MTL - Rebirth Blessed Girl Takes Space To Flee-Chapter 220 Meet

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  Li Yu dressed neatly and went out with Wang Shi. Today, she wants to see what Princess Ye's niece looks like, okay?

   Wang has already started to bring Xie Jin to the banquet, and basically does not bring Li Yu along.

   Came all the way to Princess Ye's dormitory. See you.

   "Meet the princess."

   "Get up."

   "Hey, let me introduce you. You haven't seen her before. This is my niece Sun Ya, and this is Li Yu, the eldest daughter of the Li family."

  A pretty girl next to Princess Ye stood up and saluted, "I have met Mrs. Li and Sister Li."

   "Good boy, get up."

   "I've met Sister Sun, just call me Yu'er."

   "Go and play, Mrs. Li and I have something to talk about."

   Princess Ye glanced at her niece.

  Li Yu took the initiative to reach out to Sun Ya, and Sun Ya took her hand and walked out.

   "I'll take you to the flower house, okay? The flowers in my house are all in bloom, and they look beautiful."


  Li Yu observed Sun Ya secretly. She was beautiful, with a crisp and gentle demeanor.

   "I've heard my aunt talk about you a long time ago, and I admire you very much. Last time I killed Geng Li, you led the team. I really envy you, I don't know martial arts."

  Sun Ya pouted with a regretful expression.

   "I lead the team, I mainly for revenge."

   "You don't know, Geng Li and my family also have enmity, but it's too long to mention the past, I always want to thank you, and I also vent my anger on my family's behalf."

   "It's all over, let it go, and I will learn to let it go."

  Li Yu didn't comfort her, only those who lost their loved ones would understand the pain.

  Sun Ya smiled, "Yes, what if you don't let go."

   "I met your sixth brother, I fell in love with him, and I mentioned him to my aunt."

  Sun Ya was straightforward and admitted directly.

  Li Yu was a little surprised, "I don't know about this, my brother knows you?"

   "He doesn't know me, but I've met him twice. You know my family is also from a military commander, and I admire and like military commanders in my heart. I think this is what a man should look like."

  When Li Yu saw her mentioning Sixth Brother, there seemed to be light in his eyes, and his expression was very happy and a little shy. It seemed that he really liked Sixth Brother.

   This should be a girl's dream of being a hero. In addition, the sixth brother is good-looking and mighty, so he got it.

   "My sixth brother is a general, and he may go out to fight in the future, aren't you afraid?"

Sun Ya raised her head, "I'm afraid, but I'm willing. If I have a strong temper, I can't marry a literati, and I can't stand the restraint. I think in my heart that I have a good family and a similar upbringing. People with wind will never live too badly."

"In the end, it's my selfishness. Since my father and brother left, the Sun family has been in a slump, and there are no outstanding generals to lead the army. If I can marry the Li family, I can also support my mother's family, even if I can find a way out for them. It's good too."

   "I didn't expect you to be so honest. I asked my mother to come here today. I just wanted to see what you look like."

   "It doesn't matter, I also want to see you very much. Do you know that you are a highly praised figure among us girls, and we all adore you."

  Sun Ya smiled.


  Li Yu slightly rounded his eyes.

"You did what we didn't dare to do but wanted to do. You want to live a free and carefree life. If you want revenge, you have the ability to lead the army to kill Geng Li. I want revenge but I can't do anything. You don't understand my aggrieved resentment. "

  Sun Ya took a deep breath to ease her emotions.

  Li Yu didn't know how to comfort her, this is a strong girl.

   "Don't talk about these sad things, I want to know you a long time ago, but I'm afraid I'm too abrupt, I'm an orphan, don't dislike me."

  Sun Ya shrugged and smiled.

Li Yu took her hand and said, "Why would you dislike me? My father said that you are a strong and good girl. I have been curious about it. I begged my mother to come and visit you. I will ask you to go shopping some other day. The place hasn't turned yet."

   "I'm familiar with this, I'll take you there, I know where the snacks are the most authentic."

"I'll post to you in two days. My family has set up a weaving workshop. In the past few days, there is still a little bit of tail left to finish. When I finish it, I will have nothing to do. I will play at home when I make an appointment. You can come to my house to play later."


  The two girls were chatting and laughing in the greenhouse, looking at the flowers raised by Princess Ye. Sun Ya took care of many expensive and beautiful flowers here.

   After some conversation, Li Yu was relieved a lot, while Sun Ya was gentle but firm inside, and she was straightforward and generous.

  After returning home, Li Yubaba ran to find his grandpa to parrot.

   "Grandpa, let me tell you that I saw Miss Sun."

   "Really, okay, what kind of tempered child."

  Grandpa Li asked curiously.

   "You're so beautiful, a gentle and strong girl, very straightforward. It turns out that she met my sixth brother twice at the princess's place. She fell in love with my sixth brother, so she wanted to marry a military general rather than a literati."

   "She told you."

   "Yes, you took the initiative to tell me, very frank girl."

   "It's really good, I'm relieved if I want to do this, otherwise I'll always be worried."

  Grandpa Li nodded in relief.

  Li Yu came over and said excitedly: "I asked Miss Sun to go shopping in a few days, and I will see when my sixth brother will take a rest and let him go shopping with me."

   "Okay, let them take a look. Since you can see it, I think your sixth brother can also see it."

  Grandpa Li nodded happily.

   "Then I will learn from my uncle and grandma."

   "Go, take the fresh fish from Zhuangzi in a basket."

   Mrs. Wang hurriedly explained.


  Li Yu happily ran away.

   I went to talk to my uncle and grandma again, and I happened to stay at my uncle's house for a delicious meal.

  Uncle, grandma and aunt knew that Li Yu had taken a fancy to Sun Ya, so they trusted her mother's vision and kept chanting Buddha.

  Li Yu asked Gu Lei to ask Sixth Brother when to take a rest, set a date for her to post a post for others, and made an appointment to play.

  She found something fun to do again, making arrangements for jumping up and down, never tired of it.

  After setting a date, I posted a post for Sun Ya.

  Li Xi was recruited by his sister's twelve gold medals.

   "Why don't you go change your clothes, change into something that looks good, and tidy up."

  Li Yu saw Sixth Brother coming out, changed into gray clothes, curled his lips in disgust.

   Uncles and aunts couldn't help laughing.

   "What's wrong with this body."

  Looking down, the newly changed clothes.

   "We are going to meet Princess Ye and pick up Sister Sun to go shopping. You should dress more formally. Go back and change."

   Li Yu stared and pushed people to change clothes.

   "These are new clothes, too."

  Li Xi sighed helplessly, so he could only go back and change his clothes.

   "The color is not good-looking, change to a brighter color."

  Li Yu jumped and shouted behind her, like a housekeeper.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  Everyone in the room was happy.

   Dressed up again, Li Xi came out and changed into royal blue clothes embroidered with cloud patterns.

   "That's about the same, uncle and grandma, do you think this will work?"

   "Well, it looks good this time, the gray doesn't stand out."

  The uncle and grandma also smiled and nodded.

   "Let's go quickly."

   Li Xihong's ears turned red and she dragged her sister out, feeling embarrassed by being looked at.