MTL - Rebirth 1983: Starting From Taking Back the Family Property-Chapter 83 Uphold the legacy

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Chapter 83 Carrying on the legacy

Lu Jiaxin thought that having a fever once was the limit, but she didn’t expect that she overestimated the body’s endurance, and the fever started again that night. For three consecutive days, I had a good day and started to have a high fever at night.

 After burning for three days, Lu Jiaxin felt miserable: "I promised my eldest brother before that I would call him every three days to report that he is safe. I have to call him today, otherwise I should be worried."

 “I’ll fight!”

Lu Jiaxin shook her head and said no: "If you call me, my elder brother will definitely think that something happened to me. It's better for me to call him myself and tell him truthfully that I am sick."

 Gu Wenfeng had no objection. Even if he calls, he will tell the truth about Lu Jiaxin's situation. Among the Lu family, only the Lu family really treats this girl.

Lu Jiaguang answered the phone. Hearing her hoarse voice, he couldn't help but worry, and asked, "Are you sick?"

“Yes, there is a big temperature difference between the ancient capital and Pengcheng, so I caught a cold without paying attention. But I have taken medicine from the hospital and will be fine soon.”

Lu Jiaguang said: "You are staying in the guest house over there, and there is no one to take care of you when you are sick. There is no place to cook anything you want. Jiaxin, I will ask someone to buy a ticket for you, and you will come back tomorrow."

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "Brother, the "Shou Tu" I bought in the ancient capital has been authenticated by an expert. It is an authentic work by Wang Zhenpeng, a great painter of the Yuan Dynasty. Brother, I have to find a buyer after I recover."

“What are you talking about? The painting you bought is really an authentic work by a famous artist?” Lu Jiaguang asked in disbelief. Although he said such words in front of Lu Hongjun, he believed in his heart that she had been coaxed. She never thought that a painting she randomly picked up in the market was actually the real thing.

Lu Jiaxin announced Professor Zhang’s name: “Brother, there should be nothing wrong.”

Lu Jiaguang pondered for a moment and then said: "Jiaxin, although I have never been exposed to antiques, I heard when chatting with friends that the antique market is getting more and more lively, and the prices of items sold in antique shops are getting higher and higher. You are not short of money now, It’s better to keep it and sell it when you need money. By then, the price will definitely be much higher than now.”


Seeing that there was no sound from the other end of the phone, Lu Jiaguang knew that she disagreed: "If you insist on selling, I won't stop you. But there are many scammers out there now, so you have to find a good buyer. It would be a shame to sell at a low price." .”

But the thing didn't belong to him, it was just a suggestion, and there was nothing Lu Jiaxin could do if he didn't listen.

Lu Jiaxin has told her her plan. The problem now is that she has no channels and cannot contact wealthy people. She will have to go out to get information after she recovers.

Lu Jiaguang felt that her mind was spinning quickly and agreed with her idea: "There are many rich people in Hong Kong City. Even if they don't collect it themselves, they can still make a fortune by buying it and then reselling it."

Lu Jiaxin wants to sell to a well-established rich man. Such people usually buy antiques and collect them themselves. Among the five paintings, the painting of ladies is her favorite, and the ink painting is also her favorite. Zhao Ji's two larks are the best, and these three paintings will not be sold. The hunting picture has the same sense as the longevity picture, but she promised to buy the calligraphy and painting back when she has money in the future and not live abroad, so the hunting picture will not be sold.

Lu Jiaguang thought for a moment and said, "I don't know anyone there, but my uncle is a native of Pengcheng and now works in Yangcheng. He knows a lot of people."

 Lu Jiaxin said tactfully: "Brother, I won't rush back. I believe I can find a satisfactory buyer."

 Six years ago, Mother Lu and Aunt Lu had a falling out for some unknown reason. Later, Mother Lu was ill for more than half a year to save Xie Yichen, and Aunt Lu didn't even get a call to visit her. After Mother Lu died, neither she nor the Duan family attended the funeral. What the original person couldn't accept was that Aunt Lu brought her little daughter to the wedding of Lu Hongjun and Ding Jing. The original person was very angry and was unwilling to fight during that meeting. Unexpectedly, Aunt Lu took advantage of the situation and said that she was spoiled and hoped that Ding Jing would teach her well. Yuan was filled with resentment and lost her temper. All the guests said that it was really not okay for her to be like this.

Lu Jiaguang advised: "Jiaxin, let the past go. We have to look forward."

Lu Jiaxin asked directly: "Brother, I don't know why she fell out with my mother back then, but with my mother's temperament, she wouldn't have been so decisive if it hadn't touched her bottom line."

As greedy as Uncle Lu and his wife are, Mother Lu can get along well with them. To fall out with Aunt Lu, she must have done something unforgivable. Mother Lu didn't say what it was, so she couldn't guess it, but she didn't recognize such a relative.

“Xinxin, she is our aunt after all.”

Lu Jiaxin sneered and said: "My mother didn't come to visit her when she was sick, and she didn't come to mourn her when she died. She didn't recognize my mother, so why should I recognize her as my aunt. Brother, don't mention this matter again."

After the wedding between Lu Hongjun and Ding Jing, no matter who mentioned Aunt Lu, she would not answer. The original person didn't want to recognize this relative, so she would definitely uphold his will and never interact with Aunt Lu's family in her life.

Lu Jiaguang didn’t try to persuade her any more. He didn’t know the inside story of what happened at the beginning: “I’ll get through to my friends and see if they have any acquaintances over there.”

"No need. Don't worry about no one buying good things. As long as you spread the word, people will come looking for them."

Seeing her decisive tone, Lu Jiaguang changed the subject and told Lu Jiajie's family of four that they would temporarily move to her house: "Jiajie will stay here for a few days and will move out when he finds a house."

 Lu Jiaxin was surprised and asked, "What did the fifth sister-in-law's sister do? She was so angry that the fifth brother moved to my house overnight?"

Lu Jiaguang briefly explained the matter, and then said: "I asked them to move out a long time ago, but they just didn't listen."

Lu Jiaxin did not express an opinion, only said: "It's okay to move out. Qiangqiang and Xiaofeng were so lively before, but they have become much less courageous in the past six months. Big brother, tell Fifth Brother that buying a house is a lifelong event and you have to look for it slowly. Don't be in a hurry. I have a room anyway, so there's no need to rush."

She would definitely refuse if anyone else came to stay, but Lu Jiaguang and Lu Jiajie were the exceptions. During the four years since her mother passed away, it was the two of them who supported her. Ding Jing did not dare to be harsh on her face but only acted behind her back. You know, Lu Jiajie hates Ding Jing, but he comes to visit every week.

This reply was as expected by Lu Jiaguang: "I will tell her. Jiaxin, if you can't get a good price there, come back. There are many people in Sijiu City who love antiques and have strong financial resources."

The brother and sister talked again, and hung up the phone after Lu Jiaguang's repeated instructions.

 After returning to the ward, Lu Jiaxin had new thoughts thinking about the phone call with Lu Jiaguang just now. It's not enough to just ask them on their own, as it can easily attract attention. The best way is to find an intermediary.

 (End of this chapter)