MTL - Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler-Chapter 303 : Decoy Action

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In the same morning, Long Xiaoyuan woke up as usual, and the people next to him were still sleeping.

That beautiful sleeping face always made Long Xiaoyuan feel a kind of distressed feeling.

Both distressed and happy.

Long Xiaoyuan couldn't help thinking if he didn't come here.

Of course, this person will become the emperor, but in the novel, this person is not really happy after becoming emperor?

Those women were his concubines, but he didn't really fall in love with anyone.

The real Shi Qingzhou, in love with a lifetime is a double.

But in the novel, he has a harem.

Although the number of women in the harem is not too many, it is far more than that number.

So, those women are not his true love?

What's more, what if he killed Long Xiaoyuan?

His original life has been ruined.

That, the dream of galloping on the battlefield and occasionally holding wine and sword to travel the world, has been ruined.

So, even if you become an emperor, what about killing the one who spoiled you?

Memory is indispensable.

What has happened is not something you can forget.

Therefore, even if Shi Qingzhou in the novel has won the whole world and achieved the supreme position, he is still unhappy?

Now, although Shi Qingzhou is not an emperor, the power in his hands is not worse than the emperor.

And, one lifetime, one couple. Really found someone in love.

So, this person's sleeping face looks so beautiful. Is such a stone boat really happy?

At this point, Long Xiaoyuan was a little grateful to God, and even thanked his older son for his poor health.

If not, he would not be able to reach this world. Can't find loved one, can't hold hands with each other to grow old.

Well, it's not old yet, but it's already holding hands.

And they are certain that they will only hold each other's hands.

Thinking about this, Long Xiaoyuan's heart softened, so he couldn't help kissing the lips of Shi Qingzhou.

Shi Qingzhou in his sleep did not wake up.

Long Xiaoyuan smiled and kissed in the corner of the other's eyes before leaving.

Take care of yourself outside and let Liu Xiangyang wear a crown for himself.

Later, Long Xiaoyuan walked out.

On the way to the sedan to leave Kuning Palace, Liu Suifeng arrived.

"Let me sit down," Liu Suifeng said directly.

Long Xiaoyuan shook his lips. "You obviously don't look bad, but when I saw your face early in the morning, I didn't know why.

Liu Suifeng heard the words and stared at Xiaolong Yuan. "What did you say!"

Long Xiaoyuan said very innocently. "Sorry, I'm so honest, I can't help but tell the truth."

Liu Suifeng's mouth twitched, but the heavy mood that he had had since last night had somehow improved for some reason.

Is it too much "abuse" by Long Xiaoyuan?

Thinking about this, Liu Suifeng couldn't help but have some black lines.

Long Xiaoyuan beckoned. "Okay, come on."

Long Xiaoyuan, who was speaking in this way, had a posture of "I am really a good person".

Liu Suifeng was too lazy to talk to each other and went straight up.

The curtain was lowered, and Liu followed the wind. "My brother remembers who that person is."

"Hmm?" Long Xiao looked at Liu Suifeng. "So fast, I thought it would be a while, who is it?"

Liu Suifeng talked about Ou Yangchuan's dream last night.

Long Xiaoyuan didn't speak for a while after listening.

Liu Suifeng glanced at Long Xiaoyuan and saw that the other party was thinking and did not disturb the other party.

After a while, Long Xiaoyuan said slowly. "The three kingdoms are half-blooded. How can he remember that he can dominate the king, don't he think he is Wang Ba?"

Liu Suifeng: "..."

"Did you think about this for a long time?" Liu Suifeng couldn't help gritting his teeth.

Long Xiaoyuan blinked and looked at each other strangely. "So what else? Anything else to think about?"

Long Xiaoyuan's words left Liu Suifeng's black line.

After a while, Long Xiaoyuan waved his hand. "Okay, just know who he is, you go first."

Liu Suifeng: "..."

Long Xiao looked at people. "Let's go."

Liu Suifeng felt that he came to find someone early in the morning and was really a fool!

Liu left in a storm.

Long Xiaoyuan's eyes sank after people left.

Before arriving at the Golden Palace Hall, Long Xiaoyuan got out of the car and said lightly. "Shade autumn."

Soon, Ying Qiu appeared in front of Long Xiaoyuan.

Long Xiaoyuan let everyone else down.

Ying Qiu was on one knee and listened to Long Xiaoyuan's orders.

