MTL - Rebirth – City Cultivation-Chapter 8 Ginger Churan’s girlfriend

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This time Tang Yan did not let him go to eat, but said that Jiang had a little sister birthday, she did not feel relieved to let Chen Fan accompany.

It should not be delayed by eating a meal. He thought about dialing the number given by Tang Yin.

"Hey, of course? I am Chen Fan."

"I am, is there anything?" There was a cold voice from the beginning of the microphone.

Chen Fan did not care, continued: "Don Juan said that your friend had a birthday, she asked me to accompany you."

"Oh, I am in Starbucks in the city center, come over." It seems that after receiving the mother's notice, Jiang first replied in silence.


"Of course, who called?"

The phone just hangs, next to a petite, full of famous girls asked strangely.

She is the white rich beauty of Jiang Churan, 'Zhang Yumeng', and this is the birthday of the people.

In addition to her, there is a tall, glamorous girl sitting next to her, both of whom are **** and have a big girlfriend.

"Don't mention it, my mother's friend's child. I don't know where my mom looks at him, I have to match him and him." After putting down the phone, Jiang first recovered his nature and looked worried.

"Oh, yes, I have seen my parents." Zhang Yumeng is amazed, curiosity has already burst, and gossip:

"How about the long? Family background? How is our family Yang Chao?"

Yang Chao is Zhang Yumeng's boyfriend, tall and handsome, and is the captain of the school basketball team. The home opened a 'Tiansheng Grand Hotel', built according to the five-star standard, in the Chuzhou hotel industry can rank the top five, the assets are only higher than Zhang Yumeng.

There are so many girls chasing him, and Zhang Yumeng is also very hard to get started, always proud of it.

"You are a small fan, look at the looks and family." The tall, cold girlfriends rolled their eyes around.

"What do I think about the appearance of the family? This world, you are not a handsome guy, there is no money at home, no power, but also want to come to soak the old lady?" Zhang Yumeng inserted his waist, confidently back.

"Well, let's go, know that our cute young lady has a high vision." Jiang was not angry. "He called ‘Chen Fan’, came from Lishui County. No family has no background, and long is clear, my mother said that others are good and honest.”

"Honest? Can be a dry meal." Zhang Yumeng could not help but laugh.

The tall cold honey next to me shook her head and said seriously: "Of course, the idea of ​​Meng Meng is not right. But if it is like you said, and there is no family and no family, then even if you like him, the two are together. It will be very painful. You have a different life circle, and there are many generation gaps between each other."

"I didn't say that I liked him. Don't worry about it. My mom is a mess, I am bothered." Jiang was suddenly weak.

"Since you don't like him, then wait for him to come, I will pack up and pack him." Zhang Yumeng snorted. "Let him know that the sky is high and there is nothing, and dare to pursue our **** school flowers?"

Ginger Chuan’s eyes turned over and he didn’t even have the strength to speak.


When Chen Fan arrived, he saw them at a glance.

In 2007, when Starbucks entered the most popular time in China, many small-capital white-collar workers and children in the middle-class family like to go to Starbucks for a cup of coffee, eat desserts, chat, and enjoy leisure time.

But even in Starbucks, Jiang’s first corner is also the most concerned.

The main little girl is very beautiful, and there is a feeling of standing out in a group of petty women who drink coffee.

And the two girls who accompanied her are also very good, a tall and glamorous, a petite and cute. The three men got together and became the center of attention for the entire cafe.

"Ran Ran."

He walked over and smiled and said hello.

This kind of thing with the girl is a headache, but he can't bear to hurt Tang Yan's heart. After all, Tang Yan is also kind.

"You are coming." Jiang was very polite, but could feel the distance intently.

Another girl with a hot body and a glamorous look did not look at Chen Fan. Carrying coffee, eyes and eyesless sweeping the street outside the glass window, a pair of high cold goddess Fan who is not disturbed.

"You are Chen Fan?" Zhang Yumeng looked up and down, looking aside.

She has more than 100,000 clothes and shoes, the bag is a classic model of lv, the clothes Chanel pink girl suit, the straps of the Roman shoes are MauroLeone in Milan, Italy, not in the country, her father bought abroad.

And Chen Fan wears all the road goods, the street can be bought everywhere, hundreds of pieces will be able to get together. The two stood together and the contrast was clear.

"Kid, do you want to pursue our Jiang University School? Do you know how many pursuers are there in the school? The children of the deputy mayor's family and the city's middle school exams that are sent to Huaqing are all clusters of our family. You want money. No money, no appearance, no ability to resist, who can give you the courage?" Zhang Yumeng contempt.

"Meng Meng?" Jiang first glared at her, as if blaming her for talking too much.

"Reassured, I just listened to Tang Yan's words to accompany her to have a meal, did not pursue her meaning." Chen Fan glanced at Jiang Churan.

