MTL - Rebirth Blessed Girl Takes Space To Flee-Chapter 229 quarrel

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  Chapter 229 Fighting

   "Before, I envied that my sister had all four corners, and I also fell in love with Brother Leizi. There was nothing wrong with it, but now the bad things came out."

  The other girl also shook her head helplessly, without saying anything.

   "The four corners of life are complete, each has its own hardships, and the Gu family is also a trouble."

  Xie Jin sighed, people can only take one end, not everything.

   "Let me come in. I'll see what she has to say. What's the news at her house recently? I came to visit her specially. It's either adultery or robbery."

  Li Yu stopped writing and looked up.

  Even if she is about to get married, she is still too busy to touch the ground. Thanks to the help of her sister-in-law on the other side of the mother, otherwise there will be no free time.

  Second Aunt Gu came in, and the girls quickly got up and saluted.

   "You're welcome, we're all from my family, sit down."

  Second Aunt Gu smiled.

  The girls took advantage of the opportunity and sat down. They had no intention of leaving and were busy with their own tasks.

  If the elders usually come to visit and have something to say, the girls would have left with a wink, but if they don't do it today, they will stay.

   "Eh, Yu'er, Leizi said let me come to you to get the money."

  Second Aunt Gu thought about it for a while, and then changed her words.

   "Auntie wants to spend money, Leizi didn't tell me how much."

  The Gu family also has the rules of the Gu family. If you take money, you need to write a note from the accountant, and if it exceeds 1,000 taels, you need the seal of the old man. This rule was changed after the second aunt stole the money.

   In the past, it was 10,000 taels as long as you asked your elders for instructions. Elders like Second Aunt are not worthy of respect, so you can only use rules to hold her back.

   "He agreed to lend me the money."

  Second Aunt Gu intends to trick her into passing.

   "Oh, so... how much do you borrow?"

  Li Yu didn't care about a few hundred taels and a thousand taels. After all, it was a family, so it shouldn't be too embarrassing, and they were elders anyway.

   "Ten thousand taels."

   Everyone stopped and looked at Aunt Gu with surprise.

   This number also needs the handprints and seals of the elders such as Grandpa Li and Boss Li in the Li family. Even if Li Rui and Li Yu come, they can't get it out without the seal.

  The pocket money for the children of the Li family does not exceed one hundred taels per month. This treatment is only available after marriage.

  Large amounts of money must be approved by the elders, and it is not allowed to sell the property without permission. If you know it, you must ask the family law.

"so much?"

  Li Yu's expression was exaggerated, his eyes widened.

   "Second aunt, you want to buy a property with so much money, which property, is the business good?"

  Li Qian hit the snake stick with an interested look on her face.

   "No, I need it urgently."

  Second Aunt spoke more and more difficultly.

   "Second aunt, such a large amount, I don't have that much at all. Don't look at me holding Leizi's property. In fact, every account manager and accountant have to reimburse each other, and report to Grandpa Gu regularly for three months."

  Li Yu has always followed rules and regulations in doing things, and is not afraid of inspections. Grandpa Gu trusts her by giving her.

"You are late. I had money some time ago. I used the money from Leizi's ship to buy several properties for Brother Xin. The third aunt lost a lot in dowry. Brother Xin will also get married in the future. Money is indispensable. I will spend all of it." Yes, Grandpa and Third Aunt know about this, go back and ask if you don't believe me."

Brother Qian Xin of the restaurant has a share, and Gu Lei helped to set it up, and the money has started to recycle profits. Li Yu concentrated the family's money and strength in one place and did the most important things first. After all, the third aunt was also very wronged, sacrificing her good many.

Leizi had quite a lot of property in his hands with little loss, so he took out the profits and bought it for his younger brother, Xin Ge, and bought a few farms for the old, weak, widowed and widowed in the clan, so that they can have money to use. There is an account book, and I reported it to Grandpa Gu, and Gu Lei was responsible for running errands to buy it.

