MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 8178 :conquer

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After all, there are thousands of enemies, plus some sea beasts from Zhenhai Demon Realm and Eternal Sea, the number is about one thousand three four.

No matter how much you fight to triple your own number, it won't be too easy.

Moreover, the enemy's separate testing is also to find the weak points of the three formations. Maybe the unique skill at the bottom of the box will be used when there is a gap.

Breaking a large formation of fairylands will immediately become a domino, so none of the three fairylands can be lost!

When we arrived, the enemy had already launched an attack, and several immortals led their respective immortals to start a fierce battle.

Because the enemy is three times his own, the immortals present have almost no other way except to use defense to drag them.

"Shenjun Tiantong, it is Xuanchi Demon Lord who is attacking the Immortal Realm, we have to be careful! That guy is good at using the Zhenhai Demon Knife, he can split the sea and fix the sea in a line!" Said the Xianjun of Weihai Immortal Territory.

"Zhenhai Magic Knife? I'll go meet him!"

But just after I finished speaking, the gods behind me raised their hands immediately, with eager expressions on their faces!

"Tiantong Shenjun! Why do you need to make a move? Let the Shenjun of our eternal sea go first!"

"Yes, you just need to sweep the formation in the rear!"

"Tiantong Shenjun, leave it to us to make plans and attack the enemy, we dare not let you get hurt!"

Several gods of the Eternal Sea flew to the battle area one after another, and I thought to myself that these guys don't seem to be very obedient.

This is not surprising, after all, I belong to the airborne, it is purely the contacts accumulated by the blue amaranth, if it is changed to something else, they may not be polite to me!

My heart is good, they have the desire to express themselves, why should I stop them?

Several gods immediately flew towards the numerous enemies!

Relying on the large array of body guards around them, the gods felt that they could not run out of power. When rushing into the enemy group, they either flew swords, swung flying hammers, or even bombarded the sea with bronze drums. of!

The demon fairy from Zhenhai Demon Realm bumped into them, and was immediately beaten to pieces, all of them scattered like birds and beasts!

With about 30% of the enhancement, they all looked like tigers in a pack of wolves, and all the demon immortals who came to them were beaten to pieces!

But this is also a huge battlefield. Even a fairyland covers an area of ​​tens of miles. As the magic fairy was scattered, other reinforcements soon surrounded it!

Among them is the Xuan Chi Demon Lord who killed the Quartet just now!

Xuanchi Demon Lord holds the blood-red Zhenhai Demon Knife, and his armor is mighty and extraordinary. Not only is he covered in flames, but even his two horns are shining with golden light. It is not comparable to ordinary demons!

The cosmic demon looks strange, and this guy is about seven or eight points, which also means that his laws are special!

The Zhenhai Demon Realm is dominated by the magic fairy law, so there is a huge difference between the magic realm law and the **** realm law. Generally speaking, when encountering a Taoist immortal, sometimes it is easy to be killed by the opponent.

Sure enough, one of the gods had just killed several Dao demons in a row, and at the moment he was excited, and immediately stopped the other gods from coming forward: "Everyone! Let me, Dongxian, kill this demon today, so that its head can be lifted up." To the eternal God Lord!"

Although the gods were not happy about it, they were not idiots, and they didn't mind if someone tried it for themselves first. Of course, the cunning part immediately yelled, saying that they had credit for making money together.

The two sides distanced themselves from each other, as if they were about to change from a group fight to a one-on-one fight.

It is difficult to open the mouth in a chaotic war of forces. After all, both the attacker and the defender still have support and will not surrender easily, so the battle between the main generals has become the key to opening the gap!

"Come on! Bring out the strength of you weaklings!" Xuanchi Demon Lord's voice sounded harsh like a knife was digging a pot, but the momentum was terrifying, and the momentum of a group of gods was more or less wilted!

Fortunately, Dongxian, who called for the battle just now, didn't care, and rushed over with two drumsticks in his hand!


bang bang bang!

When the two drumsticks were struck, the water in the sea immediately froze, and almost every time they were struck, the sea in front of them would be frozen!

If it was replaced by an ordinary Dao demon, it would be difficult to even avoid this attack!

But Xuan Chi didn't seem to care, and while retreating, he waved the Zhenhai Magic Knife to cut the ice!

Chi Chi Chi!

This Zhenhai magic knife is powerful, no matter how big a piece of ice is, it is like cutting tofu with a knife, without even a slight sense of stagnation!

Passed by Dongxian's side several times, almost cutting his opponent in half!

Dongxian also realized that Xuan Chi was unusual, and quickly shouted: "What are the gods doing? I said that I want to fight alone, but I don't mean that I want to die! You should attack and cover at least!"

"Hehe... If anyone dares to help him, the thousand demons behind me will make him regret it!" Xuan Chi's strange sneer seemed to pour into his heart, this guy seems to be more powerful than just the magic knife.

This time, Dongxian's face turned pale, he strengthened 30% of his strength, and he was still fighting at home, but he lost to Xuanchi, which made him feel the horror of death!

Several gods looked at each other, and no one dared to step forward to help. After all, it was a one-on-one fight. Whoever went up to help would immediately tear up the agreement, and then it would be another chaotic battle!

"You guys! Hurry up and **** me! What are you doing in a daze!" Dongxian shouted angrily!

After all, Xuan Chi has already forced him over, and this guy really has a second hand. The golden horns directly connected the sea that had been cut by the knife in the next moment, and the entire sea plane seemed to be surrounded by blood-red lenses!


Like cutting a huge diamond, Dongxian didn't know when it was sealed by a pile of silk threads. Before he could rush out, the next moment, with a bang, he turned into a ball of blood!

The power of the law melts into the sea of ​​eternity in an instant!

Xuan Chi also appeared in the sea where the blood was flowing at the right time, and the silk threads of the horns absorbed the luck and the available Taoist principles one by one, just like a jellyfish releasing its tentacles!

Looks like a lot of fun too!

All the gods present were shocked. After all, Dongxian was at the level of a god, and he was crushed by the opponent at the same level, and they were replaced by themselves, and it was not much better!

When Xuan Chi's knife was pointed at us, the demon immortals immediately let out battle roars, and the next moment they rushed towards us with a roar of mountains and tsunami!

Anyone who faces this aura will be overwhelmed by it, and two or three of the gods will run away immediately without even thinking about it!

The gods are all gone, not to mention other immortals and immortals!

The army was defeated for a while, and Xuan Chi laughed wildly: "Kill them! Destroy their formation! Take down this fairyland first, and take that Lan Ran to our demon lord as a slave!"

"Immortals are slaves forever!"

The magic fairy was even more excited, howling and rushing towards the fairy family who was running for his life like a mutton @

I could tell at a glance that most of them were aimed at the fairies. It seemed that these fairies were full of desire to conquer!

I stood where I was, unmoved even by some magic fairies passing by.

Just staring coldly at Xuan Chi in front of him!

Capture the thief and capture the king!