MTL - Rebirth: Family Chaebol-Chapter 530 Last Stand

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After the second brother's affairs are settled, the iron buddy Liu Wenbo is also leaving. He originally thought that the rain would last for a long time, but it was only a few days. However, for Liu Wenbo, who has been looking for news clues, he The week spent in Bashu was quite enough.

After getting first-hand clues about flood fighting and disaster relief, Liu Wenbo said goodbye to Yuan Fangguo in a cafe at the airport.

"Wenbo, when will you come back next time?" Yuan Fangguo asked, looking at Liu Wenbo, who was thin and thin in front of him.

Liu Wenbo thought for a while and said, "It may be the Spring Festival."

"Have you set a time to go to the Burmese store?"

"It has been postponed. It is estimated that we will not go until August or September, but you can rest assured that you will definitely go."

"Remember to tell me when you go, and I'll see you off." Yuan Fangguo said.

Liu Wenbo nodded, "Don't worry, I will tell you. By the way, Fang Guo, we need some sponsorship for our trip to the Burmese store this time. I think you can sponsor us."

Yuan Fangguo was a little surprised by Liu Wenbo's remarks. In his impression, Liu Wenbo was not such a person.

Seeing Yuan Fangguo a little surprised, Liu Wenbo quickly recalled what he said just now, feeling that it was too straightforward.

"Oh, I mean you can sponsor us some motorcycles. When our show will be broadcast, it will naturally have the logo of your factory." Liu Wenbo quickly explained.

Yuan Fangguo now understands that Liu Wenbo is trying to advertise his motorcycles in a different way. Maybe it will help their motorcycle factory enter the Southeast Asian market.

"Okay, these are small questions, how much do you need?"

"Maybe around 20." Liu Wenbo said after thinking about it.

The number of 20 motorcycles is not too much, and even in his eyes, it is not worth a lot of money. Yuan Fangguo didn't even think about it, he just agreed.

After drinking coffee with Liu Wenbo in the cafe at the airport for more than an hour, after seeing his flight landed safely at Rongcheng Airport from Yangcheng, Liu Wenbo hurriedly ran towards the security checkpoint.

Maybe it was God deliberately playing tricks on people. Liu Wenbo's flight just left that day, and when it was night, the sky suddenly changed rapidly, thick dark clouds shrouded the sky over the whole city, and the whole city seemed to change. .

Lightning streaks cut through the sky like an apocalyptic scene, making people in the entire city feel visibly restless.

The Bureau of Meteorology issued a dangerous weather warning in time. In the next 48 hours, most of the province will experience heavy rainfall, and there may be a danger of mudslides...

The weather forecast this time by the Bureau of Meteorology is quite accurate. For 48 hours, the entire Bashu Province was under the shroud of heavy rainfall. In fact, Yuan Fangguo also listened to the "Voice of China" broadcast. He found that not only Bashu Province, but also half of Bashu Province. All Huaxia countries are currently under the control of heavy rainfall.

He had a strong premonition in his heart that the rainfall this time was definitely not small.

Sure enough, three days later, the second brother's troops received the task of going to Yangdong County below Ziyang City for rescue and disaster relief. Dozens of transport vehicles were lined up with double flashes, and officers and soldiers numbered 1000 got into the carport. It was raining heavily outside, and it was raining lightly inside.

Before leaving, Yuan Fangtai sent a message to his eldest brother and left in a hurry. He didn't even have time to read the reply letter from his eldest brother, so he turned off his mobile phone.

Originally, he thought about putting his mobile phone in the housekeeping cabinet in the dormitory, but after thinking about it, if he was in the disaster area and there was no landline, maybe the mobile phone could still play its due role.

After thinking about it, he hurriedly found a waterproof membrane, wrapped the phone around and put it into his army green shoulder bag.

So far, the flood relief mission has been in full swing.

Although my company, hospital, and supermarket were not affected too much, after the previous experience in the city and district, a third of the employees from their factory were transferred to form a militia commando. Begin to carry out rescue and disaster relief in the surrounding vicinity.

The remaining two-thirds of the employees were able to maintain production. However, due to frequent power outages and high demand for diesel, production in the factory began to fall into an intermittent state.

In a nutshell, Yuan Fangguo divided the employees into good jobs. Except for a small number of women and weak employees who stayed to watch the house, the rest of the employees joined him in the rescue team.

Compared with the following, the disaster situation in Rongcheng is not so serious. After one and a half days of rescue and recovery, most of the rescue and disaster relief personnel were dispatched to Yangdong County.

The dam in Yangdong County may be in danger of collapsing at any time. Once the dam, which was built in the early 1960s, collapses, it will affect the safety of nearly one million people in the downstream Ziyang City.

Ziyang City is a plain city. It is no exaggeration to say that once the dam collapses, billions of cubic meters of water will roll on the plains of Ziyang City, engulfing this industrial city from the map.

Entrusted by senior provincial officials, senior officials Zhang Guangsheng led the command team to sit in Yangdong County in person. He even set up the headquarters directly on the rickety dam, showing his determination.

"Comrades, no matter what, we must ensure that the dam does not collapse." Standing in the wind and rain, Zhang Guangsheng said loudly with a loudspeaker.

Experts from the Department of Water Resources also gave a reliable solution. The foundation of the dam is very poor. According to the current impact of water flow, it can only last for two days at most. danger.

To solve this problem, the only way is to divert.

At present, there is a river five kilometers away from the dam. According to estimates, this river can divert about one-fifth of the water flow of the dam.

Reduce the water flow by one-fifth, and then properly discharge part of the flood. As long as it can be done within two days, there will be no problem in protecting Ziyang After listening to Zhang Guangsheng, he quickly arranged it.

The current rescue and disaster relief forces are mainly divided into the following groups. The first group is composed of hydropower units and state-owned enterprises. They are mainly responsible for diverting the water from the dam into the river. Dozens of excavators must excavate day and night.

However, during the excavation, the engineering operators found that the place less than two meters below the ground was actually a large piece of gravel, which is a very strong stone, which is difficult to achieve according to the ability of the excavator.

But if you can't do it, you have to do it. This is Zhang Guangsheng's order.

The second group is the reinforcement of the dam, Yuan Fangtai's troops and the local militia are mainly responsible for it; the third group is the local militia, mainly to provide disaster relief for the impact of the flood on Ziyang City.

The task arrangement was smooth, but the difficulty of implementation was not small.

The weather is the biggest obstacle to their progress.

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, there will still be heavy rainfall in the next 24 hours.