  Li Yu really doesn’t have so much money at this time, and he won’t give it to her. He can collect another wave of money at the end of the year, but why should I give it to you.

   "Why didn't you say hello to me? You are not the daughter-in-law of the Gu family, how can you make up your own mind?"

  Second Aunt blurted out without thinking, with a domineering attitude.

  Li Yu's face changed suddenly, he opened his mouth and didn't speak. After all, he is an elder, so he shouldn't be too uneducated.

Li Qian was upset, and stood up at that time, "Second Aunt, we respect you as an elder, but you have to be reasonable. Grandpa Gu nodded and agreed, and my uncle and grandma also praised you. It's a crime, my sister is busy with your family all day long, she's too tired to be idle, and there's something wrong with her."

   "That's right, why did your Gu family bully you to the door, treating me as no one in the Li family?"

  All the girls from the Li family stood up, blushing with anger.

  When Mrs. Wang entered the door, she heard the girls yelling. It was Xie Jin who saw her coming, so she hurried to find her mother-in-law and came back to help her, fearing that her sister-in-law would be bullied.

   "Yo, what excitement is this, you guys are so happy to talk about it."

   Mrs. Wang glanced at the door, and looked at the girls with a majestic attitude.

  The girls immediately bowed their heads and saluted.

   "I came to borrow money from Yu'er, but she actually said no. After all, it is the property of the Gu family, not hers, so why not give it to me."

  Second Aunt Gu still feels aggrieved. That is the property of the Gu family, and I am the daughter-in-law who has been in the family for many years.

   "How much do you want to take, do Leizi and my uncle know?"

   Wang's attitude is still kind.

   "Leizi agreed to lend me ten thousand taels."

  Li Yu put down his face, and said in a stiff tone, "No."

   "Look at her attitude."

  Second Aunt Gu pointed at Li Yu with her finger, and was impatient with Wang.

   "Yu'er, do you have any?"

   "No, all the money has been spent. Grandpa and third uncle all know it, and they agreed."

   "Oh, so, go find Uncle Gu and Leizi and come back. If Leizi can't come back, he won't call. It's okay to ask the second child to come back."

  Ms. Wang calmly directed the servants to shout for someone.

   "Don't worry, Leizi has already promised me. If you give me money, you can get it. Why do you ask so many people?"

"Second brother and sister, such a large number is not just given. You think you can give the money without a signature and seal. Yu'er is in charge of the Gu family's money because Leizi begged, and you have to follow the rules. Whoever comes will give the money. You Just kidding me."

   Mrs. Wang looked at her with your strange eyes, that's how you act as a housekeeper.

  Second Aunt Gu was so blocked that her face turned red and she couldn't speak a word.

   This is not a small amount. Gu Lei has to record and print his handprint to write clearly when he withdraws a few hundred taels, and he does not take it casually.

  Usually, one hundred taels, a drink and a drink are enough when you need to go out. If you need to spend a lot of money, you have to go home and ask the manager to explain the situation in advance and see if it can be done.

  I’ll give you money as soon as you move your mouth, whether it’s copper or silver, you’re kidding.

  Wang’s one sentence made people speechless.

  The girl from the Li family sneered, and laughed unceremoniously, with a look of contempt for Second Aunt Gu on her face.

  Grandpa Gu came, Uncle Gu also hurried back, but Gu Lei didn't come back, he was busy with the Night King, the servant didn't see anyone.

   "What's the matter, call me urgently."

  Grandpa Gu looked at Yu'er with red eye circles, frowned, turned his face to look at Second Aunt, his eyes became sharp and majestic.

"The second sibling said they wanted to take 10,000 taels of silver, but Yu'er said no. The second sibling misunderstood that my daughter was taking advantage of her, and said she was not the daughter-in-law of the Gu family, and she was not worthy of taking the property of the Gu family. Uncle, I said it was inappropriate to do so, and I complained about it." Alright."

  Wang spread her hands and sighed unhappily.

  (end of this chapter)