MTL - Rebirth: Family Chaebol-Chapter 552 Lies need to be made up

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On the way back, although Song Yiting did not ask who the down-and-out old man was, Yuan Fangguo took the initiative to tell her the story of her entrepreneurial days in college.

When Song Yiting learned that the desolate old man who looked like a beggar had his own shop and warehouse in the train station wholesale market, she couldn't help but be surprised.

"It's really unpredictable that the past few years have been so down and out." She couldn't help but let out such a sigh.

"Sometimes a seemingly small decision-making mistake can have a profound impact," Yuan Fangguo said.

Song Yiting can't deny his judgment, "Yes, so don't look at how beautiful you sometimes look. In fact, only you know your personal hardships and sorrows."

Yuan Fangguo did not express his feelings too much for his girlfriend's feelings, nor did he express his own opinion, but just smiled slightly.

The next afternoon, Yuan Fangguo took time out of his busy schedule to accompany his girlfriend to her grandmother's house.

After seeing the group photo of her daughter and granddaughter, the old man was so happy that his mouth could not close, "Tingting, look at your mother's weight."

"She said that the food there is good and the pressure is not that great." Song Yiting said with a smile.

"It's good to go to the frontier to serve the ethnic minorities in the frontier. We revolutionaries are a piece of brick. Wherever we need to move it, your grandfather was like this back then. Not long after I gave birth to your mother, he returned directly to the army... "Although Song Yiting's grandmother is almost eighty years old and her physical condition is not very good, her mind is as clear as a young person's, and she can tell the past stories in a clear and coherent manner.

Song Yiting and Yuan Fangguo listened and listened, each of them felt very uncomfortable in their hearts.

When the old man saw their expressions, he even thought that they were moved because of their emotions, and more importantly, they were all excited.

The two stayed at Song Yiting's grandmother's house until after eight o'clock in the evening before leaving. When they left, Yuan Fangguo stuffed her grandmother with another 5,000 yuan.

"The last one hasn't been used up yet." The old man also insisted on not wanting it.

"Last time was last time, this time is this time, grandma, take it." Song Yiting said with a smile, "Mom just likes you to be happy."

Hearing this, the old man was so happy that his mouth couldn't close, and he held his granddaughter's hand tightly and didn't want to let go.

It took another long time for the old man to let go of his granddaughter's hand reluctantly.

On the way back, Song Yiting's mood became heavy again, and she was alone for a while, and she said, "My dear, I'm really worried that my grandma won't be able to accept it if it's revealed one day. You tell me what to do when the time comes."

"Who would usually visit your grandma now?" Yuan Fangguo knew that Song Yiting's grandma had only two children, and both children were in prison now, and her uncle's wife also divorced him because of this.

"Usually it's just me and my dad." Song Yiting said after thinking about it.

"Uncle is still visiting?" Yuan Fangguo thought it seemed a little incredible.

"Well, he will go. My grandma also knows about the divorce between the two of them, but she likes my father's son-in-law very much. Maybe it has something to do with the mother-in-law looking at the son-in-law, and the more she sees it, the more she likes it."

Suddenly, Yuan Fangguo thought of his ex-girlfriend Lin Yumei's mother because of Song Yiting's words. If Wang Aifang looked at him and liked her more and more, maybe he and Lin Yumei were both married.

After the two broke up, there is no contact at all. Because Song Yiting broke into his life, he almost forgot Lin Yumei. Now that Song Yiting said this, he suddenly had some aftertastes of the past.

Song Yiting became a little strange. After she finished speaking, her boyfriend suddenly fell into deep thought. Could it be that he was worried that his mother was too strong and would have various opinions on him?

"Dear, actually my mother likes you very much too." Song Yiting suddenly said.

Yuan Fangguo was stunned for a moment, and softly said "Oh,".

"Do you think it's impossible?" Seeing her boyfriend's strange expression, she quickly added.

"No, I think your mother is also a good person." Yuan Fangguo said quickly.

Listening to her boyfriend's evaluation of her mother was not bad, Song Yiting couldn't help laughing.

Song Yiting took a total of ten days off, and now three days have passed. Except for the day of the return trip, she only has about six days left. She plans to visit her father another day. They are all ready to accompany their boyfriends at home. After all, the two of them are busy with work on weekdays, so it is difficult to stay together.

Yuan Fangguo also tried his best to spend time with his girlfriend. He knew that her girlfriend left this time, and the next time she came back would be at least a month later.

I go to work during the day, drive home for dinner at noon, and leave work at 4:30 in the afternoon. I either go for a walk in the suburbs with my girlfriend, or go to the vegetable market, or go for a walk in the nearby park. The days are quite pleasant.

In these few short days, Yuan Fangguo was somewhat surprised that Wang Ping did not come to him, which made him have the illusion that Wang Ping really wanted to be friends with him?

After the girlfriend left, UU read www. After Yuan Fangguo calmed down alone, he denied this naive idea of ​​his own.

Ten days later, Li Guodong told him that Wang Ping was really the second-generation character of the white wolf with empty gloves, and that all bosses who had worked with him would fall into skin if they didn't die.

After listening to Li Guodong's words on the phone, Yuan Fangguo only felt a cold sweat on his back. Only from Wang Ping's men who could easily inquire about his various information, he could feel that this person was definitely not simple.

Originally, Yuan Fangguo planned to transfer Tong Mingzhu directly from the northern market to help him, but after thinking about it, if this Wang Ping really had some means, then not only would he suffer, but Tong Mingzhu would also be implicated. Still decided not to transfer Tong Mingzhu back for the time being, and let her concentrate on improving the market in the north.

However, since Wang Ping's nature was already known to him, Yuan Fangguo felt that he could not sit still. On the one hand, he had to protect himself in all aspects as much as possible. On the other hand, he also had to conduct a thorough investigation of Wang Ping.

After thinking about it for a while, a suitable candidate soon surfaced.