MTL - Rebirth 1983: Starting From Taking Back the Family Property-Chapter 77 Go to Pengcheng

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Chapter 77 Heading to Pengcheng

Lu Jiaxin had planned her time well. When she arrived at the waiting hall, she found that it was so crowded that she couldn't even squeeze in. Every time at this time, she misses the high-speed trains and airplanes.

 Gu Wenfeng knew that she couldn't stay in a crowded place, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable: "Let's go sit outside for a while and come back when the ticket is checked."

Lu Jiaxin looked at her watch and said with a smile: "The ticket check-in will be in more than ten minutes, so just wait here!"

 After a pause, she explained: "I don't get dizzy when taking the train."

 In fact, I don’t feel dizzy when riding in a car in Sijiucheng, as long as the road in my hometown is too bumpy, there is no limit on the number of people in the car, and the passengers bring poultry on the car. The smell was too strong and she couldn't bear it, so she fainted.

As he was talking, the radio announced that people going to Pengcheng would check their tickets and enter the station. Because it is the departure station, the train will let passengers board half an hour early, so they are not in a hurry.

 After most of the passengers had entered the station, Lu Jiaxin and Gu Wenfeng walked to the ticket gate. This time I brought quite a lot of things. In addition to a change of clothes, two pieces of calligraphy and painting, and the piece of ink, I also prepared biscuits and fruits. But these things were all carried by Gu Wenfeng, and she only had a canvas bag.

 They bought two tickets, one for the lower berth and one for the middle berth. When they found the carriage, they found an old man sitting on the lower bunk.

The old man said with some embarrassment: "Little brother, I bought a ticket for the upper bunk. But look at my age, it is really inconvenient to climb up and down."

"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you. As long as you are willing to exchange with me, I will give you ten yuan as compensation in addition to the price difference."

Lu Jiaxin saw that his hair was completely white and his face was full of wrinkles. She estimated that he was above sixty and gave him the lower bunk without saying a word. No compensation was asked for, but the difference in ticket price was collected.

Since she got up early today, Lu Jiaxin was very sleepy. She climbed to the upper bunk and told Gu Wenfeng a few words before going to sleep. By the time the train started moving, she had already fallen asleep.

 At the same time, Xue Mao finally arrived home. After sitting in the car for more than thirty hours, my buttocks were sore. The driver was very friendly and sent him to Guangming Road. Seeing that he had so many things, he even helped him carry them home.

Xue Mao packed a lot of fruit for the driver and other passengers, and thanked him profusely. After sending the person away, he immediately locked the door, and then put the calligraphy and painting in the mezzanine of her wardrobe as Lu Jiaxin said, and the ink sticks and inkstone in the vegetable cellar.

After putting everything away, Xue Mao's tense nerves finally relaxed. He took a shower and went to bed.

 “Bang, bang, bang…”

A huge knock on the door woke Xue Mao from his sleep. When he heard Lu Jiajie shouting outside, Xue Mao yawned and went to open the door.

The first thing Lu Jiajie said when he saw Xue Mao was: "What are you busy with in the ancient capital, and why are you coming back now?"

He originally thought that Lu Jiaxin would return to Sijiu City in about ten days at the latest, but he didn't expect that it would already be more than half a month. If his eldest brother hadn't received a call every two or three days, he would have had to return to the ancient capital to find someone.

He had already discussed this matter with Lu Jiaxin, and Xue Mao said calmly: "My biggest dream is to have my own house. In order to help me realize my dream, my sister bought me a house in the ancient capital. But the house was too shabby. I left it and found someone to repair it."

Lu Jiajie didn't know what to say after hearing this: "Xue Mao, you should know that Jiaxin still depends on her father for support. If my third uncle knew, he might not give Jiaxin any more money."

Xue Mao pretended to be helpless and said: "My sister said that having a house in ancient capital means that I have roots. I strongly objected, but my sister insisted on buying it. Brother Jie, you should also know my sister's temperament. No one can decide what she decides." Can't stop it."

Lu Jiajie was anxious and angry, and said, "Uncle Third will no longer give you living expenses. All the money has been spent. How will you live in the future?"

This Xue Mao is really not worried: "Brother Jie, don't worry, even if uncle doesn't give us any money, we can still support ourselves." Lu Jiajie frowned: "I know that Jiaxin still has a balance after buying the house, so I know you can make money by setting up a food stall. But she has developed the habit of spending money lavishly. What will happen when she gets married? Who would dare to have a daughter-in-law who spends money like water?"

Xue Mao didn't like hearing this: "My sister spends a little too much, but she never spends it carelessly. She always spends it where it should be spent. Also, my sister is very good at making money, so she doesn't need to spend men's money."

Seeing that Xue Mao was still dedicated to protecting Lu Jiaxin, Lu Jiajie felt tired.

Xue Mao asked about Uncle Lu and his wife, and was surprised to hear that they had gone back: "Didn't they come to see Qiang Qiang and Xiaofeng? Why did they go back so quickly?"

 The main reason is that it is not easy to visit Sijiu City. If you rarely come here, you will definitely have to stay longer. It is not logical to go back so soon.

Lu Jiajie said without changing his expression: "The cow at home is sick. That cow is my father's lifeblood. I hurried back after receiving the call from home."

Xue Mao couldn't help but yawned after making a sound.

Lu Jiajie said: "Why are you so sleepy? Someone on the train was so noisy that you couldn't sleep well?"

Last time, Jiaxin bought a hard seat because she had no money. Now that she is back, she must have bought a sleeper berth. Generally speaking, sleeping in a sleeper berth is more comfortable, unless you are unlucky and encounter something weird.

Xue Mao shook his head and said that he came back by hitchhiking. Sitting for more than thirty hours not only hurt his buttocks, but also made his bones feel like they were falling apart.

Lu Jiajie said in surprise: "Why did you come back by hitchhiking?"

 Lu Jiaxin told him before that she didn’t feel dizzy when riding a train, but felt dizzy when riding a car. Jia Xin is not a person who is willing to wrong herself, so it is not in her temperament to take a free ride.

Xue Mao told the truth. If you don’t say it now, you will know it soon: "My sister is not back. She went to Pengcheng with Brother Gu, and it will take some time before she can come back."

 “What is she doing in Pengcheng?”

Lu Jiaxin had already thought of her words, and Xue Mao followed her instructions: "Sister went to the antique market and bought a painting. She thought the painting was real, but it couldn't be sold at a high price in the ancient capital. I heard that there were many paintings in Pengcheng. People from Hong Kong City, these people took the paintings to Peng City with them when they were generous."

Lu Jiajie was dumbfounded, and when he came to his senses, he became anxious again: "I just bought a painting from a street stall and thought it was real, and I even traveled all the way to Pengcheng to sell it to people in Hong Kong City. If it was really bought by people in Hong Kong City, I would be surprised. Once it is discovered that it was a false alarm, Jiaxin will go to jail."

There is no such thing as pie in the sky in this world. Fortunately, the eldest brother said that she is sensible now and behaves appropriately, but it turned out that she was just messing around.

Xue Mao said: "Brother Jie, those rich people are not fools. They must confirm that something is genuine before buying it."

 Although they all think the things are genuine, they feel more reassured after being authenticated by experts. If Lu Jiaxin hadn't said that he wanted to make a fortune to protect his life for the next five years, he wouldn't have agreed to sell the paintings.

Lu Jiajie couldn't listen to his words at all and left in a hurry.

 (End of this chapter)