MTL - Raising A Golden Crow In Secret-Chapter 91 water phantom

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, secretly raising a little golden crow

no, no more scolding...

Du Yu suddenly had the urge to cry.

The treasure of the demon world is right at your feet, who doesn't want it?

Having said that, this bottomless pit has been officially developed relatively well, and if the demon fire is still not taken away, then it can only be where it is, and no one really can reach it.

Thinking of this, Du Yu was even more disappointed.

Maybe even the top demon fighters would have to shy away from the cold air at a depth of 500 meters.

Xiao Fenyang sensed Du Yu's emotions, she changed her tone and comforted in a low voice: "Du Yu Du Yu~ Then come back when we are strong!"


Xiao Fenyang: "It's a huge surprise to meet. The world is so big that no matter how powerful people are, they can't find them in their lifetime. Since we have locked the location of the demon fire, one day we will get this flower. Demon fire!"

"Okay." Du Yu sighed deeply, no matter what, having a goal is a good thing after all. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

What if it's not that no one can reach it, but that this side of the demon fire has not been discovered?

"Quick, Du Yu, let's go to the next floor and let me feel it more clearly." Xiao Fenyang kept urging.

"Tianbao Clan Monster Beast Water Charm Illusory Spirit." Li Mengnan whispered, "And this is still a prefecture-level monster!"

Du Yu came back to his senses and looked at the distant battlefield.

The Earth-level monster, the Water Charm, has already been beheaded on the spot, and the participating students obviously do not intend to experience the congestion problem again. The relatively narrow terrain made it impossible for people to exert their combat effectiveness at all.

Having learned the lesson just now, the players quickly walked away and spread out at the fork in the road.

Du Yu and Li Mengnan also moved forward immediately. At the first intersection, he pulled her sleeves and suddenly turned left.

Li Mengnan didn't know that Du Yu was a "living map" for the time being, but she had no objection. There were people helping to clear the way at the first few intersections.

Du Yu frowned slightly: "It's another water phantom spirit."

Another small battle group came into view directly in front of them. The duo of a man and a woman cooperated quite tacitly, killing the female soldiers without the ability to fight back.

Before Du Yu could approach, the female soldier screamed mournfully, turning into mist and dissipating in the air.

It's just that it didn't leave a demon crystal, it seems that it is just a mortal creature, and it has not reached the peak of the mortal level.

Strange men and women glanced at Du Yu and Li Mengnan, and left quickly without any communication.

"Could it be that the enemies on this floor are all water phantoms?" Li Mengnan guessed in a low voice, "Look at the battle group in front of you, the enemy is also a female soldier."

The three enemies they encountered in succession were all female soldiers, with their bodies twisted and twisted like a puppet, which was obviously the illusion of water charm.

"Well..." Du Yu walked against the wall, and Li Mengnan passed by this small battle group, "The enemies on this floor are probably carefully selected by the authorities."

First of all, wild monsters do not necessarily have to learn the magic skills completely.

Secondly, for the Water Charm Ghost, the first demon skill, Charm, is not so easy to comprehend.

The most important thing is that this is a demon spirit world, bottomless!

Most of the monsters among them were eroded by the cold air and devoured their rationality. Such monsters may even rely on their physical instincts to fight without using any magic skills.

There are various indications that Du Yu's enemies may have been specially selected by the government.

This is what Du Yu thought in his heart, and he said all the speculations.


For the big score!

The audio and picture will be transmitted back in real time. Why can't you give me two points for this silky little reasoning?

"It makes sense!" Li Mengnan nodded again and again, a gust of wind and demonic breath surged in front of his forehead, and a little wizard appeared quietly, "Let's use the wind to disperse the water mist!"

Every time Feng Wuwu appeared, he would give his master a kiss, but this time he didn't. His knitted face looked nervous and looked around vigilantly.

Li Mengnan held the little wizard in his hand, and poked his knitted face lightly with his fingers: "Don't absorb the demon breath, follow my instructions, your demon breath is very precious!"

Wind Witch:

Du Yu hesitated for a while, but still didn't summon Xiao Youying. Preserving her strength was the priority, at least she had to leave it to the second floor. In addition, the monster commander on the third floor doesn't know what kind of ghost it will be...

Under the twists and turns, the battle group became less and less, and Du Yu also stopped at a fork in the road.

In the distance of the dark corridor, there was lightning and thunder, and the girl's coquettish voice could not stop.

Seemingly aware of someone coming here, the ponytail girl shouted: "Hey! Over there, come and help!"

"Ah!!!" The twisted female soldier screamed, her sharp claws lit up, and she grabbed the girl viciously, leaving five long fog claw marks in the air.

The ponytail girl hurriedly jumped back, pointing forward with the electric sword in her hand: "Break!"

On the shoulder, a snow-white lightning cat quickly gathered the lightning ball and sprayed it forward.

The electric ball slammed into the female soldier, and it exploded immediately, with lightning radiating everywhere!

In the sound of "Zizzi", the female soldier retreated again and again, but instead of turning into a mist to dissipate, the screaming became even more shrill: "Ahhh!"

"I asked you to come and help, can't you hear?" The ponytail girl stepped back in the direction of Du Yu and Li Mengnan, and shouted in the same shrill voice.

Li Mengnan, who hurried forward, had just arrived at the edge of the battle group and was about to stab with her sword when she heard this sentence, she immediately became unhappy: "What do we owe you?"

The ponytail girl's eyes widened, and she turned her head and glared at Li Mengnan!

It seems... she really thinks this is all it should be.