"Yingqiu, listen ... From now on, if I am alone with Ouyang Chuan, you must be vigilant. If there is any force majeure factor, there is only one you left around me, and you have not been able to stop Ouyang Chuan, He hurt me. As long as I didn't die, if Shi Qingzhou wants to kill Ouyangchuan and stop him. Do you hear me clearly? From now on, you will only have one task, follow me, and you can ignore any other orders. "


"In addition, only you know what I know. Anyone else, the shadow guard, including Qingzhou, keeps it secret. Otherwise, Ying Qiu, you won't want to know my means, do you understand?"

Ying Qiu stiffened, bowed her head. "Yes, my subordinates understand."

Long Xiao nodded and relaxed his tone. "Yingqiu, I know you listen to Qingzhou. But my decision is for him, and you will understand later. Otherwise Qingzhou will regret it in the future."

Ying Qiu nodded slowly. "Yes, my subordinates know."

Long Xiao nodded far away. "Yingqiu, although you are under my command, but I also treat you loyal shadow guards as rare friends, don't let me down."

"Yes! Thank you, Emperor!"

Long Xiaoyuan smiled. "I'm just trying to prevent it. Maybe things won't go that far."

Ying Qiu hid in the dark, Long Xiaoyuan left from the room behind Jinsong Hall, and went to the hall ...

Shi Qingzhou naturally did not know what Long Xiaoyuan was doing or saying at this time.

When Shi Qingzhou woke up, Long Xiaoyuan hadn't returned yet. He yawned as usual, then got up.

While looking in the mirror, he was satisfied looking at the familiar black eyeballs inside.

The faint blood red color was actually disgusted by him for a time.

Because it represents a **** killing, it represents that he is different from ordinary people.

Although Long Xiaoyuan said repeatedly that he didn't care, he himself did.

In fact, he was afraid that he would not be able to control himself ... he was not worthy of Long Xiaoyuan!

And now everything is fine, isn't it?

Shi Qingzhou looked at himself in the mirror and was satisfied.

Shi Qingzhou was already waiting when Long Xiaoyuan returned from the early morning.

Long Xiaoyuan walked over with a smile. "Light boat."

Shi Qingzhou nodded. "What did you say early?"

"It's okay, it's the same old way. But there's something in the side where it's closed."

"Huh?" Shi Qingzhou raised his eyebrows when he heard. "How to say?"

Long Xiaoyuan shook his mouth. The war between Huhe Emperor Cheng and that escalated, and now their domestic fronts are very long. Huhe Emperor Cheng asked us to also support one or two. It is said to be blocking a city in the North China Back side. "

Shi Qingzhou looked at Long Xiaoyuan. "What do the ministers say?"

"Everyone agrees and disagrees. Your father isn't here, and there are many bullshit."

Shi Qingzhou thought about it, said. "It's better to leave it to Dad to decide."

Long Xiaoyuan laughed. "Qingzhou, we really deserve to be husbands. I really wanted to go together. I think so too. I will send a message to your father after breakfast."

Shi Qingzhou raised an eyebrow. "After breakfast, not now?"

"What's the matter?" Long Xiao doesn't care, "It's the Northland that fights, not us. Although it's cold, it's not good for us to consume more points in the Northland."

Shi Qingzhou nodded and said nothing more.

"And the liquid we invented for testing tapeworms is so useful. I ’ve sent some to Huhe Huangcheng. What else does he want? It ’s too important to take his appetite for granted. . "

Shi Qingzhou said silently, said. "Hou Cheng Huang Cheng will find that he will pay a lot more if he wins."

Long Xiaoyuan heard a laugh and laughed. "Qiaozhou, you really know me very well, but rest assured, scold me for being a good measure, Yi Hao stuck their bottom line."

Shi Qingzhou rolled his eyes and did not mourn for Huhe Emperor. He deserved it.

The wounded are always hurt.

If he does not stir up the wind and rain with the Yuelong Dynasty, then the Yuelong Dynasty may really regard the North Country as an ally, even if it has fought many times.

But isn't that the case in the world?

But since you came here first and broke the rules, you must be waiting to be slaughtered.

Long Xiaoyuan didn't want to talk about the North Kingdom any more, he took Shi Qingzhou directly. "Light boat, have breakfast early."

Shi Qingzhou nodded. "Well, eat breakfast first."

After eating breakfast, Long Xiaoyuan sent the news to Shi Qingshan, and then said to Shi Qingzhou. "Light boat, Ouyang Chuan remembered who it was."

"Huh? Who is that?" Shi Qingzhou immediately turned his face up.

Long Xiaoyuan grinned. "The one who should be fighting with Hoh Cheng."

Shi Qingzhou paused for a moment, then narrowed his eyes. "He really is in our dynasty."

"Well, that Lord Lord still claims to be the King. He said he wants to be the king of everyone."

"What do you mean?" Shi Qingzhou frowned.

"Three kingdoms. Same as Wang Ba."

