MTL - Quick Transmigration: Snatching Golden Fingers-Chapter 138 Women's Big Brother's Plane Trader 6

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Jiang Xiaoman found himself very lucky recently, always in the most difficult and helpless times, when he met with noble people to help. When poor food was not available, sister Wen Qing rented his house and sent him charcoal in the snow to get him through the difficult times; when her mother's illness could not be sustained, sister Wen Qing helped him find the source of the kidney; and now he was in urgent need At the time of the surgery fee, the funny cat called to sign a contract with him, and even gladly agreed when he dared to advance a part of the salary ...

Jiang Xiaoman was very grateful for this, and he knew that the world is still very crowded. Even if Pingshui meets, even if they do not know each other, there is always the warmth brought by strangers.

Jiang Xiaoman accompanied his mother to complete the operation. The operation was smooth and there was no rejection. The doctor said that he would take a good rest and be discharged from hospital next month.

This made Jiang Xiaoman once more grateful. Without the help of others, he would not have rescued his mother so smoothly. @Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Mom said that good people should have good rewards, so he must work hard and must not live up to those who help him. Whether it is Wen Qing sister or a live broadcast company, he must redouble his efforts to repay them.

With this idea, Jiang Xiaoman lived more seriously. One is to repay the company and work hard to bring benefits to the company. The other is to hope that the value of the fans will increase, then open a plane, and change to something good for Wen Qing. .

He is not a professional singer. In order to sing every song for his fans, he spends a lot of time every day practicing guitar and singing skills, and even researching the live broadcast of those celebrities, trying to communicate with the audience, trying to say something interesting. Parade, try to make yourself fun ...

And there will always be a reward for his efforts. Slowly, there are more people in his live broadcast room, and some fans have spontaneously promoted him. Finally, on the eve of his mother's discharge, his fan value reached 10,000. The company also called and said that the contract had been entered, and he would arrange a recommendation immediately to prepare him.

Jiang Xiaoman hung up the phone and couldn't wait to call out the trading machine to extract the second plane.

"High-level plane, high-level plane, high-level plane ..." Jiang Xiaoman prayed as he opened the newly drawn Z5079.

The screen flickered, and a blond man jumped out. The room behind him looked full of science and technology. The blond man looked much calmer than Jiang Xiaoman, with a faint look and could not see his emotions.

Jiang Xiaoman greeted him nervously, "Hello."

"Hello." The blond man bent his lips. "It looks like a newcomer. It's really troublesome. I don't like to deal with newcomers. They don't understand anything. They are ignorant and stupid. They don't have any good things. Dong Wenxi ... Of course, I am not talking about you, you must be a sensible newcomer, right? A3697. "

Jiang Xiaoman's face flushed, and he didn't know what to say.

@Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Z5079 smiled again, "Well, come back to the topic, what good things do you have? What do you want to exchange?"

"Ah?" Jiang Xiaoman froze, and then his face turned red again. He wasn't ready to exchange anything, and he didn't even know what to exchange.

The smile on Z5079's face faded, "It looks like you are not ready, but judging from the background of your room and the communicator in your hand, the technology there is unimaginably backward, so I Don't think you have anything I need. "

His high voice made Jiang Xiaoman feel ashamed for a while. The appearance of his face with red ears and red ears made Z5079 feel that he was saying too much, and he reluctantly mentioned, "Each plane has the most unique things, like the medicine and elixir of the cultivation plane. Crystal nuclei, advanced technology in my world, etc. Since you can connect to the trader there, you must have your most unique thing. You can look for it. "

Another with a soft mouth and a soft heart, Jiang Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Thank you very much, you are such a good man."

Z5079 sneered, then cut off the video between the two. At the moment the screen went dark, Jiang Xiaoman heard a mutter, "Sure enough, the newcomer is the most troublesome!"

@Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

When eating, Jiang Xiaoman asked Wen Qing, "Sister, if you choose something to represent China, what would you choose?"