"Meow!" The lightning cat on her shoulders let out a snarl like its fur. The girl panicked in her heart. While slashing with her sword, she hurriedly jumped to the side, bumping her shoulder against the wall on the other side.

Li Mengnan bowed his legs and bounced back at the same time.

A few steps away from the back, Du Yu hurriedly drew his bow and arrows in case of an accident. It all happened too fast, and he didn't expect Li Mengnan to stop attacking.

"呲!" The fog claw was sharp and terrifying, leaving scratches on the thick wall.

The female soldier propped up on the wall with one hand, completely ignoring Du Yu and the two on the side. It has long been devoured by its reason, and there is only one enemy in its eyes.

The enemy who filled her with hatred!

"Cut!" Du Yu shouted loudly, "Meng Nan!"

Li Mengnan was very dissatisfied with the ponytail girl, but still obeyed Du Yu's orders.

Before the word "Meng Nan" was spoken, the magic sword formation on the hilt of her sword was already lit up, and it was a horizontal slash to the female soldier who threw herself on the wall!

The female soldier supported the wall with one hand, and was turning her head, staring fiercely at the strange girl, her scarlet eyes were full of red light, and she wished she could be smashed into pieces!

This group of creatures who were devoured by the cold air was simply unreasonable. Li Mengnan was just one meter away from her, and there was really no one else in the eyes of the female soldier...

In an instant, the female soldier turned around and rushed forward, just in time to usher in Li Mengnan's demon sword.

What is a two-way run?

The female soldier used her throat to face the blade a!

With a crisp sound of "Katha", the demon breath shirt on the female soldier shattered!

The long sword that was activated by the magic sword formation, the sharp sword was covered with dazzling light, not only cut off the enemy's head, but also left a deep sword mark on the wall.

A female soldier's head was cut off!

She seemed to be flesh and blood, but when the head was separated, the head turned into a fog and shattered.

Only the crooked body rushed forward, then fell to the ground and shattered quietly.

A demon crystal filled with cold mist fell from the head that was broken into mist, stuck against the wall, and landed at Li Mengnan's feet.

The ponytail girl's chest was undulating violently, her shoulders were against the wall, she was still in shock, and she watched Li Mengnan pick up the demon crystal.

"Let's go." Li Mengnan didn't even look at the girl, grabbed Du Yu's sleeve and walked forward.

"Hey, you two!" The girl looked embarrassed, "Is the demon crystal just taken away?"

Li Mengnan turned to look at the strange girl and asked, "I saved your life, do you still have the face to ask for a demon crystal?"

The ponytail girl stood up and stared at Li Mengnan: "We are human troops, we should help each other on the battlefield, and everyone outside is watching through the cameras!

What everyone is doing, everyone is watching! This water phantom spirit has been seriously injured by me, and the demon crystal should be... don't go! stop me! "

The girl shouted loudly, but Li Mengnan and Du Yu walked further and further, ignoring her completely.

"Bitch!" The resentment in the ponytail girl's eyes was almost overflowing. She knew that there was a camera recording, but she still couldn't help but scold in a low voice.

"Meow~" Lightning Cat's little head pressed against the girl's face, as if he didn't like the owner's inner emotions at the moment.

The ponytail girl stopped in place for a while, then stood up, clenched the long sword in her hand, and followed.

In the distance of the corridor, Du Yu and Li Mengnan stood at a crossroads, looking at the dark corridor on the right, and immediately stopped when they heard miserable screams in the distance.

"Are you okay?" Du Yu asked in a low voice.

Li Mengnan was obviously very angry, and the palm holding the hilt trembled slightly: "How can there be such a person in the world, I really feel that the whole world owes her!"

"Don't think about it." Du Yu pulled the bow and arrow, and the magic arrow formation at the bow slowly lit up.

After he took a step sideways to make sure that Li Mengnan was behind him and that his eyes would not be recorded on the camera, his eyes were immediately covered with a layer of light red.

Eyes of Fenyang, Eyes of Locks, Eyes of Night Vision!

In an instant, the dark corridor has a wide field of vision!

Two twisted and swaying female soldiers were fighting, and a solitary female soldier was sitting on the ground, covering her face and crying. The picture was extremely frightening.

Du Yu hesitated for a moment, then slowly knelt down on one knee.

"Whoosh!" The next moment, a fire burst out quickly.

"Heh..." Li Mengnan breathed a deep sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes, which could be regarded as calming down the tumultuous emotions in his heart.

But when she opened her eyes, she saw a strange picture.

The flaming silver arrow swept over the head of the water enchanting phantom sitting on the ground crying, and stabbed the two water enchanting phantoms who were entangled and frantically grabbing.

The dark corridor gradually ignited, and three water-charming phantom spirits burning with silver fire, swaying around, shrill screams filled their mouths.

"Wow, second brother!" Li Mengnan was finally distracted and exclaimed in admiration, "This trick is easy to use, and you can also mark the enemy when you open your vision!"

Du Yu shook his head: "We are the vanguard now, and no one is ahead. This is also a helpless move. You can't use it more, and activating the magic arrow array consumes a large amount of demon breath."

Li Mengnan: "Oh..."

Xiao Fenyang: "Actually you can~"

Du Yu: "Huh?"

Xiao Fenyang: "Sister Meng Nan is She really is stupid Du Yu~ The cold here is avoiding you."

Du Yu: ! ! !

Xiao Fenyang: "They hate you to death!"

Hearing this, Du Yu couldn't help but feel ecstatic, but he confirmed it again and again: "Then I absorbed the demon breath?"

Xiao Fenyang: "Okay~ I'll help you watch too, don't worry, silly Du Yu."
