MTL - Rebirth: Family Chaebol-Chapter 520 Purchase of agricultural products

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Lin Changchun came and went in a hurry. His state made Yuan Fangguo suddenly feel the pressure of a middle-aged man.

He has also experienced it in his previous life. At that time, there were old people and young people, and the pressure was as great as a mountain.

Therefore, in this life, he really didn't want to live that kind of life. Looking at his current industry, and thinking of the crisis of middle-aged people, Yuan Fangguo suddenly felt a sense of urgency in his heart again.

The overall planning work in the early stage has been arranged, so this May Day, Yuan Fangguo can live a little easier, but he can still receive agreements on the signing of agricultural product purchase contracts from all over the country every day.

Yuan Fangguo spent nearly 500 million yuan in the purchase of agricultural products across the country this time. Naturally, it was impossible for him to spend so much money. Therefore, the loan from Song Yide became a large part of the funds. source.

At present, Yuan Fangguo's corporate credit is very high, and Song Yide happily lent him 200 million funds after receiving the benefit fee.

At present, there are mainly two modes of purchasing agricultural products, one is buying now, and the other is signing a contract. Regarding the contract signing, Yuan Fangguo specially emphasized that he must do his homework on the liquidated damages. What he is worried about is that There are always guys who don't follow the rules and regulations.

The investment of 500 million yuan into the agricultural product market will not cause any waves, but the future price increase trend will allow him to earn a fortune from it.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of agricultural products are transported and stored in the cave every day, and dozens of copies of contracts have been faxed from all over the country like snowflakes. He even made a rough estimate and put all costs aside. From the second half of this year to next year, he will earn 7 A billion should be no problem at all.

This 700 million is equivalent to the net profit of the motorcycle factory for at least ten years.

With a sense of achievement, Yuan Fangguo accompanied Song Yiting to Yunnan during May 1st. When he stood on the top of the West Mountain and overlooked the entire city of Kunming, he also secretly had an idea in his heart, that is, in the second half of this year. , his motorcycle must enter Yunnan.

Compared with the hot and dry climate of Bashu, the climate of Yunnan is much cooler and cooler, especially the dry and windy seasons in Yunnan have just passed, and the arrival of the rainy season makes Kunming as a city in the south of the Yangtze River full of spirituality.

The two had a good time exploring Kunming and its surroundings, and at the end of the May 1st holiday, they returned to Rongcheng with a tired look on their faces.

Less than a day after Song Yiting returned to Rongcheng, she received a call from the record company in the capital, asking her to rush to the company to sign a contract within a week.

She shared the news with Yuan Fangguo in time. Yuan Fangguo always vaguely felt that this company was different from what he imagined. After thinking about it carefully, he decided to accompany Song Yiting to that record company.

"Aren't you busy?" Song Yiting was naturally quite happy when she heard that her boyfriend was going to accompany her to the capital, but in addition to being happy, she was also secretly worried about her boyfriend's busy work.

"It's not as busy as before, and besides, everything can be solved by email now, and if they are in a hurry, they can upload it to me directly from the Internet."

Song Yiting is also a netizen and enjoys the convenience brought by the Internet age. "Then I have booked a ticket?"

"Okay, you book a ticket for this Friday, I'm just going to see my old classmate."

"Well..." Song Yiting snuggled tightly into his arms like a well-behaved bird.

In fact, Yuan Fangguo went to the capital this time. On the one hand, he was going to accompany Song Yiting to the record company. On the other hand, he was going to go to the courtyard he bought. Although it was already renovated years ago, Da Fei Zhao Yong and the others also sent him the photos of the renovated courtyard house via email, but in his heart he always wanted to go there and take a look.

In the intervening few days, Yuan Fangguo also took the time to deal with the work at hand. Since the weather became clear in mid-April, the construction of the wholesale market has been working overtime, and it was finally completed before May 1st. Now it's the job of repairing.

The decoration is basically carried out indoors, which is not greatly affected by the weather. If the action is fast, it is estimated that the whole wholesale market can be put into use in early June.

Yuan Fangguo plans to carry out this market in the form of leasing. In March, the investment promotion work has already started. The wholesale market naturally needs goods, and the company's transportation fleet can perfectly meet the needs of various tenants. Jiangliu District has been included in the construction plan, so this is a hot land. There is no need for too much advertising and marketing in hot land. In April, basically all the facades have been rented out, and the financial side He also provided Yuan Fangguo with accurate data. The three-year rent alone has already recovered all the costs.

After visiting the wholesale market, Yuan Fangguo, accompanied by Li Chengming, went to the resettlement housing community.

At present, the company is also working overtime and strives to complete the project before the rainy season in June.

In the resettlement housing community, Yuan Fangguo focused on the construction quality. In his eyes, the construction quality of this project is absolutely not allowed to have any discount, even if it loses money, the resettlement housing project must be done well.

After a round of inspections, I didn't find any major problems. Everyone has implemented his philosophy well from the beginning to the present.

"Quality must be guaranteed." Before getting on the bus, Yuan Fangguo once again warned Li Chengming.

Li Chengming nodded, saying that this piece must be strict, please rest assured.

With satisfaction, Yuan Fangguo returned to the office to deal with other daily affairs after inspecting the completion site.

Before leaving for the capital he did not forget to call Gao Dapeng.

When Gao Dapeng received his call, he had just been reprimanded by the leader. He didn't carry the cauldron, but he didn't know what was going on. The leader didn't ask any questions, and directly put the cauldron on his back. on the head.

However, when he saw that it was Yuan Fangguo's phone call, Gao Dapeng immediately became energetic.

On the phone, Gao Dapeng learned that Yuan Fangguo was coming to the capital on Saturday.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements for Saturday."

"Let's get together for a while, by the way, I brought someone here this time, don't be surprised when you and Xuexiu come." Yuan Fangguo joked.

"Who to bring? You and Lin Yumei's child?" Gao Dapeng really couldn't think of whom Yuan Fangguo would bring.

"I broke up with her." Yuan Fangguo couldn't help sighing.

In an instant, Gao Dapeng understood that it was his new love.