MTL - Quick Transmigration: Rescuing Supporting Male Leads Plan-Chapter 206 Brother is guarded by me

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The next day, Gu Yifeng woke up in a confused way. When he thought about what happened last night, his face suddenly became gloomy. Damn, Chu and Gu’s family dared to take medicine for themselves. I really don't know how to live and die! Wait, yesterday he seems to be confused to remember that he was taken away by a woman! And more importantly, it seems to me.

Gu Yifeng looked at the quilt and saw his naked body, his face suddenly became iron. Damn, I lost myself last night. I actually did something that I am sorry for Jiner. If this matter is known to Jiner, then isn’t it...

Gu Yifeng originally wanted to get up, but when he heard that there was any movement in the bathroom, after a while, Gu Yifeng saw Gu Jinyi walk out with a bath towel.

Gu Yifeng saw the red strawberry on Gu Jinxi, and suddenly he was a little embarrassed. It seems that yesterday may be really a Jiner. Now he really doesn’t know whether he should be happy or crying. I am actually against Jiner...

Gu Jinxi looked at Gu Yifeng’s appearance, and suddenly he had a bad thought. He looked at Gu Yifeng and said, “Brother, brother, you yesterday...”

"Cough, Jiner, that brother was not intentional yesterday."

"How could it not be intentional? Yesterday, my brother took the initiative to take me, but I will not let me go. Hey, how can you do this with your brother! You were too much yesterday, I obviously said no, you are still It’s so painful that it’s so painful that I’m going to bed together today! Hey! Brother, you’re a big bad guy, you’re obviously deliberate.”

"Cough." Gu Yifeng stupidly remembered what happened last night, only to feel a hot nose! I reached out and touched and found that I had no nosebleeds.

Where does Gu Jinxi know that Gu Yifeng can't help but tease! Quickly pick up the paper towel on the side, and went to Gu Yifeng's side to carefully wipe the nosebleed for Gu Yifeng.

Gu Yifeng looked at the skin of Gu Jinyan's white tenderness, remembering the touch of last night, only feeling that his nosebleeds were more joyful!

"Hey! Brother! What's going on! How can't stop! Brother, are you getting angry!"

"Well, yes, my brother is really getting angry, and it is on your body."

Gu Jinyi looked at the burning desire of Gu Yifeng's eyes, and quickly grabbed his bath towel and moved it to the back and said, "Brother, you, you, you are a big hooligan."

After a while, Gu Yifeng said, "Cough, Jiner, I am sorry! If it was yesterday, we should have nothing happened! Although I know that you were wronged yesterday, my brother will find a way to compensate. Yours." After all, if someone is aware of the relationship between them, Jiner will definitely fall into the scandal! Although the two people are not brothers and sisters, they have always been known as brothers and sisters. Therefore, if they are known by any unsuspecting person, they will definitely use this matter to make a big fuss. It does not matter, but for Jiner. It’s a matter of fame!

Gu Jinxi looked at Gu Yifeng in an incredible way. "Brother, you. How can you do this! You were so clear yesterday... Brother, you don't want to be responsible."

"No, Jiner, you listen to me, we are brothers and sisters." Gu Yifeng looked at Gu Jinxin with a distressed heart. You absolutely can't allow anyone to hurt Jiner.

"But, but we are not biological brothers and sisters."

"But others don't know! If there is any improper relationship between us, the media will definitely seize this opportunity and hold on to it. Your reputation will be there."

"I don't care, I don't want any reputation! I just want to be a brother, then you can. My brother, I like you!" Gu Jinxi said loudly.

"Jiner, Jiner, what do you say." Gu Yifeng said with some unbelievable look at Gu Jinxi.

"Brother, I like you."

"This, how can this be, no, no, we can't do it between us."

"Why not! We are not a biological brother and sister. If you don't clarify it at the time, can you blame it? Or your brother, you hate Jiner, or your brother has other people in your heart." Gu Jinxi looked sad. Looked at Gu Yifeng said. In fact, she also felt a little unbelievable. After all, from the beginning, she regarded him as her own brother, but as time passed, she found that her emotions slowly deteriorated. And she recently discovered that Gu Yifeng turned out to be her own lover. So yesterday, she was willing to give herself to Gu Yifeng! Otherwise, she won't do that!

