MTL - Rebirth: Family Chaebol-Chapter 558 2 difficult to advance and retreat

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In the face of Yuan Fangguo's outstanding acting skills, Wang Ping can only suffer from a dumb loss, thinking that if he guarantees 50 million, if this guy doesn't pay it back, won't he be a victim by then?

After leaving Yuan Fangguo's office, Wang Ping's men couldn't help but say, "Boss, why don't you give this guy a look?"

Wang Ping shook his head, "For now, this guy must have taken precautions against us. How could he have no money in such a big industry? This kind of enterprise would have been established long ago without money. Without money, he dared to spend 64 million to buy it. That land."

"Isn't this piece of land owned by several people?" his subordinates asked at a loss.

Wang Ping snorted coldly, "Do you believe this too?"

Wang Ping's subordinate nodded immediately, with a thoughtful look on his face, "Yes, this guy is not as easy to deal with as others."

"This shows that our early intelligence is not deep enough. After you go down, hurry up and collect his specific information." Wang Ping instructed.

"Understood, boss."

"Let's go to the next stop, Zhongtai Group." Wang Ping snapped his fingers.

Yuan Fangguo already had this plan in his mind. His approach was different from that of other bosses. He knew Wang Ping was cheating, but he acted proactively and asked Wang Ping to vouch for him. Once Wang Ping dared to hack him, he would also fight back.

To do the opposite is the best solution Yuan Fangguo can find at present.

It became increasingly difficult for Wang Kuanglin to collect Wang Ping's situation. In the end, he basically couldn't get any useful information.

It just so happened that he had something to do in the capital, and after telling Yuan Fangguo, Wang Kuanglin left Rongcheng.

At present, the commercial land is still in the planning and design stage, Yuan Fangguo is not worried, but he still has to report this matter to Li Guodong as soon as possible.

Li Guodong was also very skeptical about Wang Ping's identity at first, but as he learned more information, he also began to feel that this Wang Ping had a lot of energy.

Faced with the question of Yuan Fangguo, Li Guodong didn't have a good idea for a while.

However, he still insisted on the principle, that is, he must not cooperate with Wang Ping, not even a little bit. Once this hole is opened, the ghosts know how they will go to hell.

At the end of September, this group of people from the Bashu Society met again.

It's all here this time.

Bai Yanfei had just finished dealing with his friends, and came to the villa with a tired face.

The most discussed thing during the banquet was about Wang Ping.

Two days ago, Bai Yanfei attended a forum with the chief, and Wang Ping also appeared there, surrounded by a group of resourceful guys, which made Bai Yanfei look at him with admiration.

After Bai Yanfei finished speaking, the others followed suit. They had also heard more or less about Wang Ping when they were working in the officialdom. When they talked about these things, they all had noses and eyes.

"A high-profile second-generation boss who has cheated so many bosses, he is not afraid of ruining his father's reputation?" Chen Feng said indignantly.

Ning Yuanlin said with a wry smile: "Chen Feng, think about it, his father is letting his son mess around. This kind of person must be that kind of person in a high position."

"Then why don't you call the police? I don't believe that the law can't cure him." After Chen Feng came to the provincial office, he also handled several cases, one or two of which also involved the second generation. In the face of the powerful offensive of the law, all People are so vulnerable.

"If you like this kind of business, there will be profits and there will naturally be losses. The law will definitely not be able to control it." Bai Yanfei said.

When Chen Feng heard it, he was like a deflated ball. He was still too emotional just now. Thinking about this kind of thing is indeed the truth.

"Thinking about a second-generation character Jingkengren, this is really bad enough." Ning Yuanlin said with a faint expression.

Bai Yanfei nodded, "My friend was so frightened that it was law enforcement at different levels, not his relationship level at all. It took me a lot of effort to settle it for him, but I also cut some flesh."

Yuan Fangguo listened quietly, the more he listened, the more he felt that this Wang Ping was very likely to attack him recently.

The affirmation technique is the same, that is, find the trouble first, until you find the one that upsets you. Of course, at this point, you also lose.

Because of these things in his mind, Yuan Fangguo was so upset that he was a little listless when he returned home at night.

After nine o'clock in the evening, a long-lost but familiar phone number appeared on the phone screen.

It was Liu Shengyong who called.

There is not much contact between him and Liu Shengyong. Apart from sending some greeting text messages during the New Year and holidays, there is basically no contact during the rest of the time.

Therefore, Yuan Fangguo was a little surprised when he received Liu Shengyong's call.

Surprised, he pressed the answer button.

"Fang Guo, have you eaten yet?" Liu Shengyong's familiar voice appeared in the microphone.

"It's already eaten. At home, brother, have you eaten yet?"

"I ate. By the way, isn't the day after tomorrow the National Day? Are you free?" Liu Shengyong asked.

"There shouldn't be much to do on the National Day." Yuan Fangguo said.

It was originally planned to go to Pengcheng during the National Day to meet his girlfriend. However, since the shooting of his girlfriend's album MV has now moved to Japan, it is too late to apply for a passport. Therefore, Yuan Fang has no specific plans for the National Day.

"Our company has a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a department store in Jiangnan City the day after tomorrow. Come over and be a special guest." Liu Shengyong warmly invited him over the phone.

Many of my college classmates work in Jiangnan City. Wang Qiang, Lai Xiaojun, and Zhang Xiaoyan all work in Jiangnan City.

Wang Qiang was in the Planning Bureau, Lai Xiaojun went to a fertilizer factory, and Zhang Xiaoyan worked in the Finance Bureau, and everyone had occasional contact with each other.

"Brother is now a developer." Yuan Fangguo didn't know much about Liu Shengyong's current But he felt that this guy was also a guy who was restless and liked to toss.

"I made it with a few friends." Liu Shengyong said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll come over to cheer for my brother. As for the guest, it doesn't matter." Yuan Fangguo said.

"Brother, don't be humble, you are a character who often appears on TV." Liu Shengyong said.

"Where did it happen?" Yuan Fangguo thought he was talking nonsense.

Unexpectedly, Liu Shengyong corrected him immediately, "I'm not talking nonsense. At the beginning of this year, let's go to your place. There is also the flood relief and disaster relief commendation conference in July. You are also there."

The news of Zhang's inspection will naturally be broadcast on Bashu TV, and Liu Shengyong also likes to watch the news, so he also saw Yuan Fangguo on TV several times.

"Brother has a good memory." Yuan Fangguo said with a smile.

"Fortunately, I have the evidence. If not, if you don't admit it, then that's the deal. I'll ask the people below to book a hotel for you."