"Meng Meng does not mean this, you don't misunderstand." Jiang Churan faintly said.

Not what it means, what does it mean?

Chen Fan smiled and didn't care.

Seeing Jiang Churan just took a look at Zhang Yumeng and did not explain it to him. She knew that this was her acquiescence.

He came back from this world, except for Xiaoqiong, who looked very light on other girls. Since Jiang Churan didn’t have this idea for him, why should he have a hot face and a cold ass? The robbing fairy has its own pride.

Zhang Yumeng proudly picked up his chin and saw that his purpose had been reached. He looked at the fashion magazine and looked away from him.

Chen Fan silently ordered a cup of cappuccino and found a seat to sit down.

His concern is not actually in Jiang Churan, but in the cold girl next to him.

Xu Rongzhen!

Ginger Churan’s girlfriend.

And strictly speaking, there are still some embarrassing relationships between the two.

The girl with a glamorous appearance is wearing a black T-shirt with a short waist and a tall chest. The waist is slender and the toughness is amazing. The lower body is tight denim shorts, revealing a pair of thrilling super long legs, white and tender skin in the sun crystal clear, under the feet is a stylish white running shoes.

Although it is not a luxury brand, she is tall and tall, and she wears ordinary clothes out of the supermodel.

Although she looked very cold, she actually had a good heart. She used to tell Chen Fan that who she liked at the beginning, and urged him to hurry and find someone he really liked.

Unlike the Zhang Yumeng next to it, the appearance is cute and lovely, a fashion brand, a superior family background, and a real white beauty. But the eyes are high in the sky, and the past lives have never seen Chen Fan with positive eyes.

"I remember that Xu Rongzhen was an art student. He was admitted to the Yanjing Film Academy next year. Later he became an actor and played several popular TV dramas. Was it the four generations of the generation?" Chen Fan, while drinking coffee, looked at it. Xu Rongzhen.

When he was a son of Splendid Real Estate in his previous life, he had some intersection with the actress's Xu Rongzhen.

At the time, the two met at a fashion party reception organized by a large company in the entertainment industry. The old classmates met, one is a billion-dollar son, and the other is a popular flower. When you go to school, you have some friendship, and you will naturally get a spark.

Unfortunately, Chen Fan has suffered the biggest change in the first half of his life.

The company went bankrupt, and the mother died of illness. At that time, he was so busy that he was so worried that he could play with his old classmates.

Later, when he was alone, when he returned to Chuzhou, he accidentally heard from a friend.

Xu Rongzhen was convinced that the big cockroaches were refrigerated, and there were many negative news, and the road was bleak. Finally, he could not withstand the pressure, depression, and suicide. At the age of 30, he ended his life like a fireworks.

At that time, Chen Fan was in a hurry and wanted to see the two when they met. I thought I was the leader of my classmates. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, one committed suicide.

"Life is really changeable." Chen Fan could not help but sigh.

Seeming to notice his unusual gaze, Xu Rongyi frowned and turned and asked:

"you know me?"

Although she looks cold, her voice is crisp and sly, and her words are like coquetry. Therefore, she did not swear by many boys, but there are more and more pursuers.

This reminded Chen Fan of a famous female star ‘Zhi Ling’s sister.

Xu Rong’s entertainment circle is also bearing the name of “Xiao Zhiling”, but the final result is much worse than Zhiling’s sister.

"I don't know, but I am a native of this family, proficient in easy to swear, nicknamed the **** operator." Seeing the past life, Chen Fan also played a big heart. Received the emotion, half joking and half serious:

“For example, although we met for the first time, I figured out that you were an art student and that the name contained a word “许”.”

"Oh? Really? What else do you see other than that?" Xu Rongzhen did not expect that he would answer this way, and his curiosity was immediately attracted.

“And?” Chen Fan said with a pretense: “You will be admitted to Yanjing Film and Television College in the future, become an actor, and finally become a big star.”

"How do you know that I want to test Yanjing Film and Television College? And my ambition is to be an actor!" Xu Rongzhen's surprised mouth is slightly open, and his face is ignorant, like a ripe apple. Can't help but bite a bite.

Zhang Yumeng next to "Hey!" couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Oh, my Miss Xu, you are the man of our Ivy League Middle School. You got the news. He asked about it when he asked." Zhang Yumeng hugged Xu Rongzhen around her, and kissed her face. A bite, not good-spirited.

After she kissed her, she turned her head and looked at Chen Fan with a contemptuous look.

"The kid who came from Lishui County, chasing the girl is not a slap in the face. And you are too fancy. Just after being rejected, it is transferred to our beautiful woman? When we are fools?"

Jiang Churan also frowned.

I thought that although Chen Fan had some love bragging, but still honest, I did not expect it to be a slicker.