the dark court. If he joins and kills Ji Ji, it will be smoother.

Moreover, Jiang Yan’s words are faintly revealed. After he has been killed, he will be the owner of the cabinet. Sun Lin will respond.

After Jiang Yan said these words, he returned to the room and his face sank instantly.

What he said with Sun Lin is naturally a lie.

Sun Lin was not doing anything right, and many things in the secret cabinet have his handwriting.

If Sun Lin is the owner of the cabinet, he is not allowed to be the next one.

After killing Ji Qian, Sun Lin will die.

The two are currently going to fight against each other, and he will naturally be a fan of Sun Lin. When the matter is completed, Sun Lin can no longer live.

Jiang Yan's eyes are extremely cold.

In order to overthrow the dark cabinet, his hand will inevitably get bloody. However, he must do so, there is no other way.

Jiang Yan gathered the old department of Wei Wei and waited for the implementation plan.

One day, Sun Lin informed Jiang Yan that he said that he would start tonight.

The night was so heavy that the haze spread and the boundless darkness was crushed.

Dark clouds cover the entire night sky, and the sky is more and more quiet. There was no light in the light, and there was a dead silence around.

Sun Lin is in the hall and talks about the matter.

Ji Qian sat there, and Sun Lin sat aside.

After a while, the door opened and the cold air poured in.

Jiang Yan took a step and walked in.

His footsteps are very light and seem to melt into this deep night.

Ji Qian’s heart-warming bell: "What do you call him to do?"

When the door was closed, Jiang Yan and Sun Lin looked at each other.

Sun Lin agreed, he immediately picked up the dagger hidden in the sleeve side, stabbing to Ji Qian.

Ji Qian has been aware of it, and he has missed a fatal blow.

His heart was angry, and Sun Lin actually betrayed himself!

Ji Qian’s hand stretched to the waist and was about to shoot.

On the other side, Jiang Yan has been to Ji Qiang, and he lifted his foot and kicked it to Ji Qiang’s wrist.

Ji Qian could not help but loose his hand, and he showed his willingness to turn and attacked Jiang Yan.

As a clerk, Ji Qiang is very good at his ability. Even under the joint attack of the two, he did not immediately lose.

As time passed, the three men had added countless wounds.

The smell of blood in the air is getting thicker, and the chill is falling.

There were three people in the hall, and the gunshots outside the hall suddenly sounded.

Outside, Jiang Yan and Sun Lin’s men joined forces to fight against the people who moved.

Killing the machine!

The gunshots rang through the night sky, breaking the silence of the sinking.

Outside the two teams are killing, and inside is even more murderous.

It’s all over the place, it’s cold and cold, and it’s cold.

Ji Qian has lost ground and his actions have been slow.

Jiang Yan found an opportunity to approach the record. He picked up the dagger and stabbed him, and his expression was extremely indifferent.

On the cold blade, passing the sharp chill.

Cold knife into the meat, straight into the chest of Ji Qian.

Ji moved to the ground and stopped breathing.

At this time, the hall door was opened and Dai Shen walked in.

Dai Shen saw that Ji moved to death, and the twilight was moving.

Then he looked at Gyangze and slowly said: "Things have been done."

The meaning of this is that the people who have moved in has been subdued by them.

At the same time, there is another meaning, only Dai Shen and Jiang Yan know.

Ji Qian is dead, the next one is Sun Lin.

The dark night was shrouded in thick blood, and it was extremely depressed.

The cold wind blew through the window, hunting and screaming.

Sun Lin looked at Jiang Yan, and the gun in his hand had already clenched a few points.

Although Jiang Yan will make himself a cabinet owner, Sun Lin certainly does not believe it.

He had planned to kill Jiang Yan and Dai Shen directly today.

The voice did not fall, Jiang Yan had raised his hand, and the black lacquered gun was aimed at Sun Lin.

He pulled the trigger and the bullet screamed toward Sun Lin.

The gunshot sounded and Sun Lin was shot dead.

Jiang Yan was shooting a gun, and his eyes passed a stern look.

The two have different mindsets and hide their true emotions. They will see who will seize the opportunity and kill each other.

Outside the hall, Jiang Yan’s people have already handed over to Sun Lin’s people, and the Dark Court has once again fallen into a gun battle.

The murderous spread, the air is getting tighter.

Jiang Yan and Dai Shen hurried out and joined the gun battle.

After the end of a fight, another killing began.

The night is getting deeper and the gunshots are still going on. This night is not destined to be calm.

More and more people are falling, and **** smells permeate the air.

I don't know how long it took, this long slaughter has finally come to an end.

Sun Lin’s people have been subdued, and Jiang Yan let his hands go down and wrap the wounds.

Jiang Yan looked back at Dai Shen and was about to speak.

At this time, Dai Shen leaned and fell to the ground.

Jiang Yan's face changed, holding Dai Shen, and found a shot in his abdomen and chest.

The bright red dampened his clothes, and the bright red was still spreading.

Jiang Yan’s heart sinks.

Dai Shen’s face was pale.

Dai Shen has already been shot in the air. In order not to affect Jiang Yan, he has always endured pain and has not let Jiang Yan know.

It is now the end of power.

His voice became extremely low: "My name is Dai Shen..."