Shi Qingzhou heard his brow frown fiercely. "If you have the ancestry of the Three Kingdoms, you want to dominate the king? Is he mentally disabled?"

Long Xiaoyuan was silent, said. "Qiaozhou, how do you know the word brain damage?"

Shi Qingzhou gave a glance. "Listening to you, it feels kind. Is this the point now?"

Long Xiaoyuan blinked innocently, said pitifully. "Why not the point? I think it's the point."

Shi Qingzhou stared fiercely.

"To shut up!"

Long Xiaoyuan grieved and shut up, muttering. ‘Qingzhou, do I still have human rights, how can I shut up while I ’m talking? "

Shi Qingzhou pinched his mouth, said. "What about his plans?"

"This is naturally unknown." Long Xiaoyuan honestly said. "How could it be known. He was the one who took out the golden king of Ouyangchuan. He thought that Ouyangchuan would not remember. At that time Ouyangchuan had passed out, but luck was good, Ouyangchuan still remembers."

Shi Qingzhou paused, hesitating. "Why didn't he kill Ouyang Chuan?"

Long Xiaoyuan laughed. "Naturally because of Liu Suifeng and Ouyang Chuan's identity, do you think that person will not know who Ouyang Chuan's master is?"

"Just because you know it, will you kill it more?" Shi Qingzhou frowned.

Long Xiaoyuan shook his head. "No, we are normal people. We cannot use the normal person's psychology to think about the abnormal person.

Maybe he thought it better to keep Ouyangchuan and let the other party go to Liu Suifeng and kill them together? "

Shi Qingzhou cannot understand this logic.

Long Xiao distanced. "I said, the ideological world of abnormal people is not something we can understand. Well, we only need to know who that person is. Now, I am more curious about why Wu Ronghan killed him? We thought Because Wu Ronghan and him are in a cooperative relationship, I still don't think our guess is wrong until now, but since it is a cooperative relationship, why is it against the water? Why does Wu Ronghan want to kill him? "

Shi Qingzhou froze in the corner of his mouth. "It's really weird. Will they not be cooperative?"

Long Xiaoyuan thought about it and slowly shook his head. "No, my intuition tells me that they are a cooperative relationship, so I think it should be what happened recently, so the relationship between the two people's original cooperation has become an enemy."

"We don't have a spy on their side, who knows why they turned against the water." Shi Qingzhou frowned. "But as long as you can catch that Wu Ronghan, you can solve the problem."

"Well, I think so too." Long Xiaoyuan touched his chin. "But Wu Ronghan is not easy to catch. I think it is very difficult to rely on the words of the Shadow Guard and the officers and soldiers over there."

Shi Qingzhou looked at each other. "Do you have any good ideas?"

"Good idea? Would you like to go to Bianguan as we dive into Dongye Kingdom?"

Shi Qingzhou frowned suddenly when he heard the words.

Long Xiaoyuan clapped his hands. "Well, I think this idea is really good."

Shi Qingzhou still did not speak.

Long Xiaoyuan persuaded. "Qingzhou, you think, now that the liquid is invented here at the imperial city, all the invisible problems have been solved. The same is true in the palace. All the things that should be taken away are also let go. Those who have let go and have problems No longer in the imperial city, everything else has been arrested. There is nothing new about the minister's side, and some ordinary court administrations are handed over to the right-hander as before. They are perfectly fine. We stay or not, there is nothing to say. "

Shi Qingzhou stared at Xiaolong Yuan fiercely. "This is not a matter of saying or saying something, but it is very dangerous over there. It is more dangerous than Dongye Kingdom. We sneaked into Dongye Kingdom. As long as it was not discovered, King Zhou did not expect us to go to his place. . But Bianguan is different, Wu Ronghan, and that lunatic who wants to rule the world. If he catches you, what do you say we want to do? Let the dynasty just let people go? "

Long Xiaoyuan heard his grievances and said pitifully. "It turns out that Qingzhou thinks I can't compare to this dead thing in the dynasty?"

"You ..." Shi Qingzhou almost sweared. "Can you catch the point? If you get caught, I tell you, even if we are willing to trade him with the dynasty, he won't keep you!"

"Huh?" Long Xiaoyuan blinked again, then said excitedly. "So in the eyes of Qingzhou, I'm actually more important than the dynasty, right?"

Shi Qingzhou's mouth twitched fiercely. "Long Xiaoyuan! I want to emphasize the danger of going there, not the imperial dynasty."

Long Xiaoyuan said irresponsibly. "Isn't there you? Then you said, if we don't go, will those people act? No matter whether they are Wu Ronghan or the neurologist, they won't act?"