She is never a person who grievances herself. I like it, I like it, I don’t like it, I don’t like it.

"Jiner, this thing is not as simple as you think. I can only be your brother." In fact, after Gu Yifeng heard the confession of Gu Jinxi, his heart was already happy! However, he can't promise it! If the old man who is the family knows, then Jiner is extremely dangerous.

"Why, why. I don't believe it, my brother, I know that you always like me all the time. But why don't you just admit it?" Gu Jinyi looked at the dead duck's mouth, and he couldn't help it. Straight up and kissed Gu Yifeng's lips. Humph! If you disagree, then I will show it to you.

Gu Yifeng was shocked by Gu Jin’s sudden action, but he quickly became a guest. I know that both of them are panting.

Gu Jinyu said on Gu Yifeng’s body, “Hey! You said that you don’t like me. If you really don’t like me, why should you respond to my kiss, and my brother, your heartbeat is jumping fast!” Gu Jinxi listened to the heartbeat in the chest of Gu Yifeng.

Gu Yifeng touched the head of Gu Jinxi and said, "Jiner, my brother, I..."

Gu Jinxi really couldn't help it. Sitting directly on Gu Yifeng's body, Gu Yifeng said, "Gu Yifeng, if you don't agree with me, then I will casually find someone to marry, and you will regret it for the rest of your life. Anyway, I am not a person who has no one to chase. You don't want me, I don't want you anymore!"

Gu Yifeng took Gu Jinxi’s hand and pressed Gu Jinxi under him. He clicked on Gu’s nose and said, “You dare.”

"Hey! You can give it a try! See if I dare to dare. Brother, you should be very clear about my character! As long as it is what I want to do, I will certainly say it."

"You, I really can't help you. It seems that I have to plant your little goblin in my life!"

"Cut, I am not a goblin. I am the baby in your brother."

"Yes, yes, yes, you are my apple."

"Brother. I will ask you again if you like me the last time!" Gu Jinxi said seriously, looking at the man in front of him.

"You say it!"

"Hey! I don't care if I want my brother to tell me."

"Like, no, no, it should be that I love you." Gu Yifeng smiled and kissed the forehead of Koi.

"Oh, then when did you like me, my brother!"

"When I first saw you, I liked you!"

"Ah! What, I was just a baby at the time! Brother, you, you shouldn't have any pedophilia!" Gu Jinxi teased.

"Stupid girl, what to say! In my darkest days, you appeared in my life, so I always thought that you were the angel that God sent to save me. With the constant of time Change, my emotions have slowly changed. When I saw you again six years later, I found my heart jumping for you again. When I heard you receive love letters from other men every day. When you don't know how much anger is in my heart, how awkward! I can't wait to hide that group of boys from you. Leave your beauty to me alone."

"But I also know the gap between the two of us. You are my sister. If I show your heart to you, then you may hate me when you arrive. So I said in my heart, as long as I swear, as long as Looking at you to be happy, then I am satisfied. I simply can't hope that one day you will be able to show my heart to me. I am really afraid that one day you will marry other men. When I think of it, I am really I can't wait to lock you at home, never go out!"

Gu Jinxi smiled and hugged Gu Yifeng and said, "Oh, my brother is good now, I will never marry other men. If I marry! I will only marry you brother. And my brother, I love you, I don't care about others." What is the relationship between us in the eyes, I just need to know that you love me, you just need to know that I love you, then this is enough. Anyway, this day is our own, and why should we pay attention to others' eyes!"

"Moreover, we don't look like two people. As long as we clarify to the media that we are not brothers and sisters at all, then all the problems can be solved!"

"Jiner, this thing is not as simple as you think. Gujia will definitely take this thing to threaten us. So I don't want you to be hurt, only... but it is a pity that you have this ghost spirit. Ways to make me convinced of you!"

"Oh, that is, who am I! But you can rest assured that your brother, I heard that there has been a funding gap recently in Gujia, so they will force you to marry the Chu Anran, even if you don't hesitate to cook rice. Mature rice! Say, did you have a good day with Chu Anran..."

"Oh, rest assured! How can I have a relationship with that woman! I am only related to your little goblin."