MTL - Quick Transmigration: The Villain Is Delicate and Soft-Chapter 213

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Xu Hanyu didn't sleep for a night, and appeared in the door of Kangjia in the early morning.

When Kang Jiajun came out, he opened the door and greeted him. His eyes were dry and red. "When you guide Wang Zhen to gamble, are you?"

His tone is more than a certain meaning.

Kang Jiajun did not deny it, but frowned. "Isn't this our original plan? Drive him crazy and let everything develop like a lifetime. This time, Nan Yu did not have our help. She was destined to be ruined in this life."

When he was alive, Nan Yu resisted Wang Zhen and smashed him. As a result, he directly killed people. She hated him and made up a knife. Later, because of her underage, the court wanted to give a light sentence, but she The matter was exposed by the media, public opinion was not good for her, and finally Kang Jia and Xu Jia came forward to suppress this.

Nan Yu is okay, but her mother committed suicide because she could not withstand the pressure.

Nan Yu, who became an orphan, will eventually be adopted by the Lin family.

And in this world, no one will help Nan Yu.

Kang Jiajun's words, like a thorn, inserted in Xu Hanyu's heart.

He really thought so, but when he thought about the scene yesterday, he couldn't control his own trembling heart.

Nan Yu in this life is still only a child, she is innocent...

"Kang Jiajun, don't go any further." Xu Hanyu slammed an envelope on Kang Jiajun and turned back to the car.

He knows that the next thing Kang Jiajun has to do is to let the media expose Nanyu, and even the mosaics are not played. At that time, everyone will know that Nanyu has killed people.

She will have to bear the word "murderer" to live this life.

He admitted that he could not bear to see such a scene.

He admitted that he was soft on Nan Yu.

He admits that even after the bad things of his last life, he was reluctant to move his mind to Nan Yu.

When she hates her, she also loves her.

Kang Jiajun looked at the car and opened the distance. The eyebrows suddenly condensed and smog down. He opened the envelope and several photos were revealed.

It was a photo of the scene last night, one of which was Nanyu in the blood.

The clothes were not perfect, and the face was shocked and hurt, and the blood was licking.

Kang Jiajun’s hand holding the photo trembled, and there was a moment of pain in his eyes, but the next second disappeared.

Wang Zhen of this world smashed a bit on Nan Yu, but this is what she deserves...

At this moment, he should feel happy, but his heart is faint, and there is no pleasure after revenge.

Like the past life, he watched Nan Yu from the upstairs and watched her become a red and white on the ground.

After being born again, I saw her getting better and better. When she saw her intimate with others, he hated it. Even now, when she saw her suffering and panic, he still hated it, but more is ,pain.

Because he spent too much thought on her, because she is always paying attention to her, he even forgot to be good after the rebirth.

"But I don't want to stop..." He whispered, smashing the photo into a group, throwing it into the trash can, turning a car and going away.

After a while, Lin Jiayin came out from the side and reached out and turned over in the trash.

When she saw the photo above, the whole person froze like an ice cave.

What does Xu Hanyu and Kang Jiajun mean? What past life? They designed to let Nan Yu kill people?

Looking at the girl with blood on her face, her hand shook again.

When did the two older brothers who grew up with her become so... terrible?

Why are they doing this to Nanyu?


Wang Zhen is dead. The autopsy report shows that the fatal injury is a knife on the abdomen.

After the police obtained the certificate in the rental house, they took the Nanzhao’s report on the injury. Within one month, the court ruled that Nanxun was a legitimate defender and was not criminally responsible. Moreover, because she was a minor, the court also Did not disclose more of her news.

In the People's Hospital, Nanxun had a plaster on his right leg and a scar on his right face. The whole person fell into the hospital bed and looked a lot thinner.

Because of her particularity, everyone was worried that she was frightened and psychologically impaired. The police also specially asked the hospital to arrange a separate ward for her, and the psychiatrist also came several times.

The psychiatrist's routines, Nanxun knows, so they can still cope.

What surprised her, her incident, there is no exposure in the news, this month, finally let Wang Zhen's death unveiled.

The recording of her alarm clearly recorded the process of Wang Zhen’s violence against her and her stubborn resistance. The hospital issued a certificate that she had many injuries on her body and her right leg was broken when she resisted. As for the knife on her face, Was drawn by Wang Zhen.

Only Wang Zhen and her fingerprints on the weapon were used to help wipe out the fingerprints of Huo Wei. It was zero-nine-nine, and it smashed her a free task by the way.

She told the police before that Wang Zhen was more violent because of the gambling temperament. The police checked the incident and arrested the heads of several illegal usury. Some of them gave out Kang and Xu Jialai.

Recently, the two families are not peaceful. This may be the reason why Xu Hanyu and Kang Jiajun did not come to harass her.

