MTL - Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology-Chapter 18 1 Be sure to feature reports!

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When Chen Qiang said this, he had already given it his life. It was a big deal for him to do his job in the factory. In the future, even if he came out and sold iron, he would have to support Chen Xiao to go to university.

But in front of the child, he would never compromise.

As soon as Chen Qiang said these words, Gao Hongze's expression changed.

I often walk by the river, where there are no wet shoes. After staying in a familiar environment for a long time, one will become numb and lazy. In addition, there will be no one in the sheltered factory with Su Desheng to take care of him. After the machine burns time, Gao Hongze never thought about wiping his **** and cleaning up his casino.

It's the game that should be played, the game of cards that should be played.

After all, the general manager of the factory came down less than once in a few years, and Gao Hongze did not expect Zhang Biao to come back to inspect the factory today.

The idle factory next door is still Gao Hongze's base for gambling at night, and the mahjong and barbecue grills in it have not yet been collected.

Hearing what Chen Qiang said, Zhang Biao went directly to the factory next door to check.

Gao Hongze was taken aback and stopped, "Mr. Zhang, the factory next door has not been used for a long time. The environment is very dirty. Don't go here."

After Gao Hongze finished speaking, he hurriedly gave the people around him a look and told him to tidy up the workshop, but it was too late.

The more Gao Hongze said this, the more Zhang Biao felt that there was a ghost. He didn't care so much, he took a detour to the next factory and almost vomited blood.

There is still some factory here, it's just a casino.

Several tables of mahjong are placed in the factory building, and there are also several high-power electric stoves. The most hateful thing is that there are barbecue grills at the front and rear air outlets of the factory building. On the ground are the liquor and beer bottles that I drank last night, as well as toilet paper and bamboo all over the floor. sign.

High-power electric ovens are absolutely not allowed to be used in the workshop. One is to avoid fire caused by improper management, and the other is to avoid circuit problems.

Zhang Biao has been in charge of the factory for so many years, and has been promoted step by step from technician to general manager. He is not a fool. He immediately knows what caused the burning of the motherboard this time.

Chen Qiang is nothing more than a scapegoat.

Zhang Biao was trembling with anger, "Su Desheng! Please explain to me what's going on!"

Su Desheng trembled in fright and gave Gao Hongze a fierce look.

Brother-in-law cheats! Brother-in-law cheats!

The reporters who saw this scene chose not to shoot very interestingly. The reporters who could be brought in had a good relationship with the machinery factory and said hello in advance.

You can report on happy events in the factory, but this kind of scandal... let's not report it.

Zhang Biao called all the management of Jiangcheng Machinery Factory to the director's office to understand the situation one by one. Reporter Li took the initiative to interview Wang Xiang and Chen Xiao, and it was quite remarkable that he could independently design the motherboard of the German CNC machine tool.

The cameras of Jiangzhou Daily and Jiangcheng TV were all facing the sweaty Chen Xiao. Reporter Li came to interview and said, "Director Wang, how are you, classmate Chen Xiao?"

Reporter Li: "I want to confirm again. Are these more than ten German Demag motherboards designed by classmate Chen? I just heard that classmate Chen seems to be still in high school."

Chen Xiao originally wanted to gain influence, so he nodded and said, "Demagie's original motherboard takes up a small space, but the design is more complicated."

Chen Xiao was still very modest: "Actually, my design is not really a design. It is to express the main board of Demagie and make some improvements."

Reporter Li automatically made up his mind: Genius! Genius boy! This matter must be reported well!

It's normal for some kids to show some talent in certain areas in high school, but it's amazing to be able to put that talent to work.

He nodded again and again, and said while recording: "This is also very remarkable. I know that many domestic integrated circuit manufacturers can't do it. Has Mr. Chen studied integrated circuit-related knowledge?"

Of course, Chen Xiao wanted to round things up: "I usually like to read books on these topics, and I also like to fiddle with the radio and TV at home."

Chen Xiao deliberately showed a simple and honest smile, acting as cramped as a student: "Actually, I just tried to develop the circuit, I don't know if it will work, and I have to go to Brother Wang's factory with excellent technology. are produced and can be used.”

Reporter Li said in his heart: "This kid is not only a genius, but also extremely humble, what a young man!"

[Influence +1, cumulative influence 22. 】

Later, Chen Xiao talked about some ideas for designing circuit diagrams. With his extremely professional knowledge and strict logic, reporter Li was 100% sure that Chen Xiao really had his own opinions on integrated circuits.

Wang Xiang, who was beside him, nodded again and again, Chen Xiao was still as professional as that day, and it was hard to believe that Chen Xiao taught everything by himself.

Reporter Li asked a more characteristic question in this era: "Have you ever thought that this kind of design of yours is actually breaking the technical barriers overseas, allowing our factory to produce CNCs as good as those of companies such as Demagee. machine tool?"

When reporter Li asked this question, it was obvious that he did not understand the CNC machine tool industry. Excellent CNC machine mainboards are only a part, but also excellent chips, perfect forging technology and high-performance materials. UU read www. Where is so easy.

However, Chen Xiao still gave some answers that are very suitable for this era, but have some secondary answers.

Chen Xiao nodded his head: "I didn't think about it so much, but if I can contribute to the R&D and production of CNC machine tools in the country, I will definitely be very happy."

Reporter Li was a little excited in his heart: three views are upright, with family and country feelings! Now society is saying that the post-80s generation is the happiest but most useless generation, but Chen Xiao is definitely a model representative of the post-80s generation! Such a young man, Such deeds must be well reported to set a model!

[Influence +1, cumulative influence 23. 】

Reporter Li took the initiative to shake hands with Chen Xiao, "Student Chen, you must study hard! The new era is coming soon. Our country must realize the four modernizations, and what is most lacking is professional and technical talents. I can interview you today. , I am very happy to know that we still have such outstanding young people in Jiangyang Province."

Chen Xiao continued to smile.

After the interview, Wang Xiang sent reporter Li and others away, and he held reporter Li.

"Brother Li, I have to trouble you with one thing."

Reporter Li: "Director Wang is very polite. If you have any orders, just say it."

Wang Xiang said seriously: "You also know that Chen Xiao is still in the third year of high school, and he will have the college entrance examination in July next year. In order to protect minors, it is also to allow Chen Xiao to seriously review the college entrance examination. Can you tell Chen Xiao when you report? Xiao's name is changed to a pseudonym, and try not to disturb his review later."

Wang Xiang also changed his destiny by studying. His family background was even worse than Chen Xiao, so he looked at the current Chen Xiao as if he was looking at himself before, with the protection of a big brother in it.