This is the first time he and his name were mentioned by Jiang Yan.

Everyone in the dark court has no name, and they are arranged according to their abilities, and they are commensurate with the code.

Jiang Yan has the strongest ability and is the No. 1 killer. Dai Shen is No. 2.

They are alive and a murder tool. Dead, it’s just a body that nobody cares about.

Although the two are excellent friends, they never mention their past to the other party.

Jiang Yan was silent and did not speak.

Dai Shen’s voice was extremely weak: “I am going to meet with Poppy to meet tomorrow...”

He wanted to give Poppy a promise after overthrowing the dark cabinet.

When I mentioned the poppy, I was wearing a deep faint eyelid and suddenly lit up a few points.

It is like the light in the dark abyss. The light is weak, but it is very clear.

Dai Shen still wants to continue to talk, he opened his mouth, but did not speak.

His eyes closed and his hands fell to the ground.

The small cluster of light suddenly vanished. He had no more anger, and the darkness was covered, and the coldness of the air spread.

Dai Shen is dead.

Jiang Yan sat there, and his eyes were filled with pain.

Overthrowing the dark cabinet, this is extremely difficult. But he did not expect Dai Shen to die in this fight.

This road is too heavy, and the road ahead is confused and unknown, but he must go on.

Jiang Yan’s hand was slightly tightened, and then he let go, and there was nothing but cold air.

Jiang Yan sat there, and there was no movement for a long time, and his body seemed to be frozen.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Yan straightened up and moved.

The road under the foot was stained with blood and spread to a distance.

There is a strong **** smell in the air, which has not been scattered for a long time.

He walked out slowly.

The night dissipated, the sky was light, and the shallow sunlight fell.

Jiang Yan’s back was extremely silent, and he walked into the mist of the coolness.

When Jiang Yan buried Dai Shen and sorted out the relics, he found a box.

Instead of opening the box, he gave the box directly to the poppy.

The dark cabinet experienced this cleansing and the pattern has changed. Later, Jiang Yan became the owner of the dark cabinet, everyone is convinced.


An apartment in Shanghai.

At this time, there was no light in the room and it was in a darkness.

The room was so quiet that only the rain outside kept pounding the window.

Poppies stand by the window and look out.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a layer of white steam in the outside. Whatever is not true.

The night winds swelled, mixed with water mist, and the windows creaked.

The poppy heart is inexplicably boring, and her sight falls on the white mist outside.

Poppies seem to be looking through the rain screen.

In the next second, the poppy reached out and pulled the curtain.

She went to the table and opened a small lamp on the table.

The soft light pours down and instantly illuminates the corner of the room.

The poppy sits on the chair, looks down, and ends up on a locked drawer.

After a while, the poppy opened the drawer.

The drawer was pulled open and the inside was empty. Only a small box was placed.

The poppy's hand was a little trembling. She picked up the box and placed it on the table.

The light fell around the box, and the poppy reached out and explored the light.

When the lid is opened, there is actually a ring inside.

The poppy picked up the ring and put it on his hand.

The size is just right.

The memories of the poppies are getting deeper and the eyes are falling into the distance.

She still remembers clearly, and it was raining that night.

At that time, she and Dai Shen had an appointment to meet with him.

On the day of the appointment, the poppy waited for him for a long time, Dai Shen did not appear, and did not know her.

Poppy doesn't know what happened to Dai Shen, and although she is anxious, she can't do anything about it.

Poppy knows Dai Shen is a killer in the dark cabinet, he will receive the task at any time.

After a few days, she received a call.

There is an ominous premonition in the poppy heart.

That night, the sooner the rain went, the more urgent, the sky was gloomy.

After the poppy opened the door, it was discovered that the person was actually Mr. Jiang.

Poppy knows that Mr. Jiang and Dai Shen are the killers of the dark cabinet.

Sure enough, she waited for Dai Shen’s death.

Mr. Jiang is extremely self-blaming, but Poppy knows that Dai Shen’s death has nothing to do with him.

At that time, Mr. Jiang told the real name of Poppy, Dai Shen.

At this time, the poppy knew that Dai Shen was the birth son of Dai Shinan.

Before, when the poppy was worn together, they did not mention their past and present to the other side.

If the two are to find the purity of their feelings, they can't mention the past that has disappeared, and they don't want to involve organizational matters.

Poppies only know that Dai Shen is the second killer of the dark cabinet, and the pseudonym Dai Zhen.

Dai Shen only knows that Poppy is an agent.

Under the erroneous yin, the person who made the poppy for his life was actually Dai Shen’s father.

Before Mr. Jiang left, he handed Dai Shen’s relics to her and left.

At the top of those things is a small box.

The poppy opened with a hand and found that it was actually a ring.

But now things are human beings, and things can only be left to remember.

The poppy resisted the tears in her eyes. She took the ring off and put it back in the box.

She carefully closed the lid, put it back in the drawer, and dropped the lock again.

The poppy turned off the desk lamp on the table, and the room fell into the darkness again.

The poppy leaned against the back of the chair, letting her drown in the dark.

The silence in the room was abnormal, and the rain outside was still going on.

The heavy rain was intertwined into the night, and there was only wind and rain in the sky.