MTL - Rebirth 2011-Chapter 527 SS Fund Development

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   "Thank you Mr. Xu."

   Huang Yaoming felt a little bitter in his heart, but thanked the other party with a smile on his face.

  The situation is stronger than the person, so how dare he lose his temper with the other party in person?

  With Huang Yaoming as the senior to explore the way, the rest of the first-line artists also stepped forward to say hello with a little cheekiness, in order to make a familiar face in front of the young boss.

  As for the scheming of a beautiful artist to show off her coquettishness, no female artist would be so ignorant with the presence of the graceful and magnificent Mrs. Xu.

   It is very likely that what will be ruined is the future in the entertainment industry.

   "President Liu, please cooperate more in the future."

   "Okay okay."

   "Mr. Liu, I wonder if Liu Fei still has a schedule for the second half of the year?"

   "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, Feifei will participate in the sci-fi film that the company cooperates with Paramount in the second half of the year, and there is no schedule for now."

   "Really, then wait until next year."

   "Okay okay."

   At the celebration banquet, apart from the hero and heroine, the most proud person was Liu Xiaochen, the manager's mother who was worried about her daughter.

  Looking at the directors of the domestic film and television companies who greeted her, Liu Xiaochen seemed to have returned to the scene when her daughter became the top flower in the domestic TV drama field.

  Compared to the praise of some small and medium-sized film and television company leaders at that time, the film and television company leaders who came to the celebration banquet today are all big names in the film industry, and they are by no means comparable to ordinary entertainment companies that hang out in the TV drama field.

   In a blink of an eye, it seemed like a lifetime away.

   It was really lucky that I accepted the kindness of the young rich man and was not dazzled by the Hong Kong circle.

  Looking at the young rich man chatting with the executives of top domestic film and television companies, Liu Xiaochen's eyes were full of gratitude.

   "Are you tired today?"

  Leaving from the banquet, Xu Renshan who was sitting in the car softly asked his wife beside him.

   "I'm not tired, it's just one banquet. Before Qingqing was born, I didn't even feel tired after two banquets."

   Leaning in her husband's arms, Shi Yuxuan smiled and talked about her body.

  After giving birth, my husband wanted to give her all the supplements he could find. Fortunately, there was a private doctor and nutritionist to plan the diet, otherwise she would have gained twenty catties.

  Those extra supplements were not wasted. They were digested by Aunt Xue and the cousin, and by the way, some were enjoyed by the sister next door who often came to the door.

   "You still have to pay attention to your body, or, after we get home, let's take a bath together and relax."

   Speaking of this, Xu Renshan insisted on his own idea.

   "Honey, you weren't tired last night?"

   "Are you questioning my physical strength?"

   "I'm not afraid that my husband will be tired."

   "Then wife, you can take on a little more of the main force."


   There is no abnormal weather ten years later. The temperature in August is slightly cooler than in July. However, Xu Renshan's family still lives in the villa next to Xin'an River because they often stay in the air-conditioned room.

  Originally, they planned to go to Tianmu Mountain to escape the summer heat and change the environment, but the doctor said that Qingqing’s little Gongju was still too young to adapt to the unfamiliar environment, and frequent changes of environment were not good for her perception of the outside world.

  At the beginning, when the full moon was full of wine, when the sun was clear and the moon was full, the photos of the full moon were taken by a dedicated photography team.

  Therefore, Xu Renshan and Shi Yuxuan also temporarily shelved their plans to change places to escape the summer heat.

  Everything must be based on Qingqing's health.

   "Mr. Xu, this is the first half year financial report of SS Fund. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me anytime."


  One day in late August, Xu Renshan, who was sitting in the office of Jingjing Clothing headquarters, met with the deputy general manager of SS Fund who came from afar. He checked the income and expenditure of SS Fund in the first half of the year, thinking about the pros and cons of the gains and losses.

  After Shi Yuxuan took over the SS Fund last year, the general operating framework has not changed much, but most of the management has been changed one after another within half a year.

  In the past twenty years, the original management has devoted themselves to managing the SS fund left by Shi Yuxuan's parents, which has tripled the growth rate of the fund.

  However, the test of Shi Yuxuan followed the will of Shi's parents, but it was a bit overstepped.

  Especially some people colluding with Uncle Shi Yuxuan and secretly conveying benefits is even more unforgivable in Xu Renshan's view.

  Shi Yuxuan only had close blood relatives from his uncle's family. Seeing that his wife did not pursue the responsibility of that uncle, Xu Renshan also tacitly expressed his opinion indiscriminately.

   But the original management must be replaced.

  One emperor and one courtier have been like this since ancient times.

   "Jenny, what are the 15th to 19th expenditures for?"

  Looking at several expenses worth tens of millions of euros, Xu Renshan asked the deputy general manager of the fund sitting next to him.

  Although the other party is from English, he has working experience in financial institutions in China and North America, and is proficient in multiple languages ​​in Europe, America and China. Xu Renshan communicates directly in Chinese without any obstacles.

   This is also the advantage of the other party's ability to compete for the deputy general manager of the SS Fund. Shi Yuxuan had considered her husband's foreign language communication skills at the beginning.

   "Sir, these expenditures are financial support for candidates in the general elections of several countries. You also know that our fund is relatively large, and it is inevitable that we will deal with government departments of various countries"

  When the boss asked about this, Jenny Sia, who was in her forties, stood up and answered the other party's question, adhering to Huaxia's principle of respecting the boss.

  The SS Fund, which was originally as high as 30 billion euros, played a low-key role, but it still has a place in the international financial circle.

  While owning the shares of many large international groups, the SS Fund will inevitably have intersections with the governments of various countries. It is the default rule of major capitals to provide certain economic support to those candidates.

   "Understood, thank you."

   After getting the other party's explanation, Xu Renshan didn't care, and continued to check the rest of the income and expenditure accounts.

  According to the management structure of the SS Fund, the semi-annual financial report and the annual financial report are reviewed by a professional audit agency to avoid the fund management's false public affairs for personal gain. Under normal circumstances, there will be no corruption incidents.

  The owner of the fund looks at the financial statements just to see if the fund is doing well.

   This work should have been checked by Shi Yuxuan, the owner of the SS Fund. Xu Renshan, who sternly rejected his wife's desire to transfer the fund's shares, should not intervene in the operation of the fund.

  But Shi Yuxuan, who was pregnant with Liujia, didn't want to worry about this, so she directly handed over most of the rights to Xu Renshan, including the replacement of the equity within the fund.

  From then until now, Shi Yuxuan has asked her husband to handle this matter on her behalf, and has never taken it back.

   "Yes, you and General Manager Ferro have worked hard. I hope the SS Fund will prosper under your management."

   It took more than half an hour. Seeing that the SS fund had increased by 55% in half a year, Xu Renshan closed the file, smiled and said a few words to the other party.

  Although he has already carried out micro-management on some of the stocks held by the SS Fund, it is naturally impossible to replace them at will because of the size.

  Compared to Yushan Fund’s nearly doubled increase in half a year, SS Fund’s performance is already very good.

   "Sir, you are too polite, this is my duty."

  Jenni Shea responded with a smile upon hearing the other party's approval.

  During lunch, Shi Yuxuan, who happened to be waiting for Xiao Qingqing to go to sleep, also rushed to the West Lake Hotel, and had lunch with Jenny Xia who came from afar.

  The time soon came to August 25th, which was Liu Fei's birthday, so I specially invited Xu Renshan and his wife to have dinner together.