He thought about it, but he couldn't think of anything unique in his plane. Since Z5079 is a technology plane, it is much more advanced than him, so he naturally doesn't look down on him.

With a little thought, Wen Qing knew that he had already opened a second plane at this time, and knew why he asked so, so he did not hesitate to say, "Food!"

For her who just saved the planet with food, this answer didn't do what he wanted! It's about a common problem in novels, and they like to set up aliens who love to eat foods. In the original book, Jiang Xiaoman did exchange food, but it has been a long time since it was discovered that aliens love food. She now told Jiang Xiaoman in advance.

Jiang Xiaoman's eyes brightened and he nodded again and again. Obviously, it is recognized that food represents China.

So, after Wen Qing, Jiang Xiaoman also embarked on a road to conquer aliens with food.

Since Gu Qingcheng met with Ruan Meng, he can no longer let him go, and took people directly to his villa to support him. The information about Ruan Meng was quickly delivered to him.

His mother died prematurely, his father was seriously ill, and he quit school to earn money to treat his father. I met him in the company because he went there for an interview, not to mention meeting in a bar, where he worked odd jobs ...

Very good, his life is very innocent, Gu Qingcheng is very satisfied. His father Ruan Meng sent his money to the best hospital, and invited the best experts, only one condition: Ruan Meng stayed with him.

Ruan Meng did not agree at first, but eventually compromised for his father. In the beginning, Ruan Mengqiang laughed and couldn't adapt to the fact that he was being raised by a man. But Gu Qingcheng was really good to him. He bought clothes for him, personally furnished their room, personally cook for him to make breakfast ... All his things Gu Qingcheng did it by himself, not by others. It's time to warm up even a stone. In addition to forcing him at the beginning, he has always respected his opinions later, being considerate and gentle, almost like a perfect lover.

Ruan Meng gradually shook, almost immersed in this tenderness. Until Gu Qingcheng proposed that he wear women's clothing to go back with him.

Ruan Meng was very distressed, and with a look of injury, Gu Qingcheng kissed him gently and said, "Sorry baby, I can't help it, I love you, I want to give you a name, but the Gu family will not allow a **** heir, I'm wronged. Didn't you wear women's clothing before? I think it looks good. Wear it again. "

Ruan Meng finally compromised, put on women's clothes and followed Gu Qingcheng to Gu's house. Gu Qingcheng introduced to his family that this was his girlfriend.

He chose it himself and liked it very much. Of course, the Gu family would have no opinion. Although his life was ordinary, the Gu family had a great career and his daughter-in-law had a background, which was icing on the cake. It didn't matter. The family welcomed her daughter-in-law with joy.

Soon, the news of Gu Gu's successor spreading, and even Su Ma talked to Wen Qing, "Isn't he like a man? What's the matter? I am looking for a little girl with no background. I am afraid of the future Does anyone know what's going on? "

Su Ma naturally believed in her daughter, so Wen Qing said that Gu Qingcheng liked men, and she firmly believed that at this moment, she only suspected that Gu Qingcheng was cheating, not that Wen Qing was cheating on her.

Wen Qing couldn't tell her the true identity of Ruan Meng, and only persuaded her to leave it alone.

Ruan Meng was the one Wen Wen was looking for, and he deliberately made him imitate Jiang Xiaoman's character to approach Gu Qingcheng, and Gu Qingcheng was hooked. In fact, it is not unexpected. Rather than saying that Gu Qingcheng likes Jiang Xiaoman, it is better to say that he likes Jiang Xiaoman's character.

Gu Qingcheng's desire to control is very strong, even his own half will not allow him to disobey his will, so he likes Jiang Xiaoman, a kind of gentle and harmless, unobtrusive little white rabbit, obedient and obedient. You must obey him completely, and you cannot have the slightest consciousness. After all, what Gu Qingcheng loves most is himself.