Shi Qingzhou was silent.

Long Xiaoyuan smiled slightly. "Or Qingzhou wants to wait until they come to the imperial city? If they come to the imperial city, I'm afraid it is the time when the Hehe Emperor is defeated, does the kayak want us to live in worry or take the initiative to pursue it once and for all?"

Shi Qingzhou stopped talking.

Long Xiaoyuan shook the hand holding the stone canoe, and said slowly. "Using our own bait, even if we die unfortunately, it will definitely drag the lunatics together, but the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs is here, and there is a prince. Although it is a little younger now, your father is not young Big, he will take care of you, your father is in control, be a king with different surnames, or even a regent. When our son grows up, our dragon dynasty is still powerful, is n’t it? East Yeguo is even more Do n’t worry, we have already done this for Fang Shuoyang. Zhou Wang has no good feelings about Zhou Yiye, and there is only one Zhou Yiye left. If Fang Shuoyang can't even his peace, then he can only say that his life should be like this, right? But I believe that even for Xu You, Fang Shuoyang will take care of himself and become the emperor of the East Night Kingdom. So, even if we are bait, we only die together, but all the rear paths are arranged. .Dong Yeguo and the Yuelong dynasty will make an alliance again, that is, he and the emperor can not do anything on that throne, right? Qingzhou, you said, I said, right? "

Long Xiaoyuan crackled a lot, and Shi Qingzhou's expression was gloomy from the beginning to thoughtfulness later.

Long Xiaoyuan knew that the other party had heard it.

Long Xiao kissed the stone canoe and pressed the last straw in the bottom of his heart.

"Light boat, there is no reason to prevent thieves for thousands of days since ancient times? Not to mention, it is impossible to prevent it!"

Long Xiaoyuan wanted to do this after knowing that Ouyang Chuan might have some hidden problems.

Put all the contradictions together, put all the dangers on them, and draw all the enemies out.

One by one!

It's like a big cleansing by Shi Qingzhou, kill one by one! Come and kill two!

If you don't, there is no way to prevent it.

Ouyang Chuan is even more invincible.

Therefore, it is better to expose yourself, so that maybe the other party will be "bright".

He wants to solve Ouyang Chuan's problem completely!

This person has helped himself so much.

This person is still Liu Suifeng's lover.

No matter what it is, he can't let his good friend be controlled and used by a lunatic.

Looking at Long Xiaoyuan, who seemed to be dim, his eyes finally nodded slowly.

Seeing Shi Qingzhou nodding, Long Xiaoyuan couldn't help laughing. "Qiaozhou, did you agree?"

Shi Qingzhou rolled his eyes. "You've said so much, can I not agree?"

"Haha." Long Xiaoyuan smiled. "The light boat is reasonable, the light boat is mighty."

Shi Qingzhou heard his words and rolled his eyes again. Long Xiaoyuan is getting out of control now!

But the other side is right, there are thousands of days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent thieves.

If there is no Long Xiaoyuan, by his own temperament, he will certainly face difficulties. He will use his bait for the first time to lure the enemy out and kill him.

But because of Long Xiaoyuan, he thought more.

What he cares most about is the safety of the other party.

However, the other party is also a man and an emperor. How can he tolerate the enemy's provocation?

Men are bloody. Since it ’s better to solve it all at once than to the crisis every day, it ’s really unknown who will die if you are prepared!

Even if it is dangerous, but they die, they will lead those people to be buried together. Leave great mountains and rivers to their son.

Long Xiaoyuan said things like life and death together. What else is he dissatisfied with?

With the decision, Long Xiao went a long way. "I'll go to Liu Suifeng, and ask me for more herbs or something. You can arrange things in the palace."

Shi Qingzhou had no doubts and nodded. "Ok."

Long Xiaoyuan smiled and left.

Shi Qingzhou arranged in the palace.

After leaving, Long Xiaoyuan converged with a smile, with a hint of killing in his eyes, but disappeared in an instant.

A moment later, he arrived at Yushang Hall.

At this point Liu Suifeng and Ouyang Chuan had run out of breakfast.

Seeing Long Xiao coming over, Ouyangchuan's eyes flashed slightly.

Liu Suifeng said naturally. "How did you come?"

Long Xiaoyuan grinned. "I'm here to tell you that you're going far away. Let me clean up. In addition, Liu Suifeng, you can prepare more.

Liu Suifeng stunned. "Going out? Where are you going?"

Ouyang Chuan also said. "Yeah, where are you going?"

Long Xiaoyuan smiled and announced the answer. "Go to Bianguan. Bianguan at Northland!"

Liu Suifeng narrowed his eyes and narrowed his eyes ...