MTL - Rebirth 1983: Starting From Taking Back the Family Property-Chapter 69 found it

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Chapter 69 Found

After finding the secret passage, Lu Jiaxin and Gu Wenfeng were both calm, but Xue Mao became anxious. Avoiding Gu Wenfeng, he whispered: "Sister, did the person who told you this say anything about the treasure hidden in the tunnel? Is it gold and silver?"

 If it is gold and silver, then they will make a fortune.

 After saying this, he felt that there was an ambiguity in the words, as if he wanted to divide something. Xue Mao was afraid that Lu Jiaxin would misunderstand and quickly explained: "Sister, you bought this house and you found the secret passage. Whatever you find is yours."

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "If it is gold and silver, there will be three parts for the things and one for each person."

  She also wanted to have gold, silver and jewelry in it, so that it would be easier to cash out. Unfortunately, from what she learned, the secret passage only contained calligraphy, paintings, and books, but no gold, silver, or jewelry. Otherwise, Sun Xun would directly sell gold, silver and jewelry for money instead of going to an antique shop to sell calligraphy and paintings.

She was not coaxing Xue Mao. She found the things and planned to divide them equally between the three of them. She tried her best to find these antiques, firstly because she had no start-up capital, and secondly because she didn’t want Sun Xun to sell the items cheaply to foreigners and let the treasures live overseas.

Xue Mao didn’t want it, and he wasn’t happy for Lu Jiaxin to give it to Gu Wenfeng: “Sister, one-third is too much, just give a little to Brother Gu.”

Lu Jiaxin saw that he was starting to worry and couldn't help but laugh: "Maybe there is nothing in it, but it is just used by the Sun family to avoid the war?"

Xue Mao clasped his hands together: "Buddha and Bodhisattva bless you, there must be treasure inside."

 The two of them went out after talking. Lu Jiaxin has been thinking about the secret passage these days and has no intention of caring about anything else. Now that I have found the secret passage, I feel relaxed. When I go to the yard, I find that the wooden boards piled up in the corners are all carved with patterns. She walked over and took a closer look, and found that the carvings of these patterns were very fine, but they were badly worn over time.

Lu Jiaxin called Xue Mao over and said, "Find out all the wooden boards with carved patterns, and rinse them when we are free."

Xue Mao touched his head and asked, "Sister, what use can these wooden boards be used for except as firewood?"

Maybe it’s an occupational disease. When I see something beautiful or distinctive, I like to write it down. Lu Jiaxin thinks some patterns are very beautiful, so she wants to copy them.

 “Keep it for now, maybe it will be useful later!”

Xue Mao didn’t ask any more questions and started choosing wooden boards with patterns. As for Lu Jiaxin, she couldn't do physical work and went back to study English.

 Lu Jiaxin has the habit of taking a nap at noon. To her surprise, when she woke up, Xue Mao said that Gu Wenfeng had entered the secret passage ten minutes ago.

Upon hearing this, Lu Jiaxin hurried to the bedroom, but she hesitated when she stood at the entrance of the secret passage. Xue Mao thought she was scared and said, "Sister, you stay here and I'll go down and take a look."

Lu Jiaxin shook her head and said, "Don't go down, wait until Brother Gu comes up."

Xue Mao always listened to his words. Even if he was scratching his head and ears like a monkey, he would not go down and just guard the entrance of the secret passage.

Seeing him like this, Lu Jiaxin deliberately said what he was most afraid of: "When we get back to Sijiu City, I will ask my eldest brother to sign you up for night school and go to school honestly."

Because she planned to come to the ancient capital and Xue Mao was averse to studying, the matter was delayed. However, she would never allow Xue Mao to remain illiterate, so he must attend night school.

Xue Mao knew he couldn't escape, so he said: "Sister, I go to night school, but I have to sell breakfast to earn money to support myself."

 Knowing that he should be self-reliant instead of always relying on her, Lu Jiaxin could only approve and not object. However, she had to go to Pengcheng first before returning to Sijiu City. She would not be able to enroll in school until next year. The two of them were talking to each other, and suddenly there was the sound of slight footsteps below. The two fell silent immediately and both looked down.

 After a while, Gu Wenfeng climbed up. Xue Mao asked with some anxiety: "Brother Gu, what treasures are there in the secret passage?"

Zhao Dajun looked at Lu Jiaxin and saw her indifferent expression. He smiled and said, "Miss Lu, there is no gold, silver or jewelry in the secret passage. There are only ten camphor wood boxes. Eight of them are books, one box is calligraphy and painting, and one box is jars. .”

Lu Jiaxin knew that there were ancient books, calligraphy and paintings, but she didn’t know that there were porcelain inside. It must be valuable porcelain that could have been placed in the secret passage by the ancestors of the Sun family. The more she knew, the more stupid she felt that Sun Xun was selling so many treasures for only 10,000 green coins.

Xue Mao asked with some disappointment: "There are only books, calligraphy and paintings, but no gold, silver and jewelry?"

 Gu Wenfeng was also surprised when he saw those things, but even books, calligraphy and paintings are better than nothing: "No, only books, calligraphy and paintings, bottles."

Lu Jiaxin saw the disappointment on Xue Mao's face and chuckled: "Gold and silver are valuable, but antiques are priceless. Xue Mao, if those calligraphy and paintings are authentic works by famous artists, they are more valuable than gold, silver and jewelry."

After saying this, she looked at Gu Wenfeng and said, "Brother Gu, we have to get all these things up as soon as possible and build the kang again."

 She was afraid that if it took too long, the Sun family would become suspicious if they heard the news.

Gu Wenfeng also wanted to move the things out and transport them back to Sijiu City earlier. By then, his task would be completed. He said: "Let Brother Xue Mao go down with me and carry everything up."

Because the secret passage is relatively narrow, it cannot be carried or carried, so it can only be carried by two people.

 “I’ll go down.”

Gu Wenfeng said helplessly: "Miss Lu, it's pitch dark down there, so don't go down there to avoid bumping into each other. I'll get the pole and the rope, and you can see when the things are lifted up."

Lu Jiaxin still wants to go down and see this secret passage with her own eyes and witness this period of history. Otherwise, you will definitely regret it in retrospect.

Gu Wenfeng knew her temperament, so he stopped trying to persuade her when she persisted. He only told her to walk slower when she went down, so as not to get hurt.

After bringing a pole and a rope, Lu Jiaxin followed Gu Wenfeng down. As for Xue Mao, he didn't go down and stayed to guard him, so that he could deal with it if someone knocked on the door.

The tunnel entrance is rectangular, more than 80 centimeters wide and about 1.56 meters long. The entrance to the secret passage is more than eight meters deep below.

 After arriving at the bottom, after walking for a while, Lu Jiaxin discovered that the secret passage was 1.45 meters wide at the wide end, 80.99 centimeters narrow at the narrow end, and about over 2 meters high. The tunnel was very smooth, but it was pitch black. Fortunately, Lu Jiaxin had made preparations early and bought two flashlights.

 After walking about twenty meters, Gu Wenfeng suddenly stopped. He pointed to the arched wooden door on the right in front and said in a mosquito-like voice: "The thing is inside, be careful when you go in."

Lu Jiaxin touched the wooden door with a flashlight and thought to herself, the door has not been broken after so many years, and she doesn’t know what material it is made of.

 Gently pushing the wooden door open, Gu Wenfeng walked in with his body hunched over. Lu Jiaxin also got in. After entering, he stood still and used a flashlight to shine. He found that the room was about seven or eight square meters, with ten camphor wood boxes stacked side by side.

 (End of this chapter)