Interestingly, Zero 99 also told her that Lin Jiayin knew about her affairs and fell out with Kang Jiajun and Xu Hanyu.

Liang Yi came in with a thermos bottle, and her face was also uncomfortable. Seeing Nanxun turning her head, she started to spirit again. "Xiaoyu, you wake up, hungry? Mom gave you some soup." ”

She has never forgotten it. When she received a phone call from the police that night, it felt like a cone.

They all blame her for uselessness, once again lead the wolf into the room, let Wang Zhen smashed, stealing her key.

She never imagined that he would be so despicable, and would like to hurt Xiaoyu!

"What soup?" South licked the dry lips.

"Stewed the keel soup and gave you a supplement." Liang Yi said, holding Nanxun and sitting up.

Nanzhao leaned against the bed and responded with a bowl.

After a while, Liang Yi hesitated to say, "Xiao Yu, Xiao He, he came home once, he wants to see you, do you want to see?"

After Xiao Yu was hospitalized, she became quieter. Almost everyone asked her what she would answer. In addition to the nurse, she only had her to accompany her. She also wanted her to meet her friends and see if her mood could recover better.

After all, such a thing happened, for her teenage child, the stimulus was too big...

Wang Zhen, the scum, fortunately he died, if he is not dead, she will fight with him!

Nan Yan’s hand paused, and finally shook his head, squatting and not talking.

She let Huang Mao send Huo Wei back to his mother.

She thought, his mother would not want to see his son get into such a thing, naturally will help him deal with it, this time, she has been worried about the temperament, he will come from the first, but she has not Hearing his news, it seems to be well controlled.

Then don't meet up for the time being.

Two days later, Nanxun demolished the plaster, went through the formalities of discharge, and left the hospital in a low-key manner.

During the month of her hospitalization, Huang Mao had already helped them move to their new home. In fact, it was the neighborhood next to the village in the city. The law and order was better, but not far from the fast food restaurant.

The taxi stopped. Nanxun did not wait for Liang Yi to open the door. He just wanted to use a cane to hold the ground, but a tall figure had already come to her. The sun came from his direction and fell on her. shadow.

She looked up and saw the familiar face of Huo Wei.

After a lapse of a month, he seemed to be a lot thinner, his hair was messy, and his lips were a bit more green. He looked vicissitudes, but his face was still here.

"Huo Wei." She shouted his name, and the brown scar on his face was also pulled, and the tone was a bit stiff.

Huo's eyelids were scarletous with bloodshot eyes. When her eyes fell on her face, her pupil trembled a few times. The scar of the skull fell on her white cheeks like a fierce cockroach, yelling to devour him. heart of.

A month ago, he woke up in a house under his mother's name. The house was guarded and restricted his activities, but he was sent to her every day.

He knows what she wants to do, but he can't bear to watch her alone with the right and wrong, a life, and even outside public opinion.

But he couldn't do anything. He was trapped there, like a waste man.

Until today, she was discharged from the hospital and he was free.

"Huo Wei." Nan Yan shouted again, there are many words to tell him, but it is not convenient now.

"Yeah." After Huo Ying responded, he did not say anything. He just reached out and took her cane. He bent over and took her out of the car.

"Hey, Xiao Yan, you are here." Liang Yi looked at him in surprise and reached for the crutches in his hand. "Small, trouble you..."

Huo Wei smashed her dagger and went straight into the apartment door.

Liang Yi followed up, and the most worrying thing was the emotion of Nanxun.

However, she saw that she did not quite resist contact with Huo Huo, which was a little relieved.

It was noon at home, Liang Yi was cooking in the kitchen, trying to let Huo Wei accompany Nanxun in the room.

Slightly closed the door, Huo Wei kneels in front of Nanxun, mute, "Nan Yu, you..."

He just opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

Nanxun looked at the door, his expression was not so sluggish, she approached him, and the voice was slightly depressed. "Huo, you know, I am not as vulnerable as you think, I am soberly aware that I am doing it. What, now everything is a foregone conclusion, we have to look ahead, this thing, forget it."

She did not want this, leaving a shadow on Huo Wei.

Huo Wei decided to condense her, thin lips and arrogance, and finally just smiled low and reached out and took her into her arms. "You are fine, just fine."

From then on, he is willing to use her life to protect her.

I don't want her to suffer a little bit of pain.

Nan Xiaohong red eyes, touched his messy hair, no longer open the voice, staying in the hospital for a month, she is also much more depressed than usual.

It was just that he was a little harder and made her breathless.

Liang Yi came out of the kitchen, gently opened the door and looked inside. He didn't want to see the scene of Huo Wei's death and holding his daughter.

She couldn't see Huo's face, but she clearly saw her daughter's eyes red and tears.

She also burst into tears at the moment.