MTL - Quick Transmigration: Fate Trading System-Chapter 296 Miracle 22

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Susin's life has returned to its former mode.

Fortunately, the number of casualties in the game is relatively small, most of them are lost, the society has not collapsed, and some murderers who should be punished have been sent to prison.

Originally, it was just panic and anger for a while. After Lang Ning's death, there was nothing more to say about those voices.

Only those who have lost their loved ones or loved ones continue to be sad, and those who can survive are happy with each other, and life must continue to live, this world is so big.

Everyone should live as they please.

Su Xin's wealth was enough for her life. Lang Ning had handled everything before death, and all the property under her name was transferred to Su Xin.

Susin is still in school for two years before graduating, and she has been maliciously attacked by some people in the school.

The appearance of Lang Xuan Xuan and Lang Ning is similar in three points. In the past, Lang Xuan Xuan never mentioned to her friends how great her brother was, so how envious everyone was at that time, how much she felt at this time. Hate her.

"How can you stay here, you should get out of here."

This is the disgusting voice from classmates who have lost their loved ones. Humans have always been so, and they like to be angry. Although it is not something you do wrong, you will be discriminated against and blame you as a friend and relative of the culprit.

But that game wasn't an accomplishment of Lang Ning alone, but a whole team.

Those in the team have never stood up. In the past, they had many pride in their own efforts, and now they have how much they hate.

"Don't be too emotional. You didn't develop this game. Besides, your brother is dead. What else do you want?"

Here are some of the more sensible words. Those who have already come back say they do n’t know what ’s going on in the game and feel terrible in hindsight. But everything is over, and the feeling of resentment is gradually getting better. Disappear, reality is always reality.

Lang Xuan Xuan is a girl, and girls are usually linked to the weak, not to mention, she is still a beautiful girl.

"Even if his brother committed suicide, can you return my loved ones to me?"

"Then she also lost her loved ones. No one is better than anyone, and hasn't his brother brought all the things back? It's not his brother who let you kill some of you, even if those people are real. In life, it may also be a murderer, you know that he will not appear around you someday? Can you be rational? "

Su Xin was silent on these remarks, and she was indifferent to these things, whether sympathetic or disgusting to her.

Every day she goes to school and school by herself. She is used to living alone. She does not talk to others, does not associate with others. She reads when she is fine, and then stays at home.

Su Xin knew that her mentality was wrong, but she didn't know how to adjust.

It's as if they are a lot older, looking at the people around them, without any waves.

Fourteen occasionally chats with her. Su Xin is doing what she wants to do. She always feels as if at a certain moment, Slayer will come from behind as usual, quietly holding her, revealing the child's Candy-like contented smile.

[Host, since you don't find it interesting, why not leave here? 】

Fourteen knows the inside story, and feels that there is some fate to make people feel. In the real world, Qiu gently asks for it, but in this other real world, she has Su Xin's thoughts.

Su Xin seems to believe in love, but in fact she does not have that trust in love.

She seems to only like to fall in love with strangers, rather than being a familiar person.

In her opinion, love is probably one of the most unreliable emotions in the world. Two people who do n’t know each other because of each other ’s appearance or other reasons have some unspeakable emotions. This kind of thing is really mysterious.

Some people are suitable as partners, some are suitable as lovers, and some are only suitable as friends.

When Su Xin heard the fourteen questions, she was sitting on the balcony's wicker chair and watching the scenery outside.

It's winter and the wind is howling.

She didn't close the window and let the cold wind blow in. The intelligent robot had reminded it twice, but was closed by Su Xin.

The day before the departure was the same weather today, but it was snowing at that time, and it is not.

Why not go back?

For Susin, staying here doesn't seem to be a very important thing.

Fourteenth Lord, I always feel that I have something to do here, or that there are still some things waiting for me to do, that is a feeling in the midst, but I always believe in my own feelings .

The reason Susin stayed was a feeling.

Fourteen is quiet, and as an intelligent AI, she doesn't know how to present such complex feelings. Is there any telepathy in this world?

In the past nine months of the "miracle" incident, an explosive news appeared in people's vision.

The genius who was thought to have died twelve years ago is now waking up again.

It was the youngest female general in the Republic and fought many famous battles. She was a hero of this era, and everyone was chanting her deeds.

Textbooks revised her into one of the greats in modern history.

She has made outstanding contributions to many causes, not just in defending the home.

But twelve years ago, she suffered an unfortunate murder.

At that time the whole country mourned, all the ministers were suffering, regardless of true or false.

But her reputation among the people is very great, and she became the headline headline under the news of her wake, occupying any place that people can see.

Su Xin looked at the face on Lighthead and narrowed her eyes.

Yo, it seems someone lied to her.

I heard that the general did not die 12 years ago, but was given emergency treatment, but became a vegetative and has been lying in a nutrition warehouse.

"Slayer ..."

Su Xin painted the beautiful young face and evoked a smile.

"Cute, wait for me."

The internet has blown up.

"My mother, tell me this is not a dream! My goddess has actually come alive, and it is still the value of the year!"

"I'm really sorry. When I was doing something in the hands of the chief, she was a leader smaller than me, but I was very convinced. After 12 years, I have become an old man. She is still like that. It's so young. "

"Crazy call for General Slayer!"

Su Xin directly caused the fourteen to hack the Star Network and got Slayer's contact information.

The former dead general Slayer is busy adapting to his current life, and anyone who wakes up and finds himself will be aggressive after 12 years.

It just seems like a consciousness, those memories still seem to be clear yesterday, but then waking up with eyes open to find that 12 years have passed, and those who exist in her mind have become familiar and strange They look old.

Fortunately, Slayer's ability is still very powerful, and I quickly mastered the use of some things, and now life is more convenient, because with the existence of intelligent housekeeper, the key is to update from generation to generation, Slayer adapts well.

At this time, the communication tool suddenly came a strange phone call.

Slayer saw the face on the other side of the screen and felt like he had known him.

"Slayer, I'm on the top floor of Block A of Anruo Community. Come to me."

With a smile on Su Xin's face, Slayer took hold of him.

"do we know each other?"

Slayer feels familiar, but there doesn't seem to be this person in memory.

Su Xin's expression sank and she rubbed her brows.

"Sorry, bye."

Susin cut off contact and asked Fourteen to find A.K's contact information.

Slayer was at a loss when she saw the black screen, and a huge panic suddenly caught her mind.

Slayer hurriedly dialed back, but showed the style of the call.

She started to become very anxious and couldn't do anything in meditation. All she thought about was the girl who had just been.

My heart is beating like crazy, like saying like me! Want want want want!

She must be important to you, and Slayer heard the voice in her heart.

Slayer immediately called the leader's newsletter and asked if she had lost any memory.

"By the way, there is a piece of data that has not been implanted yet. Although we are sorry for using your mind to enter a virtual world, it is really helpless, Slayer, I hope you can understand.

"Of course, I want to get my memory back as soon as possible."

Slayer took a deep breath.

"You can do it right away."

A.K told Su Xin the truth and said that he was helpless at that time. After all, the existence of Slayer, but the state's top secret, could not be disclosed casually.

"What about her memories? Will those memories that belong to her be returned?"

"I'm not sure about this. After all, I haven't studied this aspect. Maybe, maybe not."

Su Xin was in a bad mood. After two laps in the room, she planned to go to Slayer.

Go to your mother's amnesia!

Su Xin gritted her teeth, and as soon as Slayer remembered, she would definitely hit her.

When Su Xin conceived the plan and was about to go out, she saw a rushing person at the door.

"Xuan Xuan, I miss you so much."

Slayer stuck on and kissed Susin's face.

Even if I forget my memory, I will see your first glance again, and my heart